rjthingsss · 28 days
Setting -A literary element of literature used in novels, short stories, plays, films, etc., and usually introduces the when and where of the story during the exposition (beginning).
Dialogue -An interchange of conversation of the characters whether in a movie or a play.
Foreshadowing -It is where the author suggests future events in a story, or outcome, before they happen or take place.
Rising action-This is when the main character is in crisis and the conflict begins to unfold.
Foreshadowing -A literary device in which a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story.
1st person Point of View -A type of Point of View (POV) that is usually identifiable using the pronoun "I".
Protagonist -The main character, who creates the action of the plot and is often a hero or heroine of the story
Personification-When inanimate objects or abstract concepts are given or provided with human self-awareness' or characteristics.
Setting-example (One morning, from a bushy forest, a wounded came out and was seen by Ella)
Conflict - Example (Her father was killed in an accident, and she was left with her evil stepmother. antagonist - Example (Her stepmother was a wicked witch, and she always makes her life miserable.
Theme Example: The story is about the importance of self-love and adventure
Confidante-Example Benedict was his best friend. He tells him even his deepest secrets.
Alliteration -The repetition of consonant sounds in succeeding words within the same sentence or line.
Hyperbole -An exaggerated description of an idea or action.
Metaphor -Applying a direct relationship to an object or idea as a substitute for another.
Oxymoron- An idea of contradicting terms
Parallelism -It is the use of identical language, events, structures, or ideas in different parts of a text.
Symbolism -It's when objects or images are used to represent abstract ideas. It could be something tangible or visible, while the idea it'strying to symbolize is something abstract or universal.
Irony - An absurd or mocking opposition to what is expected or appropriate.
Translation -It is the process of translating words or text from one language to another.
Textuality - This refers to all attributes that distinguish the communicative content under analysis as an object of study.
Parody -It is usually a small excerpt of a hypotext that assists in the understanding of the new hypertext's original themes, characters or contexts.
Julia Kristeva - originated the theory of intertextuality
Latent Intertextuality -It pertains to everything you've ever seen or read that sticks somewhere in your memory and affects your understanding of the world
Intertextuality -It is the author's borrowing and transformation of a prior text or to a reader's referencing of one text in reading another.
Pastiche -It imitates the style or character of the work of one or more other artists.
Quotation -A written form of the oral echo. It can be in tagged or untagged form.
Calque -It means to borrow a word or phrase from another language while translating it components so as to create a new lexeme.
Connotation refers to the additional meaning or emotion that a word carries beyond its literal definition. It includes the associations, feelings, or implications that people may have about a word based on their cultural, social, or personal experiences.
Positive connotations generally evoke favorable or desirable qualities.
-Full Figure
Negative connotations typically convey unfavorable or undesirable traits.
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rjthingsss · 28 days
A text's meaning is shaped by another text.
It is about the interrelationship between related works or similar works of literature that mirror and influence how the audience interpret the text.
It also refers to the author's borrowing and modification of a prior text or to a reader's referencing of one text in reading another.
Technically speaking, intertextuality is a combination of a Latin prefix Inter which means "between", "among", "in the midst of", "mutually", "together", and "reciprocally" and Textuality which refers to all attributes that determine the communicative content under analysis as an object of study. It is not a literary or rhetorical device, but rather a fact about literary texts - the fact that they are all intimately interconnected. This is applicable to all texts such as, works of philosophy, novels, films, newspaper articles, songs, and the like. In order to further understand intertextuality, it's important to understand the broad definition of the word "text" itself. Each text is greatly affected by all the texts that came before it, since those texts have influenced the author's thinking and exquisite choices. Remember that every text, on its broadest sense is intertextual.
Julia Kristeva was the inventor of the term "intertextuality." She was influenced by both Ferdinand de Saussure and Mikhail Bakhtinian through their models and attempts to combine their major theories toward the origin of language.
Types of Intertextuality
a. Deliberate Intertextuality forging a relationship between the old text and the new one.
b. Latent Intertextuality pertains to everything you've ever seen or read that sticks somewhere in your memory and affects your understanding of the world which contribute to building your specific worldview which, in turn, determines how you write or create art.
Intertextual Figures
Allusion - a figure of speech where an object from unrelated context is referred to covertly or indirectly with another. It is left to the audience to do or make the direct connection. Where the connection is directly and explicitly stated by the author, it is instead usually termed a reference.
Ex. You don't have to be William Shakespeare to write poetry. (William Shakespeare was used here to explain ones prowess in writing poetry.)
Quotation- is a written form of the oral echo. It can be in tagged and untagged form. It can also be direct and indirect.
Ex. According to violin player Itzhak Perlman, "The most important thing to do is really listen."
Calque - is a loanword from the French noun calque which means tracing; imitation; close copy. It means to borrow a word or phrase from another language while translating its components, so as to create a new lexeme in the target language.
Plagiarism - When using intertextuality, it is usually a small excerpt of a hypotext that assists in the understanding of the new hypertext's original themes, characters or contexts. While this does seem to include intertextuality, the intention and purpose of using of another's work, this is now what allows intertextuality to be excluded from this definition.
Translation-means to transfer in a stable meaning. It is the process of translating words or text from one language into another.
Pastiche- imitates the style or character of the work of one or more other artists.
Parody-any cultural practice which provides a relatively polemical or comical allusive imitation of another cultural production or practice
1. Setting this refers to the time and the place in which the events occur in the story
2. Characters the people in the play and thus considered the principal material in drama.
Character Aspects:
a. Physical this considers the age, sexual category, size, race and color of the character as well as the external attributes which may be taken from the description of the playwright.
b. Social involves all aspects that can be imagined from the character's world or environment as exemplified by the his/her status, occupation, job or trade, creed and affiliation
c. Psychological this refers to the inner mechanism of the mind of the character as exemplified by his physical and emotional responses
d. Moral-the decisions of the characters, either socially acceptable or not, exposing intentions projecting what's just or not.
3. Plot lays down the series of events that form the entirety of the play. It's the
framework that unites the events to a cohesive form and sense.
4. Dialogue the exchange of words between the characters in a play
Monologue - words meant to be spoken by one actor
Soliloquies speeches spoken by a character alone on the stage
5. Staging the physical spectacle a play presents to the audience in a performance by the actors
Elements: (1) the stage set; (2) the different props and costumes used by the actors; (3) their movement onstage; and (4) the lighting and sound effects Blocking the actors' movement onstage during their delivery of the dialogue
Stage Business - the actors' nonverbal gestures
6. Theme considered as the unifying element that defines the dramatized idea of the play. It is the over-all implication of the action.
7. Style refers to the mode of expression or presentation of the play which points out the playwright's position or viewpoint in life.
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rjthingsss · 28 days
The Hidden Treasure Map
“I am hidden treasure,buried in the ground,unearthme carefully,for I am quite profundity ancient markings and a gleam so bright,I hold the secrets of the past,shining in the light(Visual)What am I?
After some brainstrorming,the friends realize that answer was an artifact,They unearthed a hidden, treasure,a small gem that sparkled(Visual)like a secret whispered (Simile).Excitedly,they returned to their grandmother's house,where they discovered a hidden compartment in the attict a tiny word of gotten tales sealed within the wood (Synecdoche)In the inside,they found a chest filled with gold coins in the dimly lit they stumbled upon a treasure chest.Its rusted hibges groaning slowly opened to reveal a dazzling
array gold coins,glinting captured sunlight and whispering tales of opulence and wealth(Imagery)precious gems,and a note that read.Congratulations,brave adventures!You have successfully completed the word hunt and found the treasure.Use your newfound vocabulary skills (Metonymy) to continue exploring the world!
The friends celebrated thier victory,knowing that their vocabulary journey had just begun.They savored the flavor of the gratitude thanking each other for the collaborative exquisite efforts in teamwork(Gustatory)
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rjthingsss · 28 days
Short Story
Lily and the Glowing Forest
Once upon a time, in a little town surrounded by big hills, there was a girl named Lily. She was always happy and had shiny eyes like morning dew.
One sunny day, Lily decided to explore the woods. The trees talked to each other, and the air smelled like fresh pine. Deep in the woods, she found a hidden spot where fireflies lit up the night like stars.
Lily watched the fireflies twinkle, making the dark woods feel magical. It was like they were telling stories with their lights.
Suddenly, a voice spoke from the shadows. It was smooth and spooky, like a ghost. "Who's there?" it asked.
Lily stepped forward nervously and explained she meant no harm. She just wanted to enjoy the beauty of the woods.
A fox appeared, its red fur glowing in the darkness. It praised Lily's kindness and disappeared.
As Lily went back home, she felt warm inside. The memory of the fireflies stayed with her, giving her strength and comfort whenever she needed it. And from that day on, Lily knew that even in the darkest of times, there would always be a little light to guide her way.
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