ok ok this isn’t really my main tumblr account.
  But I just wanna express something that bugs me about being a kpop fan.
    I love the group BTS! I honestly do. But I honestly also hate the fandom. They can be so so toxic. And act like BTS is the only kpop group. And when they are in the states. Like award shows. And some other kpop groups are up angainst them I see these videos on tiktok, tweets etc. saying ONLY VOTE BTS ONLY VOTE BTS ONLY VOTE ARMIES PLEASE VOTE BTS SPAM VOTE THEM. And honestly as a multi-stan this makes me very upset. Other groups such as. Exo, got7, txt, blackpink, monsta x, twice, etc. IF they are also up for the award they should get votes to. BTS always wins if they are up against other kpop groups in the USA award shows. It’s annoying can fans give the other groups a chance? You do understand how charting / voting works right? If BTS keeps MOST and WINS a lot of the votes. They will ignore the other Kpop groups and say “oh they aren’t popular enough.” Which isn’t true. These kpop groups are popular as well. Just cause you may not be a fan doesn’t mean they aren’t popular as well. Also. Yes I do understand BTS is one of the most popular kpop groups. I fully understand that. If you count the views / album sells. Yes they win the popular vote or whatever. But these other groups have fans all over the world such like BTS. They may not make ALL of the money but they still make money. They still sell a lot of albums. And honestly a lot of their music is REALLY good. But since BTS gotten so popular. A lot of little kids joined the fandom. Which I don’t mind but they are part of the reason this fandom is toxic. They make it seem that BTS is the ONLY group out there. Now yes are there older toxic fans? OF COURSE THERE IS. But please use your brain and know what other kpop artist want to wins some awards in the USA or other countries as well. 
  And while I am at it. I wanna say something real quick. Yes I may not be Asian and or Korean. BUT PLEASE STOP ACTING LIKE IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD IF YOUR FAVORITE KOREAN BORN MALE IDOL LEAVES TO JOIN THE MILARTY!! They aren’t the first nor the last to go. It’s there culture. I see SO MANY armies upset about Jin leaving sooner or later. and BEGGING him not to go. 
  Please don’t say anything if you’re not Korean. It’s okay to miss him. But please.. JUST PLEASE... Understand their culture. Each country is different then other countries. We may not like how they live and or are raised. But we have no say in that. So stop acting like we do have a say.
  I’ve read some comments of BTS should flee the country when it’s their time to enlist. NO JUST NO. One old Kpop Idol did this. And he was BANNED from his country for doing so. He had to BEG the government to take him back. It took  YEARS AND YEARS. If I remember right he had to face their government A LOT TIMES.  I think he got back in his home country. But I can’t remember for sure.
  And as us fans. We shouldn’t watch our favorite Korean born Idols to suffer like that. Just because some of us SELFISH fans want them to stay. Want them to be like music slaves. At one point or another they will leave the music world. Either because they are too old. Or they don’t want to do it anymore.
  When a kpop idol goes. They only serve 1-2 years. Sometimes more but it depends. And no they aren’t going into war. It’s just training. So if one day a war was to happen. Then they are ALREADY trained to fight. If they need to do so.
  That all I am going to say on the mater. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen someone from a group I LOVE. Leave. Soo..
   Also PLEASE GIVE OTHER KPOP GROUPS AND OR SINGERS WIN AN AWARD IN THE STATES IF THEY ARE NOMS. Please It will only be fair. I’m honestly tired of seeing BTS win. I love it when they win of course. But if they are in the states. Going up against other Kpop groups I would like the other groups to win.
  Now if they aren’t up against any other kpop group... Then OF COURSE I WANNA SEE BTS WIN.  
  k I’m done
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