Resistance Within Your Own Camp
One of the biggest challenges that you will face in getting to make your business and family dreams a reality are within your own camp. The family, employees and friends who have a direct or indirect connection to your business, family and yourself.
Robert James and James Home Services: The strange thing is that the people who are motivated to make it all a reality are the same people who have the most power to block your ability to make logical, pragmatic decisions needed to make it so.
We do need to be prepared to deal with the most likely areas of “resistance from within your own camp”.
In the early days, you may find yourself “Working Overtime” to make it all happen. Your drive will very likely is the energy hat will build the momentum that will take the business to the next level. Family members may not like you working with you should be with them.  This one is quite straight forward to deal with.
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It is called “Negotiation”. First are they right? Are you letting the work invade your relationship? If they are right. See if you can renegotiate the work dairy, put your VIP in your life in first. Sometimes you may have to put focus on a business outcome. If so reinvest time into your personal “VIPS”. Take a week day off or a special lunch or make time.  do the deal give your “VIPs the time they desire. If you are systematic having this problem checkout the chapters on Workaholic. If someone you love wants your time, this sounds like a first world problem, as they say?
One of the most disappointing areas of resistant can come from “Family and Friends” who have their own dreams but aren’t doing anything about making them come too reality. Your Siblings, Cousins, Uncle Fred (Knows everything about everything) or your father in-law who was worked at Telstra for 20 years and hated every day of it.
Robert James and James Home Services: Most people think it takes luck to be success in business, they will say how lucky you are to be living this exciting life as a business owner.  We, your Brothers & Sisters in Family Business know you made your luck.  know but they are also sitting there hoping you will “Crash and burn “to justify their own failure to be brave enough to have a true and proper go at it.’ I know this may sound too simple, just ignore them. Their opinions only have power if you give it to them. You can’t persuade them to change their attitude to living. They can have their opinion, but you can also decide if you take them on. If you want these people un your life agrees to disagree, and talk about the footy or the latest reality TV show.
The resistant you may face is from the family if you are giving up an established income form a job. For business that are already up and running this doesn’t come into the scheme of things, but at different levels of growth, cash flow can be put under pressure and you personally may have to take a “Pay cut’. If your business has value this should be very short term.
I have coached a lot of first time business owners, the first thing they are terrified of is not paying the bills. If this is still you, then work out what your personal breakeven is. Then work out of are you daily sales targets are to reach that income. Then go to work each day making the sales. The business should be held accountable to feed the family very early in the journey.
If you are getting resistant from business partners or employees to the growth plan then there are two areas of likely issues. Are you selling the dream to them? If you are unclear then the dream for them will be uncertain. Uncertainty creates fear with many people. You may give to address your own abilities to sell your idea’s. Get some coaching and education to develop your sale ability to a higher level.
The other angle is hey have a different or their own agenda for the business. Sell the dream, but if this is an employee is still resistant, make it clear it is your business and your vision, they can leave tomorrow.
Robert James and James Home Services: For a business partner it is different, you must be on the same page or go and write separate books. Maybe again you must negotiate the “plan” to be consistent with both partner’s goals. If this can’t be done? Well shake hands, do a deal and go your different ways.
Accept there will be resistance from areas within your own camp. Resistance creates strength. Instead of taking it personally, use it as an opportunity to develop your leadership skills. Understand those around you need reassurance to deal with their concerns.
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Making Definite Decision
Throughout my business life, I have had endless self-proclaimed experts tell me, ‘you can’t do that’. I actually found that whenever some expert told me it couldn’t happen, I was very close to it actually happening. I learnt that it was a sign that I was about to hit a big outcome, and it drove me to work that much harder at whatever it was.
Robert James and James Home Services: My most famous, or infamous, naysayer was my very first accountant, Gary. Gary was my accountant when I first started down the road to becoming a franchisor. I was a 27-year-old horse trainer, running a successful mobile car cleaning business. I made a definite decision that I was going to franchise the concept, and create a national brand. So, I made an appointment with Gary, as you do when you make a decision like this. Gary’s office was in a little suburban shopping centre. It was just Gary and his one receptionist come admin assistant – it was a small office.
I sat down in front of Gary with my optimistic attitude, a cool logo, drafts of manuals, $20,000 in my bank account, and a business plan in quite a large notebook. I planned to go big, go national, or go home. I was going to recruit 20 new franchisees in the first 12 months, market hard, and make James Home Services a national brand.
When I told Gary about my big dream, what do you think he said? First, he laughed – loudly. Actually, I don’t think I have ever heard any- one laugh any louder. And then, it went a little something like this:
Gary actually said, ‘No-one is ever going to buy franchises from you!’ I said, ‘What the … ’
He replied, ‘Why would they buy franchises from you, instead of the established systems?’
My response: ‘Because we will be better than everyone else!’ To which he replied, ‘You will never get it off the ground.’
‘Can you just sort out the company structure? I’ll deal with the actual business,’ I said, unimpressed.
And, as they say – the rest is history! I kept Gary on as my accountant for those first 12 months, just to prove him wrong of course. I recruited over 45 new franchisees in that first 12 months alone! We were off to a flying start, and James Home Services was born.
You do have to decide what you want to achieve. I understand that may sound simple. After all, you make important decisions every single day. You also change your mind daily; it’s the normal pattern of things.
Some decisions will not impact your life forever, while others will. When you are definite on your long-term decisions, it gives you clarity. In today’s world of uncertainty, to lead a growing business and growing family, the true north has to be definite decisions. If you want to start on your journey, you must start with a definite decision as to where you want your journey to end.
Every day, you will be faced with decisions that can, and will, write your story. The decision to have or not have children is clearly one that will form the basis of your ‘big story’. Today many couples aren’t have- ing children as young as previous generations. The traditional or ‘old school’ family unit is no longer the norm. Or you may already have a successful business, and are now considering introducing children into the story. Or maybe you are deciding not to have kids at all. Either way, make a definite decision. Deciding to make no decision is the worst decision of all.
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I have seen many business owners struggle with the definite part of the decision-making process. Typically, if you come out with, ‘what if I change my mind?’, you definitely will decide to change your mind.
Robert James and James Home Services: Many things in life are negotiable, other key elements should never be negotiated away. Challenging your own thinking to give you the clarity you need is the starting point.
There is a process that helps us make those definite decisions. Decide- ing what outcomes you want and don’t want to achieve becomes a very powerful tool in the decision-making process. When you have decided where you are heading long term it gives clarity to the decisions you make every day.
Let’s have a look:
Give yourself A ‘time out’. Deliberately give yourself time out of the game to think things through. This can be 10 minutes or two months depending on the ‘size’ of the decision.
Inspect the decision. What is the real long-term outcome you are trying to achieve? What are you uncertain about? What is ‘real’ and what is only a movie in your own head?
Brainstorm options. If you need external information then do your homework. Be patient and careful with those you get advice from. Make sure it’s professional advice, not just a mate’s opinion. Be open to the information but make up your own mind as to whether you want to take that advice on board.
This seems to be the bit most people don’t do. They free fall even after they have the full story, too scared to decide. Be brave; buy into your vision. Use the logic, not the fear, to make your decision.
Be pragmatic. Clear the fog. Put aside other people’s agendas. Disregard the gossip or what may be the ‘nice’ thing to do. The question is, what long-term outcome are you planning to achieve? Now you must decide and stick to your decision.
The future belongs to the brave, so you might as well be brave.
All the bad decisions you have made in the past are what create uncertainty. I’ll bet you have mind files full of all the dumb decisions you have made.
That white Camry you bought back in 1994, you thought was sensible at the time. Now, with hindsight you realise it was a very boring car. Maybe you can remember when you invested all your savings into the stock market, the day before the biggest crash in history. How about the ‘Ab Blaster’ you bought on the late-night shopping channel that sits unused at the back of your wardrobe? Even the person you married, who turned out to be a bigger fraud than the ‘Ab Blaster’, more boring than the Camry and way more expensive than the stock market crash?
Robert James and James Home Services: Everyone makes poor decisions, especially with hindsight. You can learn from your mistakes, evaluate them, understand your thought process at the time, and then learn from them. The past can give you clarity on the future, if you learn and then move on.
I guarantee you have made more successful decisions than unsuccessful ones. But, the pain of a bad decision captures your attention quicker than the joy of a great decision. I personally have seen the birth of my five beautiful children; these were the five most amazing days in my life. Each time, I was overwhelmingly humbled to be given the honour of being this beautiful new person’s father. Nothing has ever been more inspiring to me than that gift. To this day, I am still amazed that I was given this great privilege of being the Dad to five awesome individuals. I do remember all of their births, but I have to admit some of the details are vague. (There were five of them?) I very clearly remember how I felt.
That terrifying day when I watched my only daughter Nadine suffer that horrible cardiac arrest right in front of my eyes is also forever embedded in my mind – every detail, every thought, every terrifying second of the 15 minutes it took the ambulance officers to start her heart again.
Fear is a very strong force within us. The adrenaline that hits our brain when we believe we are fighting for survival gives us near super powers, and these memories are stored for future reference, just in case. My mind is determined to never find me in that horrifying position again.
Also, beware of whose opinions you listen to. If you want everyone to agree with your definite decisions then you are going to very dis- appointed – it will never happen. It is actually the exact opposite: the grander your definite decisions are, the more people will be telling you that you can’t achieve them – even having a child and running your own business. How many people will tell you how hard it is and all the things that will go wrong? They have their own agendas to keep you where you are.
Ignore the naysayers. Make your own definite decisions for your business and family life, and then act on them with conviction.
Originally Posted: https://robertjameshomeservices.com/making-definite-decision/
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Are you a workaholic or just too scared to stop?
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Do you break out in a sweat whenever a friend simply raises the subject that perhaps you should consider changing your work pattern? Maybe you lie awake at night ‘freaking out’ from nightmares about what might happen to your business if you don’t go into the office on Saturday? Or, perhaps your partner makes plans to go out to dinner and a show, but you are always too late at work? Are you currently struggling with change, or does even the thought of making changes to your business and family life balance cause you stress? Let’s discuss the Robert James and James Home Services view on it.
If any of the above describes you, you just might have a problem that needs to be addressed.
According to Robert James and James Home Services, there are two very different drivers behind these behaviours:
The workaholic.
The just too scared to stop running. Let’s have a look at these.
The workaholic
Firstly, what is a workaholic? The definition: ‘A person who compulsively works excessively hard and long hours.’
How do you know if you’re a workaholic?
Basically, you are working compulsively. You take your business phone on your dinner dates and check it every 10 minutes. Your mind is always on your business. It’s all you talk about – you love to talk about your business and work to anyone who will listen. You love your business; sometimes it seems you love it more than anyone or anything else.
But the real clue: the rest of your life is consistently playing second fiddle to your business.
Too scared to stop
Secondly, there is the person who is just too scared to stop running. What does this mean? Like a little mouse on a treadmill, you feel like you can’t stop doing what you are doing. This behaviour is fear driven. You are the driver in the business; it is your brainchild. There are many people relying on you to do what you do. Not only is your whole family relying on you to bring home the bacon, your staff and their families are relying on you too!
Not to mention, your staff could make huge mistakes which you will end up paying for, if you are not there to give them guidance. And all your clients rely on you to make them happy. Actually, your staff also relies on you to make them happy. Now that you mention it, your whole family relies on you to make them happy as well. Is this starting to sound familiar?
You feel that if you stop working hard in your business, the whole world will totally implode.
Here are a couple of stories about two very different friends of mine that may help put these personalities into perspective. Both are very successful, motivated, and smart businesswomen. They are single, loving Mums, the primary caregivers to their school-age children, as well as the CEOs of each of their businesses. They both do an amazing job of the full-time juggling act of parenting and managing their growing businesses.
On call 24/7
Kate is a trained nurse turned CEO of her own rapidly growing pallia- tive aged care business. Kate’s business delivers professionally trained caregivers to the aged in the comfort of their own homes.
Her staff of 50-plus nurses helps the aging clients to stay in their own homes as long as possible. This, in turn, gives them a long life, but also offers them a much better quality of life in the later years. In short, Kate’s business allows our aging population the opportunity to live in their own homes, until it is time to pass.
Kate, understandably, is very passionate about the services her business provides to people. As she once told me, ‘I love old people; they are just beautiful. I truly believe we should all have the opportunity to finish our time in our home with the people who love us. That is the way I would wish to finish my time.’
When you talk to Kate about her business, her eyes light up! She is so excited about her own business, and the industry as a whole. Her phone is always in close reach. She takes great pride in the level of care her people deliver.
In her industry, all the clients do eventually pass away, and her nurses must deal with this on a regular basis. Kate is very hands-on in sup- porting her nursing staff to deal with these regular outcomes, and she is very good at it. Her pragmatic, caring way is the basis of the whole business culture.
These events can happen any time, 24/7, and as such Kate is frequently on calls with her people at all hours of the day and night. She manages the overall business on top of this, of course.
Kate is also the sole caregiver for her 12-year-old daughter. She is very passionate about what she does, it is her driving force, but at times the business she loves can be exhausting. She is totally engulfed in what’s she’s doing, but the business can at times overwhelm her. She truly is
in her business 100%. The emotional energy she has is amazing but she still gets burnt out.
Kate is a workaholic, and in the long run the lack of balance will be detrimental to her business.
Under pressure
Then there is Jo, the principal in her family’s successful real estate agency. She is third-generation real estate; her family’s agency in Brisbane’s Bayside has been in the area for over 60 years.
The family skills certainly were passed down the line in Jo’s case. Her retired father still comes into the office every Tuesday. ‘I love the days Dad is in the office; he is my inspiration and a pleasure to be around,’ she says.
Jo has a business degree in marketing, and a special creative flair for marketing property. She is the primary provider for her two school-age children as well. She spends her days on the phone, constantly mak- ing the sales happen. ‘Then, when I’m in Mum mode,’ she says, ‘it can get crazy – juggling school, holidays, running a business and having a whole lot of people to make happy. Room for any time for me is beyond me.’ Jo appears to be carrying the full load. Rarely does she give herself time out.
The fear of failing seems to be the driver that keeps her going. At times, she appears to be a victim of circumstance. Her own family is very supportive but her ex-husband does nothing towards the care of their children.
This does put a huge amount of pressure on her to perform in the business. Jo is too busy to deal with her ex-husband’s irresponsibility. Working herself into the ground is a way to avoid dealing with the real problems that she should face up to, but it’s not a path to long-term success.
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For the pressures on your time to change, you need to accept that change is the answer to releasing that pressure. If you don’t really want it to change, then it won’t. Your reality is your reality, and your personal habits are only habits. They do have value to you: work can be an escape from home. If you are too fearful to accept the need for change then it will never eventuate. To get the balance right, you should look at what is holding you back.
The workaholic is addicted to the buzz of the business. Robert James and James Home Services says, If you have become engulfed in the adrenaline buzz of making it happen, every- thing in your life plays second fiddle. Could this be you? If so, what can you do about it?
The just too scared to stop running is driven by a fear of failure. This is you if you can’t sleep at night because you are terrified your business world will implode if you take a day off. Do you feel like a slave to your business? Or sometimes you may feel that hiding behind the ‘work’ can be easier than dealing with the real issues on hand. Could this be you? If so, what can you do about it?
Originally Posted at: https://robertjameshomeservices.com/are-you-a-workaholic-or-just-too-scared-to-stop/
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Rules Guarantee Satisfied Home Service Clients
Do you want to start your own home service business? Are you running a home service business but want to take it to the next level? Want to know how to guarantee the next level of service to your clients?
Over the last 25 years we have coached over 2000 home services franchisees to deliver professional home services. The systems we built in James Home Services, were based on a strong foundation of practical principles which put the customers needs first.
Robert James and James Home Services: We grow from my one man band car cleaning business to a nation brand of 400 franchisees servicing $20 million each year. These 5 key rules are the base foundations that we built our professional home service culture on.
These rules have been proven over many service business for over 25 years. House cleaning, lawn and garden care, car cleaning or detailing, pet grooming or dog washing, windows cleaning , carpet cleaning ,exterior house cleaning , ironing service even mobile coffee vans have all been built successfully using these 5 key rules.
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1) Return the Call Within 15 minutes.
I know that you maybe busy cleaning a car ,washing a dog, mowing a lawn , cleaning a house or spraying the cockroaches. Believe me the cockroaches can wait and the lawn isn’t going to grow that much in the 15 minutes it takes to return the call to the new client.
Don’t let today’s “work” get in the way of tomorrows income.
The quick response will deal with the clients needs as they are available to talk to you. The first service provider who returns the call with have a most likely get the quote. The client wants to talk to you now, that is why they rang now!
Be a professional with your telephones procedures.Communicate effectively ,stay focused and receptive. Create the right impression.
Book a time in to do a quote.
Never quote over the phone, The client who thinks their house is filthy is very often the clean freak and the one that can’t see the dirt is the grub.
How clean the house is or how dirty the car is: is only a matter of opinion.
You have to see it, to get your own true evaluation.
2) Always Do a Written Quote.
Robert James and James Home Services: A written quote is the only way you can guarantee that you and your clients have the same understanding of the services you will deliver. Make sure you are on the same page. Find out your clients want or need.
The more detail in your quote the better value your quote appears.It demonstrates the attention to detail that is the true point of difference between quality service providers and the also rans.
9 times out of 10 when there is a client compliant there will be no written quote. The problems are usually a communication problem that the service provider doing a slack job.
3) Build Rapport with Your Customers.
Take the time to build rapport. Your client has to be comfortable with dealing with your They are trusting you in their home environment, they have to be comfortable with you.
Don’t talk to much, you don’t need to know about your lasted illness or the bad day you are having. It is not their problem and frankly they don’t give a damn, my dear.
4)  Turn Up On Time
This sounds too simple.
But The home service industry is full of Part timers who just don’t show unless it suits they.
I had a mowing bloke who vanished for 4 months over the winter period with not a mention.Then just turned up without warning and mowed the lawn. He then explained that he goes on caravan holidays at that time every year to see his family. That sounds lovely for him, not so good for my lawn.
Book the next job one from this to the next, alternately give your client a booked in spot each week. A professional service provider should be building a strong regular client base. Filling up your business diary is your goal. The consistency gives your clients confidence in the reliability of you service.
5) Always Deliver the Promise
Do what you say you will do. If you are marketing as a professional service, it is vital to always maintain that high professional standards.
Delivering the promise covers how you present yourself and staff. Uniforms clean and tidy on all staff members.
Robert James and James Home Services: Attitudes towards your clients should always be positive and friendly. If you get a compliant then deal with it in the same manner. I have seen great franchisees turn a compliant into a life time client and then others turn minor complaints into legal battles.
Take pride in the services you deliver, It will be reflected to your clients. They will be happy to pay you as their service provider.
Happy clients will also supply you with a never-ending referrals .
If you buy into the concept of these base principles you can build a successful business very quickly. These are proven rules that have been used successfully for 20 years.
Franchisees from many walks of life built great businesses that feed their families and gave them the lifestyles many only dreamed of.
If you want to learn How to make your business and family life work together, take the time to read. BALANCE: By Robert James.
Also check out Fit For Purpose by Leadership Gigs Leadership Gigs is an invitation only worldwide think-tank and forum for highly successful, new-breed leaders. Here 18 high achievers share their current best thinking on corporate wellness and wellbeing: health, mindset, social, meaning and purpose, best-practice and emerging trends. And what it takes to be fit-for-purpose.
At Balance Enterprises, our goal is to empower business owner and CEO’s to get their businesses to work for their families. We believe if the balance is right the business will fly. Nothing is more rewarding than getting it right. Find out more at  https://balance.enterprises
Chase your dream and take control of your future.
Originally Posted: https://balance.enterprises/5-rules-to-guarantee-satisfied-home-service-clients/
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Why do Franchisees fail?
Why do some franchisees fail, while others excel in the same franchise system? How do you pick the winners? What makes a successful franchisee?
Robert James and James Home Services: With over 25 years’ experience in coaching and recruiting both franchisees and master franchisees , I have lost count on how many of times I have been asked these questions.
Everyone seems to want the answer ,either master franchisees, potential franchisees or potential franchisors.
No one want to see people fail and no one wants to be the failed franchisee. Everyone is looking for that secret ingredient to get it to work. But, There is no straight forward answer. I have seen people from all walks of life, many different work backgrounds and a diverse range of nationalities attempt to make a success of their own franchise business. Not all succeed! A few  will crash and burn in very spectacular fashion . Many perform to a passable level, while others will excel. What is the magic formula? I don’t believe it is about intelligence or education.
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Robert James and James Home Services: I have seen university trained professionals fail.There have been accountants, business managers and solicitors fail. I saw an accountant walk out of his business in the first month. A lawyer who spent 6 months auguring with every step of the system to then go back to the protected environment of employee as a suburb lawyer because it was easier.
Alternatively, I’ve seen new immigrants with minimal education and English as a second language excel. It is more about the willingness to learn new skills, than the skills they already bring to the table.
Education and “smarts” is not the key, but “Street Smarts” does seem to be a factor.
There certainly is a need to have a level of self-discipline.
Every successful franchise system has documented procedures that are the system. The whole point of jointing a franchise network is to get the benefits of past experiences that will fast track your businesses success.
If a potential franchisee wants to change the systems before the join they will only get worse after they have paid their money.
90% of changes I have seen attempted, by franchisees or master franchisees, are not about making the business more successful. Usually it is about, avoiding their own comfort zone or going cheaper or short cutting for themselves, without any thought about the long-term impact on the business.
All matured franchise systems have systems to implement changes to the system. Systemically testing and measuring procedures is a vital component to every franchise network.
Robert James and James Home Services: This guarantees the evolution of the system and long term survival of the business. Franchisees can have input to that evaluation of the value of “changes” to the systems.
Taking true ownership of their business is I believe is the key underlining “secret” ingredient for Franchisees.
If a potential franchisee is planning to buy a franchise to buy a job,Don’t do it! Go and get a job instead.
If the franchisee decides to join a franchise, then emotionally buy into the business 100%.
The franchisee who takes true pride in being a small business owner will make it.
The franchisee who treats the customers like they are their customers, not the deposable asset of the franchisors.
The franchisee that treats their business like it is their own business will always succeed.
The franchisee who needs help, asks for that support and then follows the advice will that advice will make their business work.
There is the other side of the story of course.
What are the Franchisors’, (or Master Franchisor), key responsibilities in the failure equation? What are the mistakes made by franchisors that can lead to franchisee failure?
The Franchisor or master franchisor doesn’t even have documented proven systems.
The”Business Opportunity is oversold. All hype and no reality.Over promises.
The Franchisor or master franchisor was no real history in the business.
The training and support systems are not thorough enough.
The Franchisor put the franchise into a finance situation that places huge pressures on the cashflow. This is usually through vender finance or a “special” offer from the bank alined with the franchisor.
Why do franchisees’ fail?
It can one of  or a combination of all the above.
Franchising is a great way to do business.
But all parties have to be on the same page. The recruitment systems are vital to educate the potential franchisee to what is expected of them. Overselling at the recruitment stage will lead to a disappointed franchisee.
Support and training systems are truly vital.
Franchisee should systematically been shown  see the manuals through the recruitment process. The franchisor’ support ,training and documented systems are the key ingredients that they bring into the equation .
The attitudes ,of the franchisee and the Franchisor, are the secret ingredients that guarantees success or failure either way.
At Balance Enterprises: We have a mission to empower family business owners to get their Business working for their families either a s franchisees or independent business operates.
Education is the key. Take the time to read.
Originally Posted: https://balance.enterprises/why-do-franchisees-fail/
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Riding Wave When Things Really Go Plan
Running your own business can be tough but when the tide is are running your way ,magic can happen!
There will be times when you will feel like you are paddling against the current. At other times, you will feel the momentum building with you, like a huge unstoppable wave; luck will magically appear to be with you.
Robert James and James Home Services: Your Pro Team is making it happen, and your systems are like money in the bank. The results of all those definite decisions start to come together. The whole team has bought into the dream. You have people and systems you can trust; the team is connected and are proud of the differences they are making.
You have the family life you made all these sacrifices for – you are making it real.
Take the time to appreciate the moments and milestones as they come. Whatever you do, don’t let them go past unnoticed. They likely won’t come around again. It may be when you get the car or house of your dreams. Perhaps it’s the holiday in Paris. You have earned those things, so enjoy them!
Looking back, the greatest moments for me were when I personally thought, I actually did this, I made this happen!
I found many of these moments for me were very private. One of the earliest that I can remember was at the first James Home Services annual general meeting. It was a one-day conference followed by an awards night.
When I stood up to do my opening welcome to the group, I was terrified. I thought the crowd was huge, but it was really only about 30 people. I did my little speech welcoming everyone to the event.
As I finished, I realised that all the people in front of me were running successful businesses and feeding their families because I decided to make my dream a reality.
I never lost focus on that – that the success of my business provided for so many others. We changed people’s lives by giving them the tools to control the balance of their own businesses.
There was a day back when we lived in Melbourne; we’d only been there about three months at the time. I was on an early morning walk in the suburb of Hawthorn when, out of nowhere, I saw one of our franchisee’s blue trailers. They appeared to be heading off to work. I was so excited. I thought, wow, we made the big time. I felt so proud.
I can recall another moment at the 1999 James Home Services AGM. It took place at the Sea World Resort on the Gold Coast. We had nearly 200 franchisees present.
Our speakers at that conference included three Olympians: Tracy Wickham (swimming), Leroy Loggins (basket- ball) and Raelene Boyle (running). The whole event was amazing, and truly inspiring. My Pro Team was completely unstoppable that year.
The AGM was a true reflection of the standards we had reached. At the end of the night, after everyone had partied hard and was making their way back to their rooms, I realised just how much we had accomplished!
I emceed for the entire three days of the event, and it was now midnight on the Saturday evening. As I sat with my key team members, I raised a glass to them and the amazing achievement we had in front of us.
When the waves of success are rolling, go with it and enjoy it, but don’t rest on your past results. Repeat the process that made you successful.
Focus your energy on the journey ahead. I’m not saying you won’t have great memories to look back on, I’m saying don’t dwell on the good old days – you are only as good as your next gig. Keep the momentum going. Make new definite decisions. Move forward on the next chapter of the journey, sticking to the program – keep chasing your dream.
Even when you think you’ve caught it, there is always more to be done! Beware of getting stuck in your comfort zones. The continuing growth of your business will require more growth from you than you can possibly realise.
Robert James and James Home Services: There will be times when you surprise yourself and others by stretching beyond what you thought were your limits. This is your own personal growth and awareness coming into play. You are growing with your company – keep it up!
It is vital to employ an outside facilitator in this rapid ‘abundance’ stage. The success can cloud your judgement as much as the emotional storms.
A trusted third-party person to help in the management of family members within the business can be the difference between a business that is a legacy for generations to come and a nightmare for the current family.
Investing in building systems that give your business more long-term success in these times is the next the step in developing your Pro Team and systems.
Systematic evaluation is the key to long-term success.
Every tested and measured system is an investment that will guarantee that the balance between family and business remains constant. These assets will create infinite opportunities for the future.
Systematic evaluation needs to become a habit of your business. In the current unbalanced world, this is a necessity. You have two fluent, ever-changing and forever growing structures – your family and your business. It is during the times of abundance that you need to refocus and build the systems that will become the future.
Robert James and James Home Services: If you fail to embrace the growth and build on it, and instead choose to simply ride the wave forward, you can expect the momentum to sub- side. What happens in too many cases?
You ride the wave, you don’t get outside perspective because you don’t think you need it, and eventually you and your business fall back into old habits.
Then, one day you realise you’ve gone back in time – the money is short, the team is not the Pro Team they once were, and things are no longer headed in the direction you wanted.
You find the pressure is back on you to get things restarted. The time you had for your family seems to have become harder to find again. You start to wonder what happened.
It feels like you have gone back to day one – and you have! Your habits have come back to haunt you. Make the systematic evaluation your ‘businesses habit’.
When momentum is rolling with you, jump on that wave of success and go for it. Ride that wave all the way to the shore, but don’t forget to keep building on it as well.
Originally Posted: https://balance.enterprises/riding-the-wavewhen-things-really-go-to-plan/
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Keys For franchisees Survive Covid-19 Pandemic
If you are a franchisee and your business is in trouble because of the pandemic, what can you do?
Evaluate your business .
Robert James and James Home Services: Did you have a profitable business Before the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Yes, how big an impact was the virus on your income. How long can you hang in there with the low income?
Can you just get through by lowering costs or finding new income sources?
No, you can’t get by or no, you were never making enough money, Then ask your franchisor are an immediate mutual release.
Use a lawyer if needed.
Everyone goes their own ways and looks forward to a restart after the dust has settled.
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Ask for Help asap.
Get on the phone and ask your franchisor for help. Listen and take on board the advice.
Robert James and James Home Services: If your franchisor doesn’t have a Plan B to get the network to the other side , this is a worry.
Also, contact high performing franchisees for some support and brainstorming.
Look for ideas and possible solutions. Then give them a good go.
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Be aware of your own mental health.
These are some of the most difficult business times we have ever seen.
The stress is very real for everyone.
Stay physically healthy, exercise does help you think clearer under pressure.
Don’t worry, it’s a waste of your energy
You may need help to handle it.
Don’t carry the weight by yourself.
Remember, If you do lose your business it is NOT the end of the world.
There will be new opportunities when this is over.
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If you can still go to work, then get up and do it.  
Robert James and James Home Services: Doing something is always better than waiting for something to happen. Even if it’s marketing towards your future clients our keeping connected to past customers. If you only sell a handful of coffees or cleaning a couple of houses. Each step forward gets you a bit closer to being out of the other side.
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Focus on YOUR  long-term survival.  
The reality is there are a lot of small businesses that will fail. No one could have predicted this situation and it is most likely still got a long way to run.
Your business may fail, or you may get it through to the other side of this, but make sure you and your family survive.
Businesses come and they go, the ones you love are forever.
No one wins in a losing game!
This is NOT a fight to the death, sometimes the astute move is to walk away and plan for another day.
Originally Posted: http://www.robertjameshomeservices.com/keys-for-franchisees-survive-covid-19-pandemic/
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Covid-19 Pandemic
Covid-19 Pandemic will fast track the demise of the dodgy franchise systems?
Sadly, Many franchisees will go down with the systems.
Robert James and James Home Services: The banks will take the franchisees home and assets, while the franchisor will exit stage left.
Before the outbreak, the franchise sector was in a downward spiral.
Dropping by 10% each year, conflicting with the rapid growth of the start-up independent businesses
Franchisors were struggling to sell franchises. Franchisees were struggling.
No one could have predicted this event.
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Pressure brings out the true colours of the leadership, and cracks in the systems become even more apparent.
Systems reliving on income from franchise sales are doomed. Franchise sales are going to close to zero?
Systems that were fundamentally flawed, those flaws will be sinking the franchisees business and will take the franchisor with them eventually.
Robert James and James Home Services: Systems top-heavy with Master Franchisors will not be lean enough to get through the tough times ahead. Masters are a speed bump that slows the evolution of systems needed in a rapidly changing marketplace.
Only the best Franchisors will survive.
McDonald’s is demonstrating why they are a clear leader in the world of franchising.
The weekly reinvention of the systems to keep up with the unpredictable is impressive.
We can buy our milk and eggs with our coffee through the Maccas drive-through! Great idea McDonald’s.
Originally Posted: http://www.robertjameshomeservices.com/covid-19-pandemic/
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Be Careful whose Advice You Buy
Be careful whose advice you buy but be patient with those who supply it.
Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts.
And recycling it for more than it’s worth.
Robert James and James Home Services: This is a beautiful quote from “Everybody’s Free” by Songwriters: Nigel Andrew Swanston / Tim Cox. 
I felt it was a timely reminder we all need to stop and consider who’s advice we are taking on board. 
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We live in uncertain times, and there is so much more uncertainty ahead.
The business game has changed and is still changing rapidly.
The rules of the game are very different and the future rules unknown.
There are no clear certain answers.
We have a lot of ‘Social media” business gurus giving advice,
Which is in reality only their best guess at this stage.
Most of them think the GFC was the worst business life can throw at you, those of us with a little more life experience know that it was no more than a speed bump in life.
But please be patient with them. They are attempting to do there best.
We have governments borrowing funds to keep people in jobs that don’t exist.
Robert James and James Home Services: They are trying to defeat an enemy by throwing money( that they don’t have) that an enemy that money can’t defeat.
They are claiming “we will get through this”!
They have no idea, they are hoping just as much as the rest of us.
They are attempting to do their best.
There are many businesses that will not get through this period.
There are many sectors that will have a huge volume of participants no longer operational.
The new game ahead will have very different rules and be in a very different business environment.
Attitudes will be different.
The world’s economies are in for the biggest shake-up in history.
The ripple effect of this global disaster will felt for generations.
No one knows what the end result will look like.
Many are attempting to predict the future.
Some may guess right, but many will be wrong.
BUT any advice is only “a form of nostalgia”.
No one in the world has dealt with this before.
No one was a proven solution.
No solution used in the past is certain to work in a new world of business.
No one has the answers.
Not all businesses are going to survive.
Not all sectors are going to be relevant in the future.
Robert James and James Home Services: My advice has no basis Than my own meandering experience
But here I go anyway.
Be careful whose advice you take.
It is now about survival.
Keep you and your’s healthy. Life is the greatest asset you have.
Lighten your financial load to help get your business to the other side.
If your business does fail, it is NOT the end of the world.
It may be sad, but it can be an opportunity to restart in a new world.
When you are in your isolation, get consistent exercise and get out in the sunlight.
OF course : Wear sunscreen
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it
A long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists
Whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable
Than my own meandering experience
Originally Posted: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/careful-whose-advice-you-buy-robert-james/
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Banks more dangerous to Small Business than Coronavirus
In these uncertain times, there is one thing that is certain. Small business owners cannot trust the banks
Ignore the Bank’s PR BS of “we are here to help”
Robert James and James Home Services: If you put your hand up as Hard ship Application expect the banks to fast track you into Recovery Centre.
The recovery centre is more like the morgue, no one cames out alive.
They will start the process of calling in loans, turning off overdrafts, calling in any assets they have security over.
The Banks will look after themselves, especially with the stock market in free fall.
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Move your family home loan to a different bank than your business loans immediately, not a big four.
Sell your home it to a FamilyTrust if you can?
Company stuctures to protect the intellectualproperty of your business are vital.
Hedge your bets now. Don’t put all your eggs into one basket.
Robert James and James Home Services: Banks profit through these tough times. Australia’s banks made huge profits through the GFC
Things are getting tough? DON”T tell your bank manager. Keep a positive spin, play your cards close to your chest.
Don’t be naive.
The Banks and their Law Firms are sharks that will feast on the hardships of Family Businesses
Small business owners need to be pragmatic to survive 2020
Originally Posted: http://www.robertjameshomeservices.com/banks-more-dangerous-to-small-business-than-coronavirus/
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Ideas Being Sold As Franchise Systems
There are a lot of “ideas” being sold as franchise systems.
Robert James and James Home Services: The starting point for a successful franchise system is a foundation of a Proven Small Business System.
Ideas aren’t a franchise system, no matter how good the idea is.
The base concept of franchising is to grow a network of businesses by granting rights to the Small Business Owners .
The combined energy of a motivated group of successful small business owners can be a nearly unstoppable market force.
If the business systems are not proven, it will fail when placed in the hands of inexperienced franchise business owners.
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Proven by being tested and measured in the marketplace over a period of time under varying situations.
That not only includes the business model but the support, training, and franchisees marketing systems.
A professional franchise network has professional systems to support the growth of its franchisees’ businesses.
Unfortunately, many franchisors are using Franchisees as Guinea Pigs to test unproven brands and concepts.
Robert James and James Home Services: Franchisors must invest in professional relevant education systems for your franchisees for the long term success.
There are a lot of “ideas” being sold as franchise systems but for a franchise to survive and thrive the “ideas’ have to evolve into functional systems.
Originally Posted: http://www.robertjameshomeservices.com/ideas-sold-franchise-systems/
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Franchise Business Systems that are Lemons
A”lemon” in slang means a person or thing considered to be useless or defective. Many franchise systems are fundamentally flawed. Robert James and James Home Services: Relying on the franchisee desperation to compensate for a business that has fundamental problems that haven’t been addressed.
Coffee franchisors that use manufactured figures to BS franchisees or Home Service Franchisors that use “conditional income guarantees” to con franchisees in to sign up.
Franchisors who are directing franchisees to under pay employees as contractors to compensate for the lack of profit in the business.
Many franchisors have little or no manuals, support and training for their franchisees. There seems to be an expectation that the franchisee should be able to work it out and if not it’s their problem.
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Robert James and James Home Services: Franchisors with no experience in the business that they are flogging franchises in. A franchisor who has NEVER run a home services business cannot direct franchisees to success. The lack of professional support is lacking across the sector. There are an in-crowd and the outsiders in most networks. The In-Crowd help sell a franchise. The ‘Outsiders’ are vilified to stop them from speaking out about issues in the network. Franchisors invest in the evolution of the systems if you plan to survive long term. If it’s broken, fix it! Originally Posted: http://www.robertjameshomeservices.com/franchise-business-systems-are-lemons/
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Successful Quoting in Home Services Business
Robert James and James Home Services: Do you own a service business or a home service franchise? Are you struggling to convert a high percentage of your quotes? Maybe you have no idea on how a professional actually quotes? We have the answers that will make work and make you income now. If your business is home cleaning ,lawn and garden care, window cleaning ,carpet cleaning ,car detailing or pet grooming .These 3 simple keys will give you a professional advantage when quoting  to your client.
Step 1 Present Your Quote in Person.
The service provider who makes the time to get in front of their client has a major head start on building a relationship and getting the long term business.
The Face to Face Communication makes all the difference If you are in front of your client you have the opportunity to get the details of your quote exact to meet your clients needs. If they have concerns you have the opportunity to answer those concerns and offer other options.
Robert James and James Home Services: Your client is given the opportunity to evaluate yourself. They will consider your appearance, communication skills and attitude. If the client feels comfortable with yourself that will go a long way to securing the business.
Step 2 Detailed Written Quote
Ask lots of questions about what the client wants done. Write everything down . The more detailed the better. 90 % of complaints will be when there is no writing quote. The majority of the time it will be a communication problem ,not the service provider doing a poor job.
Show true value, cleaners are not all the same. Prove that you pay attention to detail before you do the job. If the client has a pet hate, ask, then deliver the answer. It maybe the mirror in the ensuite’ not being “shiny” enough, but “Shiny Mirror” in the quote and make sure your client gets a shiny mirror.
Step 3 Book the Job in.
A Busy Clients wants to know when you will turn up Have you ever invested time with a service provider quoting but can’t get them to commit to a booking? This is so simple it might sound silly. Book your client in while you are in front of them. Many service providers are scared to ask for the job, so don’t get it.
If the service is a one off show your client that your can supply a regular weekly or fortnightly service. Sell the benefits of your quote and give alterative options.
Offer a alternative close.
Mrs Smith I can do your job tomorrow at 9 or is Thursday at 1,Which time suits you best?
Robert James and James Home Services: The James Family grow  the James Home Services from Robert James’ single one man band home services business to a national brand with 400 franchisees servicing $20 million of clients annually. We believe your family business should work for your family. Follow our blogs for tricks of the trade that will fast track your business success.
Originally Posted: http://franchiseopportunitiesaustralia.blogspot.com/2017/05/3-simple-keys-to-successful-quoting-in.html
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Start your Own Service Business
“Which service should I do?”
I must have been asked this exact same question at least a thousand times over the last 25 years. In the James Home Services network, we developed the systems for seven different services businesses.
Our potential franchisees could choose which service best suited them and their family. This decision had to be made before they became a franchisee; it’s a very personal decision.
Robert James and James Home Services: Throughout the recruitment process, this key factor was heavily focused on. Most potential franchisees came into our program thinking they knew what service they wanted to provide. However, nearly 50% of them changed their selection once they really understood the ins and outs of each business.
This process also gave them the opportunity to gain clarification on exactly what they wanted from their business, and what they really wanted to do.
What Do You Think?
The first question for you to ask yourself, and your partner if you have one:
What service business can I see myself doing?
For some of you, this may be very clear. While others, not so much …
For example: If you love gardening and landscaping, do it with passion, and are good at it; running your own landscaping and gardening business may very well be your dream come true. You should chase that dream.
Robert James and James Home Services: If you are a crazy dog or cat person who spends as much time as possible hanging with your four-legged friends, or if as a child you spent hours dreaming in the pet shop, then use your passion in a pet business such as grooming and hydrobath, dog walking, or pet minding.
If you are a true clean freak who gets the buzz out of cleaning the house from top to bottom, then you are a very valuable member of society. There are countless people who would love to pay you to show the same “enthusiasm” to keep their homes clean.
Are you a computer nerd whom your friends call on to save their lost data or blue screen of death? You could be a true-blue handyman who can fix anything, anywhere, anytime, with the tools in the back of your ute. Maybe you’re the car detailing freak who spends every Saturday morning cleaning your car until it is cleaner than the day it was brand new.
I think you get where I’m going with this—do you have a natural talent and love for something that is considered a service?
I would recommend starting there.  If you love doing it for fun, imagine how much more you will love it when other people reward you for your enthusiasm and give you money to do it for them.
The funny thing is that if I had taken my own advice, I never would have started cleaning cars in the first place.
Before I started my car cleaning business, I certainly was NOT one of those people; I DID NOT love cleaning cars. I was a horse trainer with young kids. My own car had always been very, very dirty.
The amount of hay, horse gear, and general rubbish I could gather in my car was scary. My family thought it was absolutely hilarious that I decided to start a car cleaning business. But I had good reason:
I started my original cleaning car service business because:
1.    It was a service that I could see myself doing.
2.    I believed other people would happily pay me to do it for them.
3.    The business was congruent with my family goals.
Does your service of “choice” tick these 3 boxes for you?
Whether you have already decided on or you are still working out which service best suits you, I recommend you educate yourself on the opportunities in the market place this simple, 5-step process before making a final decision:
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A Simple Business Plan—Don’t get carried away, just answer some simple questions:
1)    What do you want to achieve out of your business?
2)    How much do you need to earn to break-even?
3)    What are your first-quarter income targets?
4)    What are your 12-month income targets?
5)    What about after that, long-term?
6)    Who is going to work in the business?
7)    List your practical strengths and weaknesses.
8)    What are your short-term and long-term family goals?
Do Your Homework—Take a good look around, where do you see a need or want for a service?
1)   Investigate what services are happening in the major franchise networks. Generally, they do their homework—if a service has a strong demand, then there will likely be a major network already doing it. I would recommend you make an internet enquiry and investigate any service that jumps out at you.
2)    Investigate local businesses. Look in your mailbox for brochures or the local papers or webpages. If there is already a business running the service in your area, then there is a demand for it. It is better to have competition than no demand. For example, you want to clean pools, but your immediate area has a very small percentage of built-in pools. Can you widen your service area or consider a different service?
Get Your Hands Dirty
Get your hands dirty, go out and learn from franchisors trail days.
Simply put, have a serious go at the services you are considering.
1)   Spend a couple of days mowing your friends’ lawns or cleaning their houses. You will certainly get a feel for what it is like to go into someone else’s home and provide them with that service.
2)  Go through the “recruitment” process with a franchise system. Many service franchise systems give a “day in the field” with one of their operators. Take the day and learn what they are doing well, what they are not doing so well. Getting your hands dirty is a great way to help you decide if that service really is for you.
3)Approach a potential supplier of products. A chemical supplier for example if you are considering cleaning. They may have current clients that would be able to give you some work or even train you (for a price of course).
4)   Use a service provider and chat with them about their business.
Which Service Will Best Help You Reach Your Goals?
Write down the lessons you’ve learned; the pros and cons.
1)    Isthis a service that you can see yourself doing?
2)    Do you believe other people would happily pay you to do the service?
3)    Is this “service” business congruent with your personal goals and those of your family?
The Gold:
·  Robert James and James Home Services: Even if you are set on one particular service, go through the steps with 2 different choices. You never know what the outcome will be, it might even change your mind.
·  This process should clarify your own thinking. In favour or against your service choice.
·  You will learn a lot about your industry very quickly.
·  This education will become a part of the foundations that you build your business on.
Originally Posted: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/you-want-start-your-own-service-business-which-best-one-robert-james/
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ACCC found that Franchisors are Deliberately
“Most of the franchisors made it too difficult to contact former   franchisees” According to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).
Robert James and James Home Services: The #ACCCreport on #Franchising in the food services sector found that: “8 out of 12 franchisors made it difficult to contact former franchisees. Contacting #formerfranchisees is an important step.
However, we found 8 out of 12 franchisors did not disclose contact details for former franchisees in a way that allowed contact to be made easily or at all. Personal email addresses and mobile numbers allow for the quickest and simplest contact method, but only 4 of 12 franchisors consistently supplied these to prospective franchisees.
The remaining franchisors primarily supplied one or more of the following: contact details for the former franchise location, residential or postal addresses, occasional landlines, or no contact details at all.”
How dodgy can you get?
#Franchising is heading for extinction.
Death by #dishonesty
Franchise buyers beware, talk to ex-franchisees or DON”T sign!
Robert James and James Home Services: Franchisors have to take pragmatic action to stop unethical practices ASAP! We can help you clean this rubbish out of your network.
Originally Posted: https://balance.enterprises/the-accc-found-that-franchisors-are-deliberately-making-it-difficult-for-potential-franchisees-to-contact-former-franchisees/
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Is Buying a Franchise a Safer Option than Going it Alone?
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Starting a #smallbusiness can be terrifying!
Is buying a #franchise a safer option?
In 2000, Australia had a small business revolution and #franchising was the fast track to success.
Robert James and James Home Services:-The good old days when franchisors were successful business owners systemising their business,then sharing these systems with newbie business owners.
Franchisors and franchisees had an inter-dependant relationship with an emotional and financial buy-in.
The #business was system based but held together by the relationships.
2018, the world is a different place,the success of franchising has led to a corporate model with a stronger connection to banks than franchisees.
Robert James and James Home Services:-The Parliamentary Joint Committee Enquiryin to Franchising and the Banking Royal Commission are both pointing fingers at the finance deals between Franchisors and their banks.
Franchisees are being thrown to the lions in franchise networks that are losing market share.
#Westpac having the power to grab your home if the business fails,is NOT a safe way to start a business.
Robert James and James Home Services:-The inter-dependant relationship between Franchisor and Franchisees is the foundation of Australian Franchising success.
#Franchisors have to create a business opportunity that is #SAFER for the franchisee.
Originally Posted:-http://www.robertjameshomeservices.com/is-buying-a-franchise-a-safer-option-than-going-it-alone/
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Is Buying a Franchise Still a Safe Investment?
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Is a Franchise a safe good value investment?
With 2020 now only 12 months away it is a good question?
In 2000,the good old days when #franchisors like Robert James and James Home Services were successful business owners systemising their business,then sharing these systems with newbie business owners.
Australia had a small business revolution and #franchising was the fast track to success.
Franchisors and franchisees had an inter-dependant relationship with an emotional and financial buy-in.
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2020 world will be a different place, the success of franchising has led to a corporate model with a stronger connection to banks than franchisees said Robert James and James Home Services.
A take no prisoners attitude that throws Franchisees to the lions in franchise networks that are losing market share.
The franchisor isn’t holding all the cards, there are other options.
The internet has given #smallbusiness owners access to #provenbusinesssystems and professional support from specialist business coaches.
#Franchisors like Robert James and James Home Services have to create a business opportunity that gives more than it takes for the franchisee.
The inter-dependant relationship between Franchisor and Franchisee is the foundation of Australian Franchising success.
Without proven sytems and the human factor, any franchise isn’t a safe #investment.
If the franchisor doesn’t have a proven history in the business there is no value.
Originally Posted:-http://www.robertjameshomeservices.com/is-buying-a-franchise-still-a-safe-investment/
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