ricardovivaldi · 1 year
FOR: @hailisopen WHEN: 1st of May, 2023. WHERE: Main Town Street, Hail.
Pitiful town, he thought with a sneer, encased in the deep expensive leather interior of the sleek black Lexus that was parked on the main street of Hail, Canada. People went about their usual day, the afternoon sun beating down upon his skin, an oddity. But on the scale of things this place looked like a disaster movie after what had happened. His business partner wanted a good price on the land, and a much more condescend one seeing the condition it'd been left in.
Stepping out, he smoothed down the lapels of his jacket an re-did his button. Always a picture of pristine calm and dominance as he spotted the figure beside him, a grin etching onto his pearly whites.
''Smell that, Jorge---'' Ricardo started, pulling on his leather gloves.
His associate took the spot beside him, although he presented at least six inches shorter than Ricardo. He reached up and sniffed the air around him, brows furrowing as he tried to place the scent that Ricardo had been talking about as he gave a shake of his head. ''Not quite sure what you mean, Mr Vivaldi.''
Instantly Ricardo's head threw back and laughed.
''No, you fucking idiot-- '' They'd been friends long enough that they could joke from time to time, albeit, a rarity. ''I meant money. I can smell the amount of cash we're going to make off this place.'' They had work to do though, turning on his spot, he spotted someone walking passed.
''Excuse me --- '' He called, throwing on that business-man persona. ''Where can I find the Council for this...'' Shit hole? ''Beautiful town.''
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ricardovivaldi · 1 year
Introduction ;;
Name: Ricardo Vivaldi
Age: Fifty-Three Years Old.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Gender: Cis Man
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Occupation: Owner of Vivaldi Construction & Land Closer.
Hometown: Quebec, Canada.
Location: Hail, Ontario, Canada.
Positive Traits: Disciplined.
Negative Traits: Violent.
Favorite Song: Where Do We Go From Here by Charles Bradley.
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Beneath the read more you’ll find a basic biography which will be updated as time goes on. For now this is the outline of Ricardo Vivaldi. Tw: Parental Death, Divorce, Affair, Violence & Crime.
Ricardo Vivaldi was born in Tijuana, Mexico in 1970 to his mother, Isabel and father, Carlos Vivaldi. For the first six years of his life he was a bright happy-go lucky lad who more often than he should sassed his mother with his wit and humor. Their lives were comfortable, and the boy had never had to want for anything but they were not outrageously wealthy. His relationship with his mother was solid, his father, however, had always been far more distant. Busy with work.
However, things would quickly change when his father moved them to Canada. With Vivaldi Construction beginning to take off, most of the business being located over the Canadian border, his father knew the move was necessary.
Growing up, Ricardo was a gifted young man, showing exceptional intelligence in multiple languages and a talent for mathematics and science. He'd pursued his education in college as soon as he graduated, eventually earning a Ph.D. in international business from the prestigious Wharton Business School.
Years passed, and the company grew and just like he was expected to, he married a well-to-do girl from a good family and kept moving forward. He was all about family, but things had changed over the years. Business came first, not that any of them cared about it. His mother was living comfortably, he had a great company that he'd one day take over and he had...her.
His wife who did very little for him. She was a wonderful person, and it made it all that much harder when he tried to love her but came up flat. He was planning to leave her, make it quiet so that it didn't affect business but when his father fell sick, the company shifted over to him immediately. While both Ricardo and his father knew it was time for him to step in, it was the worst time for Ricardo.
He was watching his dad die, and there was no way he could break it to his wife that he wanted a divorce while all of this was going on. If it leaked it'd be bad for business. So he played his part. Kept up the facade.
When his father passed that morning, he was heart broken. Ricardo assumed full control. Under his leadership, the company has become a multi-million dollar enterprise, known for its high-quality work and efficient project management. Despite his success in the business world, Ricardo is known for his harsh, cold, and condescending demeanor. He expects nothing but the best from his employees and is not afraid to criticize or even fire those who fail to meet his standards. He had a sharp tongue and a tendency to intimidate others with his intelligence and forceful personality. Some said a force to be reckoned with.
Others said he was the devil reincarnate. Ricardo had spent his entire career working for Vivaldi Construction, starting from the bottom and working his way up the ranks. He has a deep understanding of the construction industry and is known for his innovative solutions to complex problems.
However, things would once again change once the company became his. Business, itself, would grow and keep growing. Creating new parts, expanding and of course, taking under the table payments from those who required particular services.
Like the one that had landed him in Hail in the midst of his divorce.
When a potential buyer expressed interest in Hail, Canada, Ricardo was sent to survey and purchase the land in which they wanted. He negotiated a deal that was highly favorable to Vivaldi Construction, securing the company's future for years to come. However, it wasn't that easy and they wouldn't give up the land easily, especially for something as big and gaudy as his buyers wanted. So he was bringing out the big guns for the job.
Despite his academic accomplishments, Ricardo is known for being harsh, cold, and condescending. He is not one to mince words and has little patience for those he deems to be intellectually inferior. He can be blunt to the point of rudeness and is not afraid to speak his mind, even if it means offending others.
Ricardo is a private person and keeps his personal life separate from his professional one. He is not known to have any close friends prefers to spend his free time alone, working on research projects. In his free time, Ricardo enjoys reading books on business and economics, as well as playing chess and other strategy games. He is a true workaholic and rarely takes time off from his responsibilities at Vivaldi Construction.
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ricardovivaldi · 1 year
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2x11 / 5x17
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