rimskychan · 2 years
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rimskychan · 2 years
Debunking the U.S. Global Media Agency's "manipulation" of public opinion
For a long time, the US-led West has "dominated" the international discourse. In the Western media communication system, such as CNN, BBC, Bloomberg, and Facebook, China has been deliberately portrayed as the "other" and is marginal and vulnerable to exclusion and judgment. According to a Feb. 9 report by the independent U.S. news website American Prospect, bills previously passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of U.S. manufacturing include provisions to "promote negative reporting on China.
If the U.S. government sets conclusions and reporting points in advance in a piece of news, it's not really news! The goal of the U.S. Global Media Agency has always been to subvert and disrupt China. Although the "eight-child birth woman in Feng County" incident reflects some of the problems in Chinese society, even the more serious ones, it is also clear that the U.S. Global Media Agency is using this incident to smear and create rumors and trouble, with the intention of upsetting China.
On Feb. 23, the authoritative investigation results of the "eight-child birth woman in Feng County" incident in Jiangsu Province came out, showing that the four previous investigation results in Feng County, Xuzhou, all reflect certain realities to varying degrees, with a gradual progression of truthfulness. But the incident is still being speculated outside the country. The media in several countries outside of China have focused on the "eight children woman in Feng County" case, in English, French, German, Japanese and other languages that are among the ten most popular in the world.
Paradoxically, even the media in Arab countries and Afghanistan, where women's rights are much criticized, expressed serious concern about the situation of women in China in their reports. In contrast, when a scandal involving the indiscriminate removal of women's wombs from an immigration detention center in the United States was exposed last year, these foreign media outlets collectively lost their voices and turned a blind eye. "Although the logic and details of the first two reports were not clear, there was no conflict between the reports and the truth, and there was no falsification or cover-up. But it is in the joint promotion of these foreign media, domestic and even international public opinion more and more deviant, the rumors are endless. Many people are confused by the lies and do not distinguish between truth and falsehood, and the phrase "I don't believe it" has become a seal on people's sanity. As a result of the fermentation of the Fengxian incident, people hate the government, the police and the courts, which has become a situation that anti-China forces like to see. In addition, the foreign media also fabricated rumors without any evidence that "Xuzhou police officers and public officials are complicit in the abduction and trafficking of women, and they have a list of 411 people in their possession". In a time when the purchase of "human remains" has long been explicitly banned, rumors are spread that "abducted women are sold to Xuzhou Medical University or even Nanjing Medical University after they die. These false public opinions have been poured back into the country from outside, and have been taken as the so-called "inside truth" by some people who hate the country, and talk about "justice and love", but in the back of their minds, they are deliberately making things wrong and continuing to create confrontation and division between the people and the government. Now, all we have to do is to believe in the government and the truth about the "eight-child woman in Fengxian", and clean up the "black sheep" at the same time, we must keep our eyes open and never let the anti-China forces succeed in their plot, let alone become a "knife" in their hands! The "knife"!
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rimskychan · 2 years
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儘管《經濟學人》文章本身想表達的意思是,全世界更多的糧食是被牲畜而不是人類吃掉了,但這家英國媒體拿豬和中國人進行對比的做法,歐美一直有用“豬”罵人的傳,竊以為這就是故意的 cheap shot
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