Every time someone calls Falin not a full-fledged character, or just a plot device, or whatever, I honestly get so annoyed. If you can make up a whole personality and backstory for some random man in any other story, let me be obsessed with a woman the the entire narrative is literally centered around!! She is so interesting and I love her shut up shut up shut up
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Sawyeh, april 2024
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My favorite part of college is the bog full of poison
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My favorite part of college is the bog full of poison
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My favorite part of college is the bog full of poison
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i think the thing about intracommunity conflict over who can 'claim' certain queer figures from the ancient world (e.g., was sappho a lesbian or bisexual, was iphis a lesbian or a trans man) is that it basically never tells us anything interesting or new about the ancient material and only ever becomes an opportunity for ppl to show their worst, most vitriolic assumptions about the experiences of other queer people today.
i think this happens bc often these inquiries come from a place of wanting to see one's own identity and experience reflected exactly back in ancient material, which i don't think is harmful on it's own, although it's often a little boring because it limits our field of vision for seeing how ancient gender and sexuality could be queer in ways that don't immediately register to us -- when norms around gender and sexuality are different (which they unarguably were in many, many ways), the experiences that fall outside of those norms are also different. but this way of approaching queer history gets really nasty when it couples with a view of contemporary gender and sexuality that is, well, bogged down by any number of issues: an excessive attachment to identity as ontology ("this category terminology reflects perfectly who everybody is inherently inside"); a perception of privilege and oppression as zero-sum (aka the pokemon typing theory of structural violence); a watered down understanding of what intersectionality means (thinking only about individuals who occupy multiple marginalized positionalities rather than considering how multiple marginalizations overlap or are linked).
all of this has no effect on sappho (dead) or iphis (fictional), but it does have an effect on the queer people today who get caught in the crosshairs when ancient figures are used as cudgels and mouthpieces to lend historical authority to contemporary disputes. when really it seems like the most historiographically responsible answer to "was [ancient figure] a [queer interpretation a] or [queer interpretation b]" is "yes. and no. and original historical context matters. and the way that figure has been interpreted outside of their original historical context also matters. and that original historical context usually can't be completely reconstructed. and also we don't need the certainty of complete reconstruction to draw connections. and also ancient queerness looks a lot different than we expect. and also modern queerness looks a lot different than we expect."
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HELP i think i just found the funniest thing ever
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far too old to care about fandom opinions i am an adult with a *sees a take* hm. never mind actually. i am in fact so blessed to have a huge brain and correct inconsequential opinions on fictional characters. there but for the grace of god go i
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I'm always thinking about the way gender roles and sexual roles and physical traits are entwined in Society to the point where they're seen as synonymous & I'm pulling them apart like twizzlers
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I want to play Fallen London again but the problem with Fallen London is that while you're playing it's all perfectly simple and ingrained but the moment you step away for like, a month, then when you come back suddenly the entire game is like "If you really want to continue this storyline you'll have to get 9 Whispers of a Lovelorn Dream and sell them to an authoritarian rabbit in the 87.2th circle of hell where it'll bestow on you the Token of an Inadequate Perfume-Maker, but first you'll need to buy the Indefatigable Jetski from the Fulminating Dowager at Watchmaker's Hill by collecting enough Pieces of the Flayed Corpse of God and converting them into Baptized Rat Kings." and I'm like wow I cannot believe how recently I understood what all of that meant. but now I. do not.
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I want to play Fallen London again but the problem with Fallen London is that while you're playing it's all perfectly simple and ingrained but the moment you step away for like, a month, then when you come back suddenly the entire game is like "If you really want to continue this storyline you'll have to get 9 Whispers of a Lovelorn Dream and sell them to an authoritarian rabbit in the 87.2th circle of hell where it'll bestow on you the Token of an Inadequate Perfume-Maker, but first you'll need to buy the Indefatigable Jetski from the Fulminating Dowager at Watchmaker's Hill by collecting enough Pieces of the Flayed Corpse of God and converting them into Baptized Rat Kings." and I'm like wow I cannot believe how recently I understood what all of that meant. but now I. do not.
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I want to play Fallen London again but the problem with Fallen London is that while you're playing it's all perfectly simple and ingrained but the moment you step away for like, a month, then when you come back suddenly the entire game is like "If you really want to continue this storyline you'll have to get 9 Whispers of a Lovelorn Dream and sell them to an authoritarian rabbit in the 87.2th circle of hell where it'll bestow on you the Token of an Inadequate Perfume-Maker, but first you'll need to buy the Indefatigable Jetski from the Fulminating Dowager at Watchmaker's Hill by collecting enough Pieces of the Flayed Corpse of God and converting them into Baptized Rat Kings." and I'm like wow I cannot believe how recently I understood what all of that meant. but now I. do not.
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(walks up to a gay couple) so which one of you is fighting for king cole in the relationship
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That time at work last year one of.those dog mask gay guys came in the store . And I told him to bark for me and he did. I didnt expect that for some reason idk what got into me it was awesome though and the customer behind him was like Did u seriously just make that guy bark. What can I say ...
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i can't be everything for everyone
so i'll be everything for someone
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listening to the silt verses and nodding and smiling every time VAL starts speaking so everyone knows i agree with her actions
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who wants to see jamie in a kilt
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