roxieroadarts · 1 month
Here is the link to the doc with the lore to my mod and it explains what happened in every scene!
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roxieroadarts · 1 month
Hey rhythm game enthusiasts and modders! I'm excited to share that I'm working on an awesome Friday Night Funkin' mod featuring my killer clown OC, Elowen. Elowen is not your typical clown-she's got killer dance moves and a style that's out of this world!
I'm on the lookout for talented collaborators to help bring Elowen to life. We need artists to create her vibrant and unique look, coders to make sure her dance moves are smooth and seamless, and musicians to compose some killer tracks for her levels.
If you're interested in being part of this project, head over to
[Casting Call Club) (https://www.castingcall.club/projects/f-n-f-v-s-elowen-a-friday-night-of-funkin-mod)
for all the details and to audition.
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