rpyk1234-blog · 5 years
Conclusion of SAVED
Now that the program is coming to and end, I can surely say that this experience was so much better than what I was expecting from the start. Like any other “class” I thought this was going to be extremely boring teaching me things I already know. But it wasn’t. Sure some of the things the teach us are things we already know or should know but what is nice about this is that there is no harm in being reminded about these every once in awhile. With so much going on in everyone’s lives, we tend to forget even the most core values that we should have. I can also say that not one session was boring, at least for me. Every session was somewhat interactive or interesting, 
I also realized that during all of this, with my case and the program everyone was genuinely trying to help me in every step. Honestly, I thought that during the case decision, the people there would be “attacking” or at least targeting me to, I guess bring me down, but it was the complete opposite. Everyone wanted the best outcome for both parties and were all very supportive. This helped immensely because I was really nervous during that time. Going into the program I expected the formators to be strict and stiff but once again it was the complete opposite. Everyone one had this vibe of caring and really wanting what is best for you. It was truly an amazing experience with the SDFO. 
So did this program really help me? Maybe. What I can say for now is i surely have learned alot from this program and I have a clearer path going forward of what I should do. I can’t really say that I have changed already because that surely takes longer than the timeframe of this program but I can say that this may very well be the starting point of that change. I can say that I am better equipped as a person to handle all kinds of situations. 
I hope everyone in my class also had a positive experience. 
Thank you SAVED program for this wonderful experience. Thank you for wanting the best outcome for each and everyone of us despite our shortcomings. Thank you for believing in us that we can still become better than what led us here in the first place. 
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rpyk1234-blog · 5 years
Lasallian Formation
Here we are at the last module session of the SAVED program. Time really flies by so quickly. This session is by far the most interactive as almost everything we did was games or sharing. The main lesson or realization I got from this is that it was more difficult to think of positive things about myself than the negative ones. I was quick to identify my negative traits but when we were forced to compliment ourselves it took more effort. However I was able to identify them which was good because I usually don’t do this. Now I know my good characteristics and can improve on them.
I also really liked the many games that we played during the session although there was not much to take from these apart from becoming closer with everyone else it was really something I appreciated because for awhile I was able to break free from the requirements of thesis and my mind was freed from thinking about it all the time even for just a short while.
We also identified a time where we were happiest. Mine was when I was underloaded for a term and I had so much free time I usually just hung out with my friends and staying in school just to hang out. This reminded me to take breaks when I need to and take a moment to recharge from the daily pressures that we have. This term has been especially difficult for me with my OJT everyday having 1 class at night while also attending this program and having to go to my partner organization for thesis I cannot wait to relax and take a break. It was also cool to see that most answers from the class were similar wherein they described their happy place as something free from responsibilities and worries. I guess that the happy place is just a representation of the feelings we actually want to feel and it is more of a state of being rather than a specific place. I am sure everyone cannot wait to get back to that “happy place” and we are working hard to get back to that state.
We also got to know our classmates more in the activities and honestly it was nice seeing that everyone was having fun and participating willingly. I am sure that like me, many others thought this program would be something boring and some would just attend just because they had to but from my observation everyone was enjoying and it was really cool to see that.
Another thing to note is how amazing the venue looked like and I was glad to at least have used it once before ending my stay in the school.
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rpyk1234-blog · 5 years
Lasallian Leadership Module
Today we did several different activities in the session. I also really liked the facilitator today since she was able to make the session very fun and participative. There was a lot of sharing today.
One of the activities today was to take a photo that would best remind you of your journey in Lasalle. For me it was a photo of Henry Sy building taken from the grass area looking upwards towards the large structure. I chose to take this photo because I recall one night when I was only a few terms away from graduating, I was walking by from LS to Velasco and I looked up at the building and saw the brightly lit up words De La Salle University. The wind was blowing at my face and I must have stared at the building for a good few seconds before continuing to walk. In my mind I was feeling all nostalgic and I had a lot of thoughts running in my head. I thought of how large and beautiful the building was and also of how I will only get to see this view for a few more times before I finally leave the university.
Now I try to look up whenever I pass by there and there would be different memories going through my head of the different things I have experienced here. Sometimes I would think about my frosh year or my challenges during the first majors that I took. Good and bad memories come to me whenever I stare at the building. Honestly, I can say most of my memories here are good and it will truly be a bittersweet moment for me when I get to step out of Lasalle. My journey has been a great one and it flew by so quickly, the future is truly scary but I know that I will come out prepared and ready to face anything.
Another activity we did was try to build a tower using marshmallows and barbeque sticks. It was one of those usual team building games. Here I got to cooperate with my group and even if we did not win we still had a lot of fun and I guess that was the takeaway that it’s not always about the destination, sometimes it’s the journey and I guess I can say the same when I finally graduate. Just thinking about it now, I can already say the journey of getting there is truly better and more meaningful. Reflecting about this now is really making me miss college already if though I’m still here.
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rpyk1234-blog · 5 years
Social Sensitivity Module and Formative Exposure Activity
For this session we went to the ALS center to have our exposure activity. Like other exposure activities we had the chance to interact with the less fortunate. In this session, we shared stories with our group and we were able to have a vastly different perspective of life from our own. Our two group members from the ALS program shared a lot and it was really inspiring to see that even in their situation, they are determined and motivated to achieve their goals. Although these people do not have much they seem to be really happy and tend to have a more positive outlook.    
These exposure activities usually leave me with a greater appreciation for the things I was lucky enough to have. I am extremely grateful for my parents and their never ending support for me. I take these sessions as a wake up call sometimes because I often forget that there are people who are in a more difficult situation than me and I am still complaining about the little inconveniences I sometimes encounter. I know that instead of complaining, I should be maximizing my opportunities and be grateful that I have them. Another thing I love about exposure activities is seeing the drive that these people have. This is something I can learn from them because I usually find myself being stagnant and not being productive.
This activity also reminded me of my thesis where we partnered with an organization dealing with the less fortunate. I have also visited activities of this organization I seem to have observed that the less fortunate are sometimes genuinely happier than I find myself sometimes. This is another thing that I can learn from them is that to make the most of what we have and learn to be satisfied. Because if we don’t learn this, we will never happy. I guess what I can take away from this is also that in any situation, people can be happy it’s all in how we view life and what our priorities are. This is something I feel like I can still work own going forward.
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rpyk1234-blog · 5 years
Life Skills Education Module
A speaker came in today and shared his life experiences to the class. I really liked the story of the speaker because he was being real with us and I can relate to some of the things he went through and I surely learned a lot from him and was also inspired. His life was not perfect, he committed a huge mistake which led to many consequences and challenges for him. It was good to see that he was able to bounce back and despite of his mistake, he is doing well and seems to be happy and content.
The main lesson he wanted us to take home was that it was fine to commit mistakes, the important thing is how fast you can bounce back from it.  He shared that the longer we take to correct our errors the more difficult it would be for us in the future. I can really relate to this because like him, we all made mistakes and will make mistakes. I guess one way to bounce back quickly from my mistake is completing my SAVED program on time. This can be applied to any other mistakes I may further commit. I should own up to it and fix it quickly.
Another part of his story was that he left his home because he really did not want to take over the family business and rely on his parents. This was something I could somewhat relate to because like him I want to forge my own path but I would not have been as extreme as he was. He shared that he left and was really struggling for a long time because he was forced to become an adult suddenly and he had to do whatever he can to get his needs. It was nice to see that even with his situation, he was able to rise back up although it took him awhile. Likewise, I hope that I can face whatever challenges I will have in the future and rise above it.
If anything, this session assured me that even people who make huge mistakes can bounce back it just takes a little extra work but if we are willing to work for it then we will get to where we want. What he shared is really a big lesson for me and maybe I should be less harsh on myself when I commit mistakes and instead focus on how I can correct what I did because dwelling too long on an error and hating yourself for it won’t get you anywhere.
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rpyk1234-blog · 5 years
Values Clarification and Development Module
This session on values clarification and development reminded us of the different Lasallian values and how they can help us reach our goals in life. We were asked on our short term and long term future. For the short term, I knew that I wanted to do everything to get my degree and finish college. The long term was a little more difficult because I knew I wanted to be successful, but, I am still not sure of what I really want to be doing for the rest of my life. What I really wanted was to start my own business and hopefully become successful there. Then again, I also do not really know what kind of business I would want to start. I know that these are important things for me to start thinking about or at least already have an idea of by now but because I am currently preoccupied with so many things, I am having a hard time figuring these things out. I hope that I can start working on these soon.
I felt that I was truly lacking in knowing what my long term goal was. This is because my classmates in the SAVED program mostly knew what they wanted to pursue and they also have a clearer picture of how they wanted to get there. Although there were also some who were still not that sure, I think I was the most unsure in the class.
This question really bugs me because the most realistic outcome for me is to continue our family business. This is also the preferred outcome of my parents however they are still supportive of whatever I want to pursue. Although I don’t have any issues with helping in the business, I don’t particularly love it either. I really want to start something that is my own and something I can be passionate about. My sister was able to start her own business after she left her normal job. I really look up to her because I saw her start from 0 to where she is now and I am really inspired by her. This is another business I can help in, however, like the family business I am not passionate about it.
For now, I can focus on finishing all my requirements for academics and stay confident that I will figure things out soon. I know that the values discussed today as well as those I have acquired over the years will surely help me in the future and I maybe someday I can look back at this and laugh at why I was so worried at this time.
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rpyk1234-blog · 5 years
Self-Awareness module
This was the official start of the modules sessions of the SAVED program apart from the orientation. My initial thoughts coming into this program was that the facilitators will be very strict and the program itself to be boring and mostly lectures. I knew that whatever this program will be like I had no choice to but to complete it despite my busy term.
Today’s module was on self-awareness. Now, even before this module I would consider myself as a pretty self-aware person. I know my strengths and weaknesses and I also know the different things I need to improve on myself. However, having this session also really helped in terms of reminding me what motivates me to push through the challenges of life. This was also addressed during my counseling. I had the realization that I often to not get that much time anymore to reflect and think about these things on my own. With so many distractions that we have today, self-reflection and awareness becomes more of a rarity. I find myself a victim of this so this session was really helpful in reminding me to take some time to
               During the session we were asked on what our motivation is. Currently, my biggest motivation is thinking about my graduation and how close I am getting there. However, it was more than that. I really wanted to graduate already because I was already delayed. I knew that this would make my family proud and really happy. More than myself, I wanted to graduate so that I can start to give back to my parents or at the very least start lightening their expenses on me. Although I would tell most people that I want to graduate already, the bigger reason is that I know that I will be making my family proud and also myself. Although this is also a challenge for me because I was still not sure what I wanted to do in the future.
               As the session came to an end, I was surprised that the facilitator as well as my “classmates” were all very nice and everyone was able to share. I’m usually a reserved type of person but I did not find it too difficult to share my thoughts and go through with the different activities. For the first session of SAVED this was really not what I expected. The mood was relaxed and I did not at any time feel that this was a punishment. I hope that other session will also be similar and I am looking forward to these sessions.
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