rock-to-live · 5 years
Ok, acabo de encontrar mi corriente artística favorita
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Spring Bouquet, 1866, Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Medium: oil,canvas
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rock-to-live · 5 years
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a special fathers day post for paul because he’s the sweetest and i love these pics so much ❤️
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rock-to-live · 5 years
The look extremely good, don’t they?
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Rami Malek and Lucy Boynton in SoHo, New York, on June 6th, 2019.
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rock-to-live · 5 years
That was my first mind fuck
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Meet the Robinsons sketch dump part 1!
Part 2: https://elioli-art.tumblr.com/post/185319692629/meet-the-robinsons-part-2-find-part-1-here
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rock-to-live · 5 years
I think about this pic a lot too
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rock-to-live · 5 years
Omg omg omg
when your best friend refuses to come to the recording studio because apparently it’s his “anniversarry”
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rock-to-live · 5 years
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I hope I’m not the only one who can hear this image.
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rock-to-live · 5 years
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rock-to-live · 5 years
So fucking cute
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so yes that one’s actually true: only paul would share a room with ringo at first, because the other’s didn’t want to. which is just ….. i love these children.
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rock-to-live · 5 years
You know what’s really bad on Tumblr?
The fact that my dash is 70% Queen, 22% random stuff and 8% The Beatles. And that’s not how it should be. It should look like this :
47% Queen, 47 % The Beatles and 6% random stuff
So, reblog this if you post THE BEATLES, please
I’ll follow you as @freaking-disaster
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rock-to-live · 5 years
Since I was born in 2002, I've been missing him even before being alive
Reblog if you miss Freddie Mercury
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rock-to-live · 5 years
paulmccartney 55 years ago today since we played on The Ed Sullivan Show. Can you believe it? I can’t! #edsullivan #thebeatles
February 9, 2019
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rock-to-live · 5 years
types of people as the beatles
John: cat person, confidant laughter, nice smile, loves the satisfaction of winning, can hold grudges, writing letters, cozy bed, dreaming of a better place, sunlight in a dark room, rainy days, a bit self-destructive, tired life™, likes to tease others (in good fun), can seem cold but has a good heart
Paul: loves dogs and fashion, mom friend, gives good advice, quirky, sunrises, writing poetry, good with kids, works too hard, baby faced, loud laughs and messy hair, always trying to make people smile, stops to pet every dog, always making plans for the group, inside jokes, dreamy sunsets, bursting with energy
George: tired face, hard outside soft inside, chill friend, owns over 30 plants probably, very patient, skilled but doesn’t brag, raindrops on plants, cheeky smile, getting lost in a forest, sharp features, star gazing, playing the ukulele, warm hugs, always there for you if you need to talk, wants the world to heal 
Ringo: laughing at your mistakes, soft heart, oldest of the group, just wants to have a good time, summer vibes, always giving their best, bold colors, encouraging, too many emojis, smol friend, full of love, handful of flowers, easy going, loves sea life, wants to be friends with everyone, golden sunlight
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rock-to-live · 5 years
5 Best Beatles Lyrics About Feeling Insecure
Sometimes you just feel like shit for no real reason (or maybe a lot of real reasons). I’ve always related to the John Lennon quote, “Part of me suspects I’m a loser and part of me thinks I’m God Almighty.” Misery loves company, so here are some lyrics for the part of you that thinks you’re a loser (which you’re not at all, you wonderful unicorn of a human). I hope that you will feel some solidarity and weirdly feel better just by knowing someone else has felt a similar way….and if not at least you have a dope playlist to listen to. Appropriately we’ll start out with…
“I’m a loser and I’m not what I appear to be” - I’m A Loser
The ultimate insecure song and one of the first deeper, introspective Beatles songs, this is my go to when I want to wallow in self pity. When I was applying to colleges and worried I wouldn’t get in anywhere I would blast this song and lie face down on my bed, feeling sorry for myself. It was very therapeutic. This line specifically articulates that feeling of not being your authentic self and just sort of faking it because you’re worried about what people will think if you don’t.
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“Everywhere people stare/Each and every day/I can see them laugh at me/Hey you’ve got to hide your love away” - You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away
One of the worst parts of feeling insecure is feeling like you have to keep the things you love to yourself, whether what you love is a cute person in math class or an amazing band from 50 years ago. This song creates a sense of us versus them, painting a picture of John’s fear of what other people will think.
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“Doesn’t have a point of view/Knows not where he’s going to/Isn’t he a bit like you and me?” - Nowhere Man
Tbh, this entire song could be the list. John Lennon’s first song that’s not about love really captures the universality of insecurity. The beautiful harmonies heighten the mood - sounding like they are jeering at John, and singing against him, rather than with him.
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“Black cloud crossed my mind/Blue mist round my soul/Feel so suicidal/Even hate my rock and roll” - Yer Blues
For me the WORST points of feeling down/depressed are when I feel like I can’t even relate to music anymore. This is really painful, because that’s where I usually go for encouragement, comfort, reassurance, and to feel less alone. These words really strike me because it sounds like literally the lowest low I could ever possibly sink to.
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“Many times I’ve been alone and many times I’ve cried/Anyway you’ll never know the many ways I’ve tried“ - The Long and Winding Road
The last song on the list deviates from the Lennon Loneliness that drives most of the Beatles’ introspective, insecure songs. This Paul song follows the themes of isolation and fear, but there’s a glimmer of hope. Paul ends the tune with the lyric “Lead me to your door”, letting us know that help is on the way.
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rock-to-live · 5 years
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Who cares about you? I do
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rock-to-live · 5 years
Types of rock music fans
Hello folks, I did that and I hope you like it! Sorry if it’s that long (and I didn’t put them all lmao).
the “i just like the music” guy -may know the frontman’s name (unlikely) -knows nothing about the band -just likes the songs -probably doesn’t know who’s dead and who’s alive -Bonzo who?
the high guy -loves psychedelic rock -gets stoned while listening to hard rock n stuff -even when not stoned talks really slowly -weed and pink floyd 3 a.m. is that heaven - “sup duuude”
the groupie -most likely a girl btw 17/25 -sexually attracted by most rock musicians -70s babe -David Bowie’s god -gotta style
the cult guy -solid classic rock -alternative af -black laced boots, oversized sweater, round shaped glasses -gets EXCITED easily -reads a lot -loves Tarantino and old school cinema -understands music
the shipper -ships basically everyone -MCLENNON WAS REAL OK? -LOOK HOW CUTE ARE THEY -has an OTP in each band -CAPS LOCK ‘CAUSE THEY ARE SO-
the passive aggressive -kinda depressed -kinda upset -basically fucked up -the Smiths but sometimes the Cure -vegetarian cause Morrissey, but Smith was cool too -…the world’s a vampire…ta ta ta ta -“fuck off, man”
the “rock music’s the best” guys -only listen to rock music because it makes them feel cool -remind you that they listens to rock music every 5 minutes -just know the most popular songs -“hav u ever listened to guns n roses’ sweet child ‘o mine? you gotta listen to it trust me man, trust me” -don’t know the lyrics -mix up the names (“yeah, Jim Morrison, u know, Van Halen’s guy…”)
the sub-culture guy -todays music’s not like once -misses the good old days -knows all the less known songs -also the ones from that album they recorded that year before the band was actually formed -pop music sucks -anything after the 90s sucks -do u know Bauhaus
the punk kiddo -punk rock babe -wanna have fun -has thousands band t-shirts -cute smile but unworkable lipsticks -i mean true punk rock so The Clash not Green Day ok? -wannabe joe strummer -sid vicious was not a bad guy
the overthinker rocker -everything has a deeper meaning -sure “girl got rhythm" it’s all about a deep complex human condition that involves- -no, it’s all a metaphor -u got it? -doesn’t it blow ur mind? -pink floyd enthusiast -touches you while talkin
the 60s little flower -all lost in a strawberry field in 1960 -loves the Beatles and nature -pure soul -sleepy and easy going -Elvis and swing -vintage -doesn’t like metal/hard rock
the mr meme -laugh at weird faces in old photos -is a meme genius -kinda nerdy -makes us all laugh a lot -Queen enthusiast -“have u seen Roger in tha’ photo?!?!? AHAHAHA” -very active on social
the nostalgic guy -WHY ARE THEY ALL DEAD OR SO OLD -never gonna be able to go to concerts -cries by the record player -vinyl’s a religion -WAIT DON’T TOUCH IT, BE CAREFUL- - -huge rock-related posters and photos on the closet and everywhere -WHY WASN’T I BORN IN 1960?!
the road trip blues guy -finest taste in music -knows the basics aka blues is the way -loves to listen to music while driving -Rolling Stones are huge -never existed anything better than Stones -hates the guys who wear Stones logo on t-shirts and don’t even know who they are -can tell you when a famous song’s a cover ((pissing you off af))
the girlfriend/boyfriend -knows E V E R Y T H I N G -sometimes a lil creepy -can tell you every funny story about any member of the band -has watched every single concert/interview video existent online -“so now you understand why he felt so disappointed that time…” -“that was why since that moment they didn’t play that song…” -acts like they’re married -got pillows with their faces on
the “i can play it” guy -plays an instruments, most likely -would like to be a rock star -cover cover cover -emulates the style but shhh always pretend you didn’t noticed -basically not self-confident
the evergreen -50/60 yo but still here -always wearing band t-shirt -kind and caring -has been lucky enough to grow up with rock music -cool parent -doesn’t embarrass you -“you know, when I was your age” -rare creature -gives you old vinyls
the peter-pan rocky guy -45/60 yo and still a kid inside -wears weird stuff n make up ‘cause “it’s rock n roll honeyyyy” -honestly embarrassing -thinks it’s cool like that (but it’s not) -probably drinks a lot and smokes like a chimney -talks about rock musicians like as they were old friends -“that time Keith Moon told me…”
the freak guy -always wearing headphones -walkin around like a fuckin survivor -misunderstood -unlucky with friendships -antisocial cause society’s fucked up -airguitaring and headbanging af -can’t stay still while listening to music -usually gets along with sub-culture guy
the Odin worshipper -wants to live in northern europe -loves cold and snow -if a boy, loooong hair -vikings is the best show -lotr fan -always serious on the outside but a cutie inside -SUMMER’S THE ENEMY -northen europe heavy metal -bands nobody knows
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rock-to-live · 5 years
John Deacon is the George Harrison of Queen you can’t change my mind
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