riback · 1 year
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Why does Netflix want to keep tearing up your face?
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riback · 1 year
My mental health crumbles under all of the misery happening around me. I’m hella anxious because someone I know dies every year and now it happened again and it gave me a new reason to worry about my own life. Also I watch too much politics related stuff while I live in a country with people who seem insane in power. And there is so much misery in the world in general. And I have so many things from the past that I’m still dealing with. I don’t know how I’m even acting kinda normal in every day life. I mean, I feel anxious and insecure and irritated all the time and sometimes I get random episodes when it all gets super intense and I can’t explain it to anyone so I just tell people around me that I’m acting weird because my head hurts. And the next day I’m back to smiling and making jokes. It’s such a stupid time in my life, I know it’ll get better but right now I’m here and it’s so overwhelming. And now I’m writing this into nowhere because there is no way I can tell all of this to an actual person.
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riback · 1 year
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whatever was left, that was ours for a while.
sunrise - louise glück
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riback · 1 year
People are such terrible party poopers, from now on I’m not talking to any one of you
boooooo you all
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riback · 1 year
I’m in such a weird place right now. Everything is so uncertain. And the fact that anything is possible is both scary and exciting at the same time. But I feel peaceful and rather optimistic. I don’t even know how do I still have resources to feel optimistic but I’m not complaining
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riback · 1 year
There used to be a website for teenage girls when I was around 12 years old. There, the girls of various age would write posts (or even whole ass articles) on topics such as beauty, relationships with friends and family, hobbies, romantic stuff, psychology, etc. and it was AMAZING. It was a community for girls by girls. But then the website was taken down (bc of financial issues probably) and I missed it so much all these years. And now that I got on tumblr all these posts remind me of that place and it feels so calm and cozy
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riback · 1 year
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Just another normal Christmas in Ketterdam!
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riback · 1 year
I’m so in love with the new iPhone feature and Freeform, I’m obsessively making collages for every month of this year and honestly I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun with creating something
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riback · 2 years
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@lgbtqcreators​ creator bingo: album covers ↳ Kanej as Midnights tracks (insp.)
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riback · 2 years
taylor swift wrote the lyric “draw the cateye sharp enough to kill a man” specifically for my beloved, inej ghafa 💖💖✨
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when is shadow and bone s2 coming !! i need my inej content asap 😤
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riback · 2 years
I don’t know what to do. I feel angry all the time. Not aggressively angry but “burning myself on the inside” angry
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riback · 2 years
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Ada Limón interviewed by Lauren LeBlanc
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riback · 2 years
Lately I’m trying out this concept of allowing myself to feel sad, to be passive when I have no energy and to act as close as can to how I want to act. Although the reflex of saying “No, I’m okay!” is strong as fuck, but I’m trying
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riback · 2 years
You’re on Your Own, Kid | SOC
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riback · 2 years
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#Crowtober2022 Day 25 - Crooked
This is one of my favourite moment from Six of Crows, Kaz’s thoughts going to Inej while he was drowning was both so romantic and sad 😭
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riback · 2 years
Just finished reading “We were liars”. I feel traumatised. I thought it would be a light read. What the fuck. It even reached the thoughts I was avoiding for the past two years. I don’t know what to say, it’s past midnight and I finally know what the hell happened there and I’m crying
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riback · 2 years
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