royaledelwise-blog · 7 years
My Reflection in I.C.T
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I.C.T or Information and Communications Technology refers to technologies that provides access to information through telecommunications. In our generation, we use I.C.T as an instrument of communication that connects us to the world. It is also used for seeking information using the search engines and regularly used it as personal satisfaction.
Technology becomes rampant in our world. Most of the people used digital media for communication. It became an important piece in the communicating process for it is used as a one-step tool in connecting to others who are far away from us.
In schools, teachers train their students to use technology in their studies. According to UNESCO, I.C.T can contribute to universal access to education, equity in education, the delivery of quality learning and teaching, teachers’ professional development as well as improve education management, governance and administration provided the right mix of policies, technologies, and capacities are in place. Moreover, I can say that technology helps us to be globally competitive because in the use of search engines it helps us to dig in the information and discover things that weren’t written in the books. It also turns us from shallow minded to a knowledgeable people.
Personally, technology is handy to me. I use digital medias to play games such as Pokemon go, mobile legends and much more. I used it to access in social medias that I love like Facebook and Instagram where I can post my pictures and feelings and can be able to share it with the world without any hassle.
I use Facebook often than Instagram but I love them both. What I like about Facebook is that it is not limited in words. I can also upload as many photos I like and I can able to put it in an album. I can also use my account on Facebook to connect to other sites and I can chat my friends whenever I like. However, Instagram is unique because you can manipulate your pictures using different filters. According to, Instagram is a running documentary of your life because it is a compilation of your photos that you’ve uploaded. 
I also used Zalora as a shopping destination. In Davao City, traffic is a problem together with the heat so I decided to shop online. It is very convenient because in just one search I can find what I am looking for. Example, I am looking for a bohemian look, I will just type “Bohemian look” then there, I will have many options and problem solved. I can also use a cart to hold my chosen products and dresses just like in an actual shopping the difference is I will not spend hours in malls and I will not spend too much energy finding things. In paying, I can choose if it is via banks or C-O-D (Cash-on-Delivery). Zalora is free shipping as long as the total cost of your purchase reaches above a certain amount.
All of these benefits of technology has brought a big help for us. It may have many advantages but if we misused it, it may bring negative impact in our lives. So have discipline in using technology and enjoy!
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royaledelwise-blog · 7 years
Facebook vs. Twitter
Howdy everyone! Thank you for reading my first blog.
Now I will differentiate facebook from twitter. So stay tuned and enjoy.
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Facebook is a social networking site that created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. It is also the world’s largest social network reaching more than 1 billion users. Well, facebook have unique abilities to connect and share with other people. The following are its features why it is unique:
·        You can see the posts and status of your friends
·        You can share your photos worldwide
·        You can share your information on your page
·        You can invite and join groups and events
·        You can communicate with your active friends through chat
·        You can play games and use applications
·        You can connect to business and celebrities
·        You can use social plug-ins across the web
·        You can connect to other sites through your account
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Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Noah Glass and Biz Stone. It is a free social networking microblog that allows a person to make his/her short posts called tweets. Compared to facebook, twitter have limited characters of 140. You can also send tweets or replies through text messages or its website. Here are the following features of twitter:
·        You can have celebrity access
·        It has creative outlet
·        It track trends
·        Breaking News are available
·        You can find interesting people
·        Have a company contact
·        It is not boring because it is limited in text
It is obvious that facebook has more features than twitter. They are different and both unique but they are similar in use. They are used as a medium of communication and it should connect people around the world. Whether you choose facebook or twitter or both, you should always put in mind to handle it responsibly.
Thank you for reading. Until next time! Hope you liked it.
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royaledelwise-blog · 7 years
My Life with I.C.T
Hello everyone! Welcome to my first ever blog. Hope you’ll like it.
Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a princess and that is not me. As if, I have a fairy godmother that can turn me into. I’m just a typical girl who lives in a simple house and community that do usual things such as going to school, mingling with my friends, texting, accessing to internet and many more.
I am not rich, you know. I don’t own a smartphone like everyone else but I’m not poor either. I used to have one but I broke it so I just used my desktop to update my accounts and all. I am an active user of social media especially facebook and I don’t get behind with what trends now.
I’m so enjoying of using digital media that I didn’t noticed that it changed me. Personally, I admit that it brought negative impact to me. I’ve been imprisoned by its illusions, not literally put me behind bars but It tricked me. Because of digital media, I forgot how to be responsible with my chores, I interact to my friends less and then I realize that the more I connect with the internet, the more I disconnect to my real life. I am not saying that it is bad for us and we should not use it. I am just saying that we should be responsible to our actions. This story of mine serves as a lesson to everyone not to misused digital media because although it has a good intensions but it may give negative impact in our lives.
Currently, I’m taking up STEM track at Kidapawan Doctor’s Colleges Inc. I see ICT as an advantage to my learning for it helps me to be globally competitive. It is also a stress-free access to have my research done. It helps me to discover things through surfing in the internet. I understand more about a certain topic and gives me more information about it. It makes me more well-informed about how things work. I see it very useful especially now that I am taking up a complex track.
Before I end, I will leave a quote from Germany Kent that says, “If we all work together there is no telling how we can change the world through the impact of promoting positivity online.” 
Thank you for reading it! Hope you enjoyed!
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