rskurat · 4 months
It's wild that you don't necessarily need to even be abused to have childhood trauma. Like just having an excessively negative, spiteful, toxic and mean-spirited parent is enough, even if they never do it at you, or on purpose. Imagine being a doctor and explaining that to a parent.
"Hey you know how you don't have any friends because people find you unpleasant to be around? Well it turns out that your child is also a person, and finds you unpleasant to be around. Growing up in an environment where they are constantly subjected to your opinions technically counts as torture, since the situation was both continuously distressing and inescapable. You are literally so annoying that you gave your child brain damage."
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rskurat · 4 months
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rskurat · 5 months
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rskurat · 5 months
"X" hasn't been relevant for months
“The blue check crowd on X jumped in to disparage Armstrong and the group, saying, “Green Day is a woke joke,” and asserting that the band “hadn’t been relevant for decades.” One would think that a major slot to perform in one of the most well-known, primetime American television specials would be a sufficient argument otherwise, but that didn’t stop tech billionaire Elon Musk from adding to the conversation. “Green Day goes from raging against the machine to milquetoastedly raging for it,” Musk said, using a made-up word followed by two cry-laughing emojis. Other users on X echoed Musk’s sentiments, calling to boycott Seacrest entirely—a lofty task, considering Seacrest’s ever-growing share of the American media empire.”
MAGA Crowd Has A Breakdown After Green Day Swipes Them on Live TV
Oh no poor widdle baby ewhine musk is upset at the mean Green Day.
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rskurat · 5 months
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This is one of the funniest holiday cards I have ever seen.
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rskurat · 5 months
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rskurat · 5 months
A universe in motion seen from the International Space Station during a night pass over Earth.
(@ wonderofscience on Twitter)
Timelapse created from images courtesy of the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center(ISS061-E-110520-111341 eol.jsc.nasa.gov).
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rskurat · 6 months
You know, no one really tells you how jarring it is to transition from 22 years of socializing almost exclusively with people around your age, then jumping into the workforce with people who can be 40+ years older than you. One moment you're groaning because Professor Grown Up is taking too long to grade your assignment, and suddenly 48 year old Carol is asking you if you want to grab drinks after work and you're asking Bruce how his grandkids are adjusting to college.
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rskurat · 6 months
You know, no one really tells you how jarring it is to transition from 22 years of socializing almost exclusively with people around your age, then jumping into the workforce with people who can be 40+ years older than you. One moment you're groaning because Professor Grown Up is taking too long to grade your assignment, and suddenly 48 year old Carol is asking you if you want to grab drinks after work and you're asking Bruce how his grandkids are adjusting to college.
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rskurat · 6 months
J. K. Rowling and Neil Gaiman are such a funny contrast to me, like Rowling: Oh, and by the way, I put gay characters in my books. People: Is there anything... showing that? Rowling: No. Also trans women don't deserve respect People: wtf Gaiman: Here are some immortals that transcend all human concepts of gender and attraction who use a variety of pronouns, and also some clearly canon human queers. People: Are the immortals queer? Gaiman: That is an entirely valid way to view them. Other people: Ugh, pushing a modern woke agenda. It used to be- Gaiman: Fuck you
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rskurat · 6 months
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damn ok lake superior
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rskurat · 7 months
Even my genuinely liberal straight friends come out with bizarre out of touch comments; white "middle-class" folks are just as isolated as a billionaire
Man sometimes it just takes one interaction with a deeply straight person to remind myself why I don't often surround myself with non queer people.
Went to an annual pumpkin carving party with some of my coworkers last night. In attendance was a former coworker of mine who I'm friendly with, and his fiancee. Now I'd met the fiancee before at the same pumpkin carving party for the past two years, but aside from being mildly eccentric, she was always interesting to talk to.
This year she is pregnant, and we got on the topic of parenthood in general. There are some key quotes from that conversation.
"The father does not need to be involved with the baby for the first three years of life. There's literally no reason. He should be solely focused on supporting the family financially, and the baby only needs the mother."
"Women aren't equipped to be providers, it's not in our nature. It is the man's role to support the family and the woman's role to provide emotionally. Men aren't capable and should not be expected to have emotional attachments."
[in reference to a 32 year old coworker of mine being sexually harassed at work by a 60 year old man who was later fired]
"I mean it's all you can expect from men, and honestly it's refreshing to see a man break the rules to fight for a woman he's interested in. That's a good quality."
"I don't believe we live in a patriarchal society because women still have to work. I wish we did though because then society would push for men to provide and support their families, but I don't believe any man gets the things he works for just because he's a man. He gets opportunities that women don't because he's biologically equipped for success in ways that women aren't."
I was full on drunk but I was still making 👀👀👀 at whomever would make eye contact with me. The wildest thing is that this woman was not like """conservative""" or seemingly political at all. She talked frequently about doing party drugs, and signaling other "liberal proxy" beliefs. If anything, she was on the crunchy mom kick, but she is also Russian (her parents are from there but I believe she grew up in the US. However, her elder son speaks exclusively Russian so she is presumably deeply involved in her Russian heritage) which, by her own admission, is an influence on a lot of her beliefs.
It's just this jarring reminder that you can know someone for three years, but you learn one day that they have shockingly backwards worldviews that you just didn't know about because it never came up in conversation.
It honestly makes me feel a bit bad for straight couples who, I imagine, step on these personified landmines way more often than queer people do when making friends since queers at least have a much higher chance of aligning on politics and worldviews out of the box. And anecdotally, we just way overshare and develop deep connections faster than cis het men do. I can't imagine making friends with someone and then realizing months or years later that they believe with their full chest that men are incapable of expressing emotion, or that toxins can be unclogged with essential oils or something insane like that.
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rskurat · 8 months
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Santiago Borja is an airline pilot who takes stunning photos of storms and clouds from the flight deck of his 767. Definitely offers up a different perspective than the typical storm chaser photography.
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rskurat · 8 months
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rskurat · 9 months
btw there was actually an art project led by three students (Ail Hwang, Hae-Ryaan Jeon and Ghung Ki Park) in Germany to install colorful window panes onto an electrical transmission tower to create a stained glass mosaic effect, called "Leuchtturm" ("lighthouse") and even such a simple effect is dazzling
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imaging looking up at one of these and being surrounded by illustrations and iconography climbing to the heavens
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rskurat · 9 months
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Pretty vacant, Doug Aitken
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rskurat · 9 months
Bonus McMansion Hell: Ye Olde Barrington
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In which I am in my castle era.
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