robedperformer ¡ 9 years
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Unfriended (Levan Gabriadze, USA, 2015)
it’s good and you know, for a found footage type movie in 2015 it’s probably the most i can ask for. inventive visual style, social commentary that doesn’t get too heavy handed and a few genuine scares throughout. shocked at how much i enjoyed this.
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robedperformer ¡ 9 years
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Inland Empire (David Lynch, USA, 2006)
the most david lynch movie ever because out of all the others, it seems like he does whatever the hell he wants here. as a result it’s three endless hours of rabbit holes and you can take that as you will. to me it makes it more hit and miss than the best of his movies (blue velvet, mulholland dr) but it never becomes monotonous and tiring.
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robedperformer ¡ 9 years
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waving goodbye to the only house i could ever afford
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robedperformer ¡ 9 years
There are so few people that you meet in life that give you that feeling that you’ve found a real unique, original person. Harris Wittels was one of those and we lost him yesterday. He was 30 years old. I’ve been devastated.
I’m still waiting for the other phone call to let me know that Harris...
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robedperformer ¡ 9 years
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went to strawberry rock this past weekend with a friend! it was great (i mean really, this shit pic doesn't quite do this place justice, it's quite magical of a view) altho there were way too many people up there on a perfect sunday afternoon and my shoes are totally muddy yesterday i was playing basketball and a nurse from my unit was walking her dog and mentioned to me that she saw me on the way back to the car that afternoon and it reminded me of how small and insulated this place is
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robedperformer ¡ 9 years
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happy together (1997)
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robedperformer ¡ 9 years
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downtown san francisco
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robedperformer ¡ 9 years
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robedperformer ¡ 9 years
it's yours
i drank an entire bottle of champagne last night calling family and that's how i spent the new year, lol.
in a way 2014 felt like the payoff to almost six years of school and everything in between. this is one of the hardest things i've ever had to do and now that i'm situated in the workplace and the area i'm able to take a step back and honestly say it's not too bad of a situation and i can't think of a more apt way to get my feet wet in the merciless waters of nursing. i mean i still can't wait to leave but by keeping myself busy in and out of work time goes by quickly and none of it feels like a waste. it's almost been a year (!) and i'm still learning new things everyday.
my current mindset regarding my career and living out here is pretty positive although i just got paid at midnight, i've had a pretty good couple of weeks on the floor, i'm three shifts away from going on vacation for a couple of weeks and i'm gonna get a new car. i still feel isolated a lot of times but that's on me to get out of the apartment more often and explore the county which i've been really shitty in doing. even if it means going fishing with my coworkers this month despite hating fishing.
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robedperformer ¡ 9 years
I wish people knew the physical and emotional stress that nurses do through in a 12 hour shift. Like seriously. Go hug a nurse today, I guarantee you that they need it 
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robedperformer ¡ 9 years
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robedperformer ¡ 9 years
I guess the medical world could knock you out To sell the coins that you jayed last Thursday-hey Dine by candlelight, and hold your savings tight You never, you never know when the bridge falls apart
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robedperformer ¡ 9 years
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robedperformer ¡ 10 years
Top 10 Vinyl Scores Of 2014
1. kanye west—yeezus (this is the first record that popped in my head since i sold it twice this year for $100 each on amazon which gave me the luxury of spending a bit of money on stupid shit like more records) 2. the chills—kaleidoscope world (very clean german 1987 issue, got for $20 even on ebay) 3. sonic youth—sister (a case of a big distributor not knowing the value of a record and putting it up on amazon. 2010 reissue for $13) 4. cryptopsy—blasphemy made flesh/none so vile (is this a boot? anyway great deal, mostly here for none so vile but BMF is a terrific bonus. screaming deal for $13) 5. killed by death vol. 1 - 8 1/2 (someone put up their lot of the first 8 killed by death lp’s and i managed to get it for 50 bucks. i posted about this earlier in the year) 6. weezer—pinkerton (i believe this is a 2000 issue. ten bucks even) 7. sleep—dopesmoker (southern lord reissue…i wanna say from 2013? 2012? creased up with quite a lot of corner dings but the record is in perfect condition and cost me 9 dollars) 8. andy stott—passed me by (8 bucks on amazon, same deal as sister. really dug this record too) 9. lewis—l’amour + romantic times (light in the attic claims they’ll never repress these records again so i’m including these lewis classics here in anticipation of their skyrocketing value. i still don’t have romantic times though) 10. the rolling stones—exile on main st. (shipping error led to me getting this record for free, sick. another record i ended up getting for free is the new volcano choir lp, but i've trying to get rid of it as soon as it came in the mail)
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robedperformer ¡ 10 years
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robedperformer ¡ 10 years
Halloween Horror Spook-A-Thon 2014 Report Card
1. Daughter - B- 2. Halloween - A- 3. Halloween II - B 4. Escape From Tomorrow - C 5. Midori - C- 6. The Aswang Phenomenon - C- 7. Dawn Of The Dead - B 8. Ebola Syndrome - A- 9. The Ring - B 10. Freaks - B+ 11. Wild Zero - B+ 12. Mulholland Dr - A+ 13. The Blair Witch Project - B- 14. Let's Scare Jessica To Death - A- 15. Possession (1981) - A 16. Repulsion - B+ 17. Lake Mungo - B 18. Toad Road - B 19. WNUF Halloween Special - A- 20. Deep Red - B 21. The Exorcist - B 22. Shivers - A- 23. Rear Window - B+ 24. VHS: Viral - C 25. Sleepaway Camp - B+ 26. The Beyond - B 27. The Candy Snatchers - A- 28. Diabolique - B+ 29. Tetsuo: The Iron Man - B- 30. Going To Pieces: The Rise & Fall Of The Slasher Film - C 31. Friday The 13th - C+
i think next year i will just do rewatches (18 of these are first-time viewings) and uhh not start almost a week into the month.
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robedperformer ¡ 10 years
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Friday The 13th (Sean S. Cunningham, USA, 1980)
the gore holds up in 2014 and i really like the scene that leads to the very first kill in the beginning of the movie. i've endured some mean-spirited horror films in the last month but this one sticks out the most to me as the worst offender for whatever reason. the teenagers in this movie all seem like pretty nice people (from what i can glean with the little characterization this movie attempts during its first half) and yet you already know what's gonna happen so this movie is seriously no fun. i ended up getting pretty bored in its last 40 or so minutes and i couldn't wait for it to be over.
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