renebenjamim · 2 years
Texto Inacabado, Fatos Jogados 
Texto de energia muito sombria, contexto pesado, muitos familiares e amigos, evitam se conectar com essa energia até mesmo para não se contaminarem com o contato direto com estas idéias distorcidas, de um capítulo do tempo histórico recente não tão carismático
Precisamos conversar sobre História.Longe de ser uma problematização descabida, inconveniente Venho provocar.
Por conta de uma má interpretação de um sistema Hindu,um cara inventa uma casta superior, exclui pessoas, e mata 6.000.000lhões de pessoas. 
Eu confesso que quando li a notícia minha energia;padrão vibratório baixou ime meu corpo e mente sentiram um arrepio. nao sei se minha glicemia baixou, não por ser um indivíduo fraco , diga-se de passagem, mentalmente, porque já sofri muitos preconceitos durante a vida, que me fizeram um pouco casca grossa, fora o testemunho dos meus, que são pessoas de cor, racializadas, marginalizadas, que literalmente se jogaram na vida, seja na prostituição, crime, sonegação, (e)imigração, jornadas exaustivas de trabalho. Me senti fraco ou impotente talvez porque esteja no Genoma do meu ser, inscrito no DNA o estigma do holocausto, de ancestrais não tão longínquos que se submeteram a enormes êxodos e diásporas para fugirem do ferro, da bala. Nao posso neglicenciar, um filme se passa diante da minha mente, um gatilho acionado.     Se tornou um senso comum. Nós Enxergamos na história ao olhar para trás, que as populações vítimas dos holocaustos O Ethos de muitas instituições depois de tanto tempo se torna contra qualquer tipo de ideologia, fervor, e fanatismo e ódios contra minorias (Neurodivergentes, Cristãos, Homossexuais, Negros, Pessoas portadoras de Deficiência, Trabalhadores da Noite, Trabalhadores do Campo, Prestadores de Serviços,) Calafrio Contraposto ao ódio eu repudio, e rejeito 
Segundo a OMS, A neurastenia é um transtorno psicológico caracterizado pelo enfraquecimento do sistema nervoso central, gerando fraqueza, esgotamento emocional, dor de cabeça e cansaço excessivo. Pesquisas apontam que 3 a 11% da população apresenta o transtorno, sendo mais comum em homens, entre 20 e 55 anos.
um cara acha chique, sofisticado, Cult, Cool, Gourmet, glamor, fetiche,o KU KLUX KLAN, e o nazismo. e acha isso bonito. Lixo de pessoa. 
tive que me afastar friamente e analisar sem emoção, visto a minha ancestralidade fora ferida, colega rival do iago 08;10;2022  
6.000 milhões livro mais venido, lido e difundido Anne Frank conta como fugia, dos nazistas e perseguição, e contou em um diário, infelizmente quando o diário dela foi encontrado ela já estava morta com os outros 6.000.000lhões de Judeus.  ARREPIO TODO 
Ichigo revealed that he's got a deadline that he still has a way out before meeting, and when asked what he did for work, he casually revealed he's a translator
Write, select, edit, ctrl+B puts in Bold.  #Ichigo #Letras #História #Absurdo #CopyPasta #Publicidade #MarketingEPropaganda #Redação #Coluna #Crônica #ProduçãodeTexto #Tradução #Etimologia #Filosofia #Sociologia #Antropologia 
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renebenjamim · 2 years
ok ok your Kakashi. And his mullet. It's definitely something that I didn't know I needed, he's so god damn handsome 🤍
Thank you!! I just know he knows he's handsome 🙄
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renebenjamim · 9 years
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this isn’t something i would normally post but if you’re a really close friend of mine you know how important japanese street fashion is to me. i like over the top weird fashion! me in my glorious magical alien decora kid form. (ノ゜ω゜)ノ*:・゚✧
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renebenjamim · 9 years
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renebenjamim · 9 years
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renebenjamim · 9 years
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(insert here ‘gotta kiss myself I’m so pretty’ joke)
I promised it and here it is: Rencest. I have zero context for this situation (a dream? an AU?) so I’ll leave it open to interpretations… *cough cough* I just wanted to draw Rencest because I love Ren and having two Rens is even better.
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renebenjamim · 9 years
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renebenjamim · 9 years
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Today inspired by the mink gift for the aoba in Dramatical murder re connect, I'm building a dream catcher, rustic, with brown - yellow colors, and feathers of  a bird named (tori) "Guira cuckoo" or as it is called here in Brazil "Anu-branco" I love that necklace. way too native American and ethnic, 
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renebenjamim · 9 years
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#paint tool sai #try #dmmd #funny
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renebenjamim · 9 years
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copper, silver,  and gold
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renebenjamim · 9 years
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Finally i get drunk enough to this. #AttWhore
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renebenjamim · 9 years
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A little funny edition i have made from Morphine Virus cosplay of my friend thekuronaqueen
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renebenjamim · 9 years
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Thirteenth Progenitor - Crowley Eusford 
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renebenjamim · 9 years
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Few more babes! #owarinoseraph #handmade
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renebenjamim · 9 years
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薔薇の香水師 Rose Perfumer series vols 1-3 Producer: melt Lab. Full DHM use!
STORY: A letter containing the Last Will & Testament of someone who claims to be your grandmother arrives at your door. The contents of the Will state you are to “take care of the roses” in her home, in which you had spent your childhood.
Although you lived with your grandmother, you have absolutely no other memories, and when you decide to go to the mansion, you find there are six ‘apprentice perfumers’ of your grandmother living there.
Like your grandmother, they are considered scent specialists and each has created fine perfumes—- but they are all 'my-pace’ and despise work, and moreover, each is like a problem child with an intense affinity for scents.
Thus, the Will of the person claiming to be your grandmother has entrusted you to “take care of the roses” and guide these six apprentice perfumers.
In order to ascertain the truth about the Will and the grandmother you don’t recall, you decide to live in the mansion. However additionally, ever since you began living in the mansion, the recurring nightmares you have had for many years become progressively worse.
With each day, as the terror of your nightmares increases, your physical condition becomes gradually debilitated.
At that time, the lost memories of your grandmother and her unique presence begin to softly stir――
No.01 緋扇エン Hiohgi En (cv. 浪川 大輔 Namikawa Daisuke) Release date: 15 May 2015 Birthday: 4/8 Aries Blood type: A Recognized as a great talent at a very young age, is confident and very competitive.
No.02 三笠トキ Mikasa Toki (cv. 緑川光 Midorikawa Hikaru) Release date: 3 June 2015 Birthday: 2/4 Aquarius Blood type: A Though greatly vigilant and obsessively fastidious, he is completely trusted as a close friend by his fellow perfumers in the mansion.
No.03 銀月ダイヤ Gingetsu Daiya (cv. 岡本 信彦 Okamoto Nobuhiko) Release date: 1 July 2015 Birthday: 5/5 Taurus Blood type: O Hidden behind a pure innocent smile is a sad past—-
Didn’t see much info for this (newish) series anywhere, so I translated the story description & a few key details for the first three upcoming releases(—vol 1 is just out as of Friday 5/15!)
Seems like a very intriguing and unconventional premise! Beautiful covers & some fab fave seiyuu too! 
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renebenjamim · 9 years
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renebenjamim · 9 years
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