richa12121 · 8 months
Liver transplant cost in India
Liver transplant cost in India has gained significant attention in recent years as the country has emerged as a global leader in providing high-quality healthcare services at a fraction of the cost compared to many Western nations. In this article, we'll delve into the factors that contribute to the affordability of liver transplants cost  in India, making it a preferred destination for patients worldwide.
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richa12121 · 8 months
Bone Marrow Transplant
A life-saving procedure, Bone Marrow Transplant  (BMT) replaces damaged marrow with healthy stem cells. It's crucial for treating blood disorders and some cancers. BMT types include autologous (using the patient's stem cells), allogeneic (donor's cells), and umbilical cord blood. The process involves preparation, high-dose therapy, transplant, engraftment, and recovery. Bone Marrow Transplant 
 can offer cures or long-term remission, but it carries risks such as graft-versus-host disease, infections, and side effects. Decisions should be made in consultation with healthcare professionals, as Bone Marrow Transplant
 holds promise for those facing these challenging conditions.
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