pride month is for all of us, dont let anyone tell you otherwise.
its for all the transid folkel who lived in denial for so long
its for all of us who felt incomplete in some way, for so long
its for those who have known and accepted it since they were young
its for those who knew and couldnt accept it
its for those with weird or contradictory identities
it is for everyone.
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reminder that sex and gender are both social constructs and by insisting upon using agab labels to dictate someone else's life experiences, you are invalidating their identity there is no such thing as an agab experience life isnt that simple
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i hate when none of you are online. stop having lives and come be pathetic with me
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when i block strangers it's because i am sexy and smart and know how to curate my online space when a stranger has me blocked they're a fucking hater
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"are you proshit?"
yeah im proshit. im also propiss. its unhealthy to hold it in and you might get an infection. take care of your body bro 🙏
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kill a fascist and be a proshitter today
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if someone says they dont want to be touched
dont touch them
dont fucking touch them
actually dont touch them
dont continue to fucking touch them after they make it clear they are uncomfortable
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god i hate how normalized diet culture and shit like bmi and calories are. bmi is based on eugenics. calories are a measurement of how much energy something gives u and not at all of how much weight or fat ull gain. diets have been proven to be harmful and ultimately unhelpful in actually losing weight. fatness has been largely proven to not be inherently unhealthy and doesnt inherently cause health issues.
if anyone has more good links to add on then please do and if anyone knows more on this stuff than me then dont hesitate to correct me!
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normalize 🍸 joy.
normalize 🐾 joy.
normalize ⚰️ joy.
normalize para joy and pride in general.
our existence isn't doomed or miserable and our lives aren't meaningless.
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You are not a horrid person for being transID. Atypical dysphoria is not a box, it includes your experiences as well. If you are DYSPHORIC about not having a disability, or whatever you are dysphoric about, that is atypical dysphoria, and antis can forever piss their diapers about that fact. And, fuck it, if you are transID for other reasons, such as for fun or for coping reasons, nobody can judge your validity but yourself.
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"Omg there are so many labels and genders why cant you keep it simple"
Shut up. We dont owe you simplicity.
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that rqkarkat dude seems to have came from.. nothing. He's just randomly joining the rq community? No external or internal mention of any old accounts. Hmm. And he just randomly started to scream at you, the radq account. Honestly it just reads as an anti. Might just be anxiety .
we will not be shocked if it was an anti invading our space (again)
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Victims can be angry.
Victims can not want help for whatever reason.
Victims can be loud.
Victims can be aggressive.
Victims can be violent.
Victims can be emotional.
Victims can be stubborn.
This Hollywood perpetrated idea that victims can only be meek and silent and pitiful needs to be beaten to death with a hammer.
There is no such thing as the standard or typical victim. There is no such thing as a bad victim. Victimhood is not a one-size fits all.
If you believe victims shouldn't receive or are undeserving of compassion and help because they don't behave the way you think they should, you are no better than the person who made them a victim in the first place.
If you wish they died, or think they deserve what happened to them, or think they should have suffered more/should continue to suffer, you are no better than the person who made them a victim in the first place.
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Give me more lesbians who date men too, who aren't MISERABLE and forcing themselves to do so because of compulsory heterosexuality. Give me more lesbians who ARE men: cis, trans, somewhere in between, both, neither. Give me gay men who also date women happily, who are women themselves to whatever extent. Give me queerplatonic relationships between a gay guy and a lesbian. Give me a lesbian and a gay guy who are friends with benefits. Give me multigender turigirls and lesboys. Give me an individual who is polyamorous and aroace, more gaybians, more nondysphoric trans people, more she/her guys and he/him women, more it/its and nounself users, more queer teens who go by Arson. I could go on and on, but to sum things up: give me the sides of the queer experience that are hidden even by other queer people. Show me the box breaking, the line crossing, the beautiful complexities that arise from being queer. Give me the 'cringy' identities. Give me the historical identities that people are trying to erase. Preserve what they're trying to snuff out.
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Give me more lesbians who date men too, who aren't MISERABLE and forcing themselves to do so because of compulsory heterosexuality. Give me more lesbians who ARE men: cis, trans, somewhere in between, both, neither. Give me gay men who also date women happily, who are women themselves to whatever extent. Give me queerplatonic relationships between a gay guy and a lesbian. Give me a lesbian and a gay guy who are friends with benefits. Give me multigender turigirls and lesboys. Give me an individual who is polyamorous and aroace, more gaybians, more nondysphoric trans people, more she/her guys and he/him women, more it/its and nounself users, more queer teens who go by Arson. I could go on and on, but to sum things up: give me the sides of the queer experience that are hidden even by other queer people. Show me the box breaking, the line crossing, the beautiful complexities that arise from being queer. Give me the 'cringy' identities. Give me the historical identities that people are trying to erase. Preserve what they're trying to snuff out.
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This is how arguments with anti lesboys goes
Me: lesboys are valid
Anti lesboy: no they aren't! You can't be a man and also a lesbian!
Me: interesting, can a genderfluid person be a lesboy?
Them: yeah
Me: great so a gender fluid person is someone who's gender identity changes usually between male, female, non binary or all genders correct?
Them: yeah
Me: so if a gender fluid person is male for a certain period of time are they still a lesbian?
Them: ....
Then they usually block me or say how they don't know for sure lol
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