reignettes · 5 years
         hi i’ve been in my feels all month about the romanovs because i finally read   the lost crown   after putting it off for literally years because i knew it’d ruin me   (   and it did ,    but i have a newfound adoration for olga and maria that i definitely didn’t have before   )   and   anastasia   closed on broadway yesterday and i spent the day crying bc it’s my favourite musical   ever   and the story of it and the film have changed and shaped my life so much i just ,,,,    can’t cope so later on today i’ll be holding a viewing party for the musical w/ one of my boo.tlegs   (   i know they’re bad for the industry but i live in the uk and never ever would have the chance to see the show on broadway myself   )   as a last goodbye to this amazing musical and cast ,    so i’ll share the link here later on if anyone wants to join   !
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reignettes · 5 years
https://www.rabb.it/s/o8plad  here is the link to the stream if anyone wants to watch an obc boo.tleg of the musical !   sorry it’s taken me so long ,   i couldn’t get it to work right ,    but we’ll hang around for a bit waiting before we begin !
         hi i’ve been in my feels all month about the romanovs because i finally read   the lost crown   after putting it off for literally years because i knew it’d ruin me   (   and it did ,    but i have a newfound adoration for olga and maria that i definitely didn’t have before   )   and   anastasia   closed on broadway yesterday and i spent the day crying bc it’s my favourite musical   ever   and the story of it and the film have changed and shaped my life so much i just ,,,,    can’t cope so later on today i’ll be holding a viewing party for the musical w/ one of my boo.tlegs   (   i know they’re bad for the industry but i live in the uk and never ever would have the chance to see the show on broadway myself   )   as a last goodbye to this amazing musical and cast ,    so i’ll share the link here later on if anyone wants to join   !
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reignettes · 5 years
also now i wanna make a mari.a rom.anov blog oops
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reignettes · 5 years
         hi i’ve been in my feels all month about the romanovs because i finally read   the lost crown   after putting it off for literally years because i knew it’d ruin me   (   and it did ,    but i have a newfound adoration for olga and maria that i definitely didn’t have before   )   and   anastasia   closed on broadway yesterday and i spent the day crying bc it’s my favourite musical   ever   and the story of it and the film have changed and shaped my life so much i just ,,,,    can’t cope so later on today i’ll be holding a viewing party for the musical w/ one of my boo.tlegs   (   i know they’re bad for the industry but i live in the uk and never ever would have the chance to see the show on broadway myself   )   as a last goodbye to this amazing musical and cast ,    so i’ll share the link here later on if anyone wants to join   !
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reignettes · 5 years
hi  sorry  i  died  for  a  little  bit  my  back  started  playing  up  and  i  haven’t  been  able  to  walk  for,,,   about  a  week  now ??   i’ll  be  gone  for  a  little  bit  longer  because  everything  hurts  but  yeah  i  haven’t  abandoned  this account  my  body  just  sucks
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reignettes · 5 years
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reignettes · 5 years
SAN JUNIPERO SENTENCE MEME.  feel free to change context / pronouns as applicable. 
gotta love that track!
could you please stop it?
we’ve only got a couple of hours, so let’s use it.
you’re good at this.
i just wanna get my bearings a bit.
see you around?
go along with whatever i say!
okay, you’re just pestering now.
sorry for killing you.
if you don’t already know what _____ is, you probably don’t wanna know.
i’m regarding you.
i feel like i’m being analysed. 
i guess now they’re just kind of a comfort thing.
i figured they were kind of a fashion statement. but then the rest of your outfit is… not.
people try so hard to look how they think they should look.
you’re authentically you.
do you live here?
oh, my god! we have to dance to this!
dance floors aren’t my thing.
oh, let’s not limit ourselves.
why did you run away?
you were like a frightened horse on a frozen lake back there.
i’m kidding! … half kidding.
folks are way less uptight than they used to be.
if they were staring, it’s because i am bodacious.
i’ve never been on a dance floor.
what are you, like, amish? that’s one sheltered existence you’ve got there.
as far as my family’s concerned, i can’t do anything.
no one knows about even half the shit i get up to.
it’s from a place of love, though, right?
just the concept of me enjoying myself would blow their minds.
what would you like to do? that you’ve never done?
why waste time sitting here?
i’m, uh, i’m engaged. i have a fiance.
wanna go to bed with me?
oh… you’re nice.
can you hear me out? please? please.
look, i don’t want some kind of boring romance, okay?
it’s not just sex.
it was just sex.
we made a connection.
waiting for someone?
shall we dance?
can you just make this easy for me?
you never slept with a woman before?
i was in love with him. i really was in love with him.
i really was in love with him… but he chose not to stick around.
she’s worth the shot, right?
i’m sorry, i’m looking for someone.
why are you here?
i was looking for you. where did you go?
how the hell is this your era?
you don’t know who i am! you don’t know what this means!
this is not fun, okay? this is not fun! 
maybe you should feel bad. or at least feel something.
how many of them are dead?
i said i wouldn’t… i don’t know, do feelings. 
i don’t want to like anyone. so you’ve been just totally fucking inconvenient.
i wasn’t prepared for you, for wanting something.
i’m getting married.
you sure you’re going through with that?
i know he pities me. that pisses me off.
without this place, i never would’ve met someone like you.
if we really met– i mean if we really met– you wouldn’t like me.
i’ll give you some privacy. 
you’re ____? holy shit.
let’s go grab a coffee.
wanna marry me instead?
are you sure you’re alright?
you didn’t dress up to see me?
oh, i love it here! i just love it!
be with me.
stay here with me.
can we just enjoy tonight?
who can even make sense of forever?
hey, it’s real! this is real.
come on, you know that was just a gesture.
it’s not so kind to leave.
we got this chance! i just wanna share it with you. 
he could have stayed, but he chose to leave you.
you don’t know what you’re saying.
you should be mad at him, not whipping yourself with guilt!
you can’t know the bond, the commitment, the boredom, the yearning, the laughter, the love of it! the fucking love! you just cannot know!
did you think to ask? did it occur to you to ask?
you think you’re the only person who ever suffered? go fuck yourself.
i wish i could believe he’s with her now, that they’re together, but i don’t. i believe they’re nowhere. gone.
you wanna spend forever somewhere nothing matters?
i’m out! i’m gone! 
all things considered, i guess i’m ready. 
i guess i’m ready for the rest of it. 
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reignettes · 5 years
Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I’ve ever known.
Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters (via books-n-quotes)
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reignettes · 5 years
my kink is having a rp partner that is also a very good friend where you can have 20+ ships with them but also tell them about everything and anything
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reignettes · 5 years
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on that note someone give me a thread where the doctor shows up to take reinette to the stars but it’s too late and they find her weak and dying and they stay with her for her final months bc it’s nOTHING to them, a few months of their life to comfort a dying woman ( or maybe they do stay, thinking they can handle it, but the doctor doesn’t like ending so they’re like “oh i’ll be right back” just before she dies and then never returns idk that sounds more doctor-y and infinitely more painful )
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reignettes · 5 years
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reignettes · 5 years
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reignettes · 5 years
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Trish Walker appreciation post.
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reignettes · 5 years
                                         I have it. 
                                                They don’t. 
                                                        This bothers them.
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reignettes · 5 years
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mcu meme [2/9 characters] (non avengers)→ Trish Walker ↳ “ Nobody touches me anymore unless I want them to. I let you fight my battles for too long.”
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reignettes · 5 years
Can we please ship Mickey Smith and Reinette? Just do yourself a favor for a second and imagine:
it’s Mickey’s first trip to outer space in the TARDIS. They find the fireplace, and good old tin-dog Mickey knocks the wrong thing and wheels around into 1700s France
he sees this little girl (and Mickey is good with kids), and he hears the clock—and he’s a mechanic, he knows a six-foot sound when he hears one—he is scared out of his mind, but Mickey Smith is not one to leave scared little kids, his grandmother taught him better than that
and there’s THE AUTOMATON. Mickey Smith, panicked in trying to protect this kid and not get killed in his first outing, catches the Automaton’s attention and gets it over by the fireplace and hooked to the ledge
Frantic, he smacks the thing that got him here and he’s back at the spaceship, automaton in tow, Ten mildly shocked but happy to play with more robots if Mickey will go get them
Ten is so distracted by the robot that he doesn’t notice a certain somebody pressing the thing again—Mickey wants to make sure the little French girl is okay—Rose’s “wait!” falls on empty air.
and oh shit, Mickey is met by this gorgeous woman, who calls him her imaginary friend and seems to remember him as a hero, an angel, not a scared guy—and oh no, this woman is Madame de Pompadour, isn’t she?!
quite a start for your first adventure
And when Mickey gets back through the fireplace, Rose and the Doctor have wandered off—of course they have, that’s what they do—so Mickey, looking for them, wanders through another door and into France again, and meets Reinette some more
and more automatons, of course; but Mickey’s a mechanic, he knows his way around those; delicate parts snap easily
Reinette is a delicate part, and wants to dance
Meanwhile, the Doctor and Rose are working it out from the ship—Reinette being 37 is what the droids want; and oh, no, the droids are about to strike.
Mickey doesn’t consult them. He has a horse (after all, he’s let Rose keep the Doctor), he has a mirror, he has Reinette—
Reinette, the only woman who has focused on him, and seen the hero he could be.
Reinette, so loyal that she rejoices even if he only shows up every few years.
Reinette, who is treated as an object by the droids just as much as he is treated as a tin dog by the rest of his life.
Mickey Smith jumps through the mirror, riding a horse. He and Reinette drink wine, and count the stars they would like to visit but never will now.
One wrong fireplace and Reinette is gone forever. Mickey reads her letter in the TARDIS. The Doctor and Rose leave him alone (alone, again). Mickey decides he will be the hero Reinette saw him as.
Next adventure, Mickey defeats thousands of Cybermen.
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reignettes · 5 years
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