renozeeapp · 1 year
Renozee Contractor Review
Contractors are finding success on Renozee! Look at this testimonial from a home improvement contractor who has used the Renozee app.
Click here to learn more about Renozee https://renozee.com/contractors
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renozeeapp · 1 year
Contractors, Stop Working Without a Contract!
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Working with clients is often a tricky business for general contractor jobs. You never know what to expect from them, and sometimes they can be difficult, and even unreasonable. One of the biggest risks working general contractor jobs is issues around not getting paid. Without a contract in place, if a customer doesn’t want to pay you after you’ve already completed the work, or if they’re difficult or picky, without a written agreement in place, there are steps you can take to protect yourself from losing money or time on the job.
The First Thing You Should Do Is Try To Communicate With The Client.
Before you take any legal action, try to resolve the issue without involving lawyers. If you can’t resolve it, you’ll want to file a small claims court claim. There are two things you can do before filing a court claim: 1) ask the client for more money and 2) file a lien on their property.
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If That Doesn’t Work, You Can Always Bring In An Attorney, Which Will Be Expensive For Both Of You.
A lawyer will charge you an hourly rate (or more likely a flat fee) to draft and review your contract. Then there are court fees, which differ depending on where you live, and the type of case involved. You’ll also have to invest time and energy into preparing your case before it goes to trial—which can take anywhere from days to years depending on the complexity of your dispute.
You Can Also File A Claim In Small Claims Court; It Doesn’t Cost Much, And You Don’t Need A Lawyer.
Filing a claim in small claims court is relatively simple, and the hearing itself is a straightforward process.
In most states, you’ll fill out some paperwork (including an affidavit detailing the facts of your case), pay a filing fee, then show up at court when your case is called. You’ll have to make your case without any legal representation—but it’s worth noting that most judges are very reasonable people who want to hear both sides of the story before making up their mind about what happened.
It’s Always Better To Prevent This Problem From Happening In The First Place.
The best way to avoid getting burned is to create contracts for general contractor jobs you accept. Make sure the contract is clear and easy to understand, and that both parties sign it. If you’re going to do this yourself, make sure you have a lawyer review your contract before using it.
Having A Contract From The Start Is The Best Way To Protect Yourself And Your Business.
Contracts help you protect yourself and your business
Contracts help you get paid
Contracts help you get paid on time
Contracts help you get paid in full
All in all, it’s a good idea to have a contract for every project you do. It can help you avoid problems and make sure that both parties are happy with the work being done. We recommend using contracts no matter how big the general contractor jobs are. Be sure to have in the contract clear payment terms and enforce your payment terms. On the other hand, be sure that you are meeting project deadlines. Good contracts should include:
A clear scope of work
Clear pricing
Clear payment terms
Clear timing expectations
Clear agreed-upon work order changes, additions
Both parties should sit down and carefully review the contract together. Any gray areas or ambiguous language should be addressed and corrected before signing the contract. Laying out the expectations of both parties in the contract leads to fewer disagreements and figure-pointing should issues arise.
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We’ve got you covered. Renozee™ is the best and most affordable way to place bids and win general contractor jobs while on the go. Quickly win a consistent flow of jobs and increase your profit margin. Click here to learn more:
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renozeeapp · 1 year
Why Having a Rental Property Maintenance Schedule is Important
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A rental property maintenance schedule is a crucial part of any successful investment property business. It’s important to keep your investment properties in great condition, maintain the quality of your units, and ensure that they stay safe for tenants. A well-maintained investment property will inspire confidence in tenants and buyers alike.
1. Keeping Your Investment Properties In Great Condition Is A Must
When you own rental properties, it’s important to keep them in good shape. This includes making sure that the property is safe and that all the systems are working properly—from the plumbing to the electrical wiring.
Keeping your investment properties in great condition is an important part of maintaining a successful business. It also helps you stay on top of things like safety and pest inspections. If a tenant complains about something or if something breaks down unexpectedly, having a maintenance schedule will help make sure that you can get it fixed as quickly as possible and save on investment property improvement in the long run.
2. Maintenance Schedules Need To Be Customizable
A maintenance schedule is a useful tool for all landlords, no matter what size your property is or what type of building it is. This customized document can help you plan for any costs associated with maintaining any investment property improvements. If you’re a new landlord, it’s important to take some time and set up an investment property improvement schedule that meets your needs and budget.
To do this, you need to consider all of your options before deciding on the right method for you:
Do I use an online service?
Should I buy software?
How much time do I have available?
3. Your Investment Property Improvement Schedule Should Be Flexible
The maintenance schedule should be flexible and customized to your property. You should be able to change it as needed, add or remove tasks, or add or remove people from the schedule as necessary. The best way to do this is with a computerized investment property improvement program that can be accessed by anyone with access rights.
4. You Need To Keep Track Of The Maintenance Of Your Rental Properties
Having an investment property improvement schedule is important for the following reasons:
You need to keep track of the maintenance of your rental properties. If you don’t, how will you know what needs to be done? You’ll just be spending all your time guessing and hoping that things are taken care of. Having a schedule will help you stay on top of things like safety and pest inspections so that nothing slips through the cracks. It’s also helpful because it makes sure that everything is being done correctly and according to code; this way, if there are any issues with your property or if anything needs replacing, then it can be fixed immediately instead of months later when someone finally notices something wrong with their home.
Having an investment property improvement schedule can save money too! Having an organized plan in place beforehand which outlines what needs to be done by whom at which intervals throughout each year allows us not only preventative measures but also allows us opportunities during seasonal changes (i.e., winterization) where we can perform more thorough services during those times rather than wait until next year (or worse yet never).
5. Having A Plan Will Help You Prevent Unnecessary And Expensive Investment Property Improvements
Having an investment property improvement plan is especially important if you’re the owner of multiple properties. With all of your units, there are more things to keep track of and more people involved in the upkeep of your property.
In addition to keeping up with routine inspections and investment property improvements, having a schedule will help prevent repairs from becoming unnecessary and expensive. A good example would be pest control services: if you have a rodent problem in one unit but don’t know about it until after it’s caused major damage, then going through an expensive repair job could have been avoided had it been identified early on by your pest control company.
6. You Can Get Ahead On Your Investment Property Improvements With A Good Schedule
A good investment property improvement schedule can help you take care of your rental property so that it’s always in great shape. It will also save you money and time on repairs because you won’t have to deal with unplanned problems when they crop up! Here are some of the benefits of a good investment property improvement schedule:
You’ll be able to get ahead on repairs, preventing them from getting worse.
You’ll be able to prevent future problems before they happen.
You’ll save money by preventing small issues from becoming major ones down the road. For example, replacing an old water heater instead of waiting until it breaks down would cost much less than having someone come out after dark (and possibly being charged overtime fees). Also keep in mind that if something breaks unexpectedly while no one’s home (or even worse—while someone is using the appliance or space), then it could cost even more money to fix or replace than if someone had done regular checks beforehand (for example: checking for cracks before winter comes around). And lastly…
7. An Investment Property Improvement Schedule Helps You Stay On Top Of Things Like Safety And Pest Inspections
An investment property improvement schedule helps you stay on top of things like safety and pest inspections. This can help you avoid potential problems and make sure your property is in good condition. Keeping up with maintenance schedules can also help you avoid any serious issues with the law, as well as avoid the risk of being sued by tenants if they consider themselves to be unsafe or exposed to harmful conditions within your rental property.
Furthermore, setting up a regular investment property improvement schedule for these types of inspections will ensure that all relevant safety standards are met at all times. Additionally, it’s important to have other professionals inspect your rental property frequently so that there aren’t any surprises when it comes time for them to move out!
8. You Can Save Money With A Property Improvement Schedule
Having an investment property improvement schedule can help you save money on repairs, utilities, and cleaning.
There are many benefits to having a rental investment property improvement schedule, but one of the most significant is that it will help you save money on repairs.
For example, You know that your air conditioning unit has been acting up lately. Instead of waiting until it breaks down completely and then having to pay someone else to come out and fix it, you can have an HVAC technician come out and check things before they break completely. This way when an issue arises with your AC system, you’ll be able to catch it before any major problems occur!
If your home has been suffering from roaches or bed bugs, then having regular pest control services come in could be just the thing for keeping these critters at bay without breaking the bank.
9. A Well-Maintained Property Will Inspire Confidence In Tenants And Buyers Alike
Having an investment property improvement schedule for your rental property is a good idea, as it will help you prevent repairs from becoming unnecessary and expensive. A well-maintained property will inspire confidence in tenants and buyers alike.
An investment property improvement schedule helps with more than just keeping tenants happy; it also ensures that your property is safe and up to code. When you don’t keep up with the necessary repairs on your rental property, it could lead to fines or even lawsuits from the city or tenants who have been injured by unsafe conditions on the premises. To avoid these types of issues, we recommend creating a checklist that includes everything from checking smoke detectors to fixing leaky faucets.
10. Properly Managing Your Property Is One Of The Best Ways To Grow Your Business And Improve Your Returns
An investment property improvement schedule is an important part of property management. With a proper maintenance schedule, you can increase your profits, reduce your expenses and improve the value of your property.
The most obvious reason to have a rental investment property improvement schedule is to ensure that no damage is done to your units by tenants or guests. In addition, it helps you keep track of when repairs need to be made so that you can plan for them in advance—which reduces stress for both yourself and the tenant who has reported the issue (or who may soon report it). Finally, having a record of all repairs will help if there are any legal disputes regarding damages or injuries in the future.
It’s important to ensure that your property is well-maintained. Your rental investment property improvement schedule should be customizable, flexible, and easy enough for you to use. You can get ahead on your repairs, with a good schedule and hiring the right contractors to do the work. Using the free Renozee App makes it easier than ever to find and hire contractors for completing all rental property maintenance and repairs. Click here to get started:
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renozeeapp · 1 year
Here's how to increase the value of your property!
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renozeeapp · 1 year
5 Ways to Winterize Your Home This Season
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So, you’ve made it through the summer, and now it’s time to start preparing for winter. While this might be simple if you lived in a temperate climate, people who live in places like Seattle or Boston know that the temperature is going to drop soon enough. The best way to keep your home ready for the seasonal change is by doing a few things before the cold weather arrives. Winter is a perfect time to clean your home and make sure it’s ready for the cold months ahead. If you haven’t already, use these tips to winterize your home:
1. Winterize Your Windows
Windows are the largest openings in your home, so they tend to let in a lot of cold air. This is why you might see condensation build up on them during winter months, or even frosting over from ice crystals forming on their outer edges. The good news is that it’s not difficult to have home renovation contractors fix this problem and make sure that your windows are fully sealed for the winter!
First and foremost, home renovation contractors will check for any leaks around the window frames and seals by looking for cracks or gaps between the sashes and jambs (the vertical pieces of wood framing each side of each window). If they find any holes—and chances are they will—they will use weather stripping tape to seal them up tight before applying caulk all around the joints where two pieces come together. That way no air can get through when temperatures drop low enough outside during winter months; if it does manage somehow still get inside despite these precautions taken beforehand then it’ll just warm itself back up again before escaping out through another opening somewhere else instead.”
2. Clean And Prep The Fireplace
Have home renovation contractors check the fireplace for any ashes or soot. If it’s time to clean out your fireplace, use a vacuum cleaner to remove any loose debris from the ash box and chimney. Be careful not to disturb the hot embers with your brush or vacuum cleaner.
If you’re planning on using your fireplace this winter season, home renovation contractors will make sure that all screens are in place and fit tightly. They will also check that the damper is fully shut and working smoothly before you use it again. Finally, home renovation contractors inspect anything that goes up through the chimney (such as an electrical cable) for signs of wear or damage—this will help prevent fires in your house!
3. Create A Nest Around Your Pipes
❭ Have home renovation contractors Insulate pipes. PVC pipes freeze when they get below 35 degrees Fahrenheit (2°C), so you need to insulate them with a dense material like foam or pipe wrap. If you have metal pipes, wrap the area around them in insulation and caulk it in place.
❭ Heat tape or cable is another option for keeping your home’s water pipes from freezing—it can be wrapped around exposed sections of pipe, but keep in mind that these are only effective if temperatures are kept above freezing at all times!
4. Seasonal Tune-Up For The Heating System
❭ Hire home renovation contractors to check the heating system for leaks. The most common way to use energy, heating accounts for about half of a typical household’s bill. Leaky ducts can waste up to 30% of heating costs, so it’s important to check your furnace before the cold weather sets in.
❭ Adjust thermostat settings according to your usage habits and family size. Each degree that you set back on your temperature at night will result in about $100 per year in savings. You could also adjust how often you have a/c by turning it down by one degree while sleeping or at home during the day when no one is home and then turning it back up when everyone returns from work or school (or if someone gets sick).
❭ Improve insulation levels around doors, windows and walls inside your home – this includes sealing up any cracks where air seeps through using caulk or foam sealant applied directly into the gaps between surfaces where there are openings that allow drafts of cold air inside during winter months!
5. Keep Your Home Warm
❭ Get a programmable thermostat and learn how to use it.
❭ Install a programmable thermostat.
❭ Get a smart thermostat and install it yourself, or hire someone else to do it for you (it’s not that hard).
❭ Turn down the temperature at night so your heating system doesn’t constantly kick on.
We hope these tips will help you keep your house in shape for the winter. Remember that not every tip is going to work for everyone’s home, so be sure to do a little research and pick out the ones best suited to your needs. Get in contact with home renovation contractors if you have any questions or comments about winterizing your home!
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renozeeapp · 1 year
Tips for Buying Your First Rental Property
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Buying a rental property can be a great way to get into real estate, but it’s also an investment that requires careful consideration. Here are some considerations for buying a rental property, as well as things you should do before making any decisions about purchasing one:
Know your local market before you invest in real estate.
Before you buy a rental property, it’s important to know your local market. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that all real estate is the same and that a house will appreciate in value no matter where it is. However, this isn’t true at all. While there are many factors that affect the cost of a home—such as taxes and investment property renovation — the biggest factor affecting the cost of an investment property is its location.
That’s why knowing your local market will help you choose which houses to pass on and which ones might be worth buying. For example: if there aren’t enough houses for sale in an area and everyone wants them, then prices will go up very quickly; but if there are plenty of homes on the market and not enough buyers (meaning demand has dropped), then prices can decrease drastically too!
Don’t plan to live in the property.
Before you make the commitment to buy a rental property, try to make sure that you can afford the costs associated with being a landlord. In addition to buying the property itself and paying closing costs, there are other expenses that come up when it’s time to make investment property renovations or collect rent. Therefore, many people decide not to live in their rentals: they don’t want to pay for these extra expenses! Instead of living in your investment property yourself, hire someone else to do it for you. If possible, hire an experienced professional who will work hard on making sure everything always runs smoothly (such as plumbers or electricians). The more money saved by outsourcing certain tasks means less stress for when things go wrong unexpectedly later down the road – like needing investment property renovations done quickly after finding out about them after moving into their brand-new home!”
Research all the costs of buying a home and financing it.
> Research all the costs of buying a home and financing it.
> Determine if you qualify for a mortgage.
> Calculate how much home you can afford to buy.
> Figure out if there are any advantages or disadvantages to getting a mortgage from your bank versus other lenders, such as credit unions or online lenders like Quicken Loans or LendingTree.
Plan to hold on to the property for at least five years.
There are several reasons why it’s important to plan to hold onto your property for at least five years. First, if you sell too soon, you’ll likely have trouble finding another property that will yield the same returns. Second, as we mentioned earlier, real estate is an illiquid investment—that means when you sell your rental property, it can take months for the money from the sale to be transferred into your bank account and for rent checks to stop coming in (unless there’s a tenant in place). You need enough time between when you close on the sale and when rent checks stop coming in so that the cash flow matches up with what is already invested in this investment vehicle.
Thirdly: Five-year holds are usually considered standard practice in real estate investing—and not just because of how long it takes for returns from one rental property after another; rather because these numbers make sense from an economic perspective too (in terms of both appreciation rates and investment property renovation costs).
Don’t skimp on home improvements or maintenance once you own it.
Once you own a rental property, don’t skimp on investment property renovation. This can hurt your chances of finding and keeping good tenants.
The cost of investment property renovation is far more than just the mortgage payment—the ongoing cost of things like new roofs, heating systems, and appliances adds up quickly. If you are not planning to live in the home yourself (as many investors do), then be prepared to hire people to maintain it for you. It’s important that these appointments are kept; otherwise, it can lead to bad reviews from would-be tenants who see that investment property renovations were promised but never completed in time for their move-in date.
A good contractor will give you peace of mind that your investment is being taken care of properly—and help ensure that no one steals anything out from under your nose!
Consider the potential for future appreciation and value.
When you’re looking at a rental property, it’s important to consider not only the current value of the property but also its potential for future appreciation. This can be especially true if you’re buying in an area that may show signs of gentrification or even just being discovered by tourists. If a neighborhood is growing in popularity, then rents will likely rise along with demand as more people move into the neighborhood and more businesses open their doors there. This can help increase your investment’s overall value—but only if you’ve purchased your property at a reasonable price relative to its current market value! It’s easy to get caught up in how much a home is worth now vs how much it might be worth later; don’t let yourself get swept away by this trap—instead, focus on what makes sense from both an investment standpoint as well as from an emotional one (if possible).
You should be in this for the long haul.
The idea of making a quick profit or having a place to live when you can’t afford anything else is understandable, but it’s important not to let these considerations drive your rental property decision. You will likely have to make sacrifices during the first year of owning a rental property—you might have to cut back on other expenses to make ends meet, and it could take some time before your investment starts paying off. But if you’re willing to stick it out through the rough times, there are many benefits on the horizon: building equity over time; not having any major investment property renovation costs; possibly even having neighbors who pay their rent on time (or at least don’t trash your place).
Purchasing a rental property
Renting property is a good investment and can help you build wealth. The first step in making this type of investment is to understand what it takes, beginning with an understanding of how to purchase a rental property.
Once you’ve found a property, how do you know if it’s worth rehabbing? When evaluating a potential investment property, start by looking at the neighborhood. If it’s in a good area and has good schools, that’s great! Those are two things that can make or break the value of your home.
Also consider whether or not there are other houses nearby that have been rehabbed recently—if so, this means there’s already demand for properties in the area with higher prices than what you’d pay for an older house needing work.
If all these seem like possible issues for a given house but still don’t deter you from wanting to buy it anyway (as they shouldn’t), it might be time for some research about how much work needs to be done before painting and decorating can begin!
Finding the strategy that works for you
If you’re not sure if you’re ready to buy a rental property, ask yourself these questions:
> What is my risk tolerance?
> What are my goals for the next few years, and how does purchasing a rental property help achieve them?
> Does my financial situation allow me to purchase a rental property?
> How long do I plan on holding this investment (i.e., time horizon)? Will I be able to handle the fluctuations that come with holding an income-producing asset over time without selling or refinancing it every few months? Is this something that can fit into my long-term plan?
If your answers were generally positive and encouraging, then you may be ready to begin looking at properties. If not, don’t worry; there’s no rush! But don’t put off making an informed decision forever either—you’ll need some experience before moving forward with additional investments of any kind (and even more so if they require financing).
Fix and Flip
Fix and Flip is a strategy that involves buying a property, fixing it up, and then selling it for a profit. This is a great strategy for investors who are looking to make a quick buck.
Let’s say you purchase a ten-unit apartment building for $250,000 and fix up the units so they rent out faster. You could sell them to other people at $500 per month in rent each—a total of $6,000 per month in income from your property (before taxes). At this rate, it would take about two years to recoup what you spent on purchasing the property plus additional money for fixing up the units. Then, when all is said and done, you would have made an estimated profit of $100k+.
Understanding the process of rental property investments
The process of rental property investments helps you know how to buy and make more on your investments.
As a landlord, you must understand the process of renting a property. The key is finding the ideal tenant or tenants for the property. You will need to ensure that you have a thorough screening process in place with credit and background checks for potential tenants so that you can avoid paying for damage caused by bad tenants.
Once you find the right tenant and they move in, it is important that they pay their rent on time every month without fail.
If at any point during this process, there are issues with either your tenant or their ability to pay rent then it’s important that these problems be resolved quickly so that both parties can move forward without any further issues affecting either party’s experience as landlords/tenants respectively.
Residential real estate investing is something that’s incredibly simple and complex at the same time. The good news is that you don’t have to get started on your own. There are many resources available to support you along the way.
Rehab your next rental property using Renozee.
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> FREE to use
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renozeeapp · 1 year
What To Ask When Hiring a Remodeling Contractor
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One of the most important parts of home improvement is finding the right contractor. But with so many choices, how do you know which one is best? Here are some questions to ask when interviewing potential remodeling contractors:
How long have you been in business?
The length of time a contractor has been in business is a good indicator of the quality of work they can provide. While everyone starts somewhere, it’s important to ask how long they have been doing the type of work you are hiring them to do. If they have no experience or expertise, having them manage your project might be more hassle than it’s worth.
If a contractor is just getting started but has incredible ideas and plans for future projects, that may be an indication that this is someone who will do well with your remodel! Just make sure to check references before making any commitments on their behalf.
Are you licensed, insured, and bonded?
A contractor’s license, insurance, and bonding are all required by law. You should ask your contractor to show you a copy of their state license, as well as their general liability insurance certificate. These documents show that the contractor is legally permitted to do business within your state and has protection in the event they injure someone or damage property while working on your project. Bonding is often required for jobs over a certain dollar amount (usually around $30,000). Bonding protects homeowners against loss due to the contractor’s failure to perform according to their contract with you.
Can I see a list of references?
It’s always a good idea to ask for references before hiring a contractor. You can get a list of references from previous clients and the contractor’s subcontractors, suppliers, bankers, and accountants.
Do you offer a warranty?
The next question you should ask is, “Do you offer a warranty?” A warranty is an assurance about the quality of a product or service that the company offers. You can expect them to give you at least one year of coverage on their workmanship and materials used in your project. Most contractors will only offer a warranty if they know they will not have any problems with what they have done during that time.
When discussing warranties, it’s important to understand how long they last and what is covered by them. Some contractors may only offer 90-day coverage on all projects while others will cover items for up to five years after completion of service as long as no major issues arise within those 5 years (referring back to our previous tip about having someone check everything over once it’s done). Make sure that both parties agree upon what type of warranty covers what before signing anything!
What professional certifications do you have?
Professional certifications are becoming increasingly common among remodeling contractors. They signify that the contractor has met specific requirements, such as taking continuing education classes and passing exams. And they can help you determine whether your contractor is qualified to complete your project.
Who knows? You might even be able to negotiate a lower price because of the certification!
Here’s what you should know about professional certifications:
❭ The educational requirements for each type of certification vary widely—from completing an online course or paying for a workshop, to obtaining an undergraduate degree in architecture or earning an advanced degree in engineering. You’ll want to find out what those requirements are before hiring anyone.
❭ Not all professions require specialized training from outside organizations; some tasks may simply require extensive experience on the job with supervising employees under direct supervision from other people who have been properly trained by their employers (such as licensed architects) over many years.”
What about subcontractors? Are they licensed, insured, and bonded?
The best contractors have a network of highly skilled subcontractors they plan to use on your project. Make sure the subcontractors are licensed, insured, and bonded. Find out if they have experience in the type of project you’re hiring them for and ask for references from previous clients.
How do you work around unexpected problems when they arise?
If you ask, “how do you handle unexpected problems” and the contractor says something along the lines of, “I don’t have any experience with that” or “that’s not what I do,” stop right there. A good contractor should be prepared for anything!
It’s important to ask how they work through their issues so you can understand whether it will affect your project or not. Ask about their process and communication style and how they keep you informed throughout all phases of your remodeling project. Also, make sure they explain clearly how they handle changes in the scope of work. Make sure they are committed to resolving any issues that arise while working together so there aren’t surprises at the end when things go wrong (and trust us: things always go wrong).
How much experience do you have with this type of project/materials I am considering?
It’s important to inquire about their experience. Ask the contractor about their experience with the type of project or materials you’re considering. How long have they been in business? What projects have they worked on in the past that are like yours? How many times have they worked with your material/s? If a contractor is unfamiliar with your project, ask them if they can refer another contractor who has worked on similar projects.
Asking the right questions will help ensure that your contractor is experienced and is the right fit for your project.
When you ask the right questions, you can find a contractor who will make sure your remodel is done right. Those are some of my favorite questions to ask:
❭ What kind of experience do you have? How long have you been in business?
❭ Do you have any qualifications/certifications that qualify your work as high quality or industry standard?
❭ What’s your work ethic like? How hard are you willing to work for me?
❭ Are there any past jobs where things went wrong for our clients that I can look at as references for how well the project went overall and how quickly it was finished (if applicable)?
❭ How do I know what materials are being used in my home and whether they’re safe or not (if known). Do we need any certifications or permits before starting the job? Will they be provided by us, or will this be a shared responsibility between us both so that there are no surprises later on down the line when something goes wrong with them – if ever!?!
Remember that hiring a contractor can be a stressful time. That’s why it’s important to ask the right questions when you meet with a potential contractor. Remember, you want someone who is experienced and will give you the best possible results for your project. But most importantly, ask yourself if this person is someone who will be easy to work with long-term so that their work doesn’t become frustrating down the road! Post your home improvement project on the FREE Renozee App to get connected with the best local contractors in your area!
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renozeeapp · 1 year
Colorful kitchens that will inspire you
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Whether you’re looking to freshen up your kitchen or want to add a little excitement and color, painting your cabinets is one of the easiest ways to make a big (and affordable) impact. Not only will it give your room an entirely new look and feel, but it also adds layers of texture and dimension. And since wood tends to go well with most styles, you can use this trick for any design scheme—whether you’re working with white cabinetry or black ones!
Whether you hire a painting contractor to do the work for you or take on the task of updating your home on your own, you can give your space a mini makeover without breaking the bank.
Don’t get us wrong, we love wood cabinets
But if you’re ready for something a bit more exciting and expressive, painting your kitchen cabinets might be just the project you need. Wooden cabinets have been around since the founding of America when settlers were looking for options that were durable, long-lasting, and easy to maintain in a frontier environment.
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Paint your cabinets black
Are you tired of looking at your old wood kitchen cabinets and feeling ready for a change? Many homeowners are straying away from “safe” cabinet color choices and opting for bold colors like black.
No, painting your kitchen cabinets black won’t make your kitchen look small or gloomy. Instead, the only change you’ll notice is that all your friends will wish they were also cool enough to have black cabinets.
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Paint your cabinets turquoise
Painting your cabinets, with a fun shade of turquoise might feel like a big risk — but with a big risk comes a big reward! Cabinets that are painted turquoise create a calming and airy feel and are sure to make your guests feel right at home.
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Paint your cabinets blue
Hands down, blue cabinets are a popular option. Bold enough to fulfill your cravings for color, but easy enough to live in your house forever, blue kitchens are staking their claim. A more muted shade of blue will be best to keep it from looking overwhelmingly bright.
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Paint your cabinets a glossy red
Red kitchen cabinets are gorgeous, bold, and fun! A glossy finish reflects cleanliness and brightens up a kitchen. Gloss finishes are also easier to wipe clean. You can choose several methods to make kitchen cabinets look glossy; cleaning and polishing existing cabinets, adding a coat of clear gloss finish to painted cabinets, or painting a new color and adding loss as a topcoat.
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Paint your cabinets cream
Cream is a truly timeless color. You can never go wrong with choosing to paint your kitchen cabinets cream. Cream-colored kitchen cabinets are classic and modest, but also stylish. The cream and warm colors of the past are making a comeback in the kitchens of today.
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If you’re worried about taking on such a sizable project, don’t be
You might think painting kitchen cabinets is a huge undertaking—but don’t worry, it’s not as hard as you think. If you’re intimidated by the process, call in some reinforcements if necessary! Consider hiring a painting contractor.
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renozeeapp · 2 years
Getting started in real estate investing
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Real estate investing is a risky business. It’s not something that you should take on without doing your homework and having a plan in place. In this guide, we’ll go through how to get started with real estate investing by building a solid foundation for your new business venture. We’ll discuss what makes up the core of any successful real estate investment strategy, as well as how to identify your niche within the industry so that you can begin building out an effective portfolio from day one.
Understand the differences between rentals, rehabs, and flips
In real estate investing, when you buy properties to rent them out to others, this is known as a “rental.” Rentals are great for generating passive income because they always pay their bills and keep earning money for you while you’re away.
If you want to buy a property and make some quick cash by selling it later on at a higher price, then this is called a “flip.” Flips will bring in cash fast but can also cost more than rentals due to all of the time, energy, and risk involved with rehabbing an old house into something new again.
Define your investing approach
Your investing approach is the way you choose to invest your money. It can include how much time and energy you’re willing to commit, whether it’s just a few hours every week or 20+ hours per day.
There are many ways to invest in real estate, from flipping houses with no money down (which requires extensive physical labor) to wholesaling properties to others who do the heavy lifting for you. Each has its pros and cons, so let’s go over some of them:
Flipping houses – This involves buying at auction or through private sale then renovating the property before selling it again. The investor typically makes money via cash flow from tenants or profits from the sale itself
Wholesaling – As its name suggests, this method involves selling properties without ever taking possession of them; instead, buyers pay an upfront fee or percentage of the sales price and then pass along all work/duties involved in executing that deal including finding a buyer at auction who has enough cash available right now (i.e., not waiting until next month when they get paid).
Figure out your financials
Determine your current income.
Figure out what debt you have.
Calculate your net worth.
Figure out how much money you can invest and borrow, as well as determine your risk tolerance.
Choose a real estate investing type
Once you’ve decided to invest in real estate, your next step is to choose which type of investment you’d like to pursue.
Rental properties can be the most passive but will also require you to manage a team of tenants monthly.
Flips are often more hands-on, requiring regular work with contractors and other professionals—but also have a much shorter timeline for financing completion so that you can recoup your costs faster.
So how do you know what’s right for your goals? Here are some things to consider:
Get training for investing in real estate
The first step to getting started in real estate investing is to get some training. But what kind of training do you need? Where do you find it? How can you tell if the trainer is good and worth your money?
Set up your systems for tracking leads and deals
You need to set goals for yourself that are measurable, achievable, and realistic. This is where having a mentor or coach helps. If you’re not sure what your goals should be, think about how much money you want to make in three months, six months, one year, and two years.
Think of tangible fitness goals that can be measured by pounds lost or inches gained: “I will lose 10 pounds in 3 months” or “I will gain 1 pound per week for 4 weeks” are excellent examples of measurable goals. These types of goals are easy to track and see progress over time—so keep track!
If you don’t have an idea about what this looks like yet I highly encourage doing some research into different strategies based on your situation (there are tons of resources out there). Also, try looking at other people’s financial plans/goals/values/etc., nothing says we’re all exactly alike which can help when trying to build up some confidence in knowing that even though someone else may have achieved something similar – it doesn’t mean YOU can’t do the same thing too!
Begin building your team of professionals
You should work with a real estate agent. Not only do they help you find properties to buy, but they can also guide you as you start learning about what kinds of properties are good investments and which ones aren’t.
You should work with a lawyer. A lawyer can help guide you through the process of purchasing your first property, and even help facilitate some of the paperwork involved in buying it (though not all).
You should work with a mortgage broker. A mortgage broker will be able to put together financing for your property purchase—and they may have relationships with lenders that allow them to get better rates than what might otherwise be available online or at other branches where there isn’t as much competition among lenders for new clientele like yourself!
You should work with an accountant/tax professional who specializes in real estate investing because there are many intricacies related thereto that most accountants don’t know about unless specifically asked about such matters by clients who own multiple properties over long periods.”
You should use the Renozee App to help you obtain bids from Home Improvement Contractors, saving you thousands on property renovation projects. It’s easy and free to use.
Determine your time commitment to finding deals and get started building a strategy to reach that goal
Real estate investing requires a great deal of time, research, and patience. It’s important to remember that this is a long-term investment; you may not be able to see results right away.
There are many different strategies you can use to find deals, but no matter what strategy you choose it will take some time to build your business and create a consistent flow of clients.
Investing in real estate isn’t something you do spontaneously – it’s something you need to be prepared for
Investing in real estate isn’t something you do spontaneously – it’s something you need to be prepared for! You have to have a team and systems in place before starting. You also need a plan of action and be prepared for the ups and downs of the real estate market.
Real estate investing can be a long-term commitment, so don’t expect overnight success.
Real estate investors use the Renozee App
This is a big decision, and we want to be sure you’re prepared for it. We hope that this article has helped give you some insight into what to expect when investing in real estate, as well as how to get started on the right foot. If you’re ready to get started on investment property improvements, consider using the Renozee App to hire Home Improvement Contractors for less!
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renozeeapp · 2 years
Dream kitchen time - Renozee
Renozee has the right professionals to help you transform your kitchen quickly and affordably without sacrificing quality. 👷 Download the Renozee FREE app now to get started today! ⤵️ https://app.renozee.com/download
🆓 It’s always free to use ➡️ Contractor bids are submitted directly to you 😎 Live bidding where contractors compete for your business 💲 Milestone tasks keeping your project on budget
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renozeeapp · 2 years
Real Estate Property Renovation, Reimagined
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Renovation can be a daunting task, but with the help of the Renozee app, it’s now easier than ever to find and hire contractors for completing any home or investment property renovation project. Whether you’re looking for general repairs, new construction, or full home renovations, the app has you covered. Simply post your project and receive bids from local home improvement contractors who are competing to win your business. Plus, because the app is free to use, there’s no reason not to try it out!
How it works
Renovating your property is a big investment, and it’s important to choose the right contractor for the job. You don’t want to end up spending more money than you need to or end up with a project that’s not up to your standards. Here are a few tips to help you choose the right contractor: First, make sure the contractor you choose has experience in renovating properties of different types. Second, stay up to date with all the latest trends in real estate renovation – this information will help you make a better decision. Third, get estimates from multiple contractors so you can get an idea of what it will cost you to overhaul your home. And finally, be patient – the renovation process can take some time, but it’s worth it in the end!
Home, rental, and investment property renovation
Renovating your home, rental property, or investment property can be a great way to increase its value, improve its curb appeal, and make it easier to sell or rent. There are many different renovation options to choose from, so find the one that best suits your needs and budget. Some common renovation projects include painting, flooring and tile installation, and roofing. The benefits of renovating your property are myriad – from increased curb appeal to an easier selling/renting process. So, what are you waiting for? Get started on your renovation project today by downloading the Renozee App and hiring the best contractor for the job!
Home improvement contractor bids
When it comes to home renovation, it’s important to choose the right contractor. Not only will this make the project easier and more cost-effective, but it will also result in a high-quality finish. To ensure you’re getting the best possible service, be sure to compare bids and pick one that offers cost-effective solutions for your property renovation needs. Furthermore, make sure to check the contractor’s license and experience in your state. Finally, always ensure you’re kept up to date on progress via regular updates or contact from the contractor. This way, you can rest assured that your home renovation is going as planned!
Flip property renovation
A renovation isn’t just a coat of paint – it can be anything from updating the landscaping to installing new flooring. Whether you’re a first-time property flipper or a seasoned pro, there are a variety of ways to go about it. First, research the market and find a property that fits your budget and needs. Then, choose a renovation strategy that will best suit your needs and goals. You can choose to do it all yourself, hire a renovation contractor, or partner with a real estate agent. Whichever route you choose, make sure to plan and be prepared for the challenges and surprises that come with flipping property. Remember, a renovation isn’t a one-time event – it’s an ongoing process that can be fun and rewarding!
The Renozee App
Renovation can be a daunting task, but with the help of the Renozee app, it can be a lot easier. The app offers free contractor bids for those who need help estimating the cost of renovations, plus it provides detailed information about each project so homeowners can make informed decisions. Renozee is a leading real estate property renovation app that helps homeowners and businesses renovate their properties faster, easier, and more affordably. So, whether you’re looking to update your home’s décor, fix a leaking roof, or improve your property’s security, the Renozee app has you covered.
Rental property renovation
Renting a property can be a great investment, but it’s important to do your research first. Renovating a rental property can be a quick and profitable project, but it’s important to choose the right contractor. Make sure to choose someone with the knowledge and equipment necessary to complete the project successfully. With a little work, you can turn a struggling property into a thriving investment.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the most important aspect of a successful property renovation project?
One of the most important aspects of a successful property renovation project is ensuring that you are on schedule and within budget. This is because if you are not, your customers may end up unhappy with the final product. Additionally, ensuring that you stay within budget can help to ensure that your renovation project looks good and does not compromise the quality of your work.
Is there anything else I should consider before starting my property renovation project?
When it comes to property renovation, there are a few things that you’ll need to keep in mind before starting your project. Firstly, you’ll need to have a thorough budget for the project and make sure to include all the necessary costs associated with the renovation such as materials, contractor fees, etc. Secondly, it’s important to have a timeline for the renovation so that you know when everything will be completed, and you don’t run into any delays. Lastly, it’s a good idea to speak with contractors who specialize in property renovation if you’re not familiar with the process or don’t have any experience working on renovations yourself. This way, you can get an estimate for the work that needs to be done and find someone who has a track record of completing projects on time and within budget.
How do I choose the right contractor for my renovation project?
When it comes to renovation projects, getting the right contractor can be difficult. That’s why it’s important to take some time to do your research and get a written contract that specifies all the project details, including the timeline, price, payment terms, etc. Before hiring a contractor, it’s also a good idea to ask around for recommendations from family and friends. They may have had a positive experience with a particular contractor in the past. Alternatively, you could search the Renozee App for reviews of contractors in your area.
If you’re looking to renovate your home, rental property, or investment property, then you’ve come to the right place! The Renozee App has everything you need to make property renovation and repair, a breeze!
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renozeeapp · 2 years
Get your home ready for the fall season!
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Fall is a great time to add some color and character to your home. You can make it beautiful with just a few small changes. Here are some quick tips from Renozee that will help you prepare for cooler weather, falling leaves, and holidays:
You may be thinking that it’s a little too early to start thinking about fall because you’re still enjoying the Cincinnati summer weather and haven’t even started getting ready for Halloween. But if you want your home to look its best when the leaves start changing colors, several projects should be done now.
❭ Exterior projects: If you’re lucky enough to live in a climate where painting or staining your house isn’t necessary year-round, this is one of the first exterior projects you can do as soon as school lets out. Just remember to wait until temperatures are high enough so no one gets hurt while working outside!
❭ Interior projects: Once fall rolls around, most people focus on their homes’ interiors instead of their exteriors. This gives them an opportunity for some much-needed TLC on things like kitchens and bathrooms without needing to worry about ruining their freshly painted exterior walls for them not only look nice but also stay nice.
The fall season is coming and that means cooler weather, falling leaves, and holidays are around the corner. Fall is also the perfect time to consider home improvement projects that will give you plenty of time to enjoy them before winter sets in. To get you started, here are 10 popular fall home improvement projects that will enhance your living space and hopefully add value to your home as well.
❭ Installing a new roof – If your roof has seen better days or needs repairs after a storm or other event, replacing it may be in order this fall season. A new roof provides many benefits including improved energy efficiency as well as increased durability against future storms or other natural disasters like earthquakes or hurricanes (depending on where you live).
❭ Adding an area rug – Area rugs are great at adding warmth and softness to any room while also giving character through patterning and color choices on various surfaces from wood floors to hardwood flooring options! You can even buy one for less than $100 depending on the size!
Exterior Painting
Exterior painting is one of the most popular fall home improvement projects in Cincinnati. You can do it over a weekend and reap the benefits for years to come.
❭ It’s a great way to increase your home’s value by improving curb appeal
❭ It can help protect against mold and mildew
❭ It will make your home look fresh, clean, and new
Re-Caulk Doors & Windows
Re-caulking doors and windows are one of the easiest ways to give your home a facelift. If you’re not sure where to start, hire a home improvement contractor via the Renozee App to help.
To re-caulk doors and windows, follow these steps:
❭ Clean the area with soap and water. Make sure no dust or grime could get trapped under the caulk.
❭ Apply a thin bead of latex caulk along both sides of each joint between the door or window frames and sashes (if you’re re-caulking large areas like a window frame). Use a caulk gun for best results, but if you don’t have one handy, apply it with an old butter knife instead—just try not to gouge yourself!
Clean Gutters
Keeping your gutters clean can be a tedious job and might seem like an unnecessary one since they just collect leaves and other debris. However, if you don’t take care of them regularly, they can start to leak and cause serious damage to the rest of your home. Here are some tips on how to make sure that doesn’t happen:
❭ Use a leaf blower or shovels/rakes to clear out the gutters regularly so that they do not get clogged up with leaves or other debris (this is best done after heavy rain showers).
❭ Make sure there is no debris in the gutters before using either method above. You may also want to use a hose for this step as well but removing leaves manually will keep everything flowing smoothly!
Pressure Wash
A pressure washer is a great way to remove dirt and grime from your home, as well as mildew or mold that may be growing on the surface of your home. You can pressure wash your home yourself, but it is a good idea to hire a professional home improvement contractor if you are not experienced with this type of work.
Install A Programmable Thermostat
A programmable thermostat is a great way to save money and energy. It allows you to tweak your home’s temperature settings based on the season, so that it can be more comfortable in the winter and cooler in the summer.
❭ What is a Programmable Thermostat?
A programmable thermostat is a device that controls your HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system. The most common type of programmable thermostat uses sensors or sensors/controllers which monitor internal temperatures of rooms or areas within buildings and then adjust heating/cooling accordingly. Some models have built-in timers so they turn off when no one is around; others allow you to set schedules – such as “kick-off” times when everyone should wake up at 8 AM regardless of if they’re going out until 11 PM later that night!
Upgrade Your Ceiling Lights
You may not realize it, but your ceiling lights can make or break a space. While they are often overlooked, modern ceiling lights have become quite popular over the last decade. You can choose from a range of styles and materials including:
❭ Art Glass Ceiling Lights – If you want to highlight artwork in your home, these are ideal. They come in different shapes and sizes so you can find the right fit for each room.
❭ Metal Ceiling Pendants – These are great for adding style to an open-plan kitchen/dining area or simply highlighting an all-white kitchen space.
❭ Textured Bronze Ceiling Pendants – If you’re looking for something more traditional, bronze is always an elegant choice! It’ll add warmth to any room without being too gaudy or overwhelming (like gold).
There’s no reason why you shouldn’t upgrade your old lights with something new! At the very least, think about replacing any light bulbs with LEDs which use up less energy while still giving off plenty of light.
Winterize Irrigation System
Winterize your irrigation system by shutting off the water to your sprinkler heads. Then, place a bucket under each sprinkler head and allow any remaining water to flow into the bucket. Remove the head and store it in a dry place until you are ready to install it again.
Clean out each line by using a garden hose with a spray nozzle attached at its end.
Roof Repairs
Roof repairs are a great investment—they can increase the value of your home and make it more comfortable to live in. A professional roofing contractor can assess the situation and recommend solutions, but if you’re handy or know someone who is, you may be able to handle some repairs yourself. The most important thing is to have your roof inspected by a professional before proceeding with any repairs.
Revive Your Landscape with Mulch & Pine Straw
Two more simple ways to prepare your home in Cincinnati for the fall season are to add mulch and pine straw. Mulch helps retain soil moisture, and pine straw is a natural mulch that can be used in flower beds, vegetable gardens, and around trees.
Pine straw is an excellent alternative to standard wood chips or bark mulches because it protects from weeds without having to be replenished as often. When you need a little extra color, try using colorful materials like cedar bark or cocoa bean shells in addition to pine straw!
Get your home ready for the fall season with these easy tips from Renozee App
Fall is a great time to spruce up your home and it’s easier than you think.
To make sure you have everything you need to get your home ready for the fall, follow these steps:
❭ Clean your house from top to bottom.
❭ Buy lots of blankets and extra pillows so that if guests come over, they can stay overnight in your extra bedroom (or wherever else you want them).
❭ Finally, let’s say it together: “I’m ready for fall!”
So, remember, when fall comes around and you’re looking to get your home ready for the season, don’t forget these 10 tips! They’ll make sure that you have a beautiful home that’s ready for entertaining guests or just enjoying the cooler weather. And don’t forget: the Renozee App can help with all of these projects and more!
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renozeeapp · 2 years
Hire a contractor today! - Renozee
Download our Renozee app to hire a contractor to renovate your home today. You don't need to go outside your home to find a contractor for your home renovation, so the Renozee help you to post the home renovation project in an easy way.
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renozeeapp · 2 years
The Importance of Multiple Bids
Obtaining at least 3 quotes when hiring contractors for property renovation work can save you a great deal of money. For example, most people want to ensure they're getting the best deal possible regarding their remodeling project.
So, what's the best way to ensure that you're not overpaying for your new kitchen or bathroom?
The general rule of thumb is to get three estimates for the work you wish to have done.
You may be surprised at how different the prices for each contractor will be. Keep in mind that the lowest price isn't always the best option; you'll want to take into account quality materials and craftsmanship if possible - not just the price tag alone.
Navigating this process alone can be a lot to deal with (and who has time for all of that?). This is where using the Renozee App saves the day! Within a matter of minutes from posting your project on the app, you’ll receive competing bids from qualified and available contractors in your area. If you haven't done so already, you can download the Renozee App at www.renozee.com.
Happy Renovating!
The Renozee Team www.renozee.com
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renozeeapp · 2 years
Show your work and grow your home improvement business with Renozee
🏆 Win high payout jobs from Real Estate Investors needing home renovation and repairs 🤝 Freedom to submit bids directly to the customer, with no middleman interference 🆓 No network or lead fee of any kind, ever 🔒 Project payments from customers are collected before any work begins and is held in escrow confirming that all jobs are real
Download the Renozee App today https://renozee.com/contractors
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renozeeapp · 2 years
Here's why you should use Renozee for your flip project
Download the Renozee App and get live unlimited bid pricing and payment terms directly from contractors.
It’s always free to use
Reduce property walkthroughs to obtain quotes
Escrow system. Protection against early payment requests
Contractor bids are submitted directly to you
Live bidding where contractors compete for your business
Milestone tasks keeping your project on budget
Learn more - https://renozee.com/
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renozeeapp · 2 years
Do you need help finding the right professional for your property repairs? We've got you covered!
Download the Renozee FREE app now to get started today!⤵️ https://app.renozee.com/download...
🆓It’s always free to use ➡️Contractor bids are submitted directly to you 😎Live bidding where contractors compete for your business 💲Milestone tasks keeping your project on budget
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