rhynestoneashes · 1 year
Thinking of having this account start fresh. I've been through a lot of developments too myself ever since taking a break from real life, so I want to show something new. Also, I want to be more active on this app haha
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rhynestoneashes · 1 year
Cinderella feels ripe for a Trans retelling.
Abused and neglected, but in a transphobic way this time. So the family might be willing to buy new clothes for her etc, but only mens clothes. So she's forced to wear her stepsisters old clothes if she wants to dress the right way for her. Cinderella could be her chosen name, with something else as her dead name that her family still use.
The transformation would play as normal, but it'd be extra special because it'd be the first time or first time in a long time she'd be supported to be who she is, and that her appearance reflects who she really is. Not saying Magic HTR or anything would happen, but certainly all the hair, makeup, and clothes etc.
The prince, will of course still fall for her, and search for his mystery woman. The glass slipper tests would play out much the same, but with the delightful irony that the cis sister can't wear their trans sisters shoe after forcing her to wear all their old clothes for so long.
But yea, a trans Cinderella getting her happy fairy tail ending would just be interesting and nice I think.
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rhynestoneashes · 1 year
“are you afab or amab” “are you tme or tma” do you guys remember the era of the internet where one of the biggest queer memes was about not telling people what the fuck is in your pants because it’s no one’s fucking business. can we PLEASE go back to that.
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rhynestoneashes · 1 year
i’m the guy in every 2010′s video game creepypasta who gives haunted cartridges to teenagers. sorry about that
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rhynestoneashes · 1 year
Do you ever become mutuals with someone you share an intense interest with and it becomes this limbo of "I want to be your friend SO fucking bad but I'll eat a shoe before dm-ing first"
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rhynestoneashes · 1 year
Ok guys, after a lot of reasearch I have compiled a comprehensive list of what trans men and mascs are NOT allowed to do so we don't offend anyone
Here it is:
Not transition
Date queer men
Date non-queer men
Date queer women
Date non-queer women
Be attracted to men
Be attracted to women
Be feminine
Be masculine
Date trans people
Speak in general
Breath anywhere near a woman
Do anything
Do nothing
Be helpless
Be in queer spaces where there are women
Be in queer spaces where there are men
Have a vagina anywhere near a cis gay man
Be attractive to a terf
Be unattractive to a terf
Have top surgery
Not have top surgery
Consume mlm content
Consume wlm content
Consume wlw content
Headcanon characters as trans men/mascs
Give male characters vaginas
Have colored hair
Having a name that's too common
Having a name that's too uncommon
Be capable of menstruation
Be capable of carrying a birthing a child
Need an abortion
Remove your capability for menstruation and birth
Willingly have a child
Be childfree
Realize you are trans before puberty
Realize you are trans during puberty
Realize you are trans as an adult
Have long hair
Have short hair
Not throw away every feminine coded thing you own as soon as you realize you are trans
Go through corrective rape at the hands of a man
Go through corrective rape at the hands of a woman
Be oppreased
Experience transphobia
Claim afab people who lived long ago and lived their entire lives as men could have actually been trans
Claim you have any history before Tumblr
Take T
Not take T
Pass perfectly
Not pass perfectly
Claim the transphobia you experience is in some way connected to your masculinity and gender identity as a man or man aligned
Try to coin a term for the specific prejudice you experience
Claim that something someone who is not a trans man or masc said about trans men and mascs is wrong and correcting them
Claim that you have been, in any way, treated badly for your masculinity
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rhynestoneashes · 1 year
One day people will all come to the conclusion that reducing manhood to "evil, bad" and indirectly suggesting that "all men should die" leads to people staying in the closet far longer than they should.
And maybe one day they'll apologize for forcing trans men and other queer men to stay in the closet (which unfortunately I highly doubt), but we got a lot of redfem (alternative spelling) shit to wade through and toss out before we ever get there and it'll be a while before it spreads to the rest of society.
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rhynestoneashes · 1 year
They should invent healthcare that doesn’t involve phone calls
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rhynestoneashes · 1 year
Giving this website full of autistics obsessed with ranking and categorising stuff a poll option is like giving rats one of those buttons that makes cocaine
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rhynestoneashes · 1 year
Forgiveness is such a trap and I honestly highly recommend not forgiving people who’ve done irreparable damage in your life. Despite what people say, you don’t need to forgive someone to have peace in your life.
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rhynestoneashes · 1 year
Btw when writers describe a human (or humanoid) character “growling”, it isn’t an actual growl like what you’d hear from a dog (unless said humanoid character is able to produce those sounds).
Have you ever heard someone get so angry or when your mom is speaking to you in that pissed off quiet voice that it becomes gravelly? That it’s spoken from the chest? That’s what we mean when we write “he/she/they growled.”
I use the same for “snarl” to emphasize particular nastiness that’s spoken with more teeth (as in bared) and/or pulled lips but they aren’t snarling like a literal dog would.
Just thought I’d clarify that because I see people make fun of this a lot because they misunderstand it completely. People do growl, just not in the way a dog would.
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rhynestoneashes · 1 year
unironically love the phrase “but I’m being so brave about it” because truly, like, what other choice do we have in this wretched existence? what a beautiful way to remind yourself to keep going, even if only out of spite
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rhynestoneashes · 1 year
Tumblr media
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rhynestoneashes · 1 year
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rhynestoneashes · 1 year
Nothing gets on my nerves more than people “diagnosing” fictional characters with NPD or ASPD even though the character displays no symptoms or niches of the disorders. (And of course you know they’re gonna be using the outdated terms for ASPD)
Self absorbed meanie = Obviously this character has NPD.
Remorseless murderer = Obviously this character has ASPD.
It’s so fucking lazy. If you’re gonna deep dive into a character’s mental health and the way their mind works, at least put some effort into it before you slap a label that you don’t even understand and base off of the current perception you have that’s built off of outdated and ableist information that you probably learned secondhand from a YouTube comment.
Not only is it lazy, it’s just straight up demonizing.
And also not every villain or “bad person” character absolutely has to be mentally ill. Sometimes they just suck.
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rhynestoneashes · 1 year
Having an abusive parent is kinda funny in retrospect like mommy why do you have beef with me im 4 i love you
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rhynestoneashes · 1 year
Your life flashed before your eyes, and you saw something you didn’t remember. Now you seek near-death experiences so you can find the truth.
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