roses-and-bellflowers · 7 months
Cat care, cat products and cat diseases
In USA, Cat    care, cat   products    and    cat    diseases Articles a cat is sold from cattery at cost any where up to US $ 20000. In USA alone people spend more than four billion dollars every year for cat food. People of USA spend more money for buying cat food than buying their baby food. Cats need balanced diet consisting of proteins, vitamins, fats and carbohydrates. People also spend large amount of learn more money for buying cat beds , cat furniture, cat clothes, litter box, cat bathing soap, cat carriers, cat toys, catnip, apparel, collars leash harness, cat identification tags, cat sleeping baskets, cat toys, cat flap, scratching posts, articles of cat grooming, cat bathing articles, skin remedies, cat combs, cat brushes, cat shampoo, cat tooth paste, cat medications, vitamins and cat vaccinations.
Many types of cat litter boxes and cat food are now available in the market.  There are many grooming centers for cats in USA and other countries. Grooming of a cat includes combing, brushing, bathing and nail trimming. The articles of cat grooming includes combs, brushes, rakes, pet shampoo and nail trimmer. Cats can become ill, if they are not provided with clean food and clean water. Cats are very susceptible to various diseases.
Cats need protection from germs. The cats are extremely sensitive to slight variations in the taste of water. Some cats can refuse to drink tap water due to presence of Chlorine or other minerals in the tap water. In this case, bottled water should be provided to these cats. House cats do not dislike water but react adversely to being chilled or doused with cold water. Cats with white fur are very prone to sunburn. Frequent sunburn can cause skin cancer in cats. Cats are susceptible to a variety of viral and bacterial diseases.
The most common cat diseases are Feline Distemper, Coryza, Feline Leukemia, Toxoplasmosis, Disorders of eye and ear, respiratory diseases like Feline viral Rhinotracheitis, Feline Calicivirus and Chlamydia, Feline infectious Enteritis, cat flu, Feline infectious Peritonitis, Feline Dysautonomia, Leptospirosis, common cold, Dirrhoea, Furballs, Cat Allergies, Cat Scratch Disease, Pneumonia, Rabies, Scabies, Cancer, Diabetes, Abscesses, Acne, Arthritis, Anal prolapse, Asthma, Allergy, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Eczema, Fits, Feline Infectious Anaemia, Kidney Infections, Kidney Stones, Heartworms, formation of furballs, Internal Parasites like tapeworms, lungworms and roundworms, External Parasites like ringworm, ticks, fleas and mites. Fleas and Ticks causes Allergies, skin irritation and Anaemia. Cats can get infested by internal parasites like tapeworms and roundworms through contaminated food and water.
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