reqage 9 years
Hello world, Through July 14th, I will be creating a piece of music everyday. My goal is plain and simple: get better at doing something that I love. Here's day1 of my #100daysofmusic. Today's day3, I'll be up to pace by tomorrow. You can follow along on Soundcloud @peterpanfrombrooklyn . Later, Pete
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reqage 9 years
face those fears and go do :} 馃帶 White Lung - Face Down
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reqage 10 years
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reqage 10 years
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This will be an essay... This is me before turning 20, with life all figured out. I was to become a brain researcher, and then launch little afterschool academies for sports and music. I proceeded to blink twice, and all of a sudden I became 23 - with not much to show for this master plan. The past three years have tested me with loss, fairweather friends, clouds of uncertainty, and a giant dose of plain bullshit. But I got to make greater friends, have periods of self-reflection, and the chance to uncover truths about myself. One truth is, I never know where I'll be tomorrow. I've ended up in the most unexpected places, and it's been awesome. I got to see some beautiful slices of the world. I now work in film. Who knew. Maybe one day I'll return to that plan. But before then I'd like to keep traveling, play basketball without feeling an obligation, and make music with a clear head. I'm happy where I am, and where I'm going. For once, I don't feel like I'm wasting time. I'm not one for broadcasting heavy things over social media, but it is the easiest way to thank everyone I have met up to this day. I thank each and every one of you for teaching me something one way or another. I wish that everyone gets to live their lives as adventures, and that every once in a while you're able to ask yourself, "how the fuck did I get here?" in a good way. Thanks for the birthday love. Here's to the Jordan year. (at 螣喂伪-危伪谓蟿慰蟻喂谓畏)
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reqage 10 years
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Cool location, but prone to moron infestation (at East Islip Marina)
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reqage 10 years
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It's your birthday. And I'm working. But I'm glad that Sierra & friends got to throw you a surprise party and we got to see you become overwhelmed and reluctantly happy-cry. You're not a teenager anymore, but you really haven't been for a few years. My most important wish is that your fake ID lasts another year. You're my favorite brother and the best sister.
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reqage 10 years
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reqage 10 years
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Dassit. Annual confidence booster quota fulfilled
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reqage 10 years
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reqage 10 years
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reqage 10 years
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Skinny Pops playing overseas, sending letters to Mom. 1984 (at 桅伪喂伪魏伪蟼 螝蔚蟻魏蠀蟻伪蟼)
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reqage 10 years
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Black & Black
w/ alexpenfornis
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reqage 10 years
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Oh London I miss you so (at The Tunnel)
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reqage 10 years
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Crate digging. Threepeat. Lost my ring at some club in Athens. Funny story, not very PG. So proceed to use imagination. Happy Thursday.
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reqage 10 years
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Seahawks fans are sexy (at Super Bowl Boulevard)
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reqage 10 years
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Salt isn't helping the already shit condition of the Belt Parkway and FDR Drive. Gonna save a lot on gas and my metro by dusting off the glacier climbing gear. So screw these potholes I'm walking. Climbing. Crawling. Crawalklimbing.
Picture's from outside Kennicott, Alaska. Spent my 18th birthday in this magnificent part of the world.
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reqage 10 years
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Beginnings of the Brooklyn Bounce House
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