Heavy Bag Or Free Standing Punching Bag? Which Punching Bag is Best For Apartments?
They are the very essence of boxing training, and they allow you to work on various aspects of boxing techniques, including punching power, hooks, direct punches, uppercuts and overheads.
In order to choose the heavy bag or free standing punching bag that is right for you in the apartment, it is important to consider the following factors:
Heavy Bag or Free Standing Punching Bag For Apartments
The type of fighting bag you plan to purchase will greatly depend on how much space you have at apartment or in the gym. Hanging heavy pears are best for apartment use, but they require a stand-alone system or wall bracket.
If none of these options suits you, then the next suitable type of bag can be a free-standing heavy pear. In this case, we would not recommend buying a punching bag dummy for boxing, only if you are not a master of martial arts or just planning to work on accuracy and light strokes.
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Hanging Heavy Bags
The most common and most effective heavy boxing bags are those that are hung either on a stand-alone support or on a wall bracket. They are the basis of any martial arts.
Due to their center of gravity, as well as their ability to keep in shape and swing motion, they are considered much more effective than free-standing heavy bags, in terms of training at speed, power and technique.
It seems to us that it is better to hang heavy pears on chains rather than on belts, because they are more durable, they are easy to adjust, and they have a rotary element for greater maneuverability.
The classic heavy punching bag is the most commonly used type of punching bag. It has a cylindrical shape, large diameter and is designed for power shocks. You can work out your combinations, strength, power, blow technique and stamina on this punching bag.
Some heavy bags have a loop at the bottom, which allows you to fix it on the floor or on a stand so that it does not swing so much.
Upper Cut Bags
An uppercut bag is, in fact, an ordinary heavy pear suspended horizontally, not vertically. Usually they weigh from 10 to 27 kilograms and are held by belts instead of chains.
The type of strokes that you can practice on such a bag, based on the name, are uppercuts, but you can also use it to practice jabs and direct strokes.
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Hanging heavy bags need two main supports, a wall bracket or a free standing frame. Again, your choice will depend on where you plan to practice, as well as the availability of free space.
The main solution for hanging your heavy punching bag is the wall bracket. They are very durable if they are securely fixed to the wall, and it should be emphasized that the wall can withstand the weight of a heavy bag up to 100 kilograms with constant force.
Heavy Bag Stand
You will have to resort to a stand-alone support system if you cannot or do not want to use the wall bracket. They are intended for apartment use and you will not usually find them in boxing rooms. Common problems associated with this type of mount:
- Sometimes they are not tall enough to hang a heavy pear, so they will not fit people above 180 cm;
- The frame can move even if the weights stabilize the support;
- The frame does not allow free movement around the bag.
However, if you have enough space and you buy a high-quality free standing frame, it will still be a good solution for training at apartment. Some frames can hold several bags, and you may find double-sided frames that hold the bag on one side and a speed bulb on the other.
If you are really limited in space, then you can make your choice in favor of an outdoor bag. It has a base, usually filled with sand or water, with a vertical pin attached to it and a bag wrapped around it.
Strong impacts will destabilize this structure, and sometimes the bag will tip over. In addition, it will not give you the necessary movement and sensation from a regular bag, which limits its versatility.
The advantage of using such a bag, however, is that you can easily work with your legs, and it is convenient for apartment, as it can be moved and stored in any room.
Usually this type of punching bag can be found in sports halls for martial arts, and not in boxing halls, but since we came across them in several boxing halls, we decided to mention them in this article. Such a pear is a realistic mannequin, consisting of a model of the upper half of the human body and made of high density plastic, rubber and foam.
This type of bag is not very practical for working out combinations or working on strength, simply because of its shape. However, this bag is useful for targeted practice. We believe that for training with mannequins, it is most effective to wear smaller MMA gloves than traditional boxing gloves.
With so many different types of punching bags that are on the market, there may be confusion when deciding which one is right for you, especially if you have to limit yourself to just one.
An outdoor punching bag should be considered only if you are limited in space in the apartment and do not train every day. However, they usually cost more than regular boxing bags, often even double compared to good quality models.
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