Hot take from a radioapple fan:
Charlastor isnt morally fucked up (other than Alastor obviously hoping to gain something) (which btw is interesting to explore in general). Let people do as they wish.
And before anyone dares to come here and mention episode 5, Alastor tricked you so fucking good if you genuinely believe he sees her as his daughter. He sees potential in her power, nothing else. And fanon can change anything, so even if he did mean it, people are 100% allowed to delete that episode from their brain or view it as they wish.
And people going "But Charlie is in a loving relationship with Vaggie!" Yeah okay, LUCIFER STILL HAS HIS DAMN WEDDING RING! But yall don't want to discuss that, do ya.
So tired of the hate between the fans. Scroll past, censor tags, anything. Just don't hate on people who ship stuff. I wanna be able to hang out with one of my best friends without worrying about our differing opinions regarding a silly fucking cartoon! 💕 At the end of the day, theyre two old, silly, powerful morningstars and hes a vintage asshole. Get a grip.
Tldr: I ship radioapple and dont mind charlastor's existence. A close friend of mine, literally a bestie if you will, has shipped Charlastor since the pilot and the fandom's lack of media literacy had us tiptoe around each other for a while.
Anyways, it's just a show about the BIBLE.
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reverseharemlover17 · 2 months
Part of why I ship Charlastor over Chaggie other than how one has more chemistry over the other, is that with Charlastor... I can literally see the building blocks for them to be a ship.
Like as Alastor helps Charlie with the Hotel and sees more of her, he would start to slowly fall for her. And it could also be that type of dynamic where they teach each other something.
Alastor teaches Charlie to embrace her power as the Princess of Hell and how to use it to it's full potential, while Charlie teaches him how to be a more decent person and let people in to help him.
Though I have to admit that my favorite flavor of Charlastor is the one where Alastor doesn't even really change as a person, Charlie just becomes the sole exception to his personal rules and she embraces him completely for who he is 😩👌
Everything nice he does as a result would be exclusively for Charlie's benefit then if not for his own.
I also think it's a fun way to challenge Charlie's biased belief system of "everyone deserves a second chance and is capable of being better" by making her fall in love with someone who's an unapologetic, violent asshole to everyone but her but will behave if she asked it of him, who makes her feel loved, important and powerful like nobody else has ever managed to and has a genuine desire to help her in any way he can - including all of the immoral and fucked up ways.
I also love me some Alastor who's internally at war with himself - on one hand being in love with Charlie hasn't changed him as a person and she truly embraces him for all he is, but he still finds himself unable to ignore how she'd feel about certain actions and is desperate for her approval and attention, so she's still inadvertently influencing him and reduces the amount of violent urges he acts on by just being someone whose opinion he gives a shit about.
He both loves and hates it, she's his weakness and his greatest strength, his inspiration and muse and the bane of his fucking existence. He would move mountains, obliterate cities and fight god with his bare fucking hands for her if she asked him nicely, but she won't because she's a reasonable and sweet person who worries for his safety and wellbeing.
She's self-sacrificial and recklessly giving, but he's there to ground and catch her when she flies too close to the sun and will happily execute her will wherever she falls short.
In turn she keeps him sane, gives him something to genuinely want to fight for, someone to come home to without tying him down... She's love and light and goodness he never thought himself to be deserving of
Like. I know a lot of us will happily indulge in all the ways these two would be toxic for each other, but I also deeply adore their potential to be such a mutually beneficial, healthy relationship, much to the surprise of everyone at the hotel, including themselves!
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reverseharemlover17 · 2 months
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 250 likes!
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reverseharemlover17 · 2 months
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HE'S A GENTLEMAN YALL the way he just grabbed her lol
God I can't explain my love for these two <3
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reverseharemlover17 · 2 months
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 50 likes!
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reverseharemlover17 · 2 months
Is there a discord or some type of community for RadioBelle? I need iiit
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reverseharemlover17 · 2 months
Yeees totally agree !! And it's rare which makes It special
charlie girl id be making that face too
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reverseharemlover17 · 2 months
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This scene lives rent free in my head and I couldn't thank them enough for it
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reverseharemlover17 · 2 months
I am down the Rabbit hole I am now officially obsessed with Charlastor! I can't escape! But I welcome it!
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reverseharemlover17 · 7 years
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reverseharemlover17 · 7 years
can we just take a moment to notice that in a heated battle against a seemingly unbeatable garlan soldier in assassin’s freaking creed gear, who easily defeated all of the voltron paladins, keith actually took the time and initiative to CRADLE PIDGE IN HIS ARMS
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brotp material RIGHT THERE.
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reverseharemlover17 · 7 years
SasuSaku and japanese culture
 I don’t think people give enough credit to the Japanese culture, and how different it is to the west, when it comes to justifying SasuSaku. 
Japanese men are known to be married to their work. They are extremely hard working, and sincere in what they do. This is the reason why Sasuke is not around for Sarada’s childhood. What people in the west fail to understand is that, for Sasuke, protecting his family and his village is his duty, his job, and he’ll do anything to carry that out, even if it means staying away from them.
One anti argument is that Sakura and Naruto are loud, and very un-japanese, but Kishi has said multiple times that Naruto was created partly keeping in mind that it must appeal to Americans and american culture. Naruto and Sakura are very much “commoners” in Konoha. Naruto, not knowing his heritage, was like any other average citizen, so was Sakura. Even their colour scheme was very loud and bright, unlike an average japanese, who prefers subtlety.
Conversely, we have people like Sasuke and Hinata, who come from noble clans and are “konoha royalty”. Their colour schemes are far more dark and subtle, and even their mannerisms are very quiet and serious. Thus, they emulate an average japanese more than characters like Naruto and Sakura, due to their noble blood. And this circles back to the first point made, Sasuke is modelled after a general japanese man.
The japanese are not known for their grand gestures. They will not announce their love to the rest of their world, and kiss their love under a thousand stars. But, it doesn’t mean they care any less. It’s the same for Sasuke. His way of showing his love is by scouring any threats which may harm his family, or keeping information which would put Sarada in danger. He cares about his wife’s well being, as shown in the gaiden.
You must understand that Kishimoto himself is a japanese man. He was not brought up in Tokyo or Kyoto, he grew up in rural Japan. Thus comes his conservative nature, and his ideal of a japanese couple who love each other. 
If people think NaruHina is a more ideal couple then let me ask you this: What would the relationship have been like if Hinata was the man of the family? Hinata, other than the time she stepped in to protect Naruto during the pain invasion (as Sasuke had done for Sakura when orochimaru had sent them into shock, or when he offered to be the sacrifice, so that Naruto could save Sakura and run), has never been very vocal about her feelings for Naruto. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t love him every bit as much.
This is why, in Japan, SasuSaku was well received and did not face as much criticism.
To anyone who still thinks Sasuke is a horrible husband and father, let me draw a parallel to Masashi Kishimoto’s own life: Masashi never went on his honeymoon, for the 12 years he’d been married, because he was that dedicated to his readers and his manga, WHICH WAS HIS JOB (again, back to square one). Does that not remind you of a certain raven-haired shinobi? Tell me, does that mean he doesn’t love his wife? Grow up, love does not mean honeymoons, chocolates and kisses. It’s so much more than that, and the moment you realise that, you’ll realise that the subtle gestures Sasuke does for Sakura, are much more than any big white wedding/kiss under the stars/proclaiming to the world.
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reverseharemlover17 · 7 years
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reverseharemlover17 · 7 years
Doing a test. Reblog or like if you love and appreciate otome/reverse harem heroines.
I wanna see how many of us are out there.
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reverseharemlover17 · 7 years
Send me a 🌹 if you want my muse as your Valentine
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reverseharemlover17 · 7 years
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The Daily Poster - Master Post(er) - Sakamaki Brothers \ Diabolik Lovers
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reverseharemlover17 · 7 years
please like or reblog if you’re a tumblr that roleplays Uta no Prince-sama fandom!
I want to follow and meet more people! =D
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