sabletsviet · 3 years
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Unbeknownst to the young scientist, a darkness was slowly creeping up behind him. Lights slowly started to flicker and the doors all were forced to be locked. There was a lingering darkness in the heart of this one and it made Nero curious as to how far he had to dig to see it.
: Reflection of Retribution :
[ Closed Self RP with @sabletsviet ]
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After sending Kairi and Riku off with the Fairy Godmother, Ienzo was left with cleaning the remains of the notes within the lab. Ansem and Even had stepped out to talk in the hall, which left the youth to his thoughts. He felt like he wasn’t getting very far with the research they were doing – let alone using all the tools they had at their disposal to help with the situation of finding Sora. 
As he placed the last of the books away, his mind wandered to his decade within the Organization. It was practically impossible to separate anything he did these days from his time there. He knew now that he was being used by Xehanort..but if he had the ability to use even the corridors, he could be of more use than tinkering about in the lab.
A tired sigh left his lips as he organized the various sheets on the desk near his keyboard. 
“No use in thinking about it now. Those days are lost in the past. Best to come to reality and accept that those abilities are lost..”
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sabletsviet · 3 years
A soft chuckle could be heard from the darkness as a black and neon blue figure appeared to the left of Cloud. He had a leather straight jacket suit on, arms crossed over his chest as he gave Cloud a thorough glance.
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“I had a feeling that you were rough around the edges. However, I am surprised you managed to sniff me out so quickly. Hm..yes. I think you would do as an excellent example..” he muttered with a soft chuckle.
ll Closed for @fenrirxsoldier ll
As one who can not only travel through the darkness; but follow those of negative thoughts -- Nero found himself watching a particular blonde. Watching as he struggled with inner turmoil while using his brute strength to make his way through the Olympian Games.
How strange.
With every battle, he could see him struggling to hold back. Why did he reserve himself? Was his objective in the Games not to prove himself? His strategy confused him. Perhaps it was best that he should ask the warrior himself.
Like a shadow, he would wait in the darkness until Cloud stepped out of the proving field, eager to have a word or two with him.
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sabletsviet · 3 years
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when Nero grabs Yuffie, her dialogue is like English: SONON GET THIS FREAK OFFA ME! Japanese: SONON! HELP! HELP! (in english)
Also when he is restrained, he deals with close-range fights by doing kick-slams
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Also, if he throws Yuffie back, Sonon can catch her. Playing a little game of Yuffieball with the lads.
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sabletsviet · 3 years
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He wasn’t sure why Neku was speaking to a cat but he wasn’t going to let it bother him. Instead, he controlled the darkness around them to creep closer to the pair. Nothing was going to stop him from finding out the true fears of Neku.
@sabletsviet @imatrollcato from here
Taking a swift step back, Neku gritted his teeth. Just being in the same area as this darkness was making Neku uneasy.
He was going to retort back, that is, until his crazy cat was suddenly in front of him. And hissing no less.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing,Stella?! Are you TRYING to get your ass killed?!”
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sabletsviet · 3 years
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sabletsviet · 3 years
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Nero gave him a slow tilt of his head. What a curious question to ask. He had to pause and consider the options given to him as his crimson gaze shifted towards MAKO Reactor 0. 
“As the owner of a pack of rabid dogs, I would have thought the answer was obvious. We were born and bred to fight. However..the wishes of my dear beloved brother over rules any desire I might have. I shall follow where ever he goes.” He slowly turned to Rufus as the darkness freed his scared arms. 
“If I were to ask for freedom, would I be allowed to live freely or would I have to live on a leash? I’m no stranger to how ShinRa treats their creations like my brother and I. We are seen as pets..that act as weapons when needed.”
          Wisps that were once told of ghosts of yore trickled in and slowly congealed to make a solid form. There had been times that Rufus didn’t believe what he saw, how ShinRa could divulge into making beasts of man. This would be one of those stories; he felt it in his bones as the chill invaded.            “My scientists.” He gave a slight shake of his head. “I won’t be conceited and say I played no part… For I hold the family name attached with the swimming of my father’s blood within me. Know this…. I do not intend on routing the same path he once took.”            Reno, on the other hand, bit his lip until the coppery taste of blood flooded in. With knees bent, he was ready to defend at any moment, though it was Rufus’s clenched fist by his side that made him remain in the position he was.             “Do you seek freedom? Or bloodthirst?” Rufus asked, unwavering from his current spot.
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sabletsviet · 3 years
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The benefit of having Void power in you. 
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sabletsviet · 3 years
A low chuckle could be heard around him for a moment before the shadows were made into a solid form. Before Rufus was a tall, lean man donned in an unusual leather combined with strips of MAKO. A white mouth guard covered his face as he tilted his head in curiosity.
Crimson hues bore into him as he made a mental assmemt of Rufus. "The truth about this place..is that it is where my dear beloved brother Weiss and I play. You sciencentist thought they could control us, mold us into playthings for war but..their greed got the better of them. I made sure of that."
He chuckled softly, "We weren't the only ones tested either. Many topside SOLDIERS were brought here..changed and those who couldn't survive, died at the hands of the Tsviets."
       Reno was the first to react by drawing out his EMR with one sharp flick of his wrist. “Don’t like this boss.” The statement ended with a click of his tongue. On the other hand, Rufus gave him a raised hand, closing it with a slow fist and shaking his head from side to side.       “Relax Reno. There’s no need to be so on edge.” Or was there. Rufus was usually a passive individual, never wearing his emotions except his frustrations to his Turks on his sleeve. There was a creeping sensation that crawled its way up to his throat and squeezed just below his adam’s apple. Darkness was boding, and Rufus wasn’t a fan of it. Even in his room, as his father recounted the endless ‘ghost stories,’ he saw the splash of emerald from the mako reactors on his walls, bleeding from in-between closed blinds.       As long as he had that light, he’d be alright. Here though….       They were miles underground and though red flags erupted when Rufus had stumbled over old classified encrypted documents brought out from flushing the old reign with his new, he had the primal need to know all about ShinRa’s secrets if he was to rule it all.       “I’m here to learn.. after all.” He spoke into the darkness, unsure what to expect the answer in return would be. “The suffering had been buried while I was a mere child, and like a child, I’m curious to know what had unfolded here.”
x // @sabletsviet
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sabletsviet · 3 years
(Since I don't have a ps5 or own the new FFVII Remake dlc, I'll have to watch what cutscenes I can. I've already seen a video for Weiss and Nero. I love how sadistic they made my boy. Shame they didn't show Rosso or any of the other Tsviets.
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sabletsviet · 3 years
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sabletsviet · 3 years
(Apologies for not posting much this week. Been dealing with some things with my apartment. I will hopefully be free to start posting things tomorrow evening and possibly ask around for new interactions.
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sabletsviet · 3 years
There was a soft click of his tongue as he shook his head, taking yet another step closer to Neku. Wisps of darkness surrounded Nero like a free flowing dark flame. Edges of the flame reached out to Neku like a magnet, though just barely touching him.
"You should listen to warnings. Staying awake is not always to your benefit. Why don't you just give into to slumber?"
( Closed Continued for @nekuthegrummpycat )
Nero tilted his head slightly to the left as he observed the hostility from the young lad. Of all the humans he had been presented with in his twenty or some odd years; never had he encountered one who resisted against their own fatigue nor stood their ground as firmly as him.
It was most.. unusual for him.
"Most humans would have caved in if they were physically and mentally spent. Why do you continue to press on when your body protests movement?"
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sabletsviet · 3 years
( Closed Continued for @nekuthegrummpycat )
Nero tilted his head slightly to the left as he observed the hostility from the young lad. Of all the humans he had been presented with in his twenty or some odd years; never had he encountered one who resisted against their own fatigue nor stood their ground as firmly as him.
It was most.. unusual for him.
"Most humans would have caved in if they were physically and mentally spent. Why do you continue to press on when your body protests movement?"
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sabletsviet · 3 years
(I believe I owe one reply here however, I am open to do more role plays. My responses will be only mobile I'm afraid.
If you would like something from Nero please ❤️ this post. I'll be sending things for people via ask or a tagged post.
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sabletsviet · 3 years
Too Shy To Reach Out?
Send A Symbol To Explain Why We���re Not RPing Yet
♔- I can’t think of a plot for us and I want to figure that out first! ☃ - I’m not sure how our characters would meet. ☁- I’m worried you only RP with a certain group of people. ♛ - I wrote you a starter and you haven’t replied yet… ★ - I’m intimidated by how much you write ☂ - I’m intimdated by how often you post ☾ - I don’t know how to approach you ☄ - I’m super anxious about EVERYTHING ☀ - I keep hoping you’ll message me first…
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sabletsviet · 3 years
📌Pinned Post
(Hello! Nero admin here. This post will probably be updated once I am able to do this properly but I'd like to have one up for now. Currently, I am mobile bound as my computer screen died on me. So icons won't be a thing, unfortunately.
I also have trouble with cutting posts on mobile, apologies in advance. Now, I know my Nero is affiliated with Crowned Kingdom, but that doesn't mean I can't interact with people outside the group. If you have any questions, feel free to dm me or send in an ask.
I look forward to writing with you all!
Remember, just because someone role plays as a bad guy, doesn't mean that their admin feels the same way they do or shares their beliefs.
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sabletsviet · 3 years
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