runaview · 6 years
12 ge 14' 6" ASCENDANT
12 ge 25'10" (10343) Church ; (This asteroid shows a connection with God or a desire for a connection with God.)
12 ge 32'27" (871) Amneris ; ( Amneris was a high priestess who stole the Cup of Ankh from the gods. She hid the pieces of the Cup in the tomb of her lover. Amneris is thought to be a direct descendant of Isis and Osiris and was the lover of King Tutankhamun. Due to Tutankhamun's untimely death, Amneris was never reunited with him. )
18 ta 8'52" SUN 
18 ta 0' 8" (19521) Chaos ; ( We, all, know people who create chaos. I think of Pig Pen with his cloud of dust. These natives do not mean to be chaos creators. It is the chart energies *Sigh* One may be one to “stir the stuff”, so to speak, if one has Chaos conjunct a personal planet or an angle. )
18 ta 28'32" (16770) Angkor Wat 
18 ta 28'44" (996) Hilaritas ; (“Hilarity”, hilarious, funny, comedic, entertaining. )
18 ta 47'23" (271) Penthesilea ; ( Penthesilea arrives in Troy at the start of Posthomerica the night before the fighting is due to recommence for the first time after Hector's death and funeral. She came to Troy for two reasons: firstly, to prove to others that her people, the Amazons, are great warriors and can share the hardships of war and, secondly, to appease the Gods after she accidentally killed her sister, Hippolyta, while hunting. She arrived with twelve companions and promised the Trojans that she would kill Achilles. On her first, and only, day of fighting, Penthesilea kills many men and clashes with Telamonian Ajax, although there is no clear victor, before she comes face to face with Achilles, who had been summoned by Telamonian Ajax. Prior to Achilles' entrance, Penthesilea had tried to fight Telamonian Ajax but he had merely laughed off her attempts, thinking her unfit to face him. Achilles eventually kills her, needing only one blow to her breastplate to knock her over and leave her begging for her life. He is unmoved by her pleas, however, and kills her. He mocks her corpse until he removes her helmet. At this point, Achilles is so moved by Penthesilea's beauty that he feels intense pity and sadness because he wishes that he could have married her. )
2 le 59'27" MOON
3 le 2'55" (4581) Asclepius ; (Asclepius was the Greek god of medicine. Asclepius was the son of Apollo and princess Koronis. His mother died in labour and when she was laid out on the pyre, Apollon cut the unborn child from her womb. From this Asclepius received his name which means "to cut open." Asclepius was raised by the centaur Chiron who instructed him in the art of medicine. He grew so skilled in the craft that he was able to restore the dead to life (using drops of Medusa’s blood which was given to him from Athena). This was a crime against the natural order and so Zeus destroyed him with a thunderbolt.Asteroid Asclepius can have the following meanings: doctors, nurses, medicine, shamanism/shamanic healing (bring people back from the dead), prophetic dreams, being a ‘healer.')
3 le 26'18" (4848) Tutenchamun ; [ Astrologically, Tutenchamun indicates dealing with things from the past, concern with things past and with history and former conditions, revivals and resurrections, getting one's just due after delays, ironic reversals of fortune("the last shall be first and the first shall be last"). ] 
3 le 49'55" (306) Unitas ; ( Asteroid Unitas may show where we are able to work in unity with others, or, where we may be “unified” to projects, visions or dreams. )
2 le 56'18" (249521) Truth  ; (Planets involved would be where the truth needs to be found or where it is hidden. )
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runaview · 6 years
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~ Cyllarus  ☌   Orpheus - 12 °  ♈︎ ~  (The mythological stories of Cyallarus & Orpheus are both about tragic TRUE love. )
Cyllarus (seems to signify pride in oneself and one's own identity or background, possible racism, ethnocentrism, nativism, parochialism, egotism, or self-importance, ability to meet or assert one's needs, having motive, method and opportunity.) ; (Sense of value, self worth, economic freedom with spiritual emphasis. Positive: Wealthy eccentric, affluent, humanistic, generous, spiritual involved. Negative: Selfish, demanding, greedy. Manipulates with karma or projected spiritual status.)
Orpheus (represents musical aptitude, prophetic skill, the ability to persuade or entreat others successfully, and contact with the dead or dying. Grief is a common theme for those with a strongly-placed Orpheus, both grief for those lost to death, but also for lost circumstances, or the elusive “what might have been”, the situations which never fully developed due to countervailing conditions or lack of focus in gaining them.) ; (Sad, sweet or haunting music, lyrics or poetry; dirges; sense of mourning and loss; grief (for what you don't have—what has gone out of your life¼what “might have been” or what was); contact with death.) ; (Keywords: haunting music. Positive: sweet but haunting music, lyrics and poetry. Negative: sad and melancholic melodies, sense of mourning and loss, contact with death. Neutral: grief for what you don't have- what has gone out of your life, what might have been.) ; 
KEYNOTE: An idealistic reliance upon a mental image of universal order.
The wild goose is the mystical bird, hamsa, of Hindu tradition. This word, which has recurred in various cultures (the Hansa League of Germanic cities in the late Middle Ages, and El Hanza, the founder of the occult Brotherhood of the Druzes in Lebanon, during the era of the Crusades), has always had at least an undertone of integration at an expansionistic level, spiritual or economic. The Hindu hamsa was the symbol of man's transcendent soul. What previous interpretations of this Sabian symbol have failed to grasp is that the flight of geese presents not only a remarkably geometrical V-shape moving through the sky, but also that this flight is seasonal and therefore attuned to planetary rhythms. Thus, it symbolizes cosmic order, in contrast with the social-political order within a nation which is represented by its ruler. It is order made visual on the background of the clear sky. It is a "celestial" type of order, even though it is earth-born birds which reveal it by their ability to keep their flight structured. The symbol therefore refers to the Soul-consciousness as visualized by the heaven-oriented mind. Yet this soul-consciousness can be called transcendent because it has not yet become "incarnated."Because this is a second stage in the third five-fold sequence begun with Phase 11, we have to consider what it pictures in contrast to the preceding symbol. A basic dualism of consciousness is thus suggested. We see arising a potential conflict between cosmic and social principles of order. The principle of COSMIC ORDER polarizes the all-too-human reliance on the social concept of law and order.
{12TH DEGREE OF ARIES (11°- 12°)} : Involvements lack meaning unless they lead eventually towards spiritual liberation No matter what life circumstances arise, no matter what challenges and temptations there are to face, no matter how noble the aspirations we embody, there is one quality that can never be beaten down – we all want freedom. Insouciance means being carefree or unconcerned and light-hearted. This is the true essential core of personality and is irresistible in every single aspect of life experience. This absolute indomitable freedom-urge speaks to us of our immortality and our spiritual heritage through the innocent imperative of independence. It is this that allows us to have the expectation that our ideals will all be fulfilled, and cosmic obligations towards us met. We trust in this because in the end that is what freedom means – that we get what we want. What we know sets us free, yet knowledge, to be raised to the level of wisdom, requires experience – and therefore involvement. Of course, if we want to deepen our involvements, then we must invest our freedom. We may well lose sight of the inherent freedom-feeling whenever we concentrate upon the challenges within the involvement, yet our ability to rise above things is ever-present. An aspect of our humanity is its naive gift to be spirit-like, and free from burdens. Eventually, no matter how important one has become and how burdensome the responsibilities carried by ones broad shoulders, an inner voice cries ‘freedom!’ When geese are seen to rise above it all, the picture of insouciance, they are as free as birds – yet they are slavishly obeying their undeviating characteristic migration. We too are absolutely free to do whatever it is that we must do – a beautiful paradox. As a personal characteristic, this quality can become a very selfish attitude that actually does very little to add real value to self. We need to guard against an irresponsible, wasteful lack of focus that amounts to nothing more than reckless negligence. It’s a thin line between this and the high spiritually valid pursuit of one’s unique, unencumbered destiny, detached from inappropriate burdens and fruitless anxiety. There is, at the core of our eternal being, an absolute sense of our cosmic birth-right to be free to choose every step of our path throughout eternity, whether embodied or as spirit. This sense is the fundament of all existence and is more powerful and pervasive than all else. However much the individual is cajoled by society – oppressed and brainwashed, emotionally blackmailed and simply deceived – still they know deep down that freedom is the absolute eternal truth of life. }
~ Ophelia ☌  Phaethon - 1 ° Taurus ~ Tragic Love & Absent Father
Ophelia (represents insanity and death by drowning, which can be rendered metaphysically as a feeling of being “inundated” or overwhelmed by circumstance. It can also indicate high drama or hysterics, over-reaction, and feelings of doubt, insecurity, or lack of self-worth.) ;  (represents rejected love, or love that will turn into disappointment.) ; (Ophelia is forced to repress her feelings for Hamlet by her family. Ophelia is very passive and obedient character that obeys and complies to what is expected of her.  In the end this suppression of her own wants and desires leads her to madness.  We all repress certain aspects of our nature and character, we do so in order for us to get along easier but when this repression becomes a dominant feature something inside us will eventually snap.Ophelia in the natal chart shows how and what we are in the habit of repressing how we learn to express that part of our character and accept our own nature as a whole.) ; [A point of over-reaction and counterproductive reactions (linked to mistrust of one’s value to others and concern about deception.)]
Phaethon (represents assuming responsibilities before one is ready to handle them; the consequences of rash or impulsive desires; and feeling out of control or in above one’s head. It can also indicate involvement with cars or other forms of transport.) ; ( In your natal chart, Phaethon will be an area where it is natural to doubt in the facts and you tend to act on impulse, rather than heed sound advice. Here, you will question authority, especially the opinion and comment within your intimate sphere and push forward blindly with your aims.) ;(Keywords: self destructive behavior, failure to adhere to authority, ignoring wisdom and logic, distrust within the intimate sphere, disobedience, extreme recklessness, boastful behavior, manipulation through guilt, false accusation) ; (Phaeton symbolize the risk that humans take to venture into a new horizon, the risk to tread the new path that would lead to the road of success even without prior experiences that would serve as guide as to how or where or what path to take.) ( A trailblazer, one who sets the world on fire, youthful exuberance, daring, venturing to new horizons. Youthful exuberance and a desire to achieve the impossible. It can also be used to refer to someone that behaves wilfully regardless of the consequences and may 'set the world on fire' with their behaviour.") (Instances that involve cars, transport, driving; other forms of recklessness—feeling out of control—as though you’ve taken on more than you can handle; having trouble keeping to the middle of the road!) ;
KEYNOTE: The pure, uncontaminated and spontaneous manifestation of one's own nature.
Here we see life substance in its original dynamic form and as it emerged from its spiritual source. This is true whatever the nature of the source may be. In a sense the mountain stream is conditioned by the nature of the soil and by all the forces which in the past have formed the mountain's rock strata: that is to say, by past history. Yet out of this past a new, pure (i.e. unadulterated) release of potentiality has emerged. It is ready to perform whatever work its dharma is to accomplish.
This is the first stage of the seventh five-fold sequence of phases. Matter is still imbued with great potential energy, energy being matter at its source. It is flowing irresistibly toward its own destiny. It is simply ITS OWN NATURE.
~ Phaethon conjunct Amor  - 1 Taurus ~ 
Phaethon: - (represents assuming responsibilities before one is ready to handle them; the consequences of rash or impulsive desires; and feeling out of control or in above one’s head. It can also indicate involvement with cars or other forms of transport.) ; ( In your natal chart, Phaethon will be an area where it is natural to doubt in the facts and you tend to act on impulse, rather than heed sound advice. Here, you will question authority, especially the opinion and comment within your intimate sphere and push forward blindly with your aims.) ;(Keywords: self destructive behavior, failure to adhere to authority, ignoring wisdom and logic, distrust within the intimate sphere, disobedience, extreme recklessness, boastful behavior, manipulation through guilt, false accusation) ; (Phaeton symbolize the risk that humans take to venture into a new horizon, the risk to tread the new path that would lead to the road of success even without prior experiences that would serve as guide as to how or where or what path to take.) ( A trailblazer, one who sets the world on fire, youthful exuberance, daring, venturing to new horizons. Youthful exuberance and a desire to achieve the impossible. It can also be used to refer to someone that behaves wilfully regardless of the consequences and may 'set the world on fire' with their behaviour.") (Instances that involve cars, transport, driving; other forms of recklessness—feeling out of control—as though you’ve taken on more than you can handle; having trouble keeping to the middle of the road!) ;
Amor : - (Inner wisdom reflected through organisation’ The “conditions” of unconditional love; understanding love; what interferes or blocks love and acceptance; figuring out “boundaries” or limits on what happens in the name of “love”; Conditions on whatever occurs in aspect. Words; authority, incentive, inspector, preacher, training. Impossible, probation.) ; (Although for many astrologers it signifies the so called god in mythology & they believe that it doesn't mean love in romantic way, but only a kind of pure love.) ; 
KEYNOTE: The pure, uncontaminated and spontaneous manifestation of one's own nature.
Here we see life substance in its original dynamic form and as it emerged from its spiritual source. This is true whatever the nature of the source may be. In a sense the mountain stream is conditioned by the nature of the soil and by all the forces which in the past have formed the mountain's rock strata: that is to say, by past history. Yet out of this past a new, pure (i.e. unadulterated) release of potentiality has emerged. It is ready to perform whatever work its dharma is to accomplish.
This is the first stage of the seventh five-fold sequence of phases. Matter is still imbued with great potential energy, energy being matter at its source. It is flowing irresistibly toward its own destiny. It is simply ITS OWN NATURE.
Venus conjunct Eros  - 8 Taurus
Eros - (The Eros native is erotic. It may be in an obvious manner if Eros is conjunct the Ascendant, Sun or Mars. It may be more hidden if Eros is conjunct the Moon or Venus. In the former case, it is cleavage. In the latter case, it is a little bit of lace slip peeking under the hem of a business suit.) ; [Keywords: god of physical love and lust, erotica, cupid, sexual interests, reproductive organs. Positive: divine passion, erotic desire, sensuality, emotional consummating desires. Negative: sexual temptations, lust, physical desires, survival instinct, obsessive compulsive drives and attitude Neutral: turn ons, titilation, pure attraction, love and sex, erogenous, male sexual force (born from chaos).] ;  (Eros would symbolize our passion, that which sexually attracts us, our sexual preference and the primal font of desire-energy. A person with a strong Eros would be moved to periodically re-create the experience of finding and being in love A well-represented Eros seeks regular physical contact with others, especially involving sex. Add charisma and the ability to charm anyone, especially if Eros is conjunct the Ascendant, Venus or Mars. Eros conjunct Sun, Moon, Venus or Mars can be quite liberal with their favors when circumstances permit.) ; 
KEYNOTE: The value of anticipating and preparing for expectable conditions.
Here we have a combination of two factors: "the sleigh," which is a product of traditional skill (cf. Taurus 6° symbol) and the ability man has to foresee and thus to prepare for a future situation. This ability relates this symbol to the one for Taurus 7°, because the woman from Samaria had 'the capacity to receive a revelation of the future state of human evolution, though in a different and subconscious sense. Man should be ready to use past knowledge and skill to meet the demands of a stage yet to come.
At this third stage of the eighth five-fold sequence we should realize the value of FUTURE-ORIENTED IMAGINATIONbut also of relying upon the natural order of unfoldment of all life processes.
~ Siwa conjunct Altjira - 11 ° Taurus ~ Slavic Goddess of Fertility & Dream World God
Siwa: (Episodic, catabolic (breakdown/through) process that precedes insight; destruction of density/fixated beliefs (relative to aspects); crisis of death (stagnation) or regeneration; The Far East (inc. Vietnam, India, China, Malaysia, Japan  periodic occurrence; ascetic; attention to sound.)
Altjira: (seems to indicate cold, indifferent, withdrawn, distant, non-involved, uncaring, focused on the big picture; oblivious to reality; creation, dreaming, envisioning, imagining, having to do with indigenous and prehistoric tribes and knowledge, making vision reality, operating on a non-material level, the supernatural, spirits or ghosts, psychic phenomena.) ; (The approach to Altjira is the approach to the dream world, the visioning apparatus within us. It involves going through the process of entering that state of awareness and processing and using what is encountered there. There is a tendency to more physically based activities while approaching this point where as after Altjira when you are leaving the the dream world, there is more of a focus on telling other people about it or acting on the basis of the information and awarenesses tapped there. Planets in aspect patterns with Altjira describe what you encounter in the world of visions and dreams, how you deal with it and what impact it has on you.) ; (We know that Altjira is about sifting through our Personal and Karmic history to find Programming that’s not really Us) ; (In Australian Aboriginal mythology, Altjira is the sky god of the Arrernte. He created the Earth, then retired to the sky and remained there. Altjira was the central god of a sacred era called the Dreamtime. The Aboriginal people believe that every person essentially exists eternally in the Dreaming. For unknown reasons, Altjira had emu’s feet. A surreal figure like him might appear in a dream.) ; (Dreams belong to the dominion of Neptune. Altjira has something to do with sleep and dreaming. "Dreaming" is also often used to refer to an individual's or group's set of beliefs or spirituality.) ; ( Altjira has the ability to understand the abstract language of astrology, prophecy and mythology) : ( It was named after the creation deity of the Aranda (Arrente, Arunta, Arranta) Aboriginal people from Australia's Northern Territory. Altijera brought the universe into being by dreaming it...something the Aboriginals term Dreamtime. Then, it is said, he retired to the sky, seemingly indifferent to the earthly plane, leaving further work to be done by the lesser gods who remained behind. His name is connected with their word meaning "to dream". The Aranda believe that there are two kinds of reality. There is the everyday linear, objective activity, and then there is the creative, spiritual Dreamtime, which they believe is more real then waking reality. It is said that Altjira is willing to help anyone tho asks and who is willing to work with the dreamtime.) ; (connected to the psychic or visionary realm)
KEYNOTE: Development of the powers of the mind on which ego-consciousness is based.
The psycho-mental nature of a human being takes form out of the fulfillment and transcendence of biological functions and drives, much as the bud appears as the sap rises, and bursts forth into bloom. "As the roots, so the flowers" is an old axiom. The consciousness attaches itself to this wondrous efflorescence; it lavishes its attention upon it, its love — alas, usually a possessive kind of love ("This is my garden!"). Thus the ego develops. It may develop in a negative, resentful way if a belated frost destroys the buds. This is the first stage of the ninth sequence of phases, a sequence that basically refers to the overall situation related to the development of the ego. The Keyword here is CULTIVATION.
~ Siwa conjunct Sedna 2003 VB12  - 11 Taurus ~
Siwa: - (Episodic, catabolic (breakdown/through) process that precedes insight; destruction of density/fixated beliefs (relative to aspects); crisis of death (stagnation) or regeneration; The Far East (inc. Vietnam, India, China, Malaysia, Japan  periodic occurrence; ascetic; attention to sound.)
Sedna : - (represents isolation and inaccessibility; separation; having too high an opinion of oneself; aloofness or haughtiness; a refusal to “grow up” and accept adult responsibility.) ; (Keywords: Victim or victimizer, Gold-digging, betrayal and/or abandonment by the father, alienation, eerie, far out, ethereal, floaty, untouchable, far-sighted intelligence, deluge, delusion, out on-a-limb, limbless, leper, not of this world, worm-that-turned, freezing out, numbing, frigidity, ice maiden, cutting off, dismemberment, skeletons in the closet, deep sea treasure, submarines, sirens, mermaids, vanity, divas, blaming, “something-for-nothing” culture, poor-little-rich girls, bling, greed, bulimia, parasites, scavengers, treason, treachery, betrayal, stabs in the back, commitment-phobes, feeling superior, disappointment, not measuring up, Ivory towers, riches to rags, the gutter, pimps, sluts, drug pushers, sleaze, incest, conservationists, animal activists, bestiality, seafarers, sailors, pushy parents, unreal appearance – either deformed or stunningly beautiful. Disinheritance, losing one’s inheritance, snobbery. False accusations, dirty cash, ill-gotten gains, downfall, reformed character, altruism, philanthropy, sacrificing a part of yourself for the greater good.) ; (Exile, self imposed or forced, suppression of the feminine, refusal or hesitancy to participate in fear of being hurt or from resentment of being hurt; abduction or abandonment issues; judgment of the feminine and fear of commitment; and especially as a struggle to regain confidence in the creative power of the feminine force.) ; (Sedna - She is the first body to bear the mythology of the arctic's Inuit culture. Positive - a forgiving disposition, discernment, clarity of perception, recognition of free will and choice, responsible, conscious of consequence, far thinking, dharma-oriented, does the homework of lifeNegative - victimization, abuse, being deceived, history of betrayal, bitterness, “gold digging” attitude in relationship, transfers blame to others, numbs out, goes unconsciousMundane - blubber, products made from sea mammals, whaling, diving bells that go into the dark of the sea, emotional healing, forgiveness, sorrow, engagement, masks, flight of the birdsCeremonial - cleansing in the sea, propitiation to the sea, sea creatures, use of sea creature talismans (walrus tusk carvings, scrimshaw), ceremony with masks of sea creatures, ceremonial masks in general.)
KEYNOTE: Development of the powers of the mind on which ego-consciousness is based.
The psycho-mental nature of a human being takes form out of the fulfillment and transcendence of biological functions and drives, much as the bud appears as the sap rises, and bursts forth into bloom. "As the roots, so the flowers" is an old axiom. The consciousness attaches itself to this wondrous efflorescence; it lavishes its attention upon it, its love — alas, usually a possessive kind of love ("This is my garden!"). Thus the ego develops. It may develop in a negative, resentful way if a belated frost destroys the buds. This is the first stage of the ninth sequence of phases, a sequence that basically refers to the overall situation related to the development of the ego. The Keyword here is CULTIVATION.
~ Altjira conjunct Requiem - 11 Taurus ~
Altjira: (seems to indicate cold, indifferent, withdrawn, distant, non-involved, uncaring, focused on the big picture; oblivious to reality; creation, dreaming, envisioning, imagining, having to do with indigenous and prehistoric tribes and knowledge, making vision reality, operating on a non-material level, the supernatural, spirits or ghosts, psychic phenomena.) ; (The approach to Altjira is the approach to the dream world, the visioning apparatus within us. It involves going through the process of entering that state of awareness and processing and using what is encountered there. There is a tendency to more physically based activities while approaching this point where as after Altjira when you are leaving the the dream world, there is more of a focus on telling other people about it or acting on the basis of the information and awarenesses tapped there. Planets in aspect patterns with Altjira describe what you encounter in the world of visions and dreams, how you deal with it and what impact it has on you.) ; (We know that Altjira is about sifting through our Personal and Karmic history to find Programming that’s not really Us) ; (In Australian Aboriginal mythology, Altjira is the sky god of the Arrernte. He created the Earth, then retired to the sky and remained there. Altjira was the central god of a sacred era called the Dreamtime. The Aboriginal people believe that every person essentially exists eternally in the Dreaming. For unknown reasons, Altjira had emu’s feet. A surreal figure like him might appear in a dream.) ; (Dreams belong to the dominion of Neptune. Altjira has something to do with sleep and dreaming. "Dreaming" is also often used to refer to an individual's or group's set of beliefs or spirituality.) ; ( Altjira has the ability to understand the abstract language of astrology, prophecy and mythology) : ( It was named after the creation deity of the Aranda (Arrente, Arunta, Arranta) Aboriginal people from Australia's Northern Territory. Altijera brought the universe into being by dreaming it...something the Aboriginals term Dreamtime. Then, it is said, he retired to the sky, seemingly indifferent to the earthly plane, leaving further work to be done by the lesser gods who remained behind. His name is connected with their word meaning "to dream". The Aranda believe that there are two kinds of reality. There is the everyday linear, objective activity, and then there is the creative, spiritual Dreamtime, which they believe is more real then waking reality. It is said that Altjira is willing to help anyone tho asks and who is willing to work with the dreamtime.) ; (connected to the psychic or visionary realm)
Requiem - (As well as a connection to the ceremonies of death (and the formalization of grief,) Requiem stands for a place of acceptance, a cessation of struggle. Whether one should be AT PEACE with the people, actions and events shown by aspecting points is the issue! ) ; marker of death, change or transformation. It can also indicate acknowledgement of grief, honors paid to the dead, remembrance of those departed, and monuments. There can be sense of cessation, or rest from labors, and acceptance of change or loss, coming to terms with loss.) ; (mass for the dead; solemn chant for the dead; something that resembles such a solemn chant; a musical composition in honor of the dead) ;
KEYNOTE: Development of the powers of the mind on which ego-consciousness is based.
The psycho-mental nature of a human being takes form out of the fulfillment and transcendence of biological functions and drives, much as the bud appears as the sap rises, and bursts forth into bloom. "As the roots, so the flowers" is an old axiom. The consciousness attaches itself to this wondrous efflorescence; it lavishes its attention upon it, its love — alas, usually a possessive kind of love ("This is my garden!"). Thus the ego develops. It may develop in a negative, resentful way if a belated frost destroys the buds. This is the first stage of the ninth sequence of phases, a sequence that basically refers to the overall situation related to the development of the ego. The Keyword here is CULTIVATION.
~ Sedna 2003 VB12 conjunct Requiem - 11 Taurus ~
Sedna : - (represents isolation and inaccessibility; separation; having too high an opinion of oneself; aloofness or haughtiness; a refusal to “grow up” and accept adult responsibility.) ; (Keywords: Victim or victimizer, Gold-digging, betrayal and/or abandonment by the father, alienation, eerie, far out, ethereal, floaty, untouchable, far-sighted intelligence, deluge, delusion, out on-a-limb, limbless, leper, not of this world, worm-that-turned, freezing out, numbing, frigidity, ice maiden, cutting off, dismemberment, skeletons in the closet, deep sea treasure, submarines, sirens, mermaids, vanity, divas, blaming, “something-for-nothing” culture, poor-little-rich girls, bling, greed, bulimia, parasites, scavengers, treason, treachery, betrayal, stabs in the back, commitment-phobes, feeling superior, disappointment, not measuring up, Ivory towers, riches to rags, the gutter, pimps, sluts, drug pushers, sleaze, incest, conservationists, animal activists, bestiality, seafarers, sailors, pushy parents, unreal appearance – either deformed or stunningly beautiful. Disinheritance, losing one’s inheritance, snobbery. False accusations, dirty cash, ill-gotten gains, downfall, reformed character, altruism, philanthropy, sacrificing a part of yourself for the greater good.) ; (Exile, self imposed or forced, suppression of the feminine, refusal or hesitancy to participate in fear of being hurt or from resentment of being hurt; abduction or abandonment issues; judgment of the feminine and fear of commitment; and especially as a struggle to regain confidence in the creative power of the feminine force.) ; (Sedna - She is the first body to bear the mythology of the arctic's Inuit culture. Positive - a forgiving disposition, discernment, clarity of perception, recognition of free will and choice, responsible, conscious of consequence, far thinking, dharma-oriented, does the homework of lifeNegative - victimization, abuse, being deceived, history of betrayal, bitterness, “gold digging” attitude in relationship, transfers blame to others, numbs out, goes unconsciousMundane - blubber, products made from sea mammals, whaling, diving bells that go into the dark of the sea, emotional healing, forgiveness, sorrow, engagement, masks, flight of the birdsCeremonial - cleansing in the sea, propitiation to the sea, sea creatures, use of sea creature talismans (walrus tusk carvings, scrimshaw), ceremony with masks of sea creatures, ceremonial masks in general.)  
Requiem - (As well as a connection to the ceremonies of death (and the formalization of grief,) Requiem stands for a place of acceptance, a cessation of struggle. Whether one should be AT PEACE with the people, actions and events shown by aspecting points is the issue! ) ; marker of death, change or transformation. It can also indicate acknowledgement of grief, honors paid to the dead, remembrance of those departed, and monuments. There can be sense of cessation, or rest from labors, and acceptance of change or loss, coming to terms with loss.) ; (mass for the dead; solemn chant for the dead; something that resembles such a solemn chant; a musical composition in honor of the dead) ;
KEYNOTE: Development of the powers of the mind on which ego-consciousness is based.
The psycho-mental nature of a human being takes form out of the fulfillment and transcendence of biological functions and drives, much as the bud appears as the sap rises, and bursts forth into bloom. "As the roots, so the flowers" is an old axiom. The consciousness attaches itself to this wondrous efflorescence; it lavishes its attention upon it, its love — alas, usually a possessive kind of love ("This is my garden!"). Thus the ego develops. It may develop in a negative, resentful way if a belated frost destroys the buds. This is the first stage of the ninth sequence of phases, a sequence that basically refers to the overall situation related to the development of the ego. The Keyword here is CULTIVATION.
~ Admetos conjunct Hephaistos - 15 Taurus ~
ADMETOS - (The brick wall: steadfast, stable, immovable. Shrinking. Narrowing down to a sharp focus. Specialization. Endurance ... The glyph for Admetos shows an affinity for the sign Taurus and must be drawn with a base line to show the Admetos capacity to be steadfast, stable, and immovable. Admetos describes inertia, slow motion, and things that go around in a circle like phonograph records and ceiling fans. Admetos advances 0°35' per year, and takes 617 years to go around the Sun.) ; (glyph used by Uranian astrologers to denote Admetos in a chart: Is the symbol of Mercury with the cross of “Matter” inside of the circle. Mercury symbolizes the Cosmic antenna that all Admetos people possess. The Cross of Matter means that they can not only ground what they ‘receive’ from their antenna, but manifest it into our third dimensional world. These are world beaters. World builders. At their highest, Admetos people are world creators and visionaries for the future of our planet and people.) ; (Whatever it touches it brings into the depth and can have great transformative power and a stabilizing effect, but it can also block whatever it touches creating  obstacles and inertia.) ; (Mercury is the change that occurs in the external, shallow world; Pluto is the transformational changes that result in the internal world. The product of these two planets is the Uranian Admetos. At certain points in life, we cannot proceed any further, no matter how hard we try. Admetos is the embodiment of this quality. You may feel that you are slipping on an icy lake and the circumstances around you change so rapidly that you are unable to hold your ground. Stop. This is what you must learn through this planet. By focusing on the mundane versus the material, the true definition of happiness by living in the present, versus thinking about what was, what may have been, or what could be, you will find the answers you seek. A moment of clarity will strike you and a star of hope will guide you on your path, lighting the way through the once nebulous, grey uncertainties of the future. Only then will you have the ability to launch up into the higher realms of consciousness, for Admetos is the launch pad that projects up into the highest levels of knowing and existence. Proceed with slowness and caution, as this is the eye of the storm, and you will want to enjoy the Calm while it lasts!) ; (The mundane, bottlenecks, complete stops, the gears stop turning, circuitous events. Admetos is the sixth planet in the Uranian system; its world on the parallel Gaia is where we go to sort out the mundane life. If you have a dream about throwing up at your piano recital because you ate too much, you do whatever possible to avoid that situation and consequently skip lunch. Your stomach growls and rumbles like a lioness protecting her cubs, and instead forget to bring your sheet music. At least you didn’t throw up! The Admetos world is where we sort out the mundane world and use our experiences to inform the Physical. Admetos is the area in life where things come to a total halt, you cannot proceed any further. What you are doing is either too difficult for the time being, you need to work more consistently in the mundane to get grounded, or everything seems to be stacked up against you. When you venture out into hyperspace, you will find Admetos plays a significant role on the Physical: the things you try on Earth are simply too hard, but chances are you are totally unequipped for the task at hand. As linear time advances and the Soul matures, you will work in the other worlds on completing the actions required to open up the path on Earth. If Admetos is barricading entry to a new fork on your journey, it is because there are other things that must take place first, but you have absolutely no control over the timing; it all happens in hyperspace, where time is Eternity. By living in the mundane, cleaning house, and getting grounded, the time will pass faster than you imagined.)
Hephaistos - (skill and craftsmanship, artistry; lameness or crippling (or problems with arms or legs which fall short of actual crippling); rejection or abandonment, especially by parents; and mismatched unions, between persons ill-suited to each other.) ; ( the part of us that got rejected due to our flaws that were the cause from our past from loved ones and that damaged us permanently yet appreciated and honored by other people and/or the other person for our beautiful channeling energy within NOT external, despite of our present flaws. I think it’s the part of us that feels we can not trust anyone to love us unconditionally because of our wounded past. the other person that contacts this part of us. but remember these flaws we have isn't our fault, these flaws are completely human and natural only something that we did not cause these flaws to happen to begin with. a part of us, our imperfect flaws, that was rejected from selfish loved ones or those that we believed that loved us but we later realize they were only just selfish and superficial. flaws that you own that you cannot change and able to channel your love and this wounding healing into a passion, NOT a passion with a person, but a passion with a talent you own.healing your own wounds by all of a sudden creating a form of art of your own. Bringing our wounding energy and turning that into BEAUTY in order to heal.) ; 
KEYNOTE: The courage needed to meet the crises precipitated by social ambition.
The man with the silk hat has seen some of his ambitious efforts bring him social success; but he learns that often "nothing fails like success." The storm may be within him, or it may attack his social status. He is ready to face it daringly. This shows a willingness to accept crises and to go through them — and therefore great character, the soil upon which a higher kind of consciousness may develop. This is the fifth and final stage of this ninth five-fold sequence of symbols. It implies a transition to a new level at which the individual who has learned from experience demonstrates a truly mature mind. What is revealed here is CHARACTER under adverse circumstances.
~ Chaos conjunct Sun - 18 Taurus ~
Chaos - (This asteroid seems to have a prominent place in the charts of those souls who stir up chaos. Think Pig Pen and his perpetual cloud of dust) ;
KEYNOTE: The cleansing of the ego-consciousness.
In this third stage of the present sequence the first two stages should be considered background. The traditional teachings concerning man's nature are somehow reconciled with the youthful enthusiasm that sees in every problem of growth an issue between the "good" and the "bad." The symbol suggests that the real enemy is within the mind; it is the ego and its attachment to possessions. The mind is shown in the likeness of a "bag," now empty and needing to be aired in the sunlight. But the "window" must first be opened and the bag emptied. The phrase "cleansing the doors of perception" has become well known of late. But even more to be cleansed is the container of perceptual images — i.e. the ego mind. The Keyword is PURIFICATION.
~ Hades conjunct Hygiea - 10 Gemini ~
Hades -  (All that is unpleasant, useless, antique, or deeply buried. The occult ... Hades is misunderstood, because many think only of the negative meanings: dirt, garbage, sewage, sickness, poverty, mistakes, and all things ugly and sinister. There is a positive side that deals with antiquity, depth, and past lives. Hades advances 1°01' per year, so its orbit around the Sun takes a little over 360 years.) ; (Hades is the place where we all start in the soul’s journey. The original delineations of Hades involved disease, secrets, death, lack, poverty, famine, and evil. Many believe this is the Underworld, the source of evil, Satanic or demonic spirits, but this is hardly the case! Hades is easily the most misconceived planet and it is a combination of other planetary energies, involving Saturn (responsibility, discernment), Neptune (addiction, spirituality), and Pluto (destruction, transformation). Hades also represents the collective consciousness, karmic debts, and paying back for whatever does not serve your Highest Good. When we start this “life” thing, at the beginning of the soul cycle, we all begin here and work the evil out of the soul and decide unconsciously to become higher vibration beings. However, it is the overarching realm we enter in the dream state, as this Hades is the keeper of the portal to the other worlds and only shows us what we are ready to know. Unlike Zeus and Vulkanus, Hades is largely unconscious and has very little subconscious energy attached to it, though it still does exist in this domain. Authentic purpose is the theme here.) ; (Personal responsibility, discernment, poverty, consciousness, the dream world portal, deep karma, inner fortitude. A visit to Hades is a nightmare. You are stuck in the vacuum of time and cannot escape until the subconscious sorts through what it needs to. This planet’s outcomes are favorable, but only if you are accountable for your actions and follow instinct. Hades has ten-thousand times the karma of Pluto, used by Evolutionary Astrologers. When Hades appears in the chart, it shows where the Native failed in life and must continue working throughout lifetimes. Chiron works in a similar fashion, but represents the wounded ego, whereas Hades bears no wounds, unless you are paying back for poor choices that do not follow your highest intent. Hades is a primary Focus in the chart, as it is repeated throughout lifetimes. There is a strong need for karmic clearing, energetic release, and cord severing in order to break the cycle.)
Hygiea: - (Health, hygiene, tradition and natural medicine, doctors and healers, disease, illness, toxins, fear of poison, fear of doctors, fear of medical results, hypochondria, hesitation to get checkups, operations, misdiagnosis, drug abuse, diet, worrying about the health of family and friends.) ; (represents our attitude and belief system concerning health and fitness awareness. Hygeia also rules sanitation and the valuable role hygiene and diet play in health maintenance. She often shows up by transit or appears on a major angle when an individual is experiencing a health issue… Hygeian influence is felt among dietitians, physical fitness educators and teachers, dental hygienists, mental health facilitators who embrace the mind/body connection, holistic practitioners, sanitation inspectors, environmentalists, and preservationists who believe keeping the Earth clean and pollution free.) ; (rules the health practices and is integrated into medical astrology, but in her negative side has something to bring in cases of depression & anxiety of a higher level than usual.) ; (Hygeia governs sanitation, hygiene, ecology, preservation, discovery of vaccines, medical and alternative health organizations, fitness and exercise, places of meditation and recovery and all venues that recognize the link between mind, body and spirit. Hygeia is also associated with physical, mental and chemical imbalances.) ;
KEYNOTE: A superior ability to challenge nature and play with danger.
Through the controlled use of mental powers man is able to challenge the most basic force in nature: gravitation. He enjoys playing with it as a lion tamer with his violent animals. But what he challenges is within himself as well as outside. Gravitation is the universal binding force of the material world. By challenging it man prepares himself to pierce beyond the physical and to reach higher realms of existence. He may lose the struggle, but that prospect makes the effort more exciting. He might gain "immortality."
This is the final stage of the fourteenth sequence. The symbol for it has a strong sense of finality. No possibility of half measures exist. Man is committed irrevocably to success or failure — at least as a conscious and self-reliant mind. The alternatives are clear-cut. One may describe it as MIND vs. MATTER, or as Man's will against the fate that gravitation so aptly symbolizes.
~ Hygiea conjunct Minerva - 10 Gemini ~
Hygiea: - (Health, hygiene, tradition and natural medicine, doctors and healers, disease, illness, toxins, fear of poison, fear of doctors, fear of medical results, hypochondria, hesitation to get checkups, operations, misdiagnosis, drug abuse, diet, worrying about the health of family and friends.) ; (represents our attitude and belief system concerning health and fitness awareness. Hygeia also rules sanitation and the valuable role hygiene and diet play in health maintenance. She often shows up by transit or appears on a major angle when an individual is experiencing a health issue… Hygeian influence is felt among dietitians, physical fitness educators and teachers, dental hygienists, mental health facilitators who embrace the mind/body connection, holistic practitioners, sanitation inspectors, environmentalists, and preservationists who believe keeping the Earth clean and pollution free.) ; (rules the health practices and is integrated into medical astrology, but in her negative side has something to bring in cases of depression & anxiety of a higher level than usual.) ; (Hygeia governs sanitation, hygiene, ecology, preservation, discovery of vaccines, medical and alternative health organizations, fitness and exercise, places of meditation and recovery and all venues that recognize the link between mind, body and spirit. Hygeia is also associated with physical, mental and chemical imbalances.) ; 
Minerva: - (Broad perceptual skills; strategies to deal with situations and people; “calculations” (whether dealing with math or public relations); figuring things & people out. [See also Pallas Athena]) ; (represents wisdom and courage; the ability to analyze and strategize; perceptual knowledge and its application; facility with math and numbers; dexterity and manual skill.) ; (artistic, arts and crafts, biotechnology, confidence, conflict, creative, daughter, diplomacy, genetics, healing, horses, immune system, injustice, intelligence, intuition, justice, learning, legal battles, logic, politics, science, strategy, strength, wisdom Wherever Minerva falls in the birthchart shows the area of life where these talents are likely to be found and in what capacity.)
KEYNOTE: A superior ability to challenge nature and play with danger.
Through the controlled use of mental powers man is able to challenge the most basic force in nature: gravitation. He enjoys playing with it as a lion tamer with his violent animals. But what he challenges is within himself as well as outside. Gravitation is the universal binding force of the material world. By challenging it man prepares himself to pierce beyond the physical and to reach higher realms of existence. He may lose the struggle, but that prospect makes the effort more exciting. He might gain "immortality."
This is the final stage of the fourteenth sequence. The symbol for it has a strong sense of finality. No possibility of half measures exist. Man is committed irrevocably to success or failure — at least as a conscious and self-reliant mind. The alternatives are clear-cut. One may describe it as MIND vs. MATTER, or as Man's will against the fate that gravitation so aptly symbolizes.
~ Child conjunct Iris - 13 Gemini ~
Child - : (creativity’ Attitude to children, childish reactions, own childhood events, innocence and maturity Kindness/responsibility and honesty. Fortunate in money, overcoming problems with faith and patience. Negatively, argument, despised, dogmatic and problem.) ; ( Keywords: the place in which our inner child resides, ones unique childhood. Positive: childlike innocence, naivety, pure. Negative: childhood fears. Neutral: ones inner child essence, the childhood, children.) ; 
Iris - (An excellent Essence when in need of messages or omens. Use this Essence when needing such guidance then watch carefully for answers to your questions.) ; (Keywords: messages, omens, heavenly messenger, the rainbow, goddess. Positive: psychic capability, oracular work, channeling. Neutral: communicator, eye color, iridescence.) ; 
KEYNOTE: Individual fulfillment in the performing of a social function to which some prestige is attached.
Having entered upon the path of individualized experience that brings him in touch with broader or higher realms of super-personal inspiration, the individual person is able to become himself a source of inspiration, an agent for Man and the formative Powers guiding human evolution. His role is to mobilize emotions, to present to others an image of what for most people is beyond their mediocre and lukewarm responses to the challenge of becoming "more-than-man" — to experience more intensely and to see farther. This is the role of the true and ideal "virtuoso" (vir meaning strength, manliness; thus "virtue") and, in a far-reaching sense, of the Avatar whose example fascinates human beings, leading them to leave behind their past and to venture forth into new realms of experience.
At this third stage we see the meanings of the two preceding symbols, synthesized. One moves into new realms and successfully challenges the fears, the insecurity and the lack of self-confidence of the past in oneself —- all negative attitudes which, while conditioned by the social environment, have become engraved upon the unconscious. Having achieved this liberation, one can bring to the environment the power generated by self-discipline, skill and self-confidence. One has become an at least potential SOURCE OF INSPIRATION.
~ Apollo conjunct Pholus  - 28 ° Cancer ~
Apollo :  (By house it seems to denote a place where you feel that it is your right to expect your own way, and often where you take for granted some particular personal rights you have always respected.) ; (fixation, intensity, crisis-mastery, exaltation, commitment, challenge) ;  (The liabilities--especially with conjunctions--are tunnel vision, blind spots, irrational awe, imbalance, obsession.) ; (Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto. His twin sister is Artemis. He is the god of music, playing a golden lyre. The Archer, far shooting with a silver bow. The god of healing who taught man medicine. The god of light. The god of truth, who can not speak a lie.) ; (He is famous for his oracle at Delphi. People traveled to it from all over the greek world to devine the future.) ; (His tree was the laurel. The crow his bird. The dolphin his animal.) ; (If a native has Apollo in a prominent place, he will be thought of very highly by others. He will have a unique charisma.) ; (one the premier heavenly bodies for identifying intelligence. Apollo was the Sun God, the light bringer, God of prophesy, the keeper of knowledge and a symbol of consciousness. This God is most often depicted naked, perfect and proud. Apollo was the quintessential ladies man, charming all that met him. This God did not have to try , the others just loved him for being his own strong, magical self. Apollo was gifted in the knowledge of healing and science, as at the root these two things are the same. He brought light, which is synonymous with knowledge and was a great teacher. Truth was a deep element of Apollo's personality. Light dispels darkness and reveals everything. Apollo had the brightest light of all. A bit selfish, Apollo was pretty much about himself, and lacked the empathy present in other Gods. Leadership was most important to this man and he erred on the side of logic, if at all. Apollo did not mind worship and had a decidedly conceited attitude. This dude knew who he was and what he could do. He was all ego. Where Apollo resides in a birth chart will show where high intelligence lies and how we apply logic and reason. Where we can find our talent great enough to inspire others is seen by the asteroid Apollo. How we can lead others and be loved for it is all a facet of Apollo. Destiny formed from conscious effort, application of intelligence, where our past experience can inspire the masses, this is all seen by the placement of Apollo. Truth and how we can communicate it and how we need to live by it is pointed to by this asteroid. How intuition is applied with critical thinking to arrive at conclusions. Scientific aptitude. Truthful self expression is also asked for by Apollo. Another interesting angle to this asteroid is it's influence on beauty and attraction. Apollo conjunct or close to the ascendant can bestow magnificent beauty. The ascendant in aspect to Apollo can show beautiful physical form and many models and actresses have it on the ascendant, in aspect to the ascendant ruler or on the midheaven or in aspect to Venus or the Sun. Negatives that come with this asteroid are centered around selfishness. Where we are in danger of conceit, how we can desire through selfish means to become powerful, where you expect to get your own way are all shown by the placement and aspects to Apollo.)
Pholus: (Explodes whatever it touches) ; (XII - Samadhi is the end of married life. Yin and Yang unmarry here. Tao knows neither Yin nor Yang. One quits entangling himself with the world of duty, parents long gone, he quits mundane business and has false mind ("his" ego) as the only devil to face to the end. TrueMind takes over, dissolving the salt doll of "ego" or "foreign instal", daily mind. Events funneled, as if guided by a mysterious hidden god. TrueMind in the movie director's seat. ) ; (For the ending of an old life and the beginning of a new , higher life.) ; (A person with a prominent natal Pholus is in his actions guided by impulses whose motivation he is not really aware of. Actually, he is confronted with energies or parts of his nature that are not incarnated, i.e. that hang over or about him like a cloud (Neptune, the aphelion of Pholus) and urge towards incarnation (Saturn, PholusÄ perihelion) within the material world. In other words: Pholus stands for parts of our nature from which we are still cut off and with which we try to get into contact. The parts in question may be those which cannot be soundly unfolded, or on the other hand a domain where the person intently strives for and with time even reaches great progresses. A combination of Pholus and Mercury, for example, can indicate highest precision and almost magic power of a personÄs mercurial abilities, or on the contrary legastheny and dyscalculia.Pholic impulses are blind in a sense. They press on being realized even if they do not "know", what could be their appropriate place in the actual order of life. On the contrary, they are in conflict with the established conditions. The person in question may feel impelled to actions, motions or gestures that give rise to disastrous life situations. So, Pholus finds himself in a strain between self-destruction and enlargement of his own character by additional energies or horizons of experience. The pholic person walks on the narrow path of great and seemingly easy success, with the risk of catastrophic slips. Whatever happens, afterwarts the person is altered. He has broken with his past, has stripped off an old skin (Greek pholis means "squama" or "skin"), has got over a rocky edge and unexpectedly attained a wonderful tableland, or else is stumbled over it into a precipice.Instead of blindness, Pholus sometimes gives visionary power. In the myth he is a haruspex, i.e. he reads from the entrails of offered animals. People with Pholus at the IC are often very inspired, sometimes spiritual channels or fortune-tellers or work with the pendulum. But in the myths, the seer is often blind. It is not easy to dream the future and, at the same time, actually realize the present circumstances.) ; (For the ending of an old life and the beginning of a new , higher life.) 
KEYNOTE: Inner rebirth through a total acceptance of the primordial values manifest in the human body and its natural functions.
Even as this symbol was formulated in the clairvoyant's mind, a few individuals belonging to the American intelligentsia were trying to find in their absorption into the culture of the Indian pueblos of the Southwest a solution to their intellectual artificiality and personal emotional emptiness. Fifty years later this process has gained great momentum, especially among the disenchanted youth of our affluent middle class. The soul — or in Jungian terms, the "anima"— is leading the sophisticated and colorless (white!) intellect to a level of consciousness at which man can again operate in tune with the vast process of the biosphere and recover the simplicity and the inner peace which city life and business deny.
At this third stage of the twenty-fourth five-fold sequence the situations presented in the two preceding symbols can be seen combined and projected into a possibility of dramatic transformation. What is shown here is an emotional and warm commitment to the RETURN TO NATURE which today appeals so strongly to the new generation, but which Jean Jacques Rousseau, many great Romanticists and Gauguin long ago advocated and exemplified.
~ Nemesis conjunct Apollo - 27 Cancer ~
Nemesis: - (The Undoing, the Achilles Heel, seeking to place BLAME; “scapegoating;” finger-pointing; identification of “the enemy,” fault, or source of a problem.) ; ( enemy, downfall, revenge.) ; (Goddess of divine retribution and making sure the balance between gratitude and excess was rightfully observed by humanity. This Goddess is often misinterpreted as evil or negative, when she was really neither. Nemesis was a necessary component to human existence. When she saw one who had too much and cared not to be grateful, she delivered a slap down. If she found another to be boastful or trying to compete with the God's, she did not hesitate to remind them of where they got everything they ever had- the God's. Nemesis was really just the Goddess of what you rightfully had coming. You had to really DO SOMETHING to awaken this goddess into action, she was not arbitrary or random in her reactions as Zeus could be. She only delivered what was specifically called for. She was also known as Adrasteia, which means "the inescapable". She was difficult karma personified. Humans came to fear and avoid her as they associated her with negativity. Really, it was the self judgements that she visited upon the people. She simply gave what was deserved, she never added or was mistaken in her measure. It was nothing personal. Likewise, Nemesis in the birth chart shows where we are deserving of an attitude adjustment. It is a place of getting stuck or where we can bring negative karma to bear due to our own hubris or attitude. Often, aspects to this asteroid can indicate where we don't realize we are arrogant or pushy.) ; 
Apollo :  (By house it seems to denote a place where you feel that it is your right to expect your own way, and often where you take for granted some particular personal rights you have always respected.) ; (fixation, intensity, crisis-mastery, exaltation, commitment, challenge) ;  (The liabilities--especially with conjunctions--are tunnel vision, blind spots, irrational awe, imbalance, obsession.) ; (Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto. His twin sister is Artemis. He is the god of music, playing a golden lyre. The Archer, far shooting with a silver bow. The god of healing who taught man medicine. The god of light. The god of truth, who can not speak a lie.) ; (He is famous for his oracle at Delphi. People traveled to it from all over the greek world to devine the future.) ; (His tree was the laurel. The crow his bird. The dolphin his animal.) ; (If a native has Apollo in a prominent place, he will be thought of very highly by others. He will have a unique charisma.) ; (one the premier heavenly bodies for identifying intelligence. Apollo was the Sun God, the light bringer, God of prophesy, the keeper of knowledge and a symbol of consciousness. This God is most often depicted naked, perfect and proud. Apollo was the quintessential ladies man, charming all that met him. This God did not have to try , the others just loved him for being his own strong, magical self. Apollo was gifted in the knowledge of healing and science, as at the root these two things are the same. He brought light, which is synonymous with knowledge and was a great teacher. Truth was a deep element of Apollo's personality. Light dispels darkness and reveals everything. Apollo had the brightest light of all. A bit selfish, Apollo was pretty much about himself, and lacked the empathy present in other Gods. Leadership was most important to this man and he erred on the side of logic, if at all. Apollo did not mind worship and had a decidedly conceited attitude. This dude knew who he was and what he could do. He was all ego. Where Apollo resides in a birth chart will show where high intelligence lies and how we apply logic and reason. Where we can find our talent great enough to inspire others is seen by the asteroid Apollo. How we can lead others and be loved for it is all a facet of Apollo. Destiny formed from conscious effort, application of intelligence, where our past experience can inspire the masses, this is all seen by the placement of Apollo. Truth and how we can communicate it and how we need to live by it is pointed to by this asteroid. How intuition is applied with critical thinking to arrive at conclusions. Scientific aptitude. Truthful self expression is also asked for by Apollo. Another interesting angle to this asteroid is it's influence on beauty and attraction. Apollo conjunct or close to the ascendant can bestow magnificent beauty. The ascendant in aspect to Apollo can show beautiful physical form and many models and actresses have it on the ascendant, in aspect to the ascendant ruler or on the midheaven or in aspect to Venus or the Sun. Negatives that come with this asteroid are centered around selfishness. Where we are in danger of conceit, how we can desire through selfish means to become powerful, where you expect to get your own way are all shown by the placement and aspects to Apollo.)
KEYNOTE: A confrontation with a social upheaval demanding the reconsideration of static values.
The deeper implications of the scene depicted in the symbol are that the socio-cultural elite can always see its position and security challenged by forces beyond its control, even if it may be successful in protecting itself from destruction. The individual may not be able to depend on the standards and values he has acquired through education and through a relatively sheltered and rich life. He has to rise to the occasion, and perhaps to undergo an inner metamorphosis as a result of the crisis he has been able to accept as a personal challenge.
The contrast between the two first phases of this twenty-fourth sequence is evident: peace in luxury and intellectual development in terms of collective cultural values (reading books), then the challenge to meet a crisis situation produced by uncontrollable karmic forcesthat could lead to a successful CATHARSIS.
~ Osiris conjunct Lilith - 21 Cancer ~
Osiris: - ( Keywords: growth and strengthening through trial and tribulation, twin flame of ISIS. Positive: transformation, overcoming, immortality. Neutral: where one is cut down and torn to pieces so that one can be reborn) ; (acts as an indicator of death, by which we mean “change and transformation.” It can be a literal death, or a symbolic one, any major disruption or change in circumstance, status or condition. There is also an accent on death-and-rebirth, renewal, and revivification or resuscitation.) ; (becoming, fertility, regeneration, individuation, destruction, death, and rebirth.) ; ( wounded by consensus societal conditioning, and where you have a need for self-exploration, self-transformation, and regeneration.) 
Lillith: - (Triangulation; competing; selection & rejection; decisions (regarding angle or aspects  divided loyalties; favouritism; gender stereotypes; use of sex or rejection for dominance.) ; (Keywords: Issues of equality in relationships, psychological issues of suppressed rage, demonized aspects of feminine. Positive: reclaiming inner dark goddess, taboos, raw passion, embodied sexuality, healthy/whole person. Negative: resentment, self-exile, rejection, sexual manipulation. Neutral: crescent moon, the maiden, attitudes towards infidelity.) ; 
KEYNOTE: The emotional reward accompanying cultural excellence.
If anything represents the type of response that a well-developed society gives to the individual who successfully pours their energy into the skillful externalization of the great images of its culture, it is the opera. The operatic prima donna is not merely a lonely performer, like the piano virtuoso (Gemini 13°); he or she is the star in a collective effort. The opera is not only music, but a story, a mythos, which embodies some of the most basic images and emotions characterizing the culture that gave it birth. Euro-American  culture  is  indeed extolled — or  condemned — by its operas and their lurid and tragic passions. It is interesting to compare the opera with the equivalent type of social performances and their topics in India, Java or Tibet.
At this first stage of the twenty-third five-fold sequence of cyclic phases we find the drive toward individualization by means of concrete forms of cultural activity glorified in social and financial success. In its deepest sense the symbol refers to THE PRICE OF SUCCESS — for the individual, as well for as the collectivity acclaiming him or her. What is success really worth? A question few people ask.
~ Nemesis conjunct Pholus - 27 Cancer ~
Nemesis: - (The Undoing, the Achilles Heel, seeking to place BLAME; “scapegoating;” finger-pointing; identification of “the enemy,” fault, or source of a problem.) ; ( enemy, downfall, revenge.) ; (Goddess of divine retribution and making sure the balance between gratitude and excess was rightfully observed by humanity. This Goddess is often misinterpreted as evil or negative, when she was really neither. Nemesis was a necessary component to human existence. When she saw one who had too much and cared not to be grateful, she delivered a slap down. If she found another to be boastful or trying to compete with the God's, she did not hesitate to remind them of where they got everything they ever had- the God's. Nemesis was really just the Goddess of what you rightfully had coming. You had to really DO SOMETHING to awaken this goddess into action, she was not arbitrary or random in her reactions as Zeus could be. She only delivered what was specifically called for. She was also known as Adrasteia, which means "the inescapable". She was difficult karma personified. Humans came to fear and avoid her as they associated her with negativity. Really, it was the self judgements that she visited upon the people. She simply gave what was deserved, she never added or was mistaken in her measure. It was nothing personal. Likewise, Nemesis in the birth chart shows where we are deserving of an attitude adjustment. It is a place of getting stuck or where we can bring negative karma to bear due to our own hubris or attitude. Often, aspects to this asteroid can indicate where we don't realize we are arrogant or pushy.) ;
Pholus: (Explodes whatever it touches) ; (XII - Samadhi is the end of married life. Yin and Yang unmarry here. Tao knows neither Yin nor Yang. One quits entangling himself with the world of duty, parents long gone, he quits mundane business and has false mind ("his" ego) as the only devil to face to the end. TrueMind takes over, dissolving the salt doll of "ego" or "foreign instal", daily mind. Events funneled, as if guided by a mysterious hidden god. TrueMind in the movie director's seat. ) ; (For the ending of an old life and the beginning of a new , higher life.) ; (A person with a prominent natal Pholus is in his actions guided by impulses whose motivation he is not really aware of. Actually, he is confronted with energies or parts of his nature that are not incarnated, i.e. that hang over or about him like a cloud (Neptune, the aphelion of Pholus) and urge towards incarnation (Saturn, PholusÄ perihelion) within the material world. In other words: Pholus stands for parts of our nature from which we are still cut off and with which we try to get into contact. The parts in question may be those which cannot be soundly unfolded, or on the other hand a domain where the person intently strives for and with time even reaches great progresses. A combination of Pholus and Mercury, for example, can indicate highest precision and almost magic power of a personÄs mercurial abilities, or on the contrary legastheny and dyscalculia.Pholic impulses are blind in a sense. They press on being realized even if they do not "know", what could be their appropriate place in the actual order of life. On the contrary, they are in conflict with the established conditions. The person in question may feel impelled to actions, motions or gestures that give rise to disastrous life situations. So, Pholus finds himself in a strain between self-destruction and enlargement of his own character by additional energies or horizons of experience. The pholic person walks on the narrow path of great and seemingly easy success, with the risk of catastrophic slips. Whatever happens, afterwarts the person is altered. He has broken with his past, has stripped off an old skin (Greek pholis means "squama" or "skin"), has got over a rocky edge and unexpectedly attained a wonderful tableland, or else is stumbled over it into a precipice.Instead of blindness, Pholus sometimes gives visionary power. In the myth he is a haruspex, i.e. he reads from the entrails of offered animals. People with Pholus at the IC are often very inspired, sometimes spiritual channels or fortune-tellers or work with the pendulum. But in the myths, the seer is often blind. It is not easy to dream the future and, at the same time, actually realize the present circumstances.) ; (For the ending of an old life and the beginning of a new , higher life.) 
KEYNOTE: A confrontation with a social upheaval demanding the reconsideration of static values.
The deeper implications of the scene depicted in the symbol are that the socio-cultural elite can always see its position and security challenged by forces beyond its control, even if it may be successful in protecting itself from destruction. The individual may not be able to depend on the standards and values he has acquired through education and through a relatively sheltered and rich life. He has to rise to the occasion, and perhaps to undergo an inner metamorphosis as a result of the crisis he has been able to accept as a personal challenge.The contrast between the two first phases of this twenty-fourth sequence is evident: peace in luxury and intellectual development in terms of collective cultural values (reading books), then the challenge to meet a crisis situation produced by uncontrollable karmic forcesthat could lead to a successful CATHARSIS.
~ Lachesis conjunct Praamzius - 12 Cancer ~
Lachesis - (A very helpful Essence for those who like to play the lotteries or other games of chance. Increases one's luck by clarifying where one can expect to be lucky , focusing on those areas.) ; [Intervention, assessment mid-way into a sequence, what “interrupts” an evolving sequence from going as one would have expected (from the way it began or is underway.)] ; (Keywords: 1 of 3 fates in greek mythology, assigns a life span and destiny. Positive: destiny. Negative: intervention, what interrupts an involving sequence, interruptions.) ; 
Praamzius: - (first object to receive a name from Lithuanian lore, the god of time, sky, peace and friendship. Positive: eccentric, solution-oriented, strong sense of time and fate, comfortable with leadership and issuing directives, timeliness, good friend. Negative: arrogant, eccentric to the point of social dysfunction, disregard for spiritual function and meaning, feeling of no escape or doom, disposed to tardiness. Mundane: negotiations, treaties, humanitarian efforts and organizations, flood control, water regulation (concern of pollution and poisoning), time, things carved in stone (literally and figuratively), weather patterns, sense of past, present and future, friends. Ceremonial: grounding ceremonies following celestial travels, casting wishes, affirmations to wind and or water, sky viewing, floating in water while contemplating the heavens.) ; 
~ Bacchus conjunct Itokawa  - 18 Pisces ~
Bacchus : - (making negative conditions better’ Addiction; attempts to manage feelings; contact with orchards; excess; intoxication; people and situations through substitution or avoidance; pine and fir trees; vineyards. Words; cooperation, prevention, perfection. Negatively its negligent.) ; 
Itokawa: - (defeat, beginning of a bad experience, milestone, discovery?) ; (Thread River [sp?]) 
KEYNOTE: The collective appeal of a well-staged and exciting display of skill and/or oratory.
At first, Marc Jones interpreted the "gigantic tent" as the locale for a revivalist's meeting; later he suggested a circus tent instead. In a sense, the basic meaning is the same whether it is the traditional performance of skilled clowns, acrobats or animal trainers, or that of a religious fundamentalist dramatizing an old religious imagery, what takes place is the use of personal achievement and conviction to bring a crowd to a state of enthusiasm sufficient to make it forget its boredom with everyday routine or its familiar sins of commission or omission. At this third stage of the seventieth five-fold sequence, the individual person and the collectivity are brought together in a significant performance which subtly strengthens the communal spirit directly or indirectly.  The implication of the symbol, whenever it is found operating, is that the time has come for the individual to dare to present himself and his works to his community for applause, or for the purpose of attracting a following. What is suggested is PUBLIC SELF-DRAMATIZATION.
~ Moon conjunct Niobe - 2 Leo ~
Niobe: - (Humbling lessons through excess pride in one's children, fertility, virility or creativity (including creative products).
Moon conjunct Asclepius - 2 Leo
~ Jupiter conjunct Psyche  - 4 Virgo ~
Psyche: - ( Psyche is the Greek word for soul, and Psyche is the place in your chart that can detail for you where you can find your entrance into your self. Psyche also represents psychology and is involved with the discipline of the study of the mind. Psyche encompasses the soul, the mind, and the self.) ; (Psyche's story is in essence every woman's story. Psyche's tale begins when she is in early womanhood, and brings her to an uncharted place, where she is not sure of anyone or anything. She is then forced to deal with the world, and surmount many difficult obstacles before she, the embodiment of the soul and mind, is able to merge with her other half, her animus, or her male lover. Once she achieves that goal, she achieves a true integration of her self, becomes a goddess, and achieves immortality.) ; (Psyche can tell us a lot about ourselves and our own journey, but it may take us some time and thought before we become aware of what Psyche symbolically wants to say to us. Delving into our innermost depths can take some time, and reflection) ; (Psyche conjunct Jupiter makes a good administrator, businessman, philosopher, teacher of spiritual pursuits and knowledgeable about languages and their origin.) ; 
KEYNOTE: The overcoming of socio-cultural prejudices.
Freedom from all the forms, biases and idiosyncrasies of the particular culture and class in which one has been born and educated is a sine qua non of the consciousness truly "on the Path." The ideal of universal brotherhood underlies all great spiritual teachings, for they all are like branches of the One Tree, Man, in his divine state. This does not mean there are no racial differences, but rather that these differences have a functional value in terms of the whole organism of Man — and of the planet Earth. At this fourth stage the basic technique which applies to all truly spiritual progress is clearly stated. Every human being should be seen, approached and warmly met as a "child of God," or in less religious terms as an exemplar of Man. Such a status gives to every social and interpersonal group the character of a BROTHERHOOD.
~ Saturn conjunct Hybris  - 18 Aquarius ~
Hybris - (Keywords: behaviors that challenge the 'gods' (authorities). Negative: excessive pride, arrogance, foolishness that leads to downfall, over-confidence.) ; (Expectation, glass-ceilings, future expected, their lot in life; expectation of others; what others, parents, you see as “your fate;” conditioned limitations.) ; 
KEYNOTE: The difficulty for the modern individual to keep secret his private past or his deeper motives.
This symbol logically follows the two preceding ones. Today, struggle between the power of society and the rights of the individual leads in the end to the defeat of the latter. The media and innumerable governmental agencies are nearly always able to find access to remains or records of past actions; modern psychologists and psychiatrists are increasingly adept at penetrating the deepest secrets of a life through "analysis" and all kinds of more or less allowed techniques involving drugs and the subconscious reactions of muscles and nerves. The individual whose activities have to remain unrecognized is engaged in a constant struggle; he needs the help of higher Powers as well as of the protective agencies he may have placed at his service. This is the third stage in the sixty-fourth five-fold sequence of archetypal images of the cyclic process. It refers to the UNMASKING of hidden motives and personal secrets. It may refer to the publicizing of past behavior.
Pluto-Charon conjunct Varda  - 21 Scorpio
Pluto-Charon conjunct Cupido - 21 Scorpio
Cupido - (Redefining partnerships such as marriage. helps to create a sense of harmony when working in large groups or organizations. Also excellent for reestablishing family relationships that have been fractured.) ; 
Haumea conjunct Huya  - 28 Virgo
Haumea: - (connects with issues of fertility, childbirth and renewal, whenever something new is “born”, and the pangs and pains associated with creativity. Haumea assists in bringing forth what is fresh or new, and facilitates its emergence. She is also an image of self-reliance, autonomy, revitalization and rejuvenation. Prominently placed, she could indicate work with obstetrics, gynecology, fertility/infertility issues or as a midwife.) ; (she will represent ethnic and minority races. The rocky composition of the planet and her myth also indicate a strong association with the Earth element and fundamental matters of creation.As a female creational energy she does signify the re-emergence of the belief in the Creatress and as such, she may well also represent women’s issues and maybe even those of minority groups, such as homosexual men. Haumea has a real resistance to being owned by men or masculine energy, as we can see from the story of the discovery of the planet, when neither man could claim her.There are also associations with evolution and transits to her invoke such things as the discovery of baby dinosaur skeletons. Since in myth she represents childbirth and prevents the necessity of Caesarean birth, she surely signifies such matters and this is supported by the dwarf planet’s obvious production of a whole family.) ; (Haumea is named after the Hawaiian creatrix goddess of fertility. Her many chidren sprang from different parts of her body (including her brain). The planet has 8 moons which correspond to her 8 children which are represented by the 8 Hawaiian islands Haumea birthed from various points on her body. Haumea herself takes many different forms and has experienced many different rebirths. Her name means “sacred birth”. In astrology, Haumea represents the ability to give birth in a special way – in essence - the ability to produce a pure, clear, fresh , new state of consciousness; and the ability to birth soul awareness of an unadulterated nature. The purity element is derived from the fact that Haumea is made up of smooth pure rock and pure ice – unadulterated, fundamental elements in a rapidly spinning state of equilibrium. The “birthing” aspect is derived not only from Haumea herself, but also due to the egg-shape of the planet. Haumea is also associated with the incarnation of souls over many lifetimes and through this, represents the continuance of the soul as well as the ability to maintain awareness of one’s soul nature from lifetime to lifetime. Haumea teaches a wholistic view of life – integrating biological and ecological awareness with the sacredness of life and an attunement to embracing our sojourn on earth with the awareness of being an evolving soul. In this way she represents a re-birth in consciousness for humanity, which supports greater spiritual awareness about the fundamental primordial forces of life. Heumea supports action to reorient the world’s militaristic and destructive use of power and resources into a nurturing force that protects life, home and family and aids humanity’s emergence into a spiritually and primordial aware state of being. It symbolizes a new world view, particularly in relation to spiritual and religious beliefs. At a personal level, Haumea inspires the application of our personal attributes and resources for the same principles. She is a focus point through which we connect wit the Mother Focus in the Divine energy, the point where spiritual birth or rebirth can be accessed and experienced, bringing greater spiritual awareness and attunement. She opens doors within us. Where Haumea is strong you will find :
• Searching for spiritual answers, greater spiritual understanding • Willingness to change religion if the path leads that way • Extraordinary versatility • Insight and quickness, innovation • A sense of the ideal, and worshipping nature as revealing the divine • Fantasy and mythology as a vehicle • A dislike of irony and skepticism • Mystical awareness • Pantheism • Seeking to understand the spirit within/ underlying human beings • Celebration of the divine, the creator • Earnest, vivid nature, alive with spirit. • Nurturer and supporter of genius. • Interest in classical and metaphysical studies. • Having a sense of the unseen, a type of knowing • The Divine mother • Knowing that all religions lead to the same realization of the divine.)
Huya: Egyptian underworld deity, Yaqui and other indigenous lore. Positive - focused, dedicated, attentive. Negative - fretful, worrying and obsessive. Mundane - attention to detail, religious or spiritual ritual - especially of a repetitive nature. Ceremonial - capitulation and clearing ceremonies, offerings to spirits, especially those perceived to oversee the underworld
~ Haumea conjunct Zeus - 28 Virgo ~
Haumea: - (connects with issues of fertility, childbirth and renewal, whenever something new is “born”, and the pangs and pains associated with creativity. Haumea assists in bringing forth what is fresh or new, and facilitates its emergence. She is also an image of self-reliance, autonomy, revitalization and rejuvenation. Prominently placed, she could indicate work with obstetrics, gynecology, fertility/infertility issues or as a midwife.) ; (she will represent ethnic and minority races. The rocky composition of the planet and her myth also indicate a strong association with the Earth element and fundamental matters of creation.As a female creational energy she does signify the re-emergence of the belief in the Creatress and as such, she may well also represent women’s issues and maybe even those of minority groups, such as homosexual men. Haumea has a real resistance to being owned by men or masculine energy, as we can see from the story of the discovery of the planet, when neither man could claim her.There are also associations with evolution and transits to her invoke such things as the discovery of baby dinosaur skeletons. Since in myth she represents childbirth and prevents the necessity of Caesarean birth, she surely signifies such matters and this is supported by the dwarf planet’s obvious production of a whole family.) ; (Haumea is named after the Hawaiian creatrix goddess of fertility. Her many chidren sprang from different parts of her body (including her brain). The planet has 8 moons which correspond to her 8 children which are represented by the 8 Hawaiian islands Haumea birthed from various points on her body. Haumea herself takes many different forms and has experienced many different rebirths. Her name means “sacred birth”. In astrology, Haumea represents the ability to give birth in a special way – in essence - the ability to produce a pure, clear, fresh , new state of consciousness; and the ability to birth soul awareness of an unadulterated nature. The purity element is derived from the fact that Haumea is made up of smooth pure rock and pure ice – unadulterated, fundamental elements in a rapidly spinning state of equilibrium. The “birthing” aspect is derived not only from Haumea herself, but also due to the egg-shape of the planet. Haumea is also associated with the incarnation of souls over many lifetimes and through this, represents the continuance of the soul as well as the ability to maintain awareness of one’s soul nature from lifetime to lifetime. Haumea teaches a wholistic view of life – integrating biological and ecological awareness with the sacredness of life and an attunement to embracing our sojourn on earth with the awareness of being an evolving soul. In this way she represents a re-birth in consciousness for humanity, which supports greater spiritual awareness about the fundamental primordial forces of life. Heumea supports action to reorient the world’s militaristic and destructive use of power and resources into a nurturing force that protects life, home and family and aids humanity’s emergence into a spiritually and primordial aware state of being. It symbolizes a new world view, particularly in relation to spiritual and religious beliefs. At a personal level, Haumea inspires the application of our personal attributes and resources for the same principles. She is a focus point through which we connect wit the Mother Focus in the Divine energy, the point where spiritual birth or rebirth can be accessed and experienced, bringing greater spiritual awareness and attunement. She opens doors within us. Where Haumea is strong you will find :
• Searching for spiritual answers, greater spiritual understanding • Willingness to change religion if the path leads that way • Extraordinary versatility • Insight and quickness, innovation • A sense of the ideal, and worshipping nature as revealing the divine • Fantasy and mythology as a vehicle • A dislike of irony and skepticism • Mystical awareness • Pantheism • Seeking to understand the spirit within/ underlying human beings • Celebration of the divine, the creator • Earnest, vivid nature, alive with spirit. • Nurturer and supporter of genius. • Interest in classical and metaphysical studies. • Having a sense of the unseen, a type of knowing • The Divine mother • Knowing that all religions lead to the same realization of the divine.)
Zeus - (Excellent for learning to channel one's anger into positive expressions. Becoming a voice of principle without becoming dogmatic or holier than thou. Getting in touch with one's inner truth. An excellent Essence for speakers, lecturers, etc.) ; (Controlled, directed energy. Machines; creativity; leadership. All things military. Combustion engines. Compulsion. Drive ... Zeus is like a loaded gun that is aimed. Even the glyph looks like a rocket. It signifies well planned efforts.Relates to learning to channel one's anger into positive expressions. Becoming a voice of principle without becoming dogmatic or holier than thou. Getting in touch with one's inner truth. Relates to speakers, lecturers, etc.) ; 
KEYNOTE: The sheer power of personality in times that call for decision.
Whether at the religious or at the socio-political and culturallevel there comes a time when obsolescent patterns of order and cultural refinement have to be radically and relentlessly challenged. Catabolic personages emerge to seize power and dictate decisions that alter the structures of society; or within an individual life, an intense urge for cathartic changes mobilizes the will, and traumatic decisions are made. At such times, the issue has to be met and, ruthless as the power may appear, it must be accepted.
At this third stage of the thirty-sixth sequence we face the un-postponable necessity for decision and transformation. Existence is motion. No static formation, however beautiful and inspiring, can remain long unchallenged. Everything bows to THE POWER OF THE WILL— divine, executively human, or Satanic.
~ Gal. Center conjunct Astraea - 26 Sagittarius ~
Galactic Center - (Wholeness within one's self. Uniting with higher vibrational beings for a common cause.) ; (Keywords: center of the milky way, transmitter of divine consciousness, sensitive point, ESP. Positive: emitting wisdom, a stream of galatic conciousness, new paradigm thinking, personal freedom and truth, sensitive to sound, color and vibration, brilliant insight, craves implementation. Negative: release of trauma, emotional wounds, blackhole, dilemmas and choicees involving dichotomy of 'heaven and earth', let go of what is in way for a new path. Neutral: source of energetic particles, the subconcious mind, 'uranus/neptune vibe', energy vortex, infrared)
Astraea: - (the group learning by experience’ an inability to read beginnings and endings or to “let go” of things; staying to “the end” bitter end ; believing that “its not finished yet” even if it already is; blocked closure; people or events; the witnessing of events. Thoughtless interference.) ; (Astraea is named for the goddess of justice, symbolized by the balanced scales. She was last of the Immortals to withdraw from Earth and was turned into the constellation of Virgo. The asteroid seems to be a symbol of integration and wholeness, whether in ideal state or the fragmentation that requires a restoration to the ideal. There is something sublime about Astraea’s idealism, which seems to relate to Divine Order. Unsurprisingly, it does not always sit comfortably in the ‘real’ world – just as true balance is hard to achieve and maintain. Astraea brings things together, and also breaks them apart. It gives intellectual acumen (like Pallas) and practical problem-solving skills. There is a great intensity to Astraea, and it can manifest in a deeply concentrated way, both in personal terms and more mundanely, such as the concentration of energy involved in splitting atoms apart. Astraea’s intensity sometimes means that it shows up as an obsessive streak, and a tendency to wait around too long for something to finish, or a willingness to put up with other people past a point of reasonable tolerance. Another important point is that Astraea seems to relate to the realm of the very small – in material terms, to the cellular, atomic and sub-atomic planes, and to all the quanta of information that the mind processes in order to understand the wholeness of concepts and ideas, and various kinds of relationships.) ; (Staying until the bitter end. While this may show someone with perseverance, the asteroid Astraea more often indicates someone who stays in a bad job/relationship/friendship far too long or doesn’t know when to let go.)
KEYNOTE: The nobly accepted subservience of the individual to collective values and goals.
A flag symbolizes an organized collectivity of human beings, a nation or even a social class. In the old-fashioned type of battle, whoever carries the flag has to feel himself the representative of the integrity and unity of his group. His personal life and his welfare should therefore be totally submerged in and identified with the welfare of the "greater Whole" of which every person can act as a conscious and responsible agent for mankind. In substance, the symbol asks: "Are you ready to assume this role!"
This first stage of the fifty-fourth five-fold sequence presents a picture of what social consciousness can mean in its highest implications. The flag-bearer is unarmed, defensless; yet he can be the rallying point for the total effort of a large collectivity. This is a symbol of CONSECRATION TO AN IDEAL.
True Node conjunct Photographica  - ???
Photographica - (Photographs, visuals, visions, and imagery of all kinds) ; (While useful for showing the importance of photography and visual images, Photographic also relates to the brain’s ability to retain and interpret visual imagery.) ; 
~ mean Apogee conjunct Hera - 11 Aquarius ~
Hera: - (Events through partners & partnership; Issues of “rights” between people; jealousy; relationship dynamic and parental model; maintaining fairness in dealing with others.) ; 
mean Apogee conjunct Aphrodite - 11 Aquarius
~ Chiron conjunct Amycus - 4 Leo ~
Chiron - (Powerful healing energy, overcoming disabilities and set backs. Developing great compassion for self and others. Seeking knowledge and truth, wisdom and teachings. Excellent Essence for those dedicated to the healing fields.) ; (Chiron: The wounded healer who possesses insight, wisdom and grace. Orbital Period: 50.27 yr.Positive - healing, just, wise, fair, insightful, knowledgeable, skilled in arts, medicine, healing, philosophy, focused, positively full of one’s self, sense of soul’s purposeNegative - opinionated, teaching others the lessons needed by oneself, wounding, corrupt, illicit, irritating demeanor, clinging, feeling homely or unwanted, estranged from parentsMundane - healing of all types from allopathic medicine and surgery to chiropractic and all forms of homeopathy and naturopathy, soul retrieval, justice, mentoring programs, cave exploration, illegitimate offspring, archeryCeremonial - soul retrieval, any natural healing modality, chiropractors, retreats - especially in caves, ceremonial chambers or kivas, making a talking stick or ceremonial arrow.)
Amycus: - [The longer period of this centaur seeks longevity and notoriety. Positive - intuitive, questioning, insightful, progressive, determined, reliable. Negative - doubtful, skeptical, withdrawn, often late, unreliable, lacking resolve, insecure. Mundane - doctrines and policies designed to produce a result (policy manuals, creeds), any mechanical device that enables a shift in energy, for instance a clutch for shifting gears, monuments, commandments (as in carved in stone), pictographs and petroglyphs. Ceremonial - stretching, yogas that shift fixed structures, chiropractic sessions, watching storms as a mediation, drumming, descent into the underworld (use of caves or kivas)] ; 
Nessus conjunct Rhiphonos - ???
Nessus: - Ferryman at the River Evenus. Positive - generous, benevolent, compassionate, willing to lend a helping hand, cooperative, respectful of boundaries, aware of the power of life force energy, healthy use of sexual energy. Negative - coveting, possessive, jealous, vengeful, manipulative, resorting to negative alchemy for personal gain, negative use of sexual energy. Mundane - bad blood between parties, feuds over money especially regarding relationship dissolution, diseases transmitted by blood, transport ferries over water, potions, tonics and elixirs designed to cast spells, therapy specifically designed for healing sexual or monetary issues. Ceremonial - prosperity ceremonies, sexual healing rituals, ceremonies involving Earth fertility.) ; 
Rhiphonos: - A protector of Dionysis, sprite turned into centaur by Hera. Positive - self affirming, confident, self reliant, always willing to lend a hand, shoulder the load. Negative - afraid of one’s shadow, what’s under the bed, boogymen, selfish and unhelpful, lack of cooperation. Mundane - designated drivers, perimeters, boundaries, security protection, exercise. Ceremonial - “I Am” exercises, affirmation ceremonies, displays of spiritual prowess activities
Asbolus conjunct Rhadamanthus  - 20 Virgo
Asbolus: - (An intuitive Auger. Positive - intrepid, courageous, leading the charge, motivated to reach the top, intuitive, wise, common sense insightful, solid advice. Negative - lack of sensibility, blind action, failing to follow instincts, intuitions, omens or sensors, easily intoxicated, unable to receive advice from self or others. Mundane - common sense, intuitive forces, mountain climbing - specifically in the face of obvious danger, risk taking especially under the influence, abstract logic, extreme sense of smell, Ceremonial - meditation, visualization of tasks before setting to action, climbing to reclaim a sense of nature.) ; 
Rhadamanthus: - (A member of a tribunal of judges that judged the merits of mortals and souls. Positive - sanctions second chances, latitude giving, open minded, fair, non-judgmental, seeing the larger picture. Negative - critical, judgmental and damning, feels persecuted and persecutes. Mundane - judges, courts, karmic penalties, justice. Ceremonial - release ceremony to cut cords with a judgmental past.) ; 
Asbolus conjunct Siva  - 20 Virgo
Asbolus: - (An intuitive Auger. Positive - intrepid, courageous, leading the charge, motivated to reach the top, intuitive, wise, common sense insightful, solid advice. Negative - lack of sensibility, blind action, failing to follow instincts, intuitions, omens or sensors, easily intoxicated, unable to receive advice from self or others. Mundane - common sense, intuitive forces, mountain climbing - specifically in the face of obvious danger, risk taking especially under the influence, abstract logic, extreme sense of smell, Ceremonial - meditation, visualization of tasks before setting to action, climbing to reclaim a sense of nature.) ; 
Elatus conjunct Pelion - ???
Pelion: - (Self-confidence for effort and the climb to accomplishment in life. Sacred Space, professional status, gratitude and sense of destiny. Positive - driven by dharma, balanced ego in professional status, giving, nurturing and sharing with co-workers with an extraordinary generosity. Negative - Demanding, infantile in work relationships, flaunts social status as a result of accomplishments, showcases with past laurels. Mundane - job recognition, awards and accolades, merits, medals and certificates. Ceremonial - rites of passage, passing of baton, graduation ceremonies into higher spiritual orders.) ; 
Thereus conjunct Apollon - 14 Libra
APOLLON - (The multiplier: expansion and spreading; growth and increase. Science, commerce, trade, industry, peaceful efforts … The glyph is a combination of Jupiter and Gemini, and Apollon is truly a Super-Duper-Jupiter. Apollon advances 0°37’ per year, so it takes 576 years to go around the Sun.) ;(Abundance, prosperity, fertility, expansion are just some of the infinitesimal meanings associated with Apollon. In his domain you will never go without, for the possibilities are endless. Apollon represents the Law of Attraction and creative manifestation. What you give you will get in return. This is the place in the consciousness where we go to wish, dream big, and reap the harvests of the seeds planted with Divine Love and hope. What we plant in this garden will manifest in its own Divine timing that serves your highest good. In Apollon you can play out the potential situations you seek guidance for and make the best decision from your experiences in the other worlds. Because Apollon is so expansive through the present/conscious planes, we are able to call upon this energy to allow us to see the fruits of our labor and supersede the mundane.) ; (Wealth, abundance, manifestation, creative visualization, fertility. Apollon is the driving force toward success. While Zeus is the passion or motivation to accomplish a task, Apollon sets its sights on fame and fortune, then does everything possible to attain it-similar to a Super-Sagittarius, but without all the ego attached. Apollon in the natal chart is where we are most capable of amassing money and expanding our brand, but is a direct result of how we maximized our potential in the past.) ;
Thereus conjunct Eurydike - 16 Libra
Thereus: - Relational and professional attitudes based upon others. I am what I am in this relationship because of my career status or the ornamentation of this relationship. Positive - Balance between relationship and work, money and sexuality. Negative - Object oriented, status seeking, mercenary in work ethics, stunned by glamour and beauty of partner. Mundane - resumes, bios, promotional photos that project an image, any status object whether relational or professional.Ceremonial - tandem energy exercises, hiking for spiritual purpose with a partner, sitting in audience with an enlightened person.) ; 
Okyrhoe conjunct Bienor - 7 Aquarius
Rhadamanthus conjunct Siva  - 20 Virgo
Rhadamanthus: - (A member of a tribunal of judges that judged the merits of mortals and souls. Positive - sanctions second chances, latitude giving, open minded, fair, non-judgmental, seeing the larger picture. Negative - critical, judgmental and damning, feels persecuted and persecutes. Mundane - judges, courts, karmic penalties, justice. Ceremonial - release ceremony to cut cords with a judgmental past.) ;
~ Quaoar conjunct Achilles  - 27 Scorpio ~
Quaoar: (Native American deity of creation. The first object in space to bear a Native American name (not counting Hopi and Navajo, which refer to tribes). Positive - creative, inspiring, possibility oriented, uplifts sagging emotion, strong sense of self. Negative - doom saying, prophet of Armageddon, controls others with fear. Mundane - birds, frogs, bears, songs and dances of cultural or spiritual origin, harmony, syncopation, rhythm. Ceremonial - singing and dancing praise the Creator, use of animal totems.) ; 
~ Deucalion conjunct Apollon  - 14 Libra ~
APOLLON - (The multiplier: expansion and spreading; growth and increase. Science, commerce, trade, industry, peaceful efforts ... The glyph is a combination of Jupiter and Gemini, and Apollon is truly a Super-Duper-Jupiter. Apollon advances 0°37' per year, so it takes 576 years to go around the Sun.) ;(Abundance, prosperity, fertility, expansion are just some of the infinitesimal meanings associated with Apollon. In his domain you will never go without, for the possibilities are endless. Apollon represents the Law of Attraction and creative manifestation. What you give you will get in return. This is the place in the consciousness where we go to wish, dream big, and reap the harvests of the seeds planted with Divine Love and hope. What we plant in this garden will manifest in its own Divine timing that serves your highest good. In Apollon you can play out the potential situations you seek guidance for and make the best decision from your experiences in the other worlds. Because Apollon is so expansive through the present/conscious planes, we are able to call upon this energy to allow us to see the fruits of our labor and supersede the mundane.) ; (Wealth, abundance, manifestation, creative visualization, fertility. Apollon is the driving force toward success. While Zeus is the passion or motivation to accomplish a task, Apollon sets its sights on fame and fortune, then does everything possible to attain it-similar to a Super-Sagittarius, but without all the ego attached. Apollon in the natal chart is where we are most capable of amassing money and expanding our brand, but is a direct result of how we maximized our potential in the past.)  
Deucalion: (The Greco-Roman Noah, the magic of manifestation. Positive - understanding the flow (tides of life), manifestation ability, magical, resourceful, seeing the talent in everyone. Negative - feeling overwhelmed, not able to tread water (keep up with life), financially irresponsible, feels the burden of humanity. Mundane - monetary ability, extremely imaginative and resourceful, magic. Ceremonial - ceremonies of manifestation, spiritual exercises using images of bounty and harvest, runes, reading bones.) ;
~ Logos conjunct Ceto - 26 Leo ~
Logos: - (The rational way of the Universe, possible precursor to the collective unconscious. Positive: clarity of personal priorities, belief in one’s own destiny, sense of personal urgency, commitment to self-nurturing and cause, sense of one’s connection to all that Is, logical, rational, use of natural order and law to describe and define life. Negative: arrogance, solipsism, use of data and numbers to defeat valid arguments, sense of superiority (possibly based in inferiority). Mundane: thought, reason, data, statistics and their use, rhetoric, belief that humans are superior because of reasoning abilities. Ceremonial: proclamation of affirmation, shamanic rituals of disassembly & reassembly, capitulation ceremonies to find one’s place in All.) ; 
Ceto: - (Aquatic monster symbolizing the fears of the unconscious mind/psyche and the collective unconscious. Positive: potent imagination, adventure oriented, confident, healthy choices of life style. Negative: fearful, sociopathic (telling tales about horrible woes for pity), insecure, weak willed. Mundane: dreams of monsters - especially sea creatures, oceanic anomalies, whales, whale products, dangers of the sea, unknown terrors, bizarre creatures. Ceremonial: rebirthing ceremonies conducted in ocean waters, demonic purging, exorcism.) ; 
~ Borasisi conjunct Hybris  - 16 Aquarius ~
Borasisi: - From Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle, meaning the Sun in Bokonon cosmology. Positive: sense of authority, dominion, mandates, confidence to declare personal power, open-minded, captain-like attitude, quick orders and delegation. Negative: dictatorial or an imperial attitude, the emperor's clothes, distortion of data, cherry-picking facts, opinionated, blind one's own bigotry, solipsism. Mundane: relations with offspring, propaganda, mandates, lobbying, political appointments, crony-ism. Ceremonial: Enacting affirmations, declarations, setting one's rules of soulful communication and cosmic law.
Hybris - (Keywords: behaviors that challenge the 'gods' (authorities). Negative: excessive pride, arrogance, foolishness that leads to downfall, over-confidence.) ; (Expectation, glass-ceilings, future expected, their lot in life; expectation of others; what others, parents, you see as “your fate;” conditioned limitations.) ; 
~ Salacia conjunct ARMC - 29 Aquarius
Salacia - (The unwilling wife of Neptune, proded into marital agreement with the trident. Positive - driven, determined, resourceful, able to work with the unseen, chaste, pure, calm, sensational. Negative - salacious, ostrich-like - hiding to avoid commitment or confrontation, relationship phobic, exaggeration, distortion of facts and visions, projection, hyperbolizing. Mundane - things that take refuge in the sea (submarines?), affiliation with dolphins, seaweed, pearls, hairnets, sea horses, salt water. Ceremonial - water rituals, baptism, water births, rebirthing in water.) ; 
~ Altjira conjunct Sedna 2003 VB12  - 11 Taurus ~
Altjira: (seems to indicate cold, indifferent, withdrawn, distant, non-involved, uncaring, focused on the big picture; oblivious to reality; creation, dreaming, envisioning, imagining, having to do with indigenous and prehistoric tribes and knowledge, making vision reality, operating on a non-material level, the supernatural, spirits or ghosts, psychic phenomena.) ; (The approach to Altjira is the approach to the dream world, the visioning apparatus within us. It involves going through the process of entering that state of awareness and processing and using what is encountered there. There is a tendency to more physically based activities while approaching this point where as after Altjira when you are leaving the the dream world, there is more of a focus on telling other people about it or acting on the basis of the information and awarenesses tapped there. Planets in aspect patterns with Altjira describe what you encounter in the world of visions and dreams, how you deal with it and what impact it has on you.) ; (We know that Altjira is about sifting through our Personal and Karmic history to find Programming that’s not really Us) ; (In Australian Aboriginal mythology, Altjira is the sky god of the Arrernte. He created the Earth, then retired to the sky and remained there. Altjira was the central god of a sacred era called the Dreamtime. The Aboriginal people believe that every person essentially exists eternally in the Dreaming. For unknown reasons, Altjira had emu’s feet. A surreal figure like him might appear in a dream.) ; (Dreams belong to the dominion of Neptune. Altjira has something to do with sleep and dreaming. "Dreaming" is also often used to refer to an individual's or group's set of beliefs or spirituality.) ; ( Altjira has the ability to understand the abstract language of astrology, prophecy and mythology) : ( It was named after the creation deity of the Aranda (Arrente, Arunta, Arranta) Aboriginal people from Australia's Northern Territory. Altijera brought the universe into being by dreaming it...something the Aboriginals term Dreamtime. Then, it is said, he retired to the sky, seemingly indifferent to the earthly plane, leaving further work to be done by the lesser gods who remained behind. His name is connected with their word meaning "to dream". The Aranda believe that there are two kinds of reality. There is the everyday linear, objective activity, and then there is the creative, spiritual Dreamtime, which they believe is more real then waking reality. It is said that Altjira is willing to help anyone tho asks and who is willing to work with the dreamtime.) ; (connected to the psychic or visionary realm)
Sedna : - (represents isolation and inaccessibility; separation; having too high an opinion of oneself; aloofness or haughtiness; a refusal to “grow up” and accept adult responsibility.) ; (Keywords: Victim or victimizer, Gold-digging, betrayal and/or abandonment by the father, alienation, eerie, far out, ethereal, floaty, untouchable, far-sighted intelligence, deluge, delusion, out on-a-limb, limbless, leper, not of this world, worm-that-turned, freezing out, numbing, frigidity, ice maiden, cutting off, dismemberment, skeletons in the closet, deep sea treasure, submarines, sirens, mermaids, vanity, divas, blaming, “something-for-nothing” culture, poor-little-rich girls, bling, greed, bulimia, parasites, scavengers, treason, treachery, betrayal, stabs in the back, commitment-phobes, feeling superior, disappointment, not measuring up, Ivory towers, riches to rags, the gutter, pimps, sluts, drug pushers, sleaze, incest, conservationists, animal activists, bestiality, seafarers, sailors, pushy parents, unreal appearance – either deformed or stunningly beautiful. Disinheritance, losing one’s inheritance, snobbery. False accusations, dirty cash, ill-gotten gains, downfall, reformed character, altruism, philanthropy, sacrificing a part of yourself for the greater good.) ; (Exile, self imposed or forced, suppression of the feminine, refusal or hesitancy to participate in fear of being hurt or from resentment of being hurt; abduction or abandonment issues; judgment of the feminine and fear of commitment; and especially as a struggle to regain confidence in the creative power of the feminine force.) 
KEYNOTE: Development of the powers of the mind on which ego-consciousness is based.
The psycho-mental nature of a human being takes form out of the fulfillment and transcendence of biological functions and drives, much as the bud appears as the sap rises, and bursts forth into bloom. "As the roots, so the flowers" is an old axiom. The consciousness attaches itself to this wondrous efflorescence; it lavishes its attention upon it, its love — alas, usually a possessive kind of love ("This is my garden!"). Thus the ego develops. It may develop in a negative, resentful way if a belated frost destroys the buds. This is the first stage of the ninth sequence of phases, a sequence that basically refers to the overall situation related to the development of the ego. The Keyword here is CULTIVATION.
~ Poseidon conjunct Memoria - 0 Scorpio ~
POSEIDON - (Spirituality, truth, ideation, enlightenment, illumination. Wisdom and culture ... Poseidon has an affinity for Pisces and its glyph looks like a sideways version of Pisces. Be careful drawing the glyph, so it is not mistaken for Neptune. Poseidon is Super-Neptune without a negative side. Poseidon advances only 0°29' per year and takes 720 years to circle the Sun.) ; ( In the highest levels of the consciousness, we begin with Poseidon. This is philosophy, higher knowing, channeling, spirituality, meditation. In Poseidon we begin to see it all. Poseidon is the definition of quantum, the notions of “All” and “everything and nothing at once.” True existentialism. The Crown chakra is associated with Poseidon, which brings a visionary quality to the area. Kronos is mediumship and Poseidon channeling. Once you have entered the super-conscious, anything is possible and the truest capabilities of the healer are unlocked. In Poseidon our spiritual vibrations shift and accelerate in ways that bring us into other worlds and planes of existence, like living in a parallel reality that resembles the physical state. Through this experience in the dream state, it is possible to understand how the worlds merge, collide, and compose the reality that makes up the Infinite Present. Your Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, and other Entities resonate at this frequency of the super-conscious.) ; (Spirituality, education, hyperspace, literature, technology, religion. Poseidon is the final planet in the Uranian system. It represents the galaxies, dimensions, and our authentic connection to the Cosmos. The colors, patterns, and sounds are multi-layered, vivid, infinite. If Poseidon is Opposite Mercury, the Native was a crusader, as this is the making for someone with a close-minded, dogmatic outlook. When aspects are stressful to Poseidon, it shows the unevolved consciousness. Poseidon is like a Super-Neptune, but without all the negative qualities Neptune is so well known for. (Read Ebertin’s A Combination of Stellar Influences and you will see what I mean.) Poseidon is the Native’s outlook, approach, or application of spiritual concepts, which s/he learned in the prior life. Also look at the 12th House for any other clues. The more Poseidon is aspected unfavorably, the more spiritually unevolved the Native.) ; ( Keywords: greek god of sea, good side of neptunian/uranian vibes. Positive: psychic sensitivity, uplifting people/ideas, psychic vibrations, persuasion, intellectual or spiritual influences, deep intuition, heightening ones senses. Neutral: idealogical or moral stances, spread of ideas, inspiration, religion, mediums, clarity, enlightenment, receptivity to the force, reactions to the media; windows, mirrors, refraction of light.) ; 
Memoria: - (an indication of a good (or bad) memory, depending on aspects; a harking back to former circumstance, a reviving of the past; the collective sum of remembered experience which makes us who we are.) ; [your 'old' knowledge; people, places, events, connections of an unknown past (or may be known!)] ; 
KEYNOTE: The fundamental human eagerness to expand one's social horizon and to experience the results of collective achievements and new ways of life.
In this symbol we are dealing with a group-experience of a vast collective achievement, a city. Individuals coming from a variety of places and backgrounds "commune" in new awareness of a greater whole of human existence, an organized whole with its own rhythms of multifarious activity. New feelings and an expansion of consciousness result. What begins in the Libra phase of the cycle is given substantiation during the Scorpio phase. The process of "initiation" into collective values is now reaching the feeling nature.            
This symbol begins the forty-third five-fold sequence. It refers to the first realization of what a larger whole of existence — a more encompassing frame of reference — implies, in very concrete and perhaps startling terms. What is at stake is A WIDENING OF EXPERIENCE.
~ Praamzius conjunct Lachesis - ??? ~
Lachesis: - (it shows the development stage of any situation, period, relationship or adventure) ;
~ Vesta conjunct Sisyphus  - 12 Virgo ~
~ Hygiea conjunct Hades - 10 Gemini ~
Hygiea: - (Health, hygiene, tradition and natural medicine, doctors and healers, disease, illness, toxins, fear of poison, fear of doctors, fear of medical results, hypochondria, hesitation to get checkups, operations, misdiagnosis, drug abuse, diet, worrying about the health of family and friends.) ; (represents our attitude and belief system concerning health and fitness awareness. Hygeia also rules sanitation and the valuable role hygiene and diet play in health maintenance. She often shows up by transit or appears on a major angle when an individual is experiencing a health issue… Hygeian influence is felt among dietitians, physical fitness educators and teachers, dental hygienists, mental health facilitators who embrace the mind/body connection, holistic practitioners, sanitation inspectors, environmentalists, and preservationists who believe keeping the Earth clean and pollution free.) ; (rules the health practices and is integrated into medical astrology, but in her negative side has something to bring in cases of depression & anxiety of a higher level than usual.) ; (Hygeia governs sanitation, hygiene, ecology, preservation, discovery of vaccines, medical and alternative health organizations, fitness and exercise, places of meditation and recovery and all venues that recognize the link between mind, body and spirit. Hygeia is also associated with physical, mental and chemical imbalances.) ;
Hades -  (All that is unpleasant, useless, antique, or deeply buried. The occult ... Hades is misunderstood, because many think only of the negative meanings: dirt, garbage, sewage, sickness, poverty, mistakes, and all things ugly and sinister. There is a positive side that deals with antiquity, depth, and past lives. Hades advances 1°01' per year, so its orbit around the Sun takes a little over 360 years.) ; (Hades is the place where we all start in the soul’s journey. The original delineations of Hades involved disease, secrets, death, lack, poverty, famine, and evil. Many believe this is the Underworld, the source of evil, Satanic or demonic spirits, but this is hardly the case! Hades is easily the most misconceived planet and it is a combination of other planetary energies, involving Saturn (responsibility, discernment), Neptune (addiction, spirituality), and Pluto (destruction, transformation). Hades also represents the collective consciousness, karmic debts, and paying back for whatever does not serve your Highest Good. When we start this “life” thing, at the beginning of the soul cycle, we all begin here and work the evil out of the soul and decide unconsciously to become higher vibration beings. However, it is the overarching realm we enter in the dream state, as this Hades is the keeper of the portal to the other worlds and only shows us what we are ready to know. Unlike Zeus and Vulkanus, Hades is largely unconscious and has very little subconscious energy attached to it, though it still does exist in this domain. Authentic purpose is the theme here.) ; (Personal responsibility, discernment, poverty, consciousness, the dream world portal, deep karma, inner fortitude. A visit to Hades is a nightmare. You are stuck in the vacuum of time and cannot escape until the subconscious sorts through what it needs to. This planet’s outcomes are favorable, but only if you are accountable for your actions and follow instinct. Hades has ten-thousand times the karma of Pluto, used by Evolutionary Astrologers. When Hades appears in the chart, it shows where the Native failed in life and must continue working throughout lifetimes. Chiron works in a similar fashion, but represents the wounded ego, whereas Hades bears no wounds, unless you are paying back for poor choices that do not follow your highest intent. Hades is a primary Focus in the chart, as it is repeated throughout lifetimes. There is a strong need for karmic clearing, energetic release, and cord severing in order to break the cycle.)
~ Niobe conjunct Moon - 2 Leo ~
Niobe: - ( show where you'll be humbled if you let yourself become too proud, boastful, arrogant. Basically, if you're a prick, you'll get kicked.) ; (she wept for the loss of her children, but her pride and boastfulness were the reason for her loss) ; (Grief, sorrows. Niobe loses her entire family.) ; (Astrologically, Niobe represents undue pride in one’s accomplishments, gifts, heritage or fortunes, and the fall from grace which often accompanies this. It can indicate issues with one’s own children, boastfulness, and inordinate self-importance, arrogance or conceit. Often humbling experiences will accrue, granting enhanced perspective or teaching important lessons.) ; (Niobe is viewed mainly as a cautionary tale of Pride gone way too far, like Arachne. She is viewed as the worst possible scenario- Someone who is given much in life, is ungrateful and boastful, and who sees it all taken from her. She is also a foil for Artemis and Apollo, where their bloodlust is revealed- They are, at their core, hunters who will gleefully murder whatever prey their mother sets them to. In that sense they are far more Titan than Olympian. It is important to note that Niobe is part of the bloodline of Tantalus, and can be seen as sort of the end result of the Tantalus process- Once you finally get what you want, how will it change you? Who will you be upon the fulfillment of your desires? And if you were to lose it all, who are you then?) ; 
~ Niobe conjunct Asclepius  - 2 Leo ~
Niobe: - ( show where you'll be humbled if you let yourself become too proud, boastful, arrogant. Basically, if you're a prick, you'll get kicked.) ; (she wept for the loss of her children, but her pride and boastfulness were the reason for her loss) ; (Grief, sorrows. Niobe loses her entire family.) ; (Astrologically, Niobe represents undue pride in one’s accomplishments, gifts, heritage or fortunes, and the fall from grace which often accompanies this. It can indicate issues with one’s own children, boastfulness, and inordinate self-importance, arrogance or conceit. Often humbling experiences will accrue, granting enhanced perspective or teaching important lessons.) ; (Niobe is viewed mainly as a cautionary tale of Pride gone way too far, like Arachne. She is viewed as the worst possible scenario- Someone who is given much in life, is ungrateful and boastful, and who sees it all taken from her. She is also a foil for Artemis and Apollo, where their bloodlust is revealed- They are, at their core, hunters who will gleefully murder whatever prey their mother sets them to. In that sense they are far more Titan than Olympian. It is important to note that Niobe is part of the bloodline of Tantalus, and can be seen as sort of the end result of the Tantalus process- Once you finally get what you want, how will it change you? Who will you be upon the fulfillment of your desires? And if you were to lose it all, who are you then?) ;
~ Sappho conjunct Sisyphus  - 13 Virgo ~
Sappho: - (Friendship; bonding; feeling close to or the same as others; kindred spirits; having things in common; artistic interests; shops/galleries. Sappho as “pairs” assumes another importance in medical astrology.) ; (Keywords: sexual attraction, deep appreciation of self and others. Positive: artistic, poetic, refined and cultures, very passionate. Neutral: Homosexuality) ; 
Sisyphus: - (Starting over; the “uphill climb;” feeling like you're running' against the wind! It’s having to “go back to the beginning;” getting the rug pulled out from under you just as you thought you were getting somewhere; dogged rejection of defeat.) ; ( Sisyphus may reveal where we have a tendency to repeatedly make the same mistakes or become stuck in the same pattern through fear of change. The more you fight to hold on, the heavier the burden becomes until it pushes you back to the beginning again and the cycle repeats. Life becomes monotonous without change. Ares, the Greek equivalent of Mars, is rightfully outraged when Death is chained up. We need challenge. If we have no goals, no passion, no motivation – life becomes very stagnant. But in all this, there is a little piece of us that might admire Sisyphus for his outright refusal to accept death and for his ability to repeat a task that is doomed to fail for all time. In him we see the try, try and try again attitude that is a distinct feature of humanity. Somehow he captures an aspect of humanity’s indomitable spirit that lives as if it’s never going to die, that finds meaning where there may be none and fights to live in the face of death. Perhaps the positive side of this asteroid is the ability to keep going, even when we can’t yet see the point. Essentially, he perhaps shows where we can find meaning in what we do on a daily basis, not just in our achievements or the winning of battles. Suggested Keywords and Phrases for Sisyphus: Starting over, repetition, meaninglessness, try again, pushing through it, pointless work, an uphill climb, a thankless task, an eternal battle, “it’ll be the death of me!”, exasperation, frustration, trial, an uphill battle, nothing accomplished, the absurdity of life, futility, cheating death, getting nowhere. Finding faith in the mundane, maintaining faith when all else fails, believing without seeing, appreciating the journey rather than the destination, acceptance that all things change, adhering to the will of the Gods, accepting your fate." ) ; 
KEYNOTE: The focusing of the collective need for order and structural interdependence into a personage who incarnates the answer to this need.
The husband role of fecundate of nature here takes on a collective social significance. We are at the stage where a powerful realization of the very purpose of the cycle of existence faces the chaotic remains of a dis-structured past. The character of the leader is always delineated by the need, subconscious though it may be, of the unformed agglomeration of entities he is called upon by destiny to lead. In time the leader will be worshiped as the "divine Father" of the society he structured.
At this third stage of the thirty-third sequence we see a new type of characterization of the many-faceted polarization of positive and negative. We have before us a personage endowed with CHARISMA, this elusive and mysterious power that comes from a man's or woman's openness to the power of planetary evolution.
~ Hera conjunct Aphrodite  - 12 Aquarius ~
Hera: - (Events through partners & partnership; Issues of “rights” between people; jealousy; relationship dynamic and parental model; maintaining fairness in dealing with others.) ; (Hera represents marriage and childbirth; jealousy and score-keeping; vindictiveness; determination; an unfaithful spouse; fairness and equality in relationships; and fears of abandonment.) ; (Hera in your chart to show what you want to keep, your loyalty, your jealousy, what you are willing to defend, where you want to be married, where you want to be “wife.”) ; (Hera represents our over critical eye, we all have faults and when we live in close contact with another they become very clear quickly.  Hera represents our ability to be over critical of the faults of others, to magnify slight quirks and to forget the positives.  Hera in the chart shows where we can be too picky and fussy when it comes to relationships, where we need to relax more and give the other person some breathing space.) ; 
Aphrodite: - (shares many attributes with the planet Venus, named for her Roman counterpart, but the relationships she engenders are more likely to be flirtations or short affairs, not lasting or permanent unions. Aphrodite represents fleeting passion, flirtation, illicit affairs; vanity, fickleness, capriciousness or changeability; vacillation and indecisiveness, and conceit.) ; (A dynamic drive to mate, & to consummate sexual desire with a specific partner at certain times. If one has a magnetic or receptive partner, this can be intensely emotional sex. There is a strong desire to connect with others even if the person is a loner.) ; (Aphrodite does not cover such a range in her rulership. She like a pure drop of “aphrodisiac” from the hem of Venus’s robe.) ; (Aphrodite relates to "impulsive love and attraction, love inspired by fated events, animosity turning to magnetism, charisma.); (Brings about beauty, and sense of style and elegance. That you’ll own, and no one else. Not saying this aspects births the most beautiful women. Yet, these women stand out, and their feminine qualities is quite noticeable.  Which makes them the most beautiful.) ; (Keywords: greek goddess of love and beauty, venusian (ishtar, innanen, astarte), born of the sea. Positive: impulsive love attraction, love inspired by fated events, charisma. Neutral: animosity turning into magnetism, seashells, roses.)
KEYNOTE: The necessity of recognizing differences of types and levels of development wherever human beings live and work together.
This symbol obviously refers to the ascending process of evolution of life forms and consciousness. It seems to apply especially to the fact that differences of levels exist among human beings. The ideal of equalitarianism has to be balanced by a realization that hierarchy of levels is a fact of nature. Each person should be aware of the level at which he (or she) stands, even as he strives to move toward a higher one. He should look up for inspiration and examples, while helping the human beings of the next lower level to reach up. This is the great give-and-take of evolution, and it applies to socioculturalevolution as well as to the progression of biological species.
At this second stage of the sixty-third sequence we find a symbol of "ascent," contrasting with the preceding one which implied a "descent" of spiritual forces. It warns us against sentimentally overstressing our Western equalitarianism which essentially applies to the spiritual core of all individual persons, considered "sons of God" or spiritual monads. Every human being is potentially divine as an individual person, but THE NATURAL PROGRESSION OF STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS is an unavoidable reality to accept at the social-mental level.
~ Kassandra conjunct Toro  - 17 Leo ~
Kassandra -  (represents the archetypally dysfunctional marriage, the gift of prophesy and the boldness to exercise one's intuition and insight in public. Kassandra was a beautiful red haired young girl who caught the eye of Apollo, the Sun God and also the God of prophesy. Being the Sun God, he desired that Kassandra would worship him as other females did. She did not pay Apollo the attention he desired and so he spat in her mouth, giving her a loaded gift of prophesy in exchange for her favors. Kassandra refused Apollo still and in retaliation he cursed her (because he could not take the gift back) that no one would believe her warnings and intuitions. Kassandra warned repeatedly of disasters but was ignored, branded hysterical and died insane. This asteroid is reminiscent of the marriage in which the man is king of the castle, the bread winner and a chauvinist. The wife is unhappy in her role as subjugate and makes noises about wanting something more. The husband marginalizes the wife's perceptions with his reasoning's why he must stay in control, why he must make the decisions, why he must keep power. The wife feels she is right but is not heard and the husband frequently lets her know how she cannot contribute well enough to have a say in the finances, or why she is wrong to feel neglected because he is always giving his attention elsewhere and usually working, why he must be controlling because her behavior makes him feel jealous, why her requests for intimacy are just silly and impractical, that she sees things the way she does because she is a woman. The wife begins to feel crazy. Having been told she is irrational and overly emotional and expectant and incapable, the wife reaches a state of emotional hysteria similar to battered women's syndrome, and neurosis and low self esteem take over. This state is known in psychological parlance as the "Kassandra Complex." Being brainwashed into believing you are wrong when you feel you are right is a CRAZY MAKER. Typically when the wife reaches her mid thirties she develops the inner strength to see thru the words of the husband and perceive the truth. She IS capable, She IS trustworthy. The women who stay in these dysfunctional marriages come to a point where they give up. This wife will choose to subjugate her own identity and desires to insure she will continue to be fed. Kassandra can show where we need to stand up for our beliefs and inner faith no matter what. She tells of the gift of prophesy and the ability to forewarn others thru giving credence to our intuition and insight. Where we are not given credibility is pointed out by the location of this asteroid as well. Kassandra shows where we deviate from the norm to pursue the truth even if it seems crazy at the time. By studying the aspects she makes in our chart, we can get a clue to how we are believed or not believed, how we are respected and how we handle being the odd one out even when you KNOW you are right.) ; (And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing." Corinthians 13:2 ) ; [Prophecy, prediction, psychic knowing, foreboding. Giving advice. Deafness (possibly). Falling on deaf ears, silenced, unheard, denounced, derided, where you doubt your sanity, crazy making. Hysteria, unbalanced, madness (through being denied true expression). Trust yourself.] ; (Kassandra represents issues with belief and credibility; trustworthiness; judgments about whether to believe others; prophetic gifts and foreknowledge; offering counsel and rejection of advice.) ; (Wasted breath! Advise & consent roles—offering advice or prophecies; questions about whether to believe what others say (whether to follow advice); offering counsel; broadcasting ideas; lecturing; auditory sensitivity; hearing difficulties.)
Toro: [Machismo; bullying; intimidation; doing hard, physical work; strength (muscular); muscle flexing—psychologically or physically; challenging others; rough treatment; competitive; football; prizefighting; toughness.] ; ( Astrologically, Toro represents muscular strength, toughness and endurance; “bullying” or intimidation; coarse, brutal acts or words; hard physical work; and machismo or male competitiveness.) ; ( TORO represents the principle of boundless strength and power and how we handle the power ... TORO describes how we confront and handle the onslaught of violent or negative influences that we experience either from without or from within our own minds ... Knowing how to turn one’s enemy into an ally is indeed a potent power, especially when the “enemy” lies within your own being! Thus, TORO’s secret teaching involves taming the inner power of the bull that resides in each of us and directing it for constructive purposes ... THUS completing the BRIDGE that transforms the raw, instinctive desire of MARS into the controlled, focused, and penetrating power of PLUTO.) ; (it seems those with a prominent Toro, as a child get bullied in the areas Toro touches and become very sensitive in these areas. But as you grow up this pain can be turned into a power brought about from fighting to overcome in the areas the pain was endured.) ; (Intensity)
KEYNOTE: The feeling of togetherness which unites men and women in their dedication to a collective ideal.
Religion in its institutionalized aspect is the attempt to give a transcendental character to the feeling of community. The fellowship of common work needed for substance and security in a dangerous world is exalted in periodic rituals in which the co-workers participate. At such moments the consciousness and feelings of human beings flow into a common mold in which they become refreshed by the experience of shared values and beliefs.
This second stage symbol presents a contrast with that of the first only in that the collectively human aspect of experience is in contrast to the purely natural and fundamental character of instinctual life. The existence of a volunteer church choir implies a rather steady phase of culture and society. What is sung reflects the special way in which a particular community of human beings — extensive as it may be — interprets the deepest realities of human existence and man's longings for an ideal. The symbol expresses the idealized aspect of TOGETHERNESS.
~ Kassandra conjunct Karma  - 17 Leo ~
Kassandra -  (represents the archetypally dysfunctional marriage, the gift of prophesy and the boldness to exercise one's intuition and insight in public. Kassandra was a beautiful red haired young girl who caught the eye of Apollo, the Sun God and also the God of prophesy. Being the Sun God, he desired that Kassandra would worship him as other females did. She did not pay Apollo the attention he desired and so he spat in her mouth, giving her a loaded gift of prophesy in exchange for her favors. Kassandra refused Apollo still and in retaliation he cursed her (because he could not take the gift back) that no one would believe her warnings and intuitions. Kassandra warned repeatedly of disasters but was ignored, branded hysterical and died insane. This asteroid is reminiscent of the marriage in which the man is king of the castle, the bread winner and a chauvinist. The wife is unhappy in her role as subjugate and makes noises about wanting something more. The husband marginalizes the wife's perceptions with his reasoning's why he must stay in control, why he must make the decisions, why he must keep power. The wife feels she is right but is not heard and the husband frequently lets her know how she cannot contribute well enough to have a say in the finances, or why she is wrong to feel neglected because he is always giving his attention elsewhere and usually working, why he must be controlling because her behavior makes him feel jealous, why her requests for intimacy are just silly and impractical, that she sees things the way she does because she is a woman. The wife begins to feel crazy. Having been told she is irrational and overly emotional and expectant and incapable, the wife reaches a state of emotional hysteria similar to battered women's syndrome, and neurosis and low self esteem take over. This state is known in psychological parlance as the "Kassandra Complex." Being brainwashed into believing you are wrong when you feel you are right is a CRAZY MAKER. Typically when the wife reaches her mid thirties she develops the inner strength to see thru the words of the husband and perceive the truth. She IS capable, She IS trustworthy. The women who stay in these dysfunctional marriages come to a point where they give up. This wife will choose to subjugate her own identity and desires to insure she will continue to be fed. Kassandra can show where we need to stand up for our beliefs and inner faith no matter what. She tells of the gift of prophesy and the ability to forewarn others thru giving credence to our intuition and insight. Where we are not given credibility is pointed out by the location of this asteroid as well. Kassandra shows where we deviate from the norm to pursue the truth even if it seems crazy at the time. By studying the aspects she makes in our chart, we can get a clue to how we are believed or not believed, how we are respected and how we handle being the odd one out even when you KNOW you are right.) ; (And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing." Corinthians 13:2 ) ; [Prophecy, prediction, psychic knowing, foreboding. Giving advice. Deafness (possibly). Falling on deaf ears, silenced, unheard, denounced, derided, where you doubt your sanity, crazy making. Hysteria, unbalanced, madness (through being denied true expression). Trust yourself.] ; (Kassandra represents issues with belief and credibility; trustworthiness; judgments about whether to believe others; prophetic gifts and foreknowledge; offering counsel and rejection of advice.) ; (Wasted breath! Advise & consent roles—offering advice or prophecies; questions about whether to believe what others say (whether to follow advice); offering counsel; broadcasting ideas; lecturing; auditory sensitivity; hearing difficulties.)
Karma: - (The energy of this asteroid speaks of feelings and the vague "knowing" of something, not necessarily facts. Karma is typically defined as the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. It is about what goes around, comes around. Solving one's karma translates to eventually not being subject to it at all.  give clues to what we need to work on, what we have done well in the past, what our current balance is and the synastric ties that bind through the ages.  shows the area of life that we are working the most on integrating into our current lives in a balanced way. It can also show our calling. The sign may show what we have mastered in the past.); (Karma represents the balance between what we put out and what we receive, the results of our actions, and the aptness of the circumstances which assail us, for good or ill.) ; (Karma can indicate a negative balance or positive balance.Negative Karmic events are like accidents, heart breaks, exposure to outbursts that seem unfair and financial losses. Positive Karmic events are sudden strokes of good fortune, chance meetings with a true love and so on. Retrograde Karma means you dished out more negative karma than positive karma in the mentioned areas.) ; (it seems to show 'the homework' you carry with you.) ; 
KEYNOTE: The feeling of togetherness which unites men and women in their dedication to a collective ideal.
Religion in its institutionalized aspect is the attempt to give a transcendental character to the feeling of community. The fellowship of common work needed for substance and security in a dangerous world is exalted in periodic rituals in which the co-workers participate. At such moments the consciousness and feelings of human beings flow into a common mold in which they become refreshed by the experience of shared values and beliefs.
This second stage symbol presents a contrast with that of the first only in that the collectively human aspect of experience is in contrast to the purely natural and fundamental character of instinctual life. The existence of a volunteer church choir implies a rather steady phase of culture and society. What is sung reflects the special way in which a particular community of human beings — extensive as it may be — interprets the deepest realities of human existence and man's longings for an ideal. The symbol expresses the idealized aspect of TOGETHERNESS.
~ Toro Conjunct Karma - 17 Leo ~
Toro: [Machismo; bullying; intimidation; doing hard, physical work; strength (muscular); muscle flexing—psychologically or physically; challenging others; rough treatment; competitive; football; prizefighting; toughness.] ; ( Astrologically, Toro represents muscular strength, toughness and endurance; “bullying” or intimidation; coarse, brutal acts or words; hard physical work; and machismo or male competitiveness.) ; ( TORO represents the principle of boundless strength and power and how we handle the power ... TORO describes how we confront and handle the onslaught of violent or negative influences that we experience either from without or from within our own minds ... Knowing how to turn one’s enemy into an ally is indeed a potent power, especially when the “enemy” lies within your own being! Thus, TORO’s secret teaching involves taming the inner power of the bull that resides in each of us and directing it for constructive purposes ... THUS completing the BRIDGE that transforms the raw, instinctive desire of MARS into the controlled, focused, and penetrating power of PLUTO.) ; (it seems those with a prominent Toro, as a child get bullied in the areas Toro touches and become very sensitive in these areas. But as you grow up this pain can be turned into a power brought about from fighting to overcome in the areas the pain was endured.) ; (Intensity)
Karma: - (The energy of this asteroid speaks of feelings and the vague "knowing" of something, not necessarily facts. Karma is typically defined as the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. It is about what goes around, comes around. Solving one's karma translates to eventually not being subject to it at all.  give clues to what we need to work on, what we have done well in the past, what our current balance is and the synastric ties that bind through the ages.  shows the area of life that we are working the most on integrating into our current lives in a balanced way. It can also show our calling. The sign may show what we have mastered in the past.); (Karma represents the balance between what we put out and what we receive, the results of our actions, and the aptness of the circumstances which assail us, for good or ill.) ; (Karma can indicate a negative balance or positive balance.Negative Karmic events are like accidents, heart breaks, exposure to outbursts that seem unfair and financial losses. Positive Karmic events are sudden strokes of good fortune, chance meetings with a true love and so on. Retrograde Karma means you dished out more negative karma than positive karma in the mentioned areas.) ; (it seems to show 'the homework' you carry with you.) ;
~ Sauer conjunct VERTEX  - 2 Scorpio ~
Sauer: - (named for Dr. Carl G. Sauer -- a flight dynamics engineer who worked for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory -- the private entity behind NASA, which is part of Caltech University -- starting in 1952. Out of the rubble and the lies and the politics and the wars was lurking a name and an identity.  Sauer was no ordinary rocket scientist. His bio says, "His work has included mission designs for advanced spacecraft propulsion systems, including solar electric ion propulsion, nuclear propulsion and solar sailing. His database of potential spacecraft trajectories to hundreds of comets and minor planets is an invaluable resource for mission design work at JPL."  Gee whiz. A flight dynamics engineer who understood how to get a spacecraft to an asteroid (not exactly easy -- try to think through the steps, when you're aiming for a moving object so far away you can barely see it with a telescope), with Mercury conjunct it, in the chart of a very, very strange airplane crash. Sauer was so advanced at this, and had made such a contribution to space travel system design, that he got his own planet named after him. One of the first things that the name of an engineer so prominent in the chart suggested was: this was engineered. More to the point, it's a reminder what humans are capable of, and how extraordinary science is. To rig up some bullshit like 9/11 does not require a high order of intelligence or technology -- merely some half-decent media skills, money, no conscience, and most of all, a motive. If you want to understand the motive, look where all the money went. The presence of a planet named for the eminent Dr. Sauer is also a sad reminder what human intelligence can do when used for a worthy cause, and what else we could be doing with our precious national resources, that is, after we feed a few hungry people and end a few wars.) 
KEYNOTE: The accidental nature of opportunities that impel one to break away from a past, the remembrance of which is still poignant and cherished.
A new and greater realization usually demands the sacrifice of something which has brought loveliness and fragrance to a lesser form of living and feeling. Old feelings are poignantly remembered, even as one moves into a new and wider sphere of experience. Old relationships may be left behind, but the memory of their essential moments lingers on, perhaps strong and nostalgic.
This is the second stage of the forty-third sequence. It contrasts with the first in that it reveals the difficulty of dealing with the past as one enters into a new realm of feelings. To the excitement of novelty answers the memory of the graciousness of the past one has SURRENDERED.
~ MC conjunct Icarus  - 26 Aquarius ~
Icarus: - 
(… physical plane, opportunity to achieve liberation from confining or restrictive situations. …psychological plane, can show the individual gaining freedom from social conditioning and conformity. …spiritual plane, liberating the mind from samsara - the attachment to earthbound reality …Fire, Through diving ahead into new situations …Earth, Through breaking down old structures and creating new forms …Air, Through changing my old limiting ideas …Water, Through releasing negative feelings and finding inner peace Keywords: capacity for liberation & risk taking, the most direct but also dangerous path to liberation (sports, meditation) . Positive: planet or asteroid that it touches has desire of freedom in that energy. Negative: crashing and burning. Neutral: where a sense of freedom is experience at high speeds but requires concentration and skillful control to avoid disaster, the need to maintain self-discipline and mindfulness during free-flight.) ; [Careless escapes without thought of consequences; desire to “leave” the fast break impulse; attraction to speed, danger or risk; desire to get away from restrictions (of aspecting points).]  ; 
KEYNOTE: Skill in applying knowledge of natural laws to the solution of everyday problems resulting from life in our technological society.
Here we see a man using his analytical mind to check up on the operation of the machines his inventive genius produced. This simple commonplace operation is used here as an indication of how deeply technology involves us in small matters, yet matters which in some circumstances could make the difference between life and death — i.e. a mechanical failure in a car on a crowded freeway. The need for "management" therefore is seen to affect every detail of our individual lives; this applies as well to the complexities of interpersonal, social or political relationships, because our modern society is indeed like a huge machine speeding on dangerous ground. Safety depends on available power.This is the first of five degree symbols in the sixty-sixth sequence. It tells us that we constantly need the use of our intellectual power of observation and analysis to check on the effectiveness of the energies at our disposal. It is a symbol of MENTAL EFFICIENCY.
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runaview · 6 years
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Anubis 15 conjunct Bless 16 conjunct Karma 17
Recovery: Sunrise just after a storm 
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in: 
16th degree of Leo (15°- 16°)
Storms are occasions to unclog our lives, an agency of renewal and revival It is by no means easy or straightforward to destroy or even significantly diminish a person. Each of us has tremendous resilience and the power to bounce back. Indeed the process of setback and recovery is what enables self to re-grasp itself. This ability is as much to do with psychological strength as physical. Our inner orientation is what matters most of all – are we negative or positive in our general outlook? The values by which we live, endure. No matter what befalls us, certain principles and preferences constantly reassert themselves and prove faithful as measures and descriptors of our core identity. Storms arise. Each major life issue can present itself as a turbulent period of emotional instability, a threat to our sense of secure wellbeing and a reduced degree of confidence in the future. But they pass, and the sunrise speaks to us of the reliability of life and our unassailable powers of recovery. The optimist sees the storms as opportunities to clear away the dross of our lives and as an agency towards reconstruction. Everyday stress and strain are employed as resources that sponsor the change process and enable us to enlist every element of our experience in some new effort or fresh approach. So, rather than getting upset over petty things, we use our troubles as entirely necessary means to an end. It is through them alone that we awaken our fullest powers of recuperation, and the resultant stability of character that inspires others to trust in us.
Because we know we will always recover, we have no fear of the future, nor therefore the present. This faith in the inevitable return of things to their essential nature is the foundation of exceptional steadiness of perspective. And since we accept everything with poise, fewer dramas occur and life settles into an easy rhythm. 
Communion: A non-vested church choir 
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in:
17th degree of Leo (16°- 17°) 
The prayerful act of chanting is spiritual communion beyond self-surrender and self-proclamation This symbol is of a choir, not in their robes but freely attired – ordinary people, joining together in the prayerful act of chanting in order to reach a state of spiritual communion. We always seek to relate to others, and a lot of people strive rather unimaginatively for underserved popularity. Others join in with a regimented social conformity with its enforced values and behaviour. Communion however is beyond all self-surrender and self-proclamation. It is an effective quickening of a person’s heart, through the development of interests, expanded to a point of real concern for their fellows. Reality is appreciated fully and profoundly – for its own sake rather than the illusion of projected ideals. At this high level of spiritual consciousness, we are making a real contribution, by bringing ourselves into good order – to serve by fully participating in the broader functions of our community. Any common activity that coordinates group effort has this potential – sport, work or the village fete – but the chanting is more likely to revitalize our sense of sacredness – and sharing this is a powerful device to build long-lasting group trust and involvement. Respect for the individual means that we have some awareness not only of their needs and opinions – but also their relationship with sacredness. Without this, everyday living is rendered shallow, and our sense of self and self-worth suffer a poverty of expression through the idle pursuit of unsatisfying, unimportant, and isolating goals. 
Instruction: A teacher of chemistry
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in: 
18th degree of Leo (17°- 18°) 
Learning and teaching life’s operating principles must surely result in happiness It is a rare person who comes to understand the workings of the physical world well enough to teach of its mysteries. By extension, this symbol points to the processes whereby a mind has become strong and clear – enough actually to control life on earth. This is the magician – the master who demonstrates lordship over the circle that he chooses to influence. This elevated station can only be reached by penetrating into the depth of matters. The mysteries exist in the form of the relationship between things, symbols and people. It takes a sharp yet intuitive mind, fully focused and engaged, to understand the rules that govern these interactions. Unintelligent conformity to the ‘rule book’ – written by the blind to lead the blind – is the attitude of sheep, for whom comfort is more important than wisdom. For seekers, it is necessary to try things out before we accept them as true. Whatever ideas we may be offered for the explanation of life, we need to experiment with them, and also opposing viewpoints, and organize our experiences into a considered way of life – a path based on informed principles that work for us. These experiments take the form of our ambitions. If we cannot achieve our goals, then our ideas about the nature of reality are false. So we must change them. The feedback we are looking for – to validate our hypotheses about how best to live – is happiness. Life is meant to be delightful. We are only interested in questing for the meaning of life until we are happy with the way things are. Then, even teaching becomes unnecessary.
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runaview · 6 years
I remember everything. Time does not change the degradation of any living individual. Time does not change self serving actions. Time does not change selfishness. The truth is always revealed in time. Every time you are kind to me, I will be ten times as kind to you. But if you are unkind, I will return that a thousand times.
I am not an ordinary person. Being stuck with needles every week, coping with the reality that my path towards authenticity leads to dead ends and death. I was disillusioned the moment I entered a church when I was 7. Despite the societal, governmental, and spiritual animosity I receive for simply living, I grit my fucking teeth. Despite the physical, emotional and sexual abuse. People ask why I don’t talk about myself very much. When you have committed suicide of any form, and you are strong enough to come back, something inside changes. The revelation becomes who you are. Hearing about what “event” people have to go to, or what to wear, what to eat, where to go for vacation, what to decorate their house with, all this mindless bullshit chatter. Which to me is so foolish.. To me, you have no depth. My soul recognizes another evolved and individualized person immediately, because I can breathe. With a look. Otherwise don’t waste my time.
I used to be annoyed at the fact that my Venusian qualities gave people the impression I’m shallow and stupid. Now I laugh because to be blessed with a Trine of Venus and Pallas Athena is to be blessed with high motivations and skill in strategy. Venus, who will step over dead bodies to get what she wants, who did it with such charm and allure. It made her the exception. Pallas Athena is direct, forthright, and blunt. Her presentation and her arguments have an edge, and a mind that filters out bullshit. She gets to the point of every problem, and every challenge. Venus feels. Pallas Athena thinks. Venus is less judgmental than Pallas Athena, which grants her less enemies. Athena’s morality, values, and sense of JUSTICE is HARSH, STRICT, and without extraneous social pretenses. Pallas Athena says fuck you to your feelings because shit has to be done in order to change.
These 2 were a part of an mythological beauty contest. In the end, Venus won, BUT you must bear witness to the anger of Pallas Athena, who used that power of what we now see as useless- and ended a 10 year siege with the Trojan Horse.
I fought tooth and nail, blood and tears to pave the way for others who will walk in my footsteps. The reason why you can wear whatever you want is because We were there first, before it became a sensation. There was no prom or homecoming, only meetings with grown ass bum fuck adults who don’t understand their own code of conduct. Who had their heads so stuck up their asses, so fucking backwards and just plain fucking stupid. Yet the only reason why that moment was conceived was because I had strategically weaponized my mind AND body. We paved the way before people knew what it meant. My vision for the progression and recognition of the complication of human sexuality was derailed by sick perverts who get off by wearing women’s lingerie. While I was fighting organizations to LET ME LIVE, even before fucking puberty, what were you doing? So fucking gluttonous, lazy, greedy and sick. While you stuff your mouth I am cutting away body parts to not die of cancer.
My rage is the rage of the gods. My rage echoes against any reign of injustice.
You still have a few more lifetimes to go before you can even begin to spar with me.
Let’s be fucking real, if you were in my shoes, you would be dead.
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runaview · 6 years
Psychic Abilities in Natal Planets
49. Uranus Sextile Pluto: Opportunity to elevate consciousness through spiritual aspirations; very intuitive with psychic potential.
15: Sun Trine Uranus: Strong magnetic healing force; strongly intuitive person.
18: Sun Trine Neptune: extremely sensitive to inner currents and is by nature a mystic.; in medical field would give healing powers. “When Neptune is harmoniously linked to the luminaries in the chart of a person who can respond to its higher rays, it can bestow gifts of a clairvoyant and clairaudient nature.”
53: Neptune Sextile Pluto: There is the opportunity to use your psychic abilities for the benefit of humanity; Can develop clairvoyance & prophetic ability. Have precognitive dreams. Strong psychic healing powers; desire for justice for all people. Abhor violence or anything that might degrade or oppress another person or animal.
98: Mercury in 9th House: If favorably aspected, especially if it aspects Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, can give prophetic insight into the future.
46: Uranus Conjunct Neptune: Next is 1993. Will give spiritual mysticism and strong intuitive awareness, which existed on continent of Mu, and the scientific abilities which existed on Atlantis. Earth has gone thru purification so only spiritually advanced souls will be incarnating on earth.
84: Moon in 12th House: Psychic, intuitive and subjective
152: **South Node in Cancer: Psychic in past life; born psychic in this life.
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runaview · 6 years
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Draconic Chart
The symbol speaks clearly for itself. How brilliant the light after the long "night of the soul"! The battered but unconquered consciousness finds itself exalted in the marriage of sunbeams and rising sap. This indeed is "Release" — light and life singing in the cleansed and refreshed mind, flooded for a while by the waters of feeling.This is the first stage in the twenty-eighth five-fold sequence. It is a sequence that reveals consciousness at its most inspiring moments of enjoyment. But these "peak experiences" can operate at several levels. The first and most basic level is that of life itself, and of the overcoming of its many crises — THE JOY AND POWER OF NEW BEGINNINGS.
 PHASE 215 (SCORPIO 5°): A MASSIVE ROCKY SHORE RESISTS THE POUNDING OF THE SEA.KEYNOTE: The inertia of all institutionalized procedures. 
Slow is the rise of the land from the vast ocean, but once it is formed it develops a formidable resistance to change in spite of storms. Likewise, once a culture has expressed its basic symbols and its particular way of thinking, feeling and acting in concrete institutions, these change very slowly indeed. The individual who came to the great city (Scorpio i° symbol) soon finds his life set by the rhythms of city living, which obliterate vaster life processes and the moving tides of evolution.This is the last of the five symbols of the forty-third sequence. We see in it how binding and resistant a communal way of life can become. In this there is strength and stability, and these are necessary factors in the social life of man — until new horizons beckon. The Keyword is STABILITY.
PHASE 121 (LEO 1°): BLOOD RUSHES TO A MAN’S HEAD AS HIS VITAL ENERGIES ARE MOBILIZED UNDER THE SPUR OF AMBITION.KEYNOTE: An irruption of bio-psychic energies into the ego-controlled field of consciousness.
The occult tradition speaks of three kinds of “Fire”: Electric fire, Solar Fire and Fire by friction. The three Fire signs of the zodiac correspond to these. Aries refers to the ‘descent’ of the spiritual energy of the Creative Word. In its material aspect we know this energy as electricity, and without electrical energy no life processes could exist. Leo represents Solar Fire, the energy which is released from an integrated person, either through spontaneous radiations of apparently nuclear forms of energy, or, at the truly human and conscious level (and also superhuman in more transcendent realms), through conscious emanations (e-mana-tions, from manas meaning ‘mind’ in Sanskrit. Sagittarius is related to the fire by friction, because all social processes are based on interpersonal relations, which imply polarization and often conflict.The key symbol for Leo depicts a rising of energy from the heart to the head, a ‘mentalization’ process. However, this process is a potentially dangerous one. Thus the original wording of the symbolic scene seen by the clairvoyant referred to ‘a case of apoplexy’ – just as a person standing with their head uncovered for a long time in tropical regions could get sunstroke. The sun can destroy as well as vivify. Without it’s symbolical mate, water, it produces deserts on earth. The realization of atman, the spiritual self, the existence of a formed and steady ego – provided the ego can become a lens of pure crystal focusing the all-pervasive cosmic light of the Brahman without introducing the shadows of pride possessiveness and showmanship. But this ‘provided’ raises a very large question. The transmutation of ‘life’ into ‘mind’ is a difficult process.This is the first stage of the twenty-fifth five-fold sequence of symbols which opens the ninth Scene. The keynote of ‘Combustion’ for the entire series of fifteen phases hardly needs interpretation. In a general sense the key word for this first degree of the sign Leo could be CONFLAGRATION. The energies of the biological drives as they irrupt, more or less forcefully, into the field of consciousness.
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runaview · 6 years
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White Moon Selena in Libra: You are very observant. You have a natural understanding of human interactions. A quick assessment of any social situation gives you an immediate sense of the interplay. You are also a quick and generally good judge of character. As such you are able to influence individuals and groups, using charm and compassion to ensure that others are comfortable and comforted. This is a powerful gift which put to good use can inspire the best in other people. Your destiny is therefore likely to be linked to a caring or creative field. You may also have an innate artistic talent that uplifts and inspires those around you. 
Those who were born at this time are karmically related to justice. These people have the opportunity to be true peacemakers, who stand guard over earthly and cosmic laws. To the one who shows the White Moon at the lowest level, lawyers, employees of the personnel departments, lawyers render great assistance. This is a karmic reward for being able to be a reliable and loyal partner, for conscientious and fair judging. These people all get along well in family life, and the marriage partner becomes, in fact, the guardian angel of such a person. In order to strengthen ties with the world of Light and build up its bright karma, such people must always stand firmly on the watch of earthly and cosmic laws, actively contribute harmony and beauty to the world, while distinguishing the subtle side between clarifying the situation and restoring justice, on the one hand, and condemnation of someone else's behavior on the other. Being manifested at an average level, White Moon gives a person a genuine interest in jurisprudence, inspires a fruitful partnership. The more intense the peacekeeping activity of such a person, the more harmonious become his own relationships with others. People who have reached the highest level of the manifestation of the white moon are able to sacrifice themselves for the sake of peace and therefore have a higher dedication to judge others. The restoration of justice is for them the most precious reward in life.
White Moon Selena in the 3rd: Any goddess has joy and authority in this house of your birth chart. Therefore you can be a force to be reckoned with whenever you communicate your thoughts and feelings. The power of the spoken and written word are pivotal in your life. Your words have potency. Therefore you need to be conscious of the way in which you communicate. You can motivate, encourage and uplift through communication. You need to protect yourself, and others, from harsh words, critical thoughts and rash emotions. You may also have a love of myths and fairy tales. 
KEYNOTE: The realization, at any level of existence, that one is never alone, and that the "community" — visible or invisible — is sustaining one's efforts.
Every individualized organism is part of a larger organized whole, whether or not it is aware of this or of the sustaining power of the whole. A man, however, can deliberately choose to follow the dark path of ego-isolation which sooner or later always leads to destruction and self-loss in "matter." At the animal level, the whole biosphere is the community; for the ordinary human being, it is the tribe or family, the village community, the nation. As the individual expands his consciousness, he may become aware of a spiritual community, even beyond the "noosphere" (the one Mind of humanity), i.e. the realm of the pure light of the "Supermind," which is what the concept of the "White Lodge" suggests.
This is the third stage of the forty-second five-fold sequence. To the man who has ever so little transcended the world of conflicts, and, for a moment at least, experienced the oneness of all existence, this stage should bring the realization of "belonging" to a greater whole. This produces a state of INNER ASSURANCE.
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runaview · 6 years
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The person aspires to total and absolute freedom, ignoring and disregarding real circumstances, any prohibition having for her the effect of a red cape waved before a bull. Her sensuality manifests in an anarchic way. She is in a constant search for something new, unusual, stirring and has a strong need to smash everything and to put everything upside down, starting with formalities. She shows irresponsibility, carelessness and lack of reliability, she loses her sense of proportions and tends to exaggerate her own importance and authority. She deliberately ignores the principles of morality and betrays her friends. This is a person who likes to plays the role of a dissident.
The inferior level
The person has perverse tastes and is tempted to create shocking situations that allow her to take advantage of the confusion of people to achieve her own ends. She wants to find freedom by all means, even by depriving others of their own freedom. This is the karma of an anarchist, an adventurer, a trickster, a traitor in friendship or a reformer who brought chaos. In the previous incarnation, the person was an evil genius, had a devilish ingenuity, used friendship for personal gain and manipulated the consciousness of whole groups to make them her puppets. Now she continues to use her unusual talents for evil purposes. Such a person is tempted by perverse experiments, by emancipation in vice as well as by nudism and aspires to total freedom in love.
The intermediate level
The person regularly finds herself in unexpected and stressful situations. She can be the victim of betrayal from friends or colleagues, be involved in risky 
gambling or be deprived of her liberty, incarcerated. She is constantly tormented by loneliness and boredom. In a previous life, the person went beyond what was allowed, brought chaos in people’s lives and preached permissiveness and adventurism. Perhaps was she using astrology for ignoble purposes. In this life, she sees all her plans fail, including her attempts to be or to become free, and everything happens to her at inappropriate times. It is also difficult for her to contemplate future perspectives. She must be wary of unreliable people, charlatans and speculators and abstain from borrowing or lending money. There is a risk of electric shock, of being struck by lightning or of being the victim of a plane crash.
The superior level
At this level, the person immediately recognizes unreliable people, knows how to use living water and dead water and has a brilliant ability to renew and transform chaos. In past lives, the person understood what harm negligence can cause to humanity and nature, and was aware of the danger of scientific activity and politics when they lack an ecological consciousness, in the context of modern civilization. Now she avoids stress and nervous overload, uses astrology and the progress of science to fight evil, the same way she consciously fights against the adverse consequences of the scientific and technological revolution. At this level, the person acquires the ability to draw conclusions about the future based on the present and to live in advance of her time.
The main commandment: don’t confuse good and evil and avoid making major long-term projects.
KEYNOTE: The individual's self-realization through a crucial repudiation of a collective status which has become unbearable.
This symbol recalls the one for Scorpio 21°, but the fact that actual "desertion" is emphasized and reference is made to "the Navy" suggests that the crisis symbolized here is one implying an irrevocable change of status. Man refuses to accept the type of cultural patterns derived from his society's specific approach to local circumstances and to the universe as a whole, and in another sense, from its particular relationship to the all-human collective Unconscious. (The Navy refers to the ocean, symbol of primordial and unconscious evolutionary forces.) He not only refuses to obey orders, he deliberately turns his back on his collective social status; he becomes an outcast, and through this decision he may definitely individualize his consciousness.
This is the third stage of the sixty-first five-fold sequence. Something with collective social value is being potentially destroyed, but nature is not the destroyer (as in the preceding symbol). Man, the individual, steps out of his bondage to collective patterns and ideals. He may thus "find himself' by means of a sharp renunciation of his social birthright, i.e. by a crucial process of DESOCIALIZATION.
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runaview · 6 years
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In theory, the combination of Venus and Pallas Athena should be dangerously attractive, disturbingly provocative and smartly competitive. 
There is something conspicuous and perfection seeking about this combination. A competitive advantage raises the stakes bringing ever more talented opponents. An aura of Alfred Hitchcock suspense seems to surround them. At some point in their lives they might find themselves spontaneously involved in espionage, international diplomacy or strategically defending themselves from scandalous rumors and plots.
KEYNOTE: The ability to act as a mouthpiece for the revelation of a transcendent will and truth determining future action.
Here we witness the deepest manifestation of that Power which operates within all relatively permanent social units, especially at the level of tribal organization. A tribe is a bio-psychic whole (or organism) integrated by a collective superphysical Power, the god of the tribe. In the Hebrew tradition this god is YHWH (Yahweh-Jehovah); in earlier tribes it may have been a deified more or less mythical "Great Ancestor." All these tribal gods are local manifestations of the very power of "Life" within the earth's biosphere. It is this deified Power which psychically "seized" especially sensitive or religiously trained men or women, who became Its mouthpiece — prophets, seers, oracles. That Power operates in our days as well, but in different ways because of the individualization and intellectualization of modern man's consciousness. It binds together and helps to maintain the integration of organized social collectivities. It guides their development by releasing and focusing through especially open persons the visionary expectation of developments about to occur.
At this second stage of the fifty-sixth sub-cycle the future interacts with the present to release it from the inertial power of the past. Thus this symbol stands in contrast to the preceding one. At the threshold of tomorrow man is allowed to have a vision or revelation of the essential elements of the as-yet-unknown next step in evolution. The key word is MEDIATORSHIP.
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runaview · 6 years
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Vesta in Earthy Virgo is the Healer of the world/Priestess Earth Mother. This is the Goddess energy of healing the soil, the land and shows our connection to all living earthly things. Vesta in Virgo truly carries the Virgin energy as it is truly intended. Virginity is not so much a physical being, as an ability to recreate and regenerate the self into a new being when necessary and this placement sometimes has to learn this lifetime often through its wounds in order to generate the life lessons.
The FIRST 6 signs of the zodiac always carry the energetic energy of healing of SELF and are about first doing OUR WORK before we take it out to the world.
Vesta in Virgo A strong connection to all living things. Learns from her woundedness and the woundedness of others. A strong healer. Exacting standards may make her rigid, but devotion to service is strong. Can become sexually repressed if unable to meet exactingly high standards. The Nurse/Nun.
Vesta, the archetype of committed devotion, is also synonymous with free love. This may appear to be a paradox until we understand that this virgin goddess is devoted foremost to her Divinity – to being the light. And as a virgin goddess, sexually whole and complete unto her self, she can embody and share the light with whom she chooses. Similar to Venus, Vesta isn’t bound by conventional relationship contracts. Vesta’s contract is with the Divine. She is sexually free, unbound.
This can present a conundrum for Vestal emissaries living in a sexually conservative society that deifies monogamy. Wrestling with this contradiction, can be a defining life theme for Vestals. When we are divided between wanting sexual closeness and total freedom, a variety of conundrums can ensue. We may even choose to alienate our self from intimacy altogether. 
For Vesta, as with Venus, sex has little to do with procreation, and, if she’s connected to Venus or relationship houses, partnership may come later in life, if at all. Roman Vestals couldn’t marry until they turned 30, well after child-bearing age. Vesta rules the crone phase of the Goddess cycle; some Vestals may not marry.
A theme for Vesta-Venus: retaining our identities as separate from the partnership. Having very intimate spiritual relationship with the Divine self, which my partners may not share, though the partnership also has it’s own distinct spiritual identity, too. 
KEYNOTE: The penetrating and unveiling power of the trained mind.                  
In contrast to the preceding symbol we have now a scene stressing a physical action with psychological and/or spiritual overtones. In ancient cosmologies the male god often appears in three roles as son, husband and father of the woman element of nature. Nature is fulfilled by the human mind and will that overcome her; she resists only better to be subdued by the power that transcends her, and by transcending her gives her a spiritual meaning. The element of "training" in the symbolic scene comes from the fact that there has been a marriage ritual; thus the sociocultural factor is in the background. The teacher-guru is here the priest who has performed the ritual.
At this second stage the rules are reversed, the masculine element assuming the dynamic positive part in the great play of polarity. The masculine act balances the feminine dream visualization. The Keyword is UNVEILING. There can also be an unveiling of mysteries, long protected by secrecy.
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runaview · 6 years
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18 ° ♑︎ ☆ Sheliak ☌  18 ° ♑︎  ♆
Legend: Mercury found the body of a tortoise cast up by the Nile, and discovered that by striking the sinews after the flesh was consumed a musical note was obtained. He made a lyre of similar shape, having three strings, and gave it to Orpheus, the son of Calliope, who by its music enchanted the beasts, birds and rocks. After Orpheus was slain by the Thracian women, Jupiter placed the lyre in heaven at the request of Apollo and the Muses. This constellation was often called Vultur Cadens, or the Falling Grype by the ancients. [Robson*, p.50.]
Influences: "According to Ptolemy Lyra is like Venus and Mercury. It is said to give an harmonious, poetical and developed nature, fond of music and apt in science and art, but inclined to theft. By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Daleth and the 4th Tarot Trump, The Emperor". [Robson*, p.51.]
Sheliak is translated "tortoise", referring to the legendary origin of the instrument associated with Lyra. Hermes found an empty shell of a tortoise cast upon the shore with the dried tendons stretched across it and used it as a plucked string musical instrument; "originally from Greek Sambyke, a kind of harp" - (from Steve Gibson Starnames).
"Manilius giving the astrological influences for the constellation Lyra:
"... and one may see among the stars the Lyre, its arms spread apart in heaven, with which in time gone by Orpheus charmed all that his music reached, making his way even to the ghosts of the dead and causing the decrees of hell to yield to his song. Wherefore it has honor in heaven and power to match its origin: then it drew in its train forests and rocks; now it leads the stars after it and makes off with the vast orb of the revolving sky". [Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century AD, book 1, p.30]
"Next, with the rising of the Lyre, there floats forth from Ocean the shape of the tortoise-shell (testudinis ), which under the fingers of its heir (Mercury) gave forth sound only after death; once with it did Orpheus, Oeagrus' son, impart sleep to waves, feeling to rocks, hearing to trees, tears to Pluto, and finally a limit to death. Hence will come endowments of song and tuneful strings, hence pipes of different shapes which prattle melodiously, and whatever is moved to utterance by touch of hand or force of breath. The child of the Lyre will sing beguiling songs at the banquet, his voice adding mellowness to the wine and holding the night in thrall. Indeed, even when harassed by cares, he will rehearse some secret strain, tuning his voice to a stealthy hum and, left to himself, he will ever burst into song which can charm no ears but his own. Such are the ordinances of the Lyre, which at the rising of Libra's twenty-sixth degree will direct its prongs to the stars". [Manilius, book 5, Astronomica, 1st century AD, p.327].
Vega and the adjacent stars Epsilon and Zeta Lyrae were known in ancient China as Zhinü, the weaving girl. In a popular Chinese folk tale the weaving girl was said to be a granddaughter of the celestial emperor. She made beautiful silks for the gods and goddesses, but she fell in love with a lowly cowherd, represented by the star Altair in Aquila. After they married and started a family, both began to neglect their duties. To prevent further interruption to their work the celestial emperor harshly separated them, placing them on opposite sides of the Milky Way. Cowherd was left to bring up their two sons, represented by the stars either side of Altair. Thereafter, the couple were allowed to meet on only one night each summer, when magpies bridged the Milky Way with their wings.
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runaview · 6 years
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Freyja Magickal Oil
♡  Abundance
♡  Vigor
♡  Unapologetic Passion
♡  Confidence
♡  Unreserved, Unrestricted
Immediately brings out what we feel, to the point where it surpasses “thought”.
This opens up your connection with universal “energy” , which drives beauty and purpose back to us. 
Personify oneness into our Aura.
When you anoint, visualize iridescent ripples of passion sweeping through your spirit. The oil acts as a magnet to the beauty within and without. 
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runaview · 6 years
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Runa Tresno’s Starseed Markings (Iradel)
☉  18 ° ♉︎ ☌   Sadira 18 ° ♉︎  ☽   8 ° ♉︎ ☌   Azha 8 ° ♉︎
Al Sadira translates “to strive” [Biblical Astrology, Daniel G. McCrillis, Th. D]
Azha, or "The Hatching Place"; love of knowledge, science, much travel, many changes, position of authority, accidents at sea, drowning (influence of Eridanus) [astrologycom.com]
Eta Eridani is also known as 天苑六 (Tiān Yuàn liù, English: the Sixth Star of Celestial Meadows) [wikipedia]
R: I have a chipped front tooth from swimming.
One of the races out there, are the Eridanian Star seeds, or Star lights better yet.. These soul types are souls who come from a beautiful place in the stars. This is an Elven star system, called the River in the sky, but in truth each star is light years away from the other. Humans here only refer to it by the name based on astronomical names, given by other humans. The Eridanus Star system is 144 light years away form earth, and was held so sacred in Greek Mythology because the beings who rule that system, were also giants, They named a river after it. Two places inhabited there, are near the stars Epsilon Eridani, and Isilari Eridani. Both have a twin star, which they both act as a sun to orbit.
Both of these places, house an Elven race, of magic, power, sportsmanship, athletics, much of what you saw inspired in the Greek Mythology. The culture was inspired by the Eridanian beings, only on Earth, they were called the Olympians, and Titans to the people due to the power, huge size, and supernatural ability.Some of the known Titans were angels and deities, who were often confused with Anunaki, and Eridanian Souls. However, the Eridanian got tired of being so huge in size, when they visited earth, that they wanted to be like the humans. This was so that they could interact, to be a part of society, not above it. They sent down souls to incarnate. The consciousness there is so strong though, that they would need to make bloodlines to do this, so many of the beings in high power positions, sent down seeds of life into humans, incarnating souls first in those they chose to carry the star seedling. This would embed into the genetics once the consciousness aligned in incarnation. They thought these to be Demi Gods. They weren't. They were simply just strong, energetic star seeds. They were some, who had their human mother picked for them, by their family in Eridanus of high ranks, within the world. They have a government there, much like on earth with Kings Queens, Princes, Princesses, Dukes, Lords, and also an army with commanders. There isn't a whole lot of violence. Actually it is quite peaceful. However, at times they do have some issues with family fighting against one another for the powers.
Yes, they have families, and alot of mythical creatures, some like animals of earth mixed with another. It is a whole other world after all, with different species. Some of the stories, are from the Eridanians using these creatures, or the fact that some of the creatures also exist in spirit realms Eridanians are made of energy to us, but to them, their world is very physical. A beautiful kingdom, in which only those who come from there as star lights or star seeds, In regards to how they started here, they have been building the consciousness in the DNA, by incarnating into a certain bloodline for eons. However, some wanted a basic life and incarnated in normal families. They wanted to have enough privilege and power in their homes. There are alot of fairies there too. Some of those also chose to come here.
Eridanian Star seeds are active, lack focus from the want to do many things, very smart on their own, figure things out quickly, intuitive, pick up on things fast,
love sports, adventurous, funny, loyal to those they see as family and friends, sensitive to hurt or rejection, very honest, have an energy to where people feel their importance, an interest in Greek Mythology, when they get older as it reminds them somewhat of home, like to learn and build with their hands, love animals, very quiet, observatory, have an interest in magical, supernatural, and paranormal things, very caring, protective, loners,
good at math but hate it, like the snow as there is alot of snowy months there in Eridanus. Like anything that causes exileration, spontaneous, strong, female or male, they have inner and outer strength. Free spirited, can withdraw under pressure, have an older intelligence, even as a kid it seems like you are talking to an adult. Men are respectful to women as they value women alot in Eridanus, but they have a taste for different types, they end up settling down with brunettes.
Women will be respectful and obedient to any husband that they have. Strong willed, but passive to those they love, poetic, imaginative, and romantic,
often have imaginative worlds as children that include magical things. In adulthood, they often feel a little superior, as they can see people differently than other normal humans do. Practical jokers for the most part, in the incarnated males ,females are very serious minded and logical.
These are the general traits, and they do seem to appear in the incarnated Eridanians . In their world, they have another name. It isn't called Eridanus to them. In their culture, the planet is called Iradel, and their main city was called Olyvian. Humans ended up calling the city, Olympus. That is what they named their mountain, that they claimed the Eridanians were from. Since they always saw them descend from Mt. Olympus, when they visited Earth.They could not speak their language, Without knowing their language, they had to call it something here on Earth, The early humans called it, Olympus, instead of Olyvian. It is not pronounced as it is spelled. In light language, it would be pronounced as Ya-ve-on." 
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runaview · 6 years
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(Daddy’s recipe for initiating the Instant Kidney Liver Cleanse)
ღ  Kidney Beans
ღ  Red Bean
ღ  Black Bean
ღ  Carrots
ღ  Celery
ღ  Garlic
ღ  Broccoli
ღ  Green Bean
ღ  Green Olives, fermented
ღ Sweet Onions 
ღ  Blue Label, Soy Sauce, Tamari (?)
ღ  Rice if applicable
Pre-wash the beans depending on the species, and start to slow cook the beans. Add in carrots, celery, garlic, broccoli, green beans, green olives (in jar of vinergar), and sweet onions. Add some soy sauce. Turn your slow cooker on. You can eat the stew alone, or with rice. Be careful to watch the sodium intake.
Following up:
Always remember to be thankful for our food. Even water, be sure to communicate the feelings of love and gratitude you have, out loud. Drink  about 6 water bottles a day.
Additional Snacks:
ღ  Grapefruit (dip into salt and Vietnamese red chili pepper)
ღ  Beets (Sliced into chips and eaten raw)
ღ  Bitter Melon (Either slice and cook in pan with eggs (+soysauce), dry them and dip into fish sauce and Vietnamese chili peppers, or stuff them with ground meat) and make a soup with chopped green onions. May change depending on the actual familial recipe in future.
ღ  Spinach
ღ  Avocados
ღ  Apples
ღ  Broccoli
ღ  Lemons
ღ  Walnuts
ღ  Tumeric
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runaview · 6 years
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Supplement Masterlist
Prenatal Vitamins
Fermented Skate Oil
Lucid Dream Supplements
Spirulina / Chlorea
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runaview · 6 years
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(Regularly include these into your diet from now on)
Pineapple: Speeds post-surgery Promotes joint health Reduces asthma inflammation Blueberries: Restore antioxidant levels Reverse age-related brain decline Prevent urinary tract infection Spinach: Helps maintain mental sharpness Reduces the risk of cancers of the liver, ovaries, colon and prostate Top nutrient density Red Bell Pepper: Reduces risk of lung, prostate, ovarian and cervical cancer Protects against sunburn Promotes heart health Broccoli: Reduces diabetic damage Lowers risk of prostate, bladder, colon, pancreatic, gastric and breast cancer Protects the brain in event of injury Tomato: Reduces inflammation Lowers risk of developing esophageal, stomach, colorectal, lung and pancreatic cancer Reduces cardiovascular disease risk Apple: Supports immunity Fights lung and prostate cancer Lowers Alzheimer’s risk Artichoke: Helps blood clotting Antioxidant Superfood Lowers “bad” cholesterol Arugula: Lowers birth defect risk Reduces fracture risk Protects eye health Asparagus: Nourishes good gut bacteria Protects against birth defects Promotes heart health Avocado: Limits liver damage Reduces oral cancer risk Lowers cholesterol levels Blackberries: Build bone density Suppress appetite Enhance fat burning Butternut Squash: Supports night vision Combats wrinkles Promotes heart health Cantaloupe: Bolsters immunity Protects skin against sunburn Reduces inflammation Carrot: Antioxidants defend DNA Fights cataracts Protects against some cancers Cauliflower: Stimulates detoxification Suppresses breast cancer cell growth Defends against prostate cancer Cherries: Alleviate arthritic pain and gout Lower “bad” cholesterol Reduce inflammation Cranberries: Alleviate prostate pain Fight lung, colon and leukemia cancer cells Prevent urinary tract infection Green Cabbage: Promotes healthy blood clotting Reduces risk of prostate, colon, breast and ovarian cancers Activates the body’s natural detoxification systems Kale: Counters harmful estrogens that can feed cancer Protects eyes against sun damage and cataracts Increases bone density Kiwi Combats: wrinkles Lowers blood clot risk and reduces blood lipids Counters constipation Mango: Supports immunity Lowers “bad” cholesterol Regulates homocysteine to protect arteries Mushrooms: Promote natural detoxification Reduce the risk of colon and prostate cancer Lower blood pressure Orange: Reduces levels of “bad” cholesterol Lowers risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, breast and stomach, and childhood leukemia Pectin suppresses appetite Papaya: Enzymes aid digestion Reduces risk of lung cancer Enhances fat burning Plums & Prunes: Counter constipation Antioxidants defend against DNA damage Protects against post-menopausal bone loss Pomegranate: Enhances sunscreen protection Lowers “bad” cholesterol Fights prostate cancer Pumpkin: Protects joints against polyarthritis Lowers lung and prostate cancer risk Reduces inflammation Raspberries: Inhibit growth of oral, breast, colon and prostate cancers Antioxidant DNA defense Lower “bad” cholesterol levels Strawberries: Protect against Alzheimer’s Reduce “bad” cholesterol Suppress growth of colon, prostate and oral cancer Sweet Potato: Reduces stroke risk Lowers cancer risk Protect against blindness Watermelon: Supports male fertility Reduces risk of several cancers: prostate, ovarian, cervical, oral and pharyngeal Protects skin against sunburn Banana: Increases Fat Burning Lowers risk of colorectal and kidney cancer, leukemia Reduces asthmas symptoms in children
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runaview · 6 years
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(Specialized Starseed Crystals)
Have you ever heard of Blue Apatite? Well, Blue Apatite is a stone of psychic activation and cosmic connection that makes you clearer, brighter, and more tuned in. This type of stone is very helpful to Starseeds who are awakening for several reasons. Blue apatite has a pronounced clearing effect that has a refreshing, flowing quality to it. And, I really think that you’ll be amazed when we tell you that this stone clears chakra blockages, emotional states, deeply engrained patterns, and psychic debris in the aura. Blue apatite also has a balancing effect on the chakras and the layers of the auric field. And It can expand and sharpen all of the psychic senses (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, telepathy, channeling, etc.). You should also know that (in meditation), this stone can help you to become a conscious time-traveler and to tune into your Akashic records. Imagine being able to clearly access your ET incarnations, bringing solutions and advanced knowledge into this now moment! If you work consistently with Blue Apatite, you can develop the clarity, balance, and psychic ability necessary to connect with your soul history and achieve this. This is also very important for you to know – blue apatite is also recognized as a magnet for UFO’s and ET consciousness.
Does the name moldavite rings any bell? Well, this type of stone is a green tektite, known as the gemstone born from the stars. You should also know that Moldavite is the quintessential Starseed stone, since it is literally a merging of extraterrestrial energy and Earth material. Moldavite’s formation is the result of a meteorite crash that occurred in Czechoslovakia around 14.8 million years ago. This is amazing – moldavite has a very high spiritual frequency that can often be felt as heat or vibration. Moldavite can be intense for the average human. But Starseeds normally feel right at home with the cosmic energies of Moldavite, and it can help them to adjust to the density of the Earth plane. Moldavite can also help Starseeds to fulfill their purpose as accelerators of evolution–which is ultimately what they are both here to do! And yes, you should also know that Moldavite is a quantum leap stone, helping you to rapidly shift your vibration and your life circumstances. Here’s how it works. It brings in high frequencies of light that activate and clear all chakras and the entire energy field. Your light quotient is raised to a new level, and anything that is incongruent with your highest good will start to fall away. This could include relationships, your job, your living space, roles, patterns, and habits. This purging process is followed by a positive flow of synchronicities, new connections, and bright opportunities that are in alignment with your true mission.
This type of stone is a “vehicle” for accessing the stars and actualizing higher dimensional living. The crystalline formation of Stellar Beam Calcite models for us a grand spiritual potential–the possibility of making big shifts and changing your outer reality to a more refined and spiritually-focused expression. And, for the record, you should know that most Calcite manifests in the shape of a rhomboid or parallelogram–both internally and externally. Stellar Beam Calcite has an internal structure that is a rhomboid, but its outer shape (and energy) resembles a spaceship. The sharply pointed terminations give it an added intensity, focus, and energetic range. Since Stellar Beam is the Calcite that has evolved the rhomboid to an entirely different shape, it represents “the manifestation of the new reality.” It is the perfect support stone for Starseeds, helping them to bring transformation, galactic energies, and higher ways of being to the Earth plane. This amazing stone has a noticeably high and fast vibration that can give you the feeling that you are about to take off into the cosmos. It produces a quickening effect on the cellular and atomic levels. It activates your DNA and light body, awakens your psychic senses, and raises your light levels. Stellar Beam Calcite is like a ship for your consciousness, safely escorting it to the ET realms. It can connect you with the guidance and energy of your Star family and your Starseed aspects—Pleiadians, Sirians, & Arcturians especially.
First of all, you should know that crystal is a quartz that has multiple points or terminations on one end. It actually looks and behaves like a rocket ship. ET crystals symbolize Universal connection and can help you communicate with ET consciousness. ET crystals can also represent the merging and integration of your other lifetimes and soul aspects. Each small termination is like one of your incarnations, and it contains all of the gifts, light codes, and mastery you attained in that lifetime. They all come together in one crystal and can be focused through the lens of your current incarnation, which is represented by the single point or termination at the other end of the crystal. You should also know that ET crystals are very multidimensional and can even defy the laws of physics as we know them. For example, I have had an ET crystal bend slightly in my hand for a split second on a few occasions, and other people who handled the crystal experienced the same thing! They can serve as antennas that help you receive cosmic transmissions and information. The can also be used as wands to direct this galactic energy for healing and activation work. They help you access and bring through cosmic symbols, activation codes, and light language. ET crystals can also assist with revitalizing your energy or space, while providing protection. Starseeds arrive on this planet like shooting stars, leaving a trail of magic and light that dazzles and uplifts all witnesses. Work with these 4 crystals to activate your galactic gifts, and your soul will become a guiding star for humanity during these pivotal ascension times.
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