roxyitsnowornever · 6 years
okay but skins will just never get better than the first generation. just
• the tony/sid relationship? Like holy shit so interesting sid goes from idolizing tony to literally saying “I can’t think of anything worse than being you” and then he STILL helps tony and is there for him when he really needs him
• TONY STONEM in general. evil manipulator mwhaha just wants to party but also loves his sister more than himself and is a lost puppy without Michelle. Super fashionable and bi as hell. Sass master. i give the writers major props for making him so unlikeable but also very layered and giving him a crazy ass redemption arc. He’s the center of the universe and he knows it.
• can we just appreciate the fact that the first word Effy ever speaks to anyone while lucid is “wanker”
• Michelle could so easily fall into the “weak gullible girlfriend” character but she’s not??? She stands up for herself and is crazy about her friends and she literally ONLY SPOKE SPANISH for DAYS in order to study for her exam you go girl
• a sweet, close, beautiful, pure friendship between a straight guy and a gay guy with no jokes or undertones about anyone’s sexuality
• they could have easily made sid the weird nerdy best friend who’s the punchline to all the jokes but they made him the most interesting character on the whole damn show. His relationship with Cassie. His relationship with Tony. His relationship with his dad. His relationship with Michelle. Hell even his relationship with Effy. A+
• ACTUAL QUEEN JAL FAZER. her entire audition scene is honestly worthy of a standing ovation oh my GOD
• ACTUAL ANGEL CASSIE AINSWORTH. She’s flawed and broken and selfless and jealous and dotty and dreamy and vulnerable and strong all at once. Her eating disorder/mental illness is never used as a trope or a plot device, it’s realistic and an important part of her character but it NEVER defines her. The scene where she runs through the city? Gives me chills every. Fucking. Time. Protect her at all costs.
• ACTUAL CINNAMON ROLL CHRIS MILES. he drew a picture of a snail when asked what his future goals were. he gave the school musical a standing ovation after sketch fucked it all up. half of his lines make no damn sense and he’s the typical stock “comic relief character” but NO they gave him so much depth and family background and levity and he MEANT something. and I think we all expected him to go out in a blaze of glory, in fitting Chris fashion, but he didn’t, he went painfully and un-spectacularly in a bed. Because living fast and dying young isn’t romantic, it’s sad and real and it hurts everyone they leave behind. Also shoutout to Joe dempsie for going full frontal 10/10 you are a gift to humanity
• sneaky, mysterious, bad girl Effy taking care of Pandora and letting her take the credit for her art project
• the protective sisterly bond between Michelle and Effy
• the romances are all so well written and they HURT, because this is a tv show and we expect relationships to last but these are teenagers and high school love affairs never really last, and even though they feel so dramatic and intense now you know that Michelle and Tony will never grow up and get married and have babies, it just won’t happen, but you still feel it all the same, just like you would if you were a teenager.
• but HONESTLY. Jal and Chris. Literally the last people you’d ever think to end up together but they worked because they challenged each other, they made each other want to be better. Chris helped Jal stop being so cautious and uptight and Jal showed Chris that he did matter as a person, that he needed to try, that he couldn’t waste his life because it counted for something. When she puts the coin in his hand to give him all her luck and he’s being wheeled away and he holds it up to show her I just SOB it is so beautiful and sad. They took care of each other but they didn’t change for each other, Jal still went to her audition (and SLAYED it) and Chris still was just as carefree as he always had been, they just met each other halfway and it was so glorious
• and don’t even get me started on Sid and Cassie. These two fuckers. I knew it was endgame the moment you hear them bouncing on springs and Cassie’s like “oh OH YES” and you think they’re fucking but NOPE they’re jumping on a trampoline and she’s playing with the drawstrings on his hoodie like fuck they are so cute. “It’s not like anybody cares, so…” “I care.” When she shoots him with a squirt gun after he stands her up and totally calls him on his bullshit, “everything is your choice Sid” I think about that scene a lot. HIS LETTER TO HER. HE FEELS LIKE SINGING WHEN HE SEES HER. LORD HELP ME. and you think he’s missed her and she’s gone to Scotland and he’ll never see her again but AH plot twist Tony gave her the letter and they meet on the same bench she tried to kill herself on like can you say DAMN and then the scene in season two where he finally confronts her and they’re SO MEAN to each other saying how much they hate each other “whatever I’m sick of saying sorry, I love you, you say sorry” and Cassie’s way of telling him she loves him back is by telling him she named her pet slug Sidley i can’t i just can’t and then Sid, nerdy dumb Sid, becomes the fucking romantic hero and chases her to fucking New York City what the fuck I love them IT HURTS
• Sid and Tony holding each other in the middle of the nightclub after sid’s dad dies and you can’t hear anything but the music but you just see Sid bawling and Tony clutching him… Honestly one of the most powerful moments I have ever seen on tv. Honestly give mike bailey an AWARD
• that “wild world” sing-along will go down in history I swear
• we need more female friendships on TV like the one Michelle and Jal share
• the villain for the first few episodes is named “Mad Twatter.” Just let that sink in
• Chris’s funeral scene is honestly so beautiful and special and well done. I cried so hard. It’s teens honoring and mourning their friend in a way that feels right, that means something to them. It’s catharsis for the characters and the viewers. Amazing
• honestly just one of the best programs aimed at teens I’ve ever seen. Deals with death, religion, parent issues, school stress, pregnancy, mental illness, drug use/abuse, sex, love, varying sexualities (TONY IS BI AND YOU CANT TELL ME OTHERWISE), friendship, suicide, classism, employment/careers, college, and a million other topics without ever feeling contrived or preachy. Yeah some of the hi jinks the characters get into is ridiculous and would never happen in real life (that Russia episode wtf) but at the end of the day, you relate. Teens relate. They feel these characters because they see them in the world around them, because they ARE them. We are all Chris, and Jal, and Sid, and Cassie, and Tony, and Michelle, and Maxxie, and Anwar, and Effy.
• (that ending shot with Effy looking right into the camera is legendary)
• literally when people say that gen 2 is the best generation or the iconic generation I just… did we even watch the same show
• skins was never able to beat the first generation. It just couldn’t. How do you beat this. how
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roxyitsnowornever · 6 years
Don’t mind me
I’m just over here panicking about the time I spent having panic attacks today,while I continue to procrastinate causing even more panic
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roxyitsnowornever · 6 years
Four words to summarize my love life? She’s straight, he’s not.
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roxyitsnowornever · 7 years
How far would you go for your love?
Who said being a fangirl was easy? Do you know how many terrible movies I’ve had to endure just because one of my favorite actors was in it?! DO YOU?! IT’S CALLED COMMITMENT.
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roxyitsnowornever · 7 years
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roxyitsnowornever · 7 years
It’s the heterosexual agenda man
Why Does Golden Circle End in a Wedding?
So, the ending of The Golden Circle is still super fucking weird to me. Specifically the Eggsy/Tilde wedding. Like half of me feels like they just did it so the Golden Circle title could, well, come full circle so to speak.
Because here’s the thing- it goes against everything these movies have been building toward. Eggsy has demonstrated throughout both of these movies that Kingsman is the most important thing in his life. He demonstrates that Kingsman is more important than Tilde to him when he goes through with the Clara mission. 
And I think his conviction in that belief would be even stronger by the end of the movie. It’s wildly out of character that he gets his mentor back from the dead, loses everyone else he cares about, and says you know what? I’m done with this. And even though he could very well still be a kingsman, marrying a princess publicly kind of implies that he’s stepping down.
It would have made the most sense, cinematically, and the ending I was expecting, if Eggsy had said, Look Harry, I can’t go back to Tilde and get married and pretend everything is fine. A year ago I thought you were dead. I lost Roxy, Brandon, my fucking dog. We lost Merlin. And if Kingsman, if giving her up, can prevent other people from losing their Harry Harts or their Merlins then I can’t walk away.
And I spent a long time trying to ask myself why. Like why would they choose to leave us with the main character abandoning the mission of rebuilding the thing that’s become the most important to him? The focal point of two whole movies?
And I think it’s solely because the movie backs itself into a corner. Because if Eggsy doesn’t get married and distance himself, they’ve killed off everyone else, and the narrative only has one place to go.
It’s just Eggsy and Harry, with no one else to rely on but each other. And Eggsy would give Harry anything he asked, and he doesn’t want to lose him again. Harry has nowhere else to turn, no other way to cope with his grief and no way out.
TLDR; Eggsy had to get married because otherwise it would have been just him and Harry being the most important things in the world to each other and that’s too gay for mainstream cinema.
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roxyitsnowornever · 7 years
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Best of: Chief Jim Hopper
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roxyitsnowornever · 7 years
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Kingsman: 30 Days OTP Challenge - Day 25 by maXKennedy
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roxyitsnowornever · 7 years
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my aestetic
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roxyitsnowornever · 7 years
Oh man. From what we know in TGC Harry was always alone, but I guess this is for the first time he is lonely like completely lonely, and possibly for the rest of his life. Not fair. This is worse than death, really.
Why “Kingsman: TGC” broke my heart
The end of “Kingsman” left me with a strange feeling. There was a huge royal wedding - the perfect ending of every fairytale where true love wins. So why didn’t I left the cinema smiling? Because of the look on Harry Hart’s face. This man looked death in the eye and survived. He got his memory back, he is alive but … just look at his life right now. All his colleagues are dead. All his friends are dead. His best friend died right in front of him. His home is a ruin, all his stuff and his memories there are destroyed - the butterflies, the pictures, Mr. Pickle. The boy he lo… Eggsy is probably gone to live in Sweden with Tilde. And Harry still needs to deal with the feelings of murdering a whole church. Harry is all alone in London. His only companion is Mr. Pickle jr. That look on his face in that last scene … he is saying goodbye to his last friend. This broke my heart and just the thought of it makes me sad. It kind of reminded me of that big theatre scene at the end of “Moulin Rouge”. All the people are cheering for the magnificent show and no one sees the real tragic behind the curtain. It’s just like that. Vaughn showed us the fairytale ending with a princess & a prince, the perfect happy end. Behind the curtain is Harry Hart, all by himself.
And that’s just one thing of a long list of sad “TGC” stuff like all those unnecessary deaths.
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roxyitsnowornever · 7 years
Not-so-best behavior
so colin once mentioned he mispronounced penne and pene and that gives me ideas like harry is obviously fluent in italian and eggsy sees this as an excellent opening for him and his ‘get closer to harry’ plan. he asks harry to tutor him every day after dinner or even later if they have to do debriefing. 
“penne and pene. bit tricky, isn’t it, harry?” 
“what do you mean?” 
“look, what if i asked you to pass me a bowl of pasta but it came out as ‘can you do me a favour and give me your penis?’ instead? i can already imagine roxy’s endless ribbing on my fuck up.” he laughs. 
harry’s slight flush is mercifully hidden by the lamplight. a beat. “yes, yes i’m sure one can, uhm, imagine that.” 
and it’s a wonder eggsy never questions why harry keeps inviting him over for pasta night every week after that. 
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roxyitsnowornever · 7 years
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Sophie Cookson
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roxyitsnowornever · 7 years
Also in that Mr. Pickle jr scene, eggsy is a fucking predator.
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eggsy unwin’s murder eyes (ʘ‿ʘ)
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roxyitsnowornever · 7 years
“I owe you everything, Harry.” He held out his hand for Harry to shake. Harry did so, and then pulled Eggsy in for a hug.
-Kingsman: The Golden Circle Official Novelization
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roxyitsnowornever · 7 years
roses are red
violets are blue
harry hart is great
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roxyitsnowornever · 7 years
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Since I first saw this image I have been unable to rest or think of anything except THIGHS
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roxyitsnowornever · 7 years
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Jane Fonda and Helen Mirren.  Paris Fashion Week
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