reneeoconnors · 1 year
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reneeoconnors · 1 year
The golden hour had cast its spell over the town, and since gone and brought with it a cloudless night of stars that scattered around the vast obsidian back drop. Renée knew that she had been avoiding the inevitable return to her lonely four walls where unopened boxes lurked in the corners of her new loft above the book store; it filled her with a sense of dread. With a sheepish smile, she offered a delicate shrug of her slender shoulders. "Honestly, I knew the time, but I just couldn't resist your charming company," she joked, her lips pursed as she surveyed the closing scene around her
Her friendship with Benny was something that she'd only recently developed, and the ease of their conversations was a balm to her soul; she hardly knew anyone in this god forsaken town but the few she had met weren't all that bad, she noted. They talked about anything and everything, never venturing into deep waters, yet always finding comfort in the sound of each other's banter. "Perhaps a coffee to go, if you could, Benny," she requested, hoping to prolong their time together just a little while longer. ''Please.'' She called out a second later.
Renée couldn't resist asking the question that had been weighing on her mind. "By the way, have you had a chance to read anything new since I saw you last?" It had only been a mere twenty-four hours, but the thought of the possibility of new literary treasures filled her with excitement.
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LOCATION: Moonrise Diner.
STATUS: open / closed.
“hey, hey,” benjamin said, halting to a stop at a table. “always great to see you, of course. can i get you a box or…?” he gave her a quizzical look. renee was a regular and he thought she would probably know it was closing time. or notice that the diner was emptying out and staff were cleaning - but perhaps she lost track of time. “maybe a quick dessert? it’s just, we’re closing and uh, I don’t want to kick you out or rush you or anything, but uh, just thought you should know that the other waiters might bust out the vacuum soon and it’s pretty fuckin’ loud,” he chuckled.
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reneeoconnors · 1 year
"I was never gifted in the art of navigation," she muttered, her words carrying a deeper meaning than she intended. Sitting at the bar, she picked at a crumpled beer mat that had been abandoned by a previous patron. She was careful not to dirty Theo's immaculate counter, for she wasn't in the mood to ruffle his feathers tonight. Not in a way that would actually annoy him, at least. Instead, her mind was focused on starting an absurd game that was more for children than adults, but she didn't care as a small smile slipped across her off pink painted lips and she took a moment to survey the room and its patrons.
"Bribery? If I were to bribe you, I would make it far more enticing than a mere drink that you could pour for yourself," Renée jested, rolling her eyes playfully while flashing a sly grin.
"Alright, here's how the game goes," she continued, scooting her stool closer to the bar and resting her elbow on its now-pristine surface. "I choose a song, and you choose the next one. We take turns playing our tunes, all while keeping track of the number of times someone sings along. '' She turns to point at the small groups of one or two people sat. Renée beamed, revealing her pearly whites to Theo. " --- at the end of the night, the person with the most tally marks will have to buy the other a few drinks and take them out at the end of their shift for their fave takeout."
Truth be told, Renée found herself stranded in a town hours away from anyone she knew, save for a handful of people who had been passing through lately, and even then with the small handful of friends she'd made, she still felt disconnected. To make matters worse, her ex had also made this town his home. Things couldn't have been worse, but she kept that sweet smile on her face.
She needed to distract herself from the chaos, and this place was the only spot where she felt truly at ease. It was nothing like what she was accustomed to back home, she mused before erupting in a fit of giggles. She then locked her honey-hued eyes onto Theo's and teased, "You're not afraid that I'll win, are you?"
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"I'd hope they know what's up. I also hope they know what's down. Learning your directions and opposites is an early lesson for kids." There was a mark on the bar that looked like someone's drink had burned a ring into the surface and he almost missed what she said next.
"Is that bribery?" There weren't a lot of British bands that Theo knew - there were a few that he thought were British, but he wasn't sure, but everyone knew that the Beatles were British. In fact, he thought they were from Liverpool, despite not having any idea where in England that happened to be.
Leaning forward onto his elbows, rag still loosely held in his fingers as Theo abandoned his task of cleaning, he was curious just what she had in mind. "What kind of game?" It wasn't that he was necessarily a competitive person, but he could be a curious one, he liked solving little riddles, and what man wouldn't want to know just what he was being challenged to?
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reneeoconnors · 1 year
Renée, a girl whose upbringing had been marred by the brutalities and crime rates of the cities she had known, found it almost incomprehensible to imagine a place where nothing bad had ever happened. Having hailed from the bustling metropolises of London and New York City, and later settling in Canada, the very notion of such an idyllic existence almost evoked a sardonic laugh from her. "Hailed," she mused silently to herself, a touch of irony, for it seemed that she had been more of a hapless survivor of urban warfare than a revered conqueror of the concrete jungles. The idea of a peaceful haven, untouched by the savagery of human nature, seemed like a distant dream, one that she couldn't help but yearn for with a mixture of hope and skepticism.
''I remember you saying that you lived here,'' Renée nodded, easing back into the over sized brown leather chair that had been left behind by who she believed was her father as a gift. Hence why it was for sale, currently. She didn't make the habit of selling antics, but this one? This could go. ''what was it like before it all...perished?'' She asked with a thinning of her lips, dark trendily locks falling into her gaze.
Renée could imagine moving away from Hail only to come back. It was a desolate kind of place, which she was aware probably looked rather beautiful until the fire had ravished everything. Turned it to ash and left behind the barren lands she now lived on. Looking out of the large shop windows that were on either side of the old door way, she watched the few people that meandered outside.
Her father had sent her here to keep her away from the media, to teach her a lesson. But she also believed it was because he didn't think she'd find any male prospects to her liking. ''Anything that'd piss my father off.'' She joked, a coy smile sliding across her father, using her hand to bat away a fly.
''Anyone who isn't named Bailey fucking Gilcrest?''
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It was a relief that Renée had this plan B, though it made Emilia wonder if she would have reacted how she did if the space above the shop wasn't an option. Emilia could never do something like that, she surely would have let herself be walked all over and agreed to the rent increase without much argument. "Right. Yeah, I honestly still can't believe something like that happened here. I told you I lived here before, right? I mean, that entire time I don't remember anything so terrible happening. That's why I wanted to come back in the first place."
Emilia couldn't help but snort at the quick change of topic. Personally, ever since her breakup and now a messy divorce, she wasn't exactly on the hunt for any prospects of her own. But that didn't mean she couldn't try to help Renée out. "Well where have you been looking for your potential male prospects? Maybe you just aren't looking in the right spots." She pointed out, tilting her head to the side. "And I guess it depends on what you're looking for, what makes a guy suitable to you?"
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reneeoconnors · 1 year
Renée took another glance at the book that he held in his hand. It was pretty awesome, she couldn't deny that but she thought that about most books. Saying that, she'd seen some horrific ones in her time as an author. ''In comparison to some of the ones I've seen over the last few years, it's pretty nice.'' She gave him a small smile, dipping her gaze. She wanted to be over that shy that surged through her every time she encountered someone knew, or didn't know all that well.
''Do you read anything else or do you stick to one style or author?'' Renée asked, ringing her hands in and out of each other as those nerves crept in.
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reneeoconnors · 1 year
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texts with theo ft. @reneeoconnors
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reneeoconnors · 1 year
FOR: @yaradiaz WHEN: 1st of May 2023 WHERE: Town road.
It was early morning, orange and pink splashes painting the barren view up ahead. Hail had a way of sneaking in it's beautiful moments from time to time, when It was quiet and the rumblings of the day had yet to begin. It was the time of day that she loved the most; everything waking and springing to life. A fresh start. In her hands she cupped a hot coffee that billowed into the cold air, to which she hummed lightly to herself. Today would be long and lonely, so she took that moment for what it was. Her silver lining. Her reason to make it through.
''Sometimes this place isn't all that bad.'' She mused to herself, taking a sip of the steaming liquid. '' --- beautiful even.''
After being forced to move here, there'd been dread an even after all the time she'd spent here since, she still hadn't fully adapted. Slowly, though, she could feel that appreciation slipping in more and more each day.
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0 notes
reneeoconnors · 1 year
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These are links to information you can read in regards to Renée O'connor. These are only a few of the created pages and links, the full navigation has a more extensive list, however, the most prominent are listed below.
Renée’s full navigation.
Renée's full biography.
Renée’s connections page.
Renée’s friendships page. (coming soon)
Renée’s timeline breakdown page. (coming soon)
Renée’s NPC’s. (coming soon)
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reneeoconnors · 1 year
Renée waved him off with her hand, she didn't mind the distraction. Although there was a thousand and one things piling up in her make shift office there was nothing more important to her than someone finding that perfect book. It was why she stocked so many weird and wonderful one offs, old, new, there was something for everyone in the shop. Upon hearing the name of the book her gaze narrowed.
''You know what --'' She clicked her fingers, remembering that title for a particular reason. ''I think we do. Hold on.'' She muttered, turning on her expensive heal and sauntering off into the back of the shop. In the background the soft jazz music filled the air, her favorite. It took her around five minutes before she came book with a book in hand, an easy smile on her lips.
''The one and only in the shop.'' Renée says, holding it out. She took a minute to assess the man before her. Something about him said that he was a reader, she felt it in her bones. But then again, she'd been wrong before on that front.
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Renée had always had that air of awkwardness that surrounded her, even after years spent following her mother around and falling into the socialite world that they’d attempted to hand craft her for. She’d just never fit in. A little timid, a lot of shy and what seemed like the inability to keep up a regular conversation unless you were behind a bar and served drinks or were into books.
Thankfully, he might be, she mused.
“No, its. Uh, you know, no bother at all.” She ran a hand through her hair, smoothing it down. Always prim and proper, she stood tall and too attention. “How can I help? Are you looking for something specific?” Renée took the initiative to close the distance between the two, offering a polite smile, although her hand shook. When would she get over it, she wondered? The day the anxiety wouldn’t be there, teetering on the edge and pushing her to fall over.
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chocolate hues searched her features as she spoke as a way to confirm it really was no bother but decided to take her up on the offer anyways.” i’ll be in and out, scouts honor.” lifting a hand to his forehead he mocked a small salute before letting a smile follow over his expression.” it’s a horror book.. my best friend’s exorcism by grady hendrix? “ he’d be lying if he wasn’t as equally anticipating her reaction to the title as the confirmation of it being at the small shop.”
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reneeoconnors · 1 year
Smart ass.
Renée had wanted to say it out loud as she rolled the tongue around in her mouth, eyes narrowing by an inch. There was that smugness she immediately wanted to wipe off his face, offering him the brightest smile she could muster that failed to reach her own honey-orbs. Her pinched cheeks were flushed, unable to level herself into the calm she usually maintained in her daily life. But this gentleman? No, there was a better word, this asshole was weaseling his way under his skin and she didn't like it.
Not one bit.
''No trouble at all, I don't mind helping out those in need. Although, sir,'' She took a step forward with her brow inched higher, no notice of the day ticking away and the jobs she needed to do, oh no, she was too invested now. ''Next time you want something learn the correct use of manners. Drink up and find your way to the exit.'' She gave him a once over. Usually she'd use her one liner about getting a book but she honestly didn't care if he did or didn't. Come to think of it, with the little manners he possessed, the books were probably better off here.
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The sudden change in atmosphere took Rudy by surprise, sure he could be an idiot sometimes but usually he could see in plain sight what he had done wrong, yet this time the mood changed so fast Rudy could barely have time to think before putting his back up. His forehead furrowed as her demeanour shifted whilst walking back into the room, his hand moving to his hips as he thought through his moves over the next few moments. Taking the glass of water from the woman, Rudy took a small sip before glancing back at her, careful on what he would say next. "It could be a couple of degrees colder, but thank you anyway. Hope it wasn't too much trouble for you, Miss." Honestly, Rudy realised how much of a dick he was being right now, but he was overtired and not in the mood for games so it seemed Renée was going to get the brunt end of it.
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reneeoconnors · 1 year
It happened in an instant.
The way something so small could change an atmosphere, lips thinning as she pursed them together in distaste. What had he meant by that? The way he'd said bookstore, like it was some kind of disease. Instantly her back was up, hairs standing on end while she continued to pour the man a glass. With every passing second her jaw ticked, the niggle at the back of her mind coursing through her veins like boiling water.
Within a moment she walked back, head held high and shoulders thrown back as she present herself as a pristine, well-to-do girl as her mother had trained her, something she very rarely allowed to come out and play when she was thinking about. Most was subconscious. But not this time.
''I hope this bookstores water is good enough for you.''
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Rudy hated to admit it, but it felt good to actually take a breather and re-gather his thoughts before finishing off his run. It was too easy for him to get caught up in trying to out do himself every time he went for a run, not realising the damage he was actually doing to himself. Although he hadn't realised how much of an actual mess he looked standing in the doorway of a book store covered in sweat, unhealthy bags under his eyes with the craving of coffee on his mind. Smiling as she agreed to the glass of water, Rudy clenched his jaw ever so slightly as he glanced around, only now realising how enchanting a book store could actually be. Hearing her voice from afar, Rudy shrugged before shaking his head. "If I were a serial killer, I doubt I'd be begging my victims for a glass of water in a book store." Intentionally he didn't mean any offence, yet with how over worked his mind was currently feeling, he wasn't in the best control of how he came across.
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reneeoconnors · 1 year
Renée couldn't help the easy, yet, quiet laugh that bubbled out of her throat, dipping her chin to cast her gaze to the floor while the smile tugged at the corner of her blossom pink painted lips. At least he wasn't some early bird psychopath; she'd had a few of those in the months. Local residents that liked to rant and rave before she'd had chance to wake up first thing. So a sense of relief washed through her as she gave him a nod.
''A glass of water, that, I can do.'' She said with ease, already walking to the back of the shop where the glasses were kept, peaking a wick glance over her shoulder. ''You better not be a serial killer, because I have a new chapter due to my editor by tomorrow and she'll be the one haunting you, not me.'' She joked.
So far he seemed nice, friendly.
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It didn't take Rudy long to realise he had most likely interrupted the woman getting ready for the day, sometimes he had a habit of thinking with his hands and not his mind. Although he was still working on himself and how he was trying to put himself out there more, one thing he could quite often be was selfish and destructive, something he had to make an effort with more so than normal. "I mean, I'd be pretty impressed if the books did end up wandering off." He offered a gentle smile, trying to put her at ease with his presence. Wiping away a small drop of sweat with his arm, Rudy shuffled his feet slightly on the floor before looking up at the woman. "If I could grab a glass of water, that would be great, only if it's no bother though. I don't want to be a nuisance, I was out for a run and completely forgot about staying hydrated."
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reneeoconnors · 1 year
Renée's Spotify Playlist.
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reneeoconnors · 1 year
Renée had always had that air of awkwardness that surrounded her, even after years spent following her mother around and falling into the socialite world that they'd attempted to hand craft her for. She'd just never fit in. A little timid, a lot of shy and what seemed like the inability to keep up a regular conversation unless you were behind a bar and served drinks or were into books.
Thankfully, he might be, she mused.
''No, its. Uh, you know, no bother at all.'' She ran a hand through her hair, smoothing it down. Always prim and proper, she stood tall and too attention. ''How can I help? Are you looking for something specific?'' Renée took the initiative to close the distance between the two, offering a polite smile, although her hand shook. When would she get over it, she wondered? The day the anxiety wouldn't be there, teetering on the edge and pushing her to fall over.
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truthfully teddy had not been paying close enough attention as he opened the door to the small bookshop thinking he had been lucky enough to guess an opening time and be correct. it had been awhile since he’d occupied the space and before he could chime out a hello to the figure behind the desk he was informed of the mistake.” oh shit, my bad i can come back .. i don’t wanna make you start your day before you need to.” 
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reneeoconnors · 1 year
''It will be when I'm done with it.'' Thankfully, the upstairs space was a vast loft that had been pretty vacant since she arrived. She'd originally intended to turn it into a teaching space and an office for her to write in. However, it had a beautiful brick foundation that she could make work. One of her favorite small jobs she'd done on the side of writing was helping host galas and events. She'd learnt a thing or two about decor and placement. ''It could be worse, at least I have somewhere. Especially with what happened to the town....y'know.''
Renée brushed the top of her hair, smoothing her dress down as she checked her appearance. A regular occurrence for the woman. ''Anyways,'' She decided to change the subject, she didn't like to dwell on the negative. ''Tell me why I've seen not one suitable male prospect in this god forsaken town.''
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Emilia had been leaning against a bookshelf, book in hand trying to look like an approachable employee but also trying to slip into the carefree, relaxed demeanor that Renée expected from her. So she only sat down when Renée did, listening attentively as she shared her financial woes. "Are you serious? That's ridiculous." she replied, shaking her head, before her eyes widened at the her claim to now living upstairs. "I'm so sorry. I mean thank god you have somewhere to stay but, is it ok? There's enough space for you upstairs? Honestly if that happened to me I would be...stressed out of my mind."
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reneeoconnors · 1 year
''You can't deny that the Brits know whats up.'' Renée chuckled lightly into her drink before shifting her features back into fiend sternness. There tenuous friendship was one of the few things she had to enjoy in this hell hole of a town her father had banished her too. A girl, who, more often than not, found her own company more benefiting than being around others. Yet, she was more comfortable than here than in her own home these days.
It was the back and fourth, dry sense of humor that she often missed from England. A home she longed for more than anything. Before her family had fallen into wealth and home life had become non-existent. So easily cast aside, she realized. However, her ears perked when she heard the rasp of his voice. ''If you play the beatles for me, how about this, I'll buy you a drink.''
Renée brought her own drink to her lips and took a sip. ''Unless you're afraid I'll show your music taste up? --- '' She paused. ''Could make a game out of it?''
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when you had a regular at a bar, the advice given to newly starting out bartenders was to get to know them and make them feel at home because it helped keep them coming back. theo wasn't new to being a bartender and considering how much he bickered with renee, he wasn't sure he was doing a great job of making her feel at home - and if he was, then he was going to assume that meant she had siblings. theo himself might have been an only child, but he knew people with siblings and that back and forth seemed to be a staple of the relationships.
"you think you have better everything than me because you're brainwashed by your own accent." theo snarked back without looking away from the bit of the counter he was wiping down, checking from the corner of his eye that there wasn't too much of a crowd gathering at the other end of the bar that he'd need to help out with. "want me to put on the beatles for you? would that be better?"
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reneeoconnors · 1 year
It took Renée just a moment to pull herself together, she'd always been a night owl although her mother had made sure she was up at the crack of dawn when she'd been under her watchful eye. It'd managed to seep into her adult life, however, she'd never quite been able to shake reading until the early hours. So the tiredness lay under her eyes as she offered him a bright smile, the best she could muster.
''Honestly, it'll be no trouble. It's not like the books are going anywhere.'' She said awkwardly, reaching up to scratch the back of her head. What she'd give to sink into the floor in that moment. Renée had never been good at people, much to her parents disappointment. It'd never been good for their 'image' or something. ''What can I help you with, Sir?'' She took a step closer, tucking her hands behind her back.
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It had felt like a lifetime since Rudy had managed to get out for a run, he had been working many back to back shifts which in hindsight, wasn't the best idea or even legal for that matter. So having finished what seemed like one of the busiest shifts in a long time, Rudy decided to head out for a run to brush off the cobwebs and clear his mind. With his headphones in, Rudy set off on his usual route, pushing himself to go that little bit further each time and hoping to get his new personal best, before realising three quarters of the way round he'd forgotten to grab his water bottle. Now, it wasn't the hottest weather Hail had experienced, and Rudy was pretty used to the heat since it was his job, but he had noticed it had been a fair few hours since he last took on fluids and this run was beginning to take it's toll on the man.
Making his way to the closest building he could see hoping they could offer him a refreshment, Rudy found himself outside Nooks & Crannies bookstore, somewhere he had to admit he'd never set foot in before. Removing his headphones, he pushed open the door with a small smile filling his lips as he was glad it opened before realising he had startled the woman inside. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I thought you were open." He stepped back towards the door, running a hand through his hair as he took in his surroundings. "It's okay.. I don't want to trouble you."
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