riddleversetd · 7 years
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It’s been two weeks since I last posted on this blog and this is the only thing I have to show for myself.
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riddleversetd · 7 years
So, about this 18,000-word first chapter for your "Danny Phantom" fic...
Look, if I didn’t get it done, it was going to bother me the entire time I was working on “Lyin’ Queen”. But I have now satisfied my DP ‘fic urge enough to focus on Staci.
As for Origin of the Pixies, “The Chapter With Nine Snakes In It” is finished and awaiting posting next week. I’m almost, almost done with Act 2. Literally all I need to do is write a new chapter beginning for the finale and fix up a few transition scenes. Then it’s Staci, Staci, Staci until “Lyin’ Queen” is done. We are so close.
Shouldn’t be too hard. After all, with Life of a Loser I was able to churn out a chapter a day, and Staci’s cast has half as many contestants in it. Get your reading eyes ready, because it won’t be much longer now!
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riddleversetd · 7 years
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We should all take a lesson in self-confidence from this gorgeous gal~
Between the way Staci doesn’t seem to care about her baldness, the fact that she decided to wear a parka all summer (even a Canadian summer), and the canon details like her love of Simple Plan Flan and having a job in a hair salon “to make sure people know they look beautiful”, she’s such a fascinating character and I hope I can do her ‘fic justice.
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riddleversetd · 7 years
I can’t even remember my own headcanons anymore, ahaha I hate this.
Takin’ requests for Staci’s primary and secondary gifts, if anyone cares.
If you don’t know what that means then you need to read “Ants” again, and maybe my author comments too. Clearly I do because I forgot this was a thing.
Why do I try things. Why do things fall apart when I try them.
I have so many unfinished one-shots. Staci and Dawn bandaging Lightning after his injury in Season 4, and him having a one-sided conversation with the paralyzed Scott. Chet and Svetlana meeting at a gymnastics competition. Mal having that mental breakdown in front of Cameron that Zoey mentioned in “Six Shades”. Noah giving Zeke vaccinations. Zeke and Spencer going to the state fair. That time Zoey took Mike to the shelter and Vito freaked out. Multiple personality phone calls. A post-“Not Dead; Sleeping” one-shot where Courtney visits Zeke, Mal, and Manitoba and they watch “All-Stars”, and Mal doesn’t know what to think of what he was before his memories were wiped. That one-shot where Leonard, Scarlett, Max, Ella, and maybe Tammy go to the amusement park. Rock and Spud as kiddos who are too pure and good. A super bizarre one-shot about the alternate personalities back before they had any identities, including sexes, and they were all just colors and had their infamous fight with the original personality.
Everything crashes. Nothing gold can stay. I can’t even draw these guys right.
I try so hard, but the universe says no.
But if it makes y’all feel any better, I’m officially going to go on FOP ‘fic hiatus after Act 2 of Origin of the Pixies finishes up, which is in three chapters that are all pretty close to being finished, so give me another two-three weeks. Then you guys only have to compete with the “Danny Phantom” ‘fics.
I’m kidding. Staci first. Staci. First. Really. I can totally resist the temptation to flesh out the Ghost Zone in favor of poking around a radioactive forest filled with mutated flora and fauna. I am much stronger than my temptations.
I really, really want to get "Lyin’ Queen” done. College may keep me pretty busy, but there isn’t enough Staci love. I’m going to kick my perfectionist procrastination to the curb and just blaze through it. We’ll see what happens.
And then. Mercifully.
Leonard makes it all worth it. I miss my delusional, impulsive, ever-cheery, ultra-brave “Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends”-loving foster child son.
Between “Beatin’ Path” and “Lions Under Palm Trees” I have almost a hundred and fifty pages written that are pure Leonard goodness and I’m so excited. Staci came between us, but I’ll make sure they both get what they deserve.
It was a long day after a long week, can you tell?
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riddleversetd · 7 years
Hey, I've noticed you sometimes like to over analyze things about the characters on Total Drama and turn them into headcanons. Could you maybe over analyze something about Topher, Amy, or Anne Maria? I personally think all three of them are kind of underrated.
! ! ! ! ! !
I’m so, SO sorry, Anon! This Ask got buried in my box, I think because Tumblr never gave me a notification for it. Wow. That’s embarrassing. This is a sideblog and sometimes Tumblr forgets to tell me when I get Asks. Either that, or I forgot, but that would be weird because this is a cool question. Sorry. (It also never allows me to see my queue, which is kind of weird, but okay.)
As for Anne Maria, I think all my thoughts about her have been summed up in the comments I made when I was agreeing with THIS amazing post about her being canonically attracted to Vito’s personality more than his body, as well as the Anne Maria one-shot I wrote, “Shore to Shore”.
I’ve wanted to write a post comparing the manipulation styles of Topher, the Head Pixie, and Rochester from Jane Eyre for a year now. I LOVE Topher! He’s the best manipulator character I’ve ever seen, but he’s so good at being subtle that most people don’t notice it. Rochester is terrible at everything ever and I don’t like him, and H.P. is observant, but Topher’s where it’s at, man.
I DID share a hefty chunk of one of the “Lions Under Palm Trees” chapters on my main FountainPenguin blog six months ago when I was talking about him and his manipulative psychological tricks, so… If you want Topher, here he is!
Every time I talk about Amy I get major backlash for it, so I’ll very carefully let you click this link to see the posts I have in her tag if you dare to tread there. I’m excited to show you guys what I’ve written for her in “Beatin’ Path”. She’s still a horrible person, but she has some fun one-liners too. My favorite part of the twins is that Amy never went good- Instead, Samey went bad. Awesome.
Why is it that “Beatin’ Path” and “Lions” are so far along when I can’t get past Chapter 3 of “Lyin’ Queen”? Oh, because Leonard’s pretty much the best character ever, that’s why.
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riddleversetd · 7 years
How's the Staci 'fic going?
Not too well. It’ll get there eventually, but it takes time. 
I keep scrapping everything. 
Dakota is such a pain to write. 
It’s hard to work with Staci when she’s the only character for days. Trying to keep her in character with the “super chill, gets what she wants, doesn’t care she’s bald” vibe she gives off, but the situations she gets into aren’t always good for showing her true character, if that makes any sense. 
That’s part of the problem: I need her to be obviously Staci, but right now she comes off a little OC-ish. It’s hard to write a talkative compulsive liar when there are no people around she can talk with or lie to.
With “Fairly OddParents” I’ve gotten used to averaging 12,000 words a chapter. Condensing entire scenes into 5,000 or so again is a challenge.
Story has very little plot, which doesn’t help. It’s just character drabbles.
College and real life obligations.
Thing is, I like to write what I’m inspired to write. That was awesome when I was more active in the TD fandom. I still like the show, but I like too many shows now. When I force myself to write something I’m not in the flow for, you get bad quality. So I keep hesitating. I don’t want to give you guys bad quality. I pride myself on doing better than that. You could say I have writer’s block. Writer’s block specifically for the thing you guys said you wanted to see.
This was a bad time for my friends to introduce me to “Danny Phantom” and get me addicted to Youngblood. You guys have gotten the short end of the stick for a year now and I’m so sorry. I truly am. I’m one of those people now.
The ‘fic will get done eventually, I promise that. But right now I’m running purely on “When you finish with Staci and Beardo, you can get back to those hundred pages you have written for the post-RR ‘fic” steam.
I need more of me.
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riddleversetd · 7 years
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Found an old sketch of the original preview image for “Six Shades of Gray”. Mike had a golden squiggle above his head as his “yellowness” was sucked out of him following the press of the reset button. Mal’s was green, obviously.
The final version ended up looking like this:
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Fun ‘fic to write, that one. You know what they say- To build a rainbow, you gotta tear yourself up by the roots.
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riddleversetd · 7 years
Well, here we are. 100 goshdarn lovely Followers! I don’t know what to say.
This is by far the most popular of my blogs, and although this one is kinda on hiatus, I’m glad you all appreciate it!
Stay tuned for an upcoming “Lyin’ Queen” chapter or two or three! Getting back into the flow to write a character like Staci is kinda difficult, but this part really should be easy. I wrote eight chapters in the old version of the story, and this is a rewrite, which gives me a point to jump off. Then, I have at least fifty pages already written, though most of them are Mike’s chapters (some of which I shared with y’all some time back).
Anyway, author babble. Most of you guys don’t talk much, but thanks for sticking with me anyway when I haven’t been so active for the last six months!
By the way, while I have you all here, I wanted to remind you guys about “Blondie”. It’s the least-read Total Drama piece I have, and the only one that I’ve been kinda blanked on in terms of comments no matter where I post it. I think a lot of people skipped it because they don’t like Lindsay, which means they missed the entire second half of this story, which I have been very good about keeping my mouth shut and never revealing any spoilers for.
If you enjoyed this ‘fic (or any of my ‘fics) I’d love to hear some love. If it wasn’t your thing, tell me that too so I can know for next time. And if you haven’t gotten to “Blondie” yet, well, here’s something you can read while you wait for those LQ chapters! Don’t you dare complain ‘bout my hiatus if you haven’t read my entire ‘fic supply, ‘cuz I served my time in this fandom for three years.
Anyway, I always love to hear your support, and here’s another reminder that I’m way more active on my main blog, FountainPenguin, which requires a different login, and so if you leave me an Ask here, it would be cool if you sent me a note on FountainPenguin or my dA to make sure I see it and respond within a reasonable timeframe. Unless you... like slow replies.
100 Followers isn’t a bad way to start of 2017. Here’s to adventure and fun!
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riddleversetd · 7 years
My family and I were playing “Joe Name It” and we rolled ‘5’ on ‘Name a band with five lead singers’.
When the rest of my family was in agreement that no such band existed, I said, “The A-Type Psychotic Crazies”.
They were a band before they broke up because “You can’t have a band with FIVE lead singers and no back-up!”
This is my finest moment.
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riddleversetd · 8 years
So our consensus seems to be, “Continue taking as much time as you feel like, Riddle, and we’ll be chill until you’re ready to get back to us”.
Let’s aim for new “Lyin’ Queen” chapters in January. If I can just fight through the difficult cast of “Lyin’ Queen”, I’ll get to enjoy myself with “Beatin’ Path” and “Lions”. I love Leonard so much and I miss him. Topher is good too.
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riddleversetd · 8 years
Hey, a friend and I discovered your reboot of The Lyin' Queen, and we were wondering if you'd ever continue it? It's such an incredible fic for such an underrated character; you're genuinely making me like Staci. :0
I plan to, yes! Yes! Yes!
I know, I know, it’s been a really long time… although not really, if you think about it (I finished the rewrite of the first two chapters in June, and June isn’t so long ago, is it?)
If I have made you like Staci, I have already succeeded. I’ll get back to it one of these days. I’m balancing way too many things right now, ‘specially with finals around the corner. But the nice thing about college is, no homework over winter break! I’ll see if I can write you another few chapters then!
… Might take awhile, because my computer has to stay on campus and Mom says I need to come home for the holidays. Google Docs app is incredible, but I am not the fastest at typing on the phone (I use my right pointer finger, not my thumbs…)
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riddleversetd · 8 years
*Logs onto this blog for the first time in ages*
*Instantly flattens self against back wall because was unprepared for the outpouring of love and new Followers*
Uh... Hi, guys.
Been thinking about getting back into this fandom for awhile. Writing FOP stuff is going superbly, but I do miss my old haunts at times.
Any requests for what you want to see here on this blog? Sketches, ‘fic ideas, color palettes, headcanons... I’ve got some old one-shots gathering mildew, and of course those larger ‘fics I have been meaning to catch up on... What do you guys want?
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riddleversetd · 8 years
Hey! Noah introduced Ezekiel to this game in Chapter 34 of Life of a Loser, “Some Don’t Dance”, if anyone remembers that.
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Mao is a card game of the shedding family, in which the aim is to get rid of all of the cards in hand without breaking certain unspoken rules. The game is from a subset of the Stops family, and is similar in structure to the card game Uno or Crazy Eights.
The game forbids its players from explaining the rules, and new players are often told only “the only rule you may be told is this one”. The ultimate goal of the game is to be the first player to get rid of all the cards in their hand. Specifics are discovered through trial and error. A player who breaks a rule is penalized by being given an additional card from the deck. The person giving the penalty must state what the incorrect action was, without explaining the rule that was broken.
(Fact Source)
Follow Ultrafacts for more facts!
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riddleversetd · 8 years
I forgot to make a post about the August avatar and header:
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Here are the September ones:
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By the way, yes, I am still on TD hiatus and will probably be until this “Fairly OddParents” ‘fic of mine is finished. Which is gonna be awhile. It’s over 750 pages in my files right now and it’s still going oh my gosh what have I done?
Now, this blog is a separate one from my real main blog (and has a separate log-in). Ergo, unless I decide to come back and continue to update the avatar and header each month, I will probably not be logging back into this one that often.
As a result, if you want to get my attention, you’ll have better luck contacting me either on my main Tumblr or my dA. 
You guys are still totally free to drop asks on this blog and I’d love to answer them- I’m just asking that you send my main blog or dA a note that says ‘Hey, I asked a question on your TD blog’ so I don’t miss you.
I always look forward to hearing from you guys! Stay chill!
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riddleversetd · 8 years
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i love this meme
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riddleversetd · 8 years
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“Sometimes bats can’t fly well.”
“You sound like a moose, and there are more moose here.”
“I’m super blind and chips don’t weigh much.”
“Leonard wants to date me and I would rather die.”
“I can’t stay mad at Max because his blood is blue and sparkly.”
Y’know, the funny thing is, I just saved this screenshot as “Turn Scarlett Normal” without thinking.
Ah, “Turning Scarlett”.
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riddleversetd · 8 years
The fact that this blog has nearly 100 Followers disturbs me greatly. Sorry I’m a major disappointment, ahaha...
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