ryderoo71-blog · 5 years
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ryderoo71-blog · 5 years
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ryderoo71-blog · 5 years
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ryderoo71-blog · 5 years
BibleGateway.com: A searchable online Bible in over 150 versions and 50 languages.: Audio
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ryderoo71-blog · 5 years
Count Your Blessings
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When we think about blessings, we sometimes focus on material and physical benefits like homes, jobs, family, and health. But there are even greater spiritual provisions that we may not have considered. In this message, Dr. Stanley teaches us how to be ever mindful of the wealth of favor we receive from God, at the moment of salvation and every day thereafter.
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ryderoo71-blog · 5 years
Religion teachers go to summer school
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School was out -- and now it was time for the teachers to be quizzed....
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ryderoo71-blog · 5 years
[DOWNLOAD IN @PDF] The Book of Signs 31 Undeniable Prophecies of the …
[PDF] Download The Book of Signs: 31 Undeniable Prophecies of the Apocalypse Ebook | READ ONLINE More Info => http://ebookcollection.space/?book=078522954X Dow…...
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ryderoo71-blog · 5 years
Lights for Liberty vigil in Wilmington protests Trump's immigration policies
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Amid plans for ICE raids, Wilmington Lights for Liberty vigil one of hundreds nationwide Delaware News Journal Published 9:26 AM EDT Jul 13, 2019 The steps of Rodney Square were crowded with people Friday evening for a vigil to raise awareness about the conditions in immigration detention centers and U.S. immigration policies.  The Wilmington vigil was one of hundreds planned across the country Friday night, just days before immigration officials were scheduled to carry out arrests of about 2,000 illegal immigrants. President Donald Trump on Friday confirmed the raids set for Sunday, which are expected to target illegal immigrants in as many as 10 cities. Friday's vigil on Rodney Square opened with a prayer to protect immigrants and to change policies. Immigration in Delaware What you need to know if stopped by ICE agents in Delaware Delawareans prepare for reported ICE raids planned this weekend Throughout the night, protesters gave speeches and filled the air with drumming and singing of Tom Petty's "Won't Back Down." Protesters gather together in Rodney Square to protest Trump's immigration policies. Nick Perez/News Journal The vigil continued with passion-fueled chants about separating families in the detention centers. "It's just hard to hear these kids in the second grade being separated from their parents," said Dr. Christine Cannon of the Arsht-Cannon Fund, which offers grants to help Hispanic families with education and health care. "It was hard even for me to go to school at that age without missing my mother." Lights for Liberty was the national organizer for the event while ACLU of Delaware, Coby Owens, Delaware Democratic Black Caucus, Network Delaware and Youth Caucus of America Inc. were the main local organizations that helped with planning. During the rally, an organizer from Network Delaware called a few people up to read their signs with statements like, "What if it was one of your kids?" and "We call them criminals so we can strip them of their rights ... this isn't my America." Drew Serres, executive director of Network Delaware, was there, in part, in the hopes of helping to change policies to help immigrants, such as getting local police to not share information with federal agencies. Cannon, Serres and Julie Jackson were some of the activists at the vigil who believe grassroots support will spark change in the local and state government. Jackson has been living in Delaware for the past six years. She made the big move from Texas to be closer to her grandchildren and get more politically involved on the East Coast. She started a Delaware Women for Inclusion group to connect people and show support for other organizations. Throughout the vigil, many speakers told people to call on their state and local government officials to make a change. Contact Nick Perez for data story ideas: (302) 324-2856 or [email protected]. Julie Jackson in front of the Rodney statue on Friday. Nick PErez Published 9:26 AM EDT Jul 13, 2019
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ryderoo71-blog · 5 years
Marianne Williamson Wants To Win the Presidency With the Power of Love and Miracles –
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The long American spiritual tradition that gave us Marianne Williamson—and Donald Trump...
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ryderoo71-blog · 5 years
Read Spider-Verse [R.A.R]
[PDF] Download Spider-Verse Ebook | READ ONLINE Download this ebook at => http://ebookcollection.space/?book=0785190368 Download Spider-Verse read ebook Online…...
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ryderoo71-blog · 5 years
Helping Dogs and Humans With Cancer – Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine Services
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Health Editor’s Note: Cancer is an awful illness to be diagnosed with.  Something surely worse than having a diagnosis for yourself would be to have a child or pet diagnosed with cancer.  Maybe there is a door to hope with being able to enter your canine love into a trial where hopefully he or she will be cured of cancer or be given a fighting chance. Your veterinarian or a veterinarian who is well versed in treating dogs with cancer should be able to help you and your dog to gain entry to a clinical trial. Also, the veterinary schools at universities would be of help. ..Carol    National Cancer Institute’s Comparative Oncology Studies  by the National Cancer Institute Dogs are, no doubt, man’s best friend. So, it’s no surprise that people will do almost anything for their dogs. But what can a person do if their dog is given a devastating diagnosis of cancer? One option is to enroll the pet in an NCI-supported clinical trial testing a new cancer treatment. The goal of these trials, offered by veterinary medical schools around the country, is to find new treatments that preserve dogs’ quality of life and maximize their time with their families. “These [dogs] are not lab animals, they are our patients,” said Toby Hecht, Ph.D., deputy director of NCI’s Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, who oversees some of the canine studies. The trials have another benefit that pet owners may not expect: Providing insight into how the treatments and approaches being studied in dogs may be translated to help people with cancer. That’s because the biology of humans and dogs, as well as the tumors that grow in each species, are similar in many ways. What’s more, cancer treatments that are safe and effective in dogs often work well in people, too. Since 2003, NCI has been using information from studies of canine cancer to help guide studies of human cancer and vice versa—a field known as comparative oncology. Two NCI efforts, the Comparative Oncology Program (COP) and the Pre-medical Cancer Immunotherapy Network for Canine Trials (PRECINCT), facilitate trials of new therapies for different types of cancer in pet dogs, as well as laboratory studies to learn more about the basics of canine cancer. “Pet dogs benefit from what we do because we learn about their cancer and that can ultimately help identify better treatments for them,” said Amy LeBlanc, D.V.M., director of the Comparative Oncology Program in NCI’s  Center for Cancer Research. “We see the work that we do as an opportunity to help both dogs and people.” Read More: EDITORIAL DISCLOSURE All content herein is owned by author exclusively.  Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, technicians or Veterans Today Network (VT).  Some content may be satirical in nature.  All images within are full responsibility of author and NOT VT. About VT - Read Full Policy Notice - Comment Policy
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ryderoo71-blog · 5 years
July 14th – 2019 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #906
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In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for "Presidential Politics". Please use this thread to post anything relating to the Donald Trump Administration and Presidency.
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ryderoo71-blog · 5 years
Archaeologists find 'lost' biblical city connected to King David — and it backs up Scripture
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Archaeologists have reportedly uncovered the location of an Old Testament city connected to King David — an exciting development that lines up with the biblical narrative.
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ryderoo71-blog · 5 years
TSC to appeal court ruling suspending performance appraisals for teachers »
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NAIROBI, Kenya, Jul 13 – The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is will Monday move to court to challenge a ruling by the Employment and Labor Relations - Kenya breaking news | Kenya news today | Capitalfm.co.ke...
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ryderoo71-blog · 5 years
United in Faith: Kavanaugh, Thomas Turned to Same Divine Words in Confirmation Battles 27 Years Apart
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Brett Kavanaugh found strength during his contentious confirmation battle last fall in the same Bible passage that Clarence Thomas did.
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ryderoo71-blog · 5 years
Fox News' Ed Henry Calls Sister's Liver Transplant 'an Absolute Miracle'
Fox News' Ed Henry called into "Fox & Friends," saying surgery in which a 30% of his liver was transplanted into his sister was "an absolute miracle."...
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ryderoo71-blog · 5 years
Christianity is the only reliable force restraining those who seek absolute power –
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In his book The Rage Against God, Peter Hitchens claims the current intellectual assault on God in the West is not necessarily a war on all religion, but a specific and targeted attack on Christian…...
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