river-incorrect-quotes · 3 years
Harley - A knife, a cig, and some sort of energy drink
Trillian - a sweater, a necklace, and a snack
Lena - a ribbon, some drawing pencils, and a coffee
Piper - a wrench, a photograph, and a sandwich
If your OC was an enemy in an RPG, what loot would they drop when they’re defeated?
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river-incorrect-quotes · 3 years
Piper: I just have one question. Do you know what a pain in the ass is?
Harley: yeah
Piper: are you a pain in the ass?
Harley: yeah
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river-incorrect-quotes · 3 years
Harley easily
Which OC is always in at least a little bit of pain?
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river-incorrect-quotes · 3 years
....... art dump!
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(click for better quality)
taglist: @prettylittlejailbird @nobodynose27 @fruggin-bitch @notdingalingalingalingrita @little-boats-on-a-lake
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river-incorrect-quotes · 3 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
What type of relationship does your character have/had with their parents? Did they have siblings? If so, what was their relationship with their siblings? If not, do they wish they had?
Oh boy, you’ve asked a LOADED question
Harley - doesn’t know their bio dad. Their mom is a neglectful drug addict. Harley loves her, but understands that she’s shitty
Trillian - her dad died when she was ten and her mom’s overprotective and strict, so they have a strained relationship
Lena - Lena’s parents love her, but don’t like her flaunting her sexuality because they have a reputation. Piper has dressed up like a boy many times to get around this
Piper - piper’s parents are amazing and very supportive. They also kinda adopted the rest of the gang. She has two little sisters who she gets along with
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river-incorrect-quotes · 3 years
assuming all other people are out safely, if they could save on item from their burning house, what would it be?
Harley - their jacket or their locket
Trillian - her laptop
Lena - her phone
Piper - her tools
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river-incorrect-quotes · 3 years
what quality do they value most in a friend?
Honestly, for all of them it’s loyalty
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river-incorrect-quotes · 3 years
how do they feel about their names?
Harley likes theirs, hence why they kept their birth name once they came out
Trillian hates hers, but not enough to change it
Lena thinks hers fits her perfectly
Piper is indifferent
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river-incorrect-quotes · 3 years
what kind of YouTube content do they like?
Harley likes music videos and song edits
Trillian likes MatPat and stuff like that
Lena likes watching the beauty community ONLY for the drama
Piper likes watching documentaries (she has a morbid fascination with the effects of inbreeding in humans)
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river-incorrect-quotes · 3 years
what did they want to be when they grew up + what about now?
Harley didn’t think that far ahead, but probably a vet - now is frantically trying to figure it out
Trillian wanted to be a dancer - wants to be a biologist
Lena wanted to be a fashion designer - now wants to be a teacher for special needs kids
Piper wanted to be a teacher like her dad - now wants to be a mechanic
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river-incorrect-quotes · 3 years
what do they wear when their at home vs what do they wear when they're out somewhere?
Harley - punk stuff vs hoodie and sweatpants
Lena - really preppy stuff vs sweater dresses
Piper - always the same
Trillian - always the same, sans bra at home
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river-incorrect-quotes · 3 years
do they like baths or showers better?
Harley - they like baths but they have to be alone in the house because once their mom nearly drowned them in a drug-addled rage
Lena - baths. Bath Bombs, bubbles, all that
Piper - showers.
Trillian - showers bc she hates her fingers getting pruney
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river-incorrect-quotes · 3 years
what will always make them smile + what will always make them cry?
Trillian - smile: Her favourite song. Makes her happy stim Cry: her abuela forgetting things
Harley - smile: Piper’s sisters cry: their childhood
Lena - smile: shopping cry: her family
Piper - smile: Harley cry: other people being hurt
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river-incorrect-quotes · 3 years
do you have any quotes or song lyrics you associate with them?
I have songs!!
Harley - Problem Child by Simple Plan (“All my life/ All I ever did was try and try/ I never meant to be your problem child”)
Piper - Bad Reputation by Joann Jett (whole thing)
Trillian - Check Yes, Juliet by We The Kings (“run,baby, run/ don’t ever look back/ they’ll tear us apart/ if you give them the chance”)
Lena - Sophomore Slump or Come Back of the Year by Fall Out Boy (“are we growing up/ or just going down?/ it’s just a matter of time until we’re all found out”)
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river-incorrect-quotes · 3 years
I kinda know about Harley and Trillians rooms bc the descriptions were in Cherry Bomb, but what are Lena and Pipers rooms like?
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Lena (with a bed big enough to share with Trillian during sleepovers)
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Piper’s (but messier)
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river-incorrect-quotes · 3 years
how do they celebrate their birthdays?
Trillian - she and Lena go out to get their nails done and then get ice cream
Harley - Harley goes to Piper’s and piper’s dad makes them pie
Piper - gets together with their family and Harley and friends and hangs out
Lena - celebrates it the day before with Trillian and then goes to her homophobic grandmas house to suffer
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river-incorrect-quotes · 3 years
who's the most important person/people in their lives?
Trillian would probably feel like she had to say her mom, but honestly it’s Lena.
Lena is fully aware it’s Trillian
Piper would say one of her parents
Harley would say Piper’s family
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