Thalia nodded, "You know how to find my frequency if he moves or if you need me. I'll be as quick as I can." She gave him a reassuring pat before darting off, quietly and quickly. She trusted Treble, he knew Bass better than anyone. And she wanted to help them both.
"Well... I didn't really get to know him well before... everything. I'd say I look friendly, maybe if I approached carefully?" She rummaged around in her jacket, pulling out two blasters, "Plus, these are all I have on me right now. If I leave them with you he won't sense I have weaponry, right?"
Treble looked up at Thalia for a minute. "... Thalia, I have to tell you, his last memories are most likely of him fighting to the death in a war. A robot coming to him out of the blue might set off fight or flight."
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rping isnt all about shipping
sure. its fun. its nice to put two characters together. but its not what rping it about
rping is about taking this character that you love so much, and giving them a voice. its about taking this character and writing how you think they would respond to certain situations and seeing a deeper meaning behind what they do and why they do what they do. 
if you’re rping just to ship, dont get mad when people dont want to ship with you. its about the characters and how they respond to each other. not about what the mun wants. 
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"Won't that make him panic?" Strong chains... "But, I know you know him best... Navy chains are too big, maybe something like on a heavy duty crane?"
"Well... I didn't really get to know him well before... everything. I'd say I look friendly, maybe if I approached carefully?" She rummaged around in her jacket, pulling out two blasters, "Plus, these are all I have on me right now. If I leave them with you he won't sense I have weaponry, right?"
Treble looked up at Thalia for a minute. "... Thalia, I have to tell you, his last memories are most likely of him fighting to the death in a war. A robot coming to him out of the blue might set off fight or flight."
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Right. Right, of course he would have. "Do we have any idea how long this will last?" She just wanted to help him... Too bad she couldn't make herself look more human now.
"Well... I didn't really get to know him well before... everything. I'd say I look friendly, maybe if I approached carefully?" She rummaged around in her jacket, pulling out two blasters, "Plus, these are all I have on me right now. If I leave them with you he won't sense I have weaponry, right?"
Treble looked up at Thalia for a minute. "... Thalia, I have to tell you, his last memories are most likely of him fighting to the death in a war. A robot coming to him out of the blue might set off fight or flight."
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Ah, yes. Kasumi was still very familiar with his sleeping habit of keeping his eyes opened while in rest. The fact others knew meant he'd fallen asleep at work or someone had tried to sneak in to prank him. Potentially. She also knew he couldn't help being quiet all the time, it was all but hammered into his programming at this point, not just an old habit.
"Those poor facts," she nodded mockingly, "Simply doing their job by existing, and being mistreated to prove you're a coolant sucking vampire," he got a grin as she turned the stove off, "Maybe I should be more careful and protect myself." A shaker of minced garlic was jokingly rattled towards Dax.
“I’ll have to be one of those right people. I bet I could rig up a mini speaker.” Mention of his eyes made hers roll, but she was just used to them by now. Figures that’d get people to start cracking jokes about him being an undead reploid.
“A coffin?” She repeated, “You’re going to have to tell me the full story. And where you still have that thing, I know you didn’t get rid of it,” The sizzling died down to be replaced by a louder as she swapped potato bits for eggs, “How many people did you scare when you popped out, I have to know.”
“Only one.” He would have left it at that if he could, but Dax knew he had too much of Kasumi’s attention for her to give up that easily. “It was, however, one of the three Commanders up there, so it was a very efficient startle. They thought I was brown bread when they sent a pickup so they had brought a coffin to bring back the remains out of respect. Our…command had made the very reasonably assumption that given that I was stationed in the middle of Maverick Hunter HQ when everything went pear-shaped and that I had suddenly gone radio silent, that I must have been a casualty. When the Nuvola lot that came found out, they figured there was no reason I couldn’t use the coffin, being as it was made bespoke for me.”
He’d managed to do the story without spending too much time focusing on the war. It helped that the story was a happy one from that point. “So when I shows up an pop out and crack an E-tank, Wing Commander Isaac was….tarnationed, I guess. And despite his attempts to convince me otherwise he let me keep it. I’ve got it in my quarters instead of a bed or recharge pod and I plan to outlast it.”
Kasumi really did try to hold in the laughter to hear him out. Of course he’d have been assumed dead, and a coffin would be sent. But for him to decide he was going to greet his rescuers by popping out of it with an E-Tank? And scare one of the main commanders while he was at it? She was already in quiet giggled when he said “tarnation”, knowing he now used it as a bed had her losing composure.
“And that’s why they call you Vlad?” She teased, still stifling laughter, “You should threaten to drink someone’s coolant. Wear some of those fake fangs humans like to use.” Naturally she’d have more ideas to add on, if he hadn’t used them already, “Maybe hiss at garlic for good measure.”
“Trust me, I don’t have to do a damned thing to play up on this, it has that much momentum already. They keep finding new things that they claim reinforces it, and at some point I’m going to have to admit that I have stopped finding errors. They’ve used the fact I don’t always shuteye when I get shuteye as evidence, or that I’m good at sneaking around.”
He sighed in mock exasperation. “And those are just so very unfair because they’re both entirely true things, they’re just using them to be silly buggers. Those poor innocent facts are being put to a task they weren’t meant for. I can’t exactly defend myself from things I’m proud of can I?”
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Kasumi really did try to hold in the laughter to hear him out. Of course he'd have been assumed dead, and a coffin would be sent. But for him to decide he was going to greet his rescuers by popping out of it with an E-Tank? And scare one of the main commanders while he was at it? She was already in quiet giggled when he said "tarnation", knowing he now used it as a bed had her losing composure.
"And that's why they call you Vlad?" She teased, still stifling laughter, "You should threaten to drink someone's coolant. Wear some of those fake fangs humans like to use." Naturally she'd have more ideas to add on, if he hadn't used them already, "Maybe hiss at garlic for good measure."
She spotted that out of the corner of her eye, “Hey,” a spatula was playfully waved in his direction, “I’m over here slaving away and you’re snacking??” Kasumi was only teasing, she knew what he was doing. There was a friendly laugh as she turned back to the stove, “Just make sure you wash your hands after that.”
It was a little hard to talk with a mouth full of partially broken down metamaterial, but he gave it an attempt anyway. “Naff off.” There was some more crunching before he had things to a point he could speak a little more eloquently. “Would be a shame to let the mats go to waste. ‘sides, you know I process quick, not like I’m going to ruin an appetite or anything.”
It was nice to be able to casually swear at an old friend again.
“Yeah, yeah,” the hash browns sizzled, “Should I meet all your new friends and call you “Instant Recycling” for fun?“ Kasumi stuck out her tongue at him. It felt almost like nothing had changed. Maybe between them it hadn’t, still friends who sometimes had too much to think about and time on their hands to shit talk each other with.
“If you wanna get plates down once your mitts are clean, there’s some in that cupboard over the dishwasher and utensils near the sink.” Her spatula pointed at a cupboard door and a drawer.
“I don’t think it’d stick. Already got a few that get thrown around, although the one that seems to have the most momentum is Vlad, or some other vampire-related accusation.I’m afraid they’ve gotten rather fond of the association and there hasn’t been anything I can do to disprove the math they’re using.”
He popped the last couple bits in his mouth, chewing them as he tucked the trash can back in its place and got up to clean up. By the time he was pulling the plates down he could speak again. “Got meself a reputation. In a good way, mostly.”
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"I'll have to be one of those right people. I bet I could rig up a mini speaker." Mention of his eyes made hers roll, but she was just used to them by now. Figures that'd get people to start cracking jokes about him being an undead reploid.
"A coffin?" She repeated, "You're going to have to tell me the full story. And where you still have that thing, I know you didn't get rid of it," The sizzling died down to be replaced by a louder as she swapped potato bits for eggs, "How many people did you scare when you popped out, I have to know."
She spotted that out of the corner of her eye, “Hey,” a spatula was playfully waved in his direction, “I’m over here slaving away and you’re snacking??” Kasumi was only teasing, she knew what he was doing. There was a friendly laugh as she turned back to the stove, “Just make sure you wash your hands after that.”
It was a little hard to talk with a mouth full of partially broken down metamaterial, but he gave it an attempt anyway. “Naff off.” There was some more crunching before he had things to a point he could speak a little more eloquently. “Would be a shame to let the mats go to waste. ‘sides, you know I process quick, not like I’m going to ruin an appetite or anything.”
It was nice to be able to casually swear at an old friend again.
“Yeah, yeah,” the hash browns sizzled, “Should I meet all your new friends and call you “Instant Recycling” for fun?“ Kasumi stuck out her tongue at him. It felt almost like nothing had changed. Maybe between them it hadn’t, still friends who sometimes had too much to think about and time on their hands to shit talk each other with.
“If you wanna get plates down once your mitts are clean, there’s some in that cupboard over the dishwasher and utensils near the sink.” Her spatula pointed at a cupboard door and a drawer.
“I don’t think it’d stick. Already got a few that get thrown around, although the one that seems to have the most momentum is Vlad, or some other vampire-related accusation.I’m afraid they’ve gotten rather fond of the association and there hasn’t been anything I can do to disprove the math they’re using.”
He popped the last couple bits in his mouth, chewing them as he tucked the trash can back in its place and got up to clean up. By the time he was pulling the plates down he could speak again. “Got meself a reputation. In a good way, mostly.”
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"I'll find something that will," her laugh was stopped cold at "Vlad" as curiosity overrode teasing, "Sorry... Vlad? Does it play with an organ soundtrack every time they say it?" The laugh was back now. He'd better explain this one, "I'm assuming it has something to do with you being presumed dead or kept somewhere for a while?"
She spotted that out of the corner of her eye, “Hey,” a spatula was playfully waved in his direction, “I’m over here slaving away and you’re snacking??” Kasumi was only teasing, she knew what he was doing. There was a friendly laugh as she turned back to the stove, “Just make sure you wash your hands after that.”
It was a little hard to talk with a mouth full of partially broken down metamaterial, but he gave it an attempt anyway. “Naff off.” There was some more crunching before he had things to a point he could speak a little more eloquently. “Would be a shame to let the mats go to waste. ‘sides, you know I process quick, not like I’m going to ruin an appetite or anything.”
It was nice to be able to casually swear at an old friend again.
“Yeah, yeah,” the hash browns sizzled, “Should I meet all your new friends and call you “Instant Recycling” for fun?“ Kasumi stuck out her tongue at him. It felt almost like nothing had changed. Maybe between them it hadn’t, still friends who sometimes had too much to think about and time on their hands to shit talk each other with.
"If you wanna get plates down once your mitts are clean, there’s some in that cupboard over the dishwasher and utensils near the sink.” Her spatula pointed at a cupboard door and a drawer.
“I don’t think it’d stick. Already got a few that get thrown around, although the one that seems to have the most momentum is Vlad, or some other vampire-related accusation.I’m afraid they’ve gotten rather fond of the association and there hasn’t been anything I can do to disprove the math they’re using.”
He popped the last couple bits in his mouth, chewing them as he tucked the trash can back in its place and got up to clean up. By the time he was pulling the plates down he could speak again. “Got meself a reputation. In a good way, mostly.”
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"Yeah, yeah," the hash browns sizzled, "Should I meet all your new friends and call you "Instant Recycling" for fun?" Kasumi stuck out her tongue at him. It felt almost like nothing had changed. Maybe between them it hadn't, still friends who sometimes had too much to think about and time on their hands to shit talk each other with.
"If you wanna get plates down once your mitts are clean, there's some in that cupboard over the dishwasher and utensils near the sink." Her spatula pointed at a cupboard door and a drawer.
He got an eyeroll, “Well this wasn’t the field. You staying for any breakfast or have to head off quick?” Her tail whipped around as she rolled off her sleeping spot and stood up in one motion. A quick stretch, and then she was off to her kicthen area.
“I have plenty of time for a nosh before I head off, I’m on liberty after a mission so I have time to rest and recover. It’ll take me time to find someone heading the right way anyways.”
That, and he didn’t really want to rush off away from the good news he’d stumbled on. Just a bit more time. “What’s on the menu?”
“I’m thinking… veggie stuffed omelettes, with either hash browns or muffins?” A quick glance into the fridge said she had ingredients for either, “I’ll let guest choose.”
“I’m not picky, I’ll eat anything I can get down best two-out-of-three.” He kept finding himself trying to second-guess what he was seeing, that he was having this conversation. That was taking up too much of his thought processing to have room for what to eat.
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She spotted that out of the corner of her eye, "Hey," a spatula was playfully waved in his direction, "I'm over here slaving away and you're snacking??" Kasumi was only teasing, she knew what he was doing. There was a friendly laugh as she turned back to the stove, "Just make sure you wash your hands after that."
He got an eyeroll, “Well this wasn’t the field. You staying for any breakfast or have to head off quick?” Her tail whipped around as she rolled off her sleeping spot and stood up in one motion. A quick stretch, and then she was off to her kicthen area.
“I have plenty of time for a nosh before I head off, I’m on liberty after a mission so I have time to rest and recover. It’ll take me time to find someone heading the right way anyways.”
That, and he didn’t really want to rush off away from the good news he’d stumbled on. Just a bit more time. “What’s on the menu?”
“I’m thinking… veggie stuffed omelettes, with either hash browns or muffins?” A quick glance into the fridge said she had ingredients for either, “I’ll let guest choose.”
“I’m not picky, I’ll eat anything I can get down best two-out-of-three.” He kept finding himself trying to second-guess what he was seeing, that he was having this conversation. That was taking up too much of his thought processing to have room for what to eat.
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Cut Man at Thalia, “You cretin. You absolute feral cretin. What raised you?” In full playfulness.
Well, seeing him was a surprise, sure. But the cracking of jokes was always a welcome greeting. Thalia grinned. She grinned a gremlin grin that only fellow gremlins could truly appreciate in their gremlin-ness.
"The LMNs trained me in the proper ways of the feral while my mother, Noele, taught me how to blend in with the normals of society. So my family," she giggled, "And how have you been hiding somewhere?"
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Sentence Meme: Random oneliners said in discord
A collection of one liners and funny quotes that have been said on a Discord server. Send one in for a character!
“[INSERT NAME] you use the tub too! Thus it is OUR tub.”
“ Food for three? Food for me :) “
“Yup I’ve just become a one man shaken martini of excitement.”
“The Bottom Discourse”
“I knew this was going to happen and this is a sacrifice I am willing to make.”
“We’ll steal cows from those captial cucks.”
“Our trauma is our glue~!" 
“The 20th century was the "fuck around” century. The 21st is the “find out” century.”
“My cheeks feel funny. My face ones.”
“Oh no, I’m too himbo for this.”
“But what if it breaks?!”
“It’s okay, I’ll buy a new coffin.”
“Come back you marshmallow fuck-”
“Prepare to get pumpkin spiced BINCH.”
“With respect: Fuck you, in the most loving way.”
“I recognize those bags under the eyes. One’s Prada, the other’s Gucci.“
“Oh my god what a good determined baby!“
“They are always all over me and wants my skeleton bones.”
“These hands are rated E for Everyone.”
“Get the holly jolly FUCK outta my house.“
“You have a whole NEST of grenades!”
“That’s the power of the Ocean Man.”
“… Surprised that you ask me to FIND a body rather than HIDE one, weird flex but okay.“
“Baby I’ll rotate your molecules.“
“[NAME] punches me in the face, obliterating me instantly“
“[NAME]’s classier than that. They are an escort.”
“Look as an aro I ship like fedex.“
“He’s not MY Himbo!”
“The new proud owner of a haunted house.”
“You cretin. You absolute feral cretin. What raised you?”
“ I am a free range organic grown adult.”
“No, you’re not a glowstick. Stop cracking like one.”
“ Who doesn’t love pain and misery? “
“We can’t keep doing this.”
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Her hooves clicked softly back onto the floor, and she smiled up at him, "What you do best~ Now... should we find some good friends to share this with and celebrate your activation day?" She motioned to the cake and drinks.
Thalia took a bit of the day to make something special, a two tier, covered in frosting to match his armor, carrot cake with "Happy Birthday Bass" written artfully along the bottom tier. "It may be a bit late, but it's not too late to celebrate, is it?"
"Birthday?" Bass was confused.
"It's my birthday?- Oh! carrot cake!?" He could smell it.
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A pause, Thalia thought it over, then pulled him in for a hug, "Yes. We all have our own skills. Including you. You do keep people safe, in your own way. You're a great Hunter, in your own way," she leaned up to give him a soft kiss on the cheek, "You can always work on new skills if you'd like. But don't forget the ones you already have. Like enthusiasm, strength, and the way you can bolster others around you with your confidence."
She smiled up at him, "And that's something to be celebrated to me~"
Thalia took a bit of the day to make something special, a two tier, covered in frosting to match his armor, carrot cake with "Happy Birthday Bass" written artfully along the bottom tier. "It may be a bit late, but it's not too late to celebrate, is it?"
"Birthday?" Bass was confused.
"It's my birthday?- Oh! carrot cake!?" He could smell it.
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"Nonsense! You're well above excellent. Maybe not as well known as some, but you're still a great Hunter!" Thalia gave him a pout, "Besides, what kind of talk is that coming from you?" She meant it in a teasing way, knowing he tended to be confident in himself.
Thalia took a bit of the day to make something special, a two tier, covered in frosting to match his armor, carrot cake with "Happy Birthday Bass" written artfully along the bottom tier. "It may be a bit late, but it's not too late to celebrate, is it?"
"Birthday?" Bass was confused.
"It's my birthday?- Oh! carrot cake!?" He could smell it.
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"I know if doesn't have to be, but... Well, it's your birthday and I wanted to make something special!" Thalia set it on a nearby counter, "Now, I've got plates, forks, a knife, and some champagne e tanks to celebrate the best Hunter with!" She grinned as she pulled them out of a bag. Maybe she was exaggerating for his benefit, but... It wouldn't hurt.
Thalia took a bit of the day to make something special, a two tier, covered in frosting to match his armor, carrot cake with "Happy Birthday Bass" written artfully along the bottom tier. "It may be a bit late, but it's not too late to celebrate, is it?"
"Birthday?" Bass was confused.
"It's my birthday?- Oh! carrot cake!?" He could smell it.
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