sabinaleon · 2 years
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     GOOSEBUMPS FOLLOW WHEREVER SABINA’S TOUCH GOES, and she already feels embarrassed for having that reaction. sabina and her are friends, or at least, that’s what becca believes. becca lets out a bitter laugh, shaking her head. “i appreciate the effort, but-” and she’s caught off when sabina touches her chin, mouth going dry. she clears her throat, but even then she doesn’t know where she was going with that anymore. “i think you’re the first person to ever really say anything like that to me before.”
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PEOPLE LOVE PHYSICAL ATTENTION, especially when they’re vulnerable, so Sabina makes sure she provides Becca with that as it helps her with opening up. Besides the obvious that it builds up their relationship, further getting it where she wants. She can tell she’s thrown her off guard with the way she touched her chin, and naturally she doesn’t stop, no, she lets her thumb gently trace the hand she’s still holding. “I find that hard to believe,” she says with a light scoff. “No one ever told you you’re the cutest person they ever met? How rude.”
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sabinaleon · 2 years
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“ EXTREMELY, ”   harry deadpans. why pretend otherwise. her question makes him blink as if he doesn’t understand it, despite knowing full well what she’s talking about.   “ i only have one age, ”   he tells her with a small smile, and it’s not a lie. since he stopped aging whenever he felt like it, who even knows how old he’s supposed to look.
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“IF ACTING THAT WAY HELPS YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT...” she trails off, shrugging lightly. She enjoys teasing men like him, but she knows well a few words like that don’t affect them that easily, not with a gigantic ego. She laughs lightly, relaxing back in her seat. “If you say so. Thirty-four?”
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sabinaleon · 2 years
She doesn’t quite get what her angle is. And anna isn’t the type to do what someone else says without putting up quite a stubborn argument first. She is however intrigued and thinks that even if Sabina isn’t worth getting to know, it might be fun at the very least. “Sabina, would you come dancing with me? Pretty please.” she adds the last bit on a little too sweetly.
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IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING THAT SABINA LIKES GETTING WHAT SHE WANTS. She’s a simple woman, likes receiving attention and using people for her own benefit. Most of all, she revels in the feeling she gets when people do what she wants. She tilts her head slightly to the side, eyeing the other with an amused expression on her face. She’s always looking for a good time, and the last time she talked to Anna, it had been fun. A repeat won’t hurt anyone. “Oh, if you insist...” she trails off sweetly. “I can’t say no to that. When and where are you taking me?”
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sabinaleon · 2 years
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     BECCA’S CAUGHT OFF GUARD AS SHE FEELS THE OTHER’S HANDS, and her cheeks are already flushed at the contact. she hesitates for a moment, but she finds solace in holding the other’s hands, grasping onto them tighter than before. “i like someone.” she begins to say, and she knows it’s ridiculous to still have feelings for jude, especially after she’s made it known that she’s not interested. “and it just kinda sucks not having them feel the same way.”
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SHE GIVES BECCA’S HANDS A GENTLE SQUEEZE, letting her thumbs trace her skin up and down, up and down. When she reveals the cause of her sadness, she can’t say she’s totally surprised. Emotions always make people vulnerable, it’s a primary reason she doesn’t go there. It’s not worth it, and it’s a waste of time. “How idiotic of them,” she says with a small smile. "The problem is clearly with them. It’s their loss, really.” She moves to brush a loose strand of Becca’s hair gently behind her ear, hand going below her chin so she looks straight at her, her other hand still holding Becca’s. “If you ask me, anyone who spends a short amount of time in your presence will automatically want more of it.“
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sabinaleon · 2 years
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“ I’LL FIND OUT WHAT IT IS BY THE END OF THE NIGHT, I’M SURE, ”   harry smiles at her, a cheshire cat grin.   “ now what’s your next guess, love ? ”
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“YOU’RE A CONFIDENT ONE, HUH?” She’ll enjoy proving him wrong every step of the way, just for the fun of it. “Are we talking real age or...?” she trails off, tilting her head slightly to the side. This will change her guess.
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sabinaleon · 2 years
“I DON’T KNOW why you just don’t move in with me. You know I have more than enough room.” Evie knew it probably wasn’t that simple as New York was often set up like a high school cafeteria with designated places the species could or could not fraternize in. But still, she was a Lallement. Who would actually say no to her? “Thank you, though I must say I’m vibing with this au naturale look you’ve got going on,” she teased, gesturing towards Sabina’s robe and messy bun, beautiful as always. “Anyways, I didn’t know what you wanted so I ordered half the menu. Please, help yourself. Today I’m all yours.”
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“YOU KNOW IF IT WERE UP TO ME, I wouldn’t be living in this shit part of the city.” She’s got a good enough apartment, but she’s not a fan of Staten Island, she’s always wanted to live in Manhattan. Before she turned, she had lived in Brooklyn, and after she was turned into a succubus and it was no longer hidden, she was forced to Staten Island. “You think you can work your magic and convince them to let me move to Manhattan?” She wouldn’t mind it one bit. As far as she’s concerned, she deserves to live in a nice place in Manhattan, and she’s definitely not opposed to living with Evie. “All sort of looks look good on me,” she states matter-of-fact with a grin. “All mine? I like the sound of that.” She moves to take the food out before she sits down.
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sabinaleon · 2 years
“Oh, I have so many hats, but I’ve not found a suitable replacement for that one yet” she said with a bright smile, her fashion choice was usually a little different. She loved bright colours, statement pieces and anything that just looked fun. No one said she was fashionable, but her style was definitely different. “You want to?” she asks, a little surprised if she might actually say yes, but the idea of going out dancing again sounding fun.
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SABINA HOPES HER HATS ARE BETTER AND MORE STYLISH ONES. Or else, the blonde needs an intervention. Her job is in fashion, surely not designing it, but modeling it is still in the field, and naturally, it’s the first thing she notices about a person. “You need to ask me out properly, then I’ll answer you,” she says coyly, giving her a smile.
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sabinaleon · 2 years
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“ OH, SO NOW IT’S A THREE TRY GAME ? ”   he counters with a laugh, sitting up a bit taller.   “ alright, but if you can’t get it in two more tries, that’s TWO drinks you owe me. if you can, i’ll buy you two drinks in return. deal ? ”
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“THOSE ARE THE NEW RULES.” She gives him a cheeky smile. She makes the rules, thank you very much! “Sure, two drinks.” She still won’t get them if she loses, but he doesn’t need to know that. “Do you even know my favorite drink, handsome?” Is she trying to distract him from the game at hand? Absolutely.
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sabinaleon · 2 years
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     BECCA LOOKS OVER TO SABINA, and there’s just something about the other woman that makes becca want to confide in her, even when she’s always one to keep her struggles inside. she pouts slightly, her hands cradling her face. “too much,” she answers, the sounds muffled by her hands. “and i’m feeling like an idiot.”
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SHE’S NOT USED TO SEEING BECCA IN DISTRESS. Sabina wants to know for purely selfish reasons, and having someone confide in you and helping them through it is a big step to bringing someone closer to you. There’s something cute in the way she’s cradling her face. She moves closer to the brunette, taking both her hands in her own, and holds them. “I’m sure you’re being too harsh on yourself, cutie. What happened?”
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sabinaleon · 2 years
“I felt that way about a hat once. It was a pastel pink bucket hat that fit just perfectly and then it blew off in the wind on this exact ferry. Right into the water, gone forever. It was a sad day.” she rambles nonsense because she really did love that bucket hat, maybe as much as she loves the lipstick. “It was fun. We should do it again sometime.”
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“NOW THAT’S A TRAGEDY.” What she really thinks is that it’s good the wind blew the hat off. Bucket hats are ugly, in Sabina’s opinion. Not very stylish or fashionable, so it was definitely for the best. “Have you replaced it with another hat?” she wonders. “Yeah? Are you asking me out somewhere to dance?”
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sabinaleon · 2 years
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“All my clothes are NEW.” This much was true, most of them just were for one occasion only. Business. There was like one or two really comfortable pieces, still chique though - for work, when she knew she had to walk around a lot. Otherwise she just liked looking EXPENSIVE, sue her. “I don’t know,” she hums, as she sits down on her neatly made bed, left shoulder shrugging. “When I was like 21, - my rebeling phase,” she lets her know, fully expecting her to laugh at her. “Good luck with that.”
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“NEW BUT YOU’RE CLEARLY LACKING CLOTHES FOR SOME OCCASIONS,” she points out, giving the female a look. Sabina liked looking expensive, as well. She’d never go out if she wasn’t looking stylish and attractive. Her nightmare is opening her closet and not finding something right to wear, which is why she had the right wardrobe for different occasions. “You call going to a bar your rebelling phase?” The two couldn’t be anymore different, but she enjoyed hanging out with her. “Sounds like you’re doubting me.” She looks through her clothes for a few minutes. The room was already a mess and Sabina didn’t help making it less of a mess. That’s not important right now. “Here, put these on and show me. Chop chop, beautiful.”
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sabinaleon · 2 years
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LIPS PRESSING TOGETHER, harry shook his head, as if he was upset that she guessed incorrectly.   “ nice try, but no. i’ll take a manhattan though, thank you. ”   it was cruel to do this, but maybe that’s why harry found so much humor in it. 
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“YOU’LL NOT TAKE A MANHATTAN,” she counters, giving him a sweet smile. “I deserve two more tries. You know, it’s only fair, pretty boy.” Even if she fails to guess after two tries, she’s not getting him that drink. She’s not one to play fair!
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sabinaleon · 2 years
“GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE,” Evie sang as she entered the apartment – groceries and Chinese in hand – kicking the door shut behind her. It was three in the afternoon technically, but this was Sabina. Her late night tendencies extended to sleeping at all hours as well. “Oh – you’re going to need to get your lock fixed by the way. It just broke suddenly and the last thing we need is some rando breaking into your place.”
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“COME ON IN, MY DARLING.” She hears Evie’s voice coming into the apartment. The brunette had only woken up an hour ago. It had been a long night and she needed her beauty sleep, thank you very much. She reaches down to press a kiss to Evie’s cheek, huffing dramatically at the news. “Ugh, talk about an inconvenience. I’m barely here, so if anyone wants to break in, they can do it so easily.” She hates Staten Island, so by default she doesn’t stay at her apartment longer than needed, always opting to hang out in Manhattan. “I’ll call a locksmith later. Anyway, you look as gorgeous as always.”
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sabinaleon · 2 years
“I felt that way about a hat once. It was a pastel pink bucket hat that fit just perfectly and then it blew off in the wind on this exact ferry. Right into the water, gone forever. It was a sad day.” she rambles nonsense because she really did love that bucket hat, maybe as much as she loves the lipstick. “It was fun. We should do it again sometime.”
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“NOW THAT’S A TRAGEDY.” What she really thinks is that it’s good the wind blew the hat off. Bucket hats are ugly, in Sabina’s opinion. Not very stylish or fashionable, so it was definitely for the best. “Have you replaced it with another hat?” she wonders. “Yeah? Are you asking me out somewhere to dance?”
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sabinaleon · 2 years
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sabinaleon · 2 years
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SHE TILTS HER HEAD SLIGHTLY TO THE SIDE. It’s unusual for Becca to be so out of it, especially around her. “What’s occupying that pretty little mind of yours?”
STARTER FOR @sabinaleon​
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     BECCA’S FINALLY STARTING TO GET OUT OF HER SLUMP, or at least that’s what she thinks. but she can still be distracted and scatter brained, and she has to ask sabina again for what she just said. “i’m sorry, what was that?”
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sabinaleon · 2 years
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HARRY’S EYES NARROW PLAYFULLY, as if trying to do the math.   “ that doesn’t sound right to me, ”   he purses his lips, before smirking.   “ skincare routine ?   darling, don’t even pretend like i don’t look great for my age. although i guess you wouldn’t know, since you refuse to guess. ”   harry looks at her expectantly, waiting for a guess.
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“IT’S SIMPLY WHAT I DESERVE,” she states, throwing her hair back behind her shoulders before she shrugs innocently. “I only state truths, babe.” She rests her head in the palm of her head. “Early thirties?”
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