regnumaves Β· 6 months
The instant the previous battle fades from before his eyes, a gust of wind ruffles the feathers on Tibarn's head and hits him in the eyes. He blinks, realizing he knows this type of wind well. Sea breeze? Here? It feels hard to believe, and yet it proves true - the world returns to a solid state before his eyes, and indeed, he now finds himself flying above a seemingly endless body of water. Which suits him just fine, but it sure is a good thing that the others conveniently got boats for the purpose of this battle.
Now they just need to find the enemy, and Tibarn has a feeling that it's pretty clear where they should look. Edain finds her mark first, slamming her weapon into the monster's hide with strength the Hawk did not expect to see from her. Damn, women of cloth should not be messed with.
But neither are sea monsters. The thing rears its head as it summons a wave, and Tibarn finds himself unable to evade the water wall that slams into him.
Tibarn 10/10HP is hit with Crushing Waves! [ Roll: 4 - 1 = 3 ; -3HP ] Tibarn 7/10HP ; [ Roll: 4, 4, 2, 1 ] Tibarn is inflicted with and stays Drowning!
A surprised shriek escapes from him, and next thing he knows, his entire body is in the water. He fights desperately to keep his head above the surface to breathe, but as he attempts to flap his wings, a wave of desperation shoots across his body as he finds himself unable to move them almost at all.
His feathers are not hydrophobic. They absorb the moisture. If he doesn't get out of the water, his own wings will drown him.
There is only one possible way out of this. Though his body protests, focused still on the battle he is supposed to be in the middle of, Tibarn forcefully silences the instinct to fight in order to revert from his shifted state. In order to fight, he has to survive - and in order to survive, he needs to drop off some feathers. Having arms will help, too, even if he is and always will be a poor swimmer.
It is then that he notes a hand stretched out to him. Sylvain. Looks like the kid picked himself back up after the last battle, already. More durable than he looks, huh.
He smiles as he accepts the aid and forces himself onto the boat.
Sylvain 8/10 HP rescues Tibarn 7/10 HP from Drowning! [Roll: 3, 1, 2, 3]
"Thanks, kid."
No time to rest, though. Standing up, Tibarn shakes his wings vigorously to get as much water off and out of them as soon as possible. He was not the only one pushed into the sea - Nephenee and Edain need aid, as well. If he can dry himself off enough, he stands the best chance of helping them.
"Look alive! This is nowhere near over."
With a jump, he pushes himself back into the air, satisfied as his wings successfully keep him airborne. He's still soaked, but this is a battle. Beggars can't be choosers. This will do.
He transforms once more; his body feels heavier than usual, his plumage having not yet released all the seawater, but nothing he can't handle anymore. With a screech, he flies over to Nephenee, stretching out his talons and carefully, avoiding doing damage to her, pulls her out of the water by the shoulders.
Tibarn 7/10HP rescues Nephenee 7/10HP from Drowning! [Roll 3, 3, 2, 1]
"Get on my back! I'll take you back to the boat!"
> @gauldheri @swiftlance
(sophrosyne vc) this isn't about them β€” team twelve gold round
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regnumaves Β· 6 months
What the hell is that. It would seem that the creators of those exercises continue throwing new surprises in. Their first enemy falls by Chrom's hand - only for toxic sludge to cover the battlefield, catching Edain and Sylvain within. Tibarn swoops, attempting to grab the woman and pull her out - but his talons miss their mark, the sticky stuff on the floor holds on to her tight and he has to give in, unable to extract her in a way that wouldn't hurt her.
And just then, as if to mock him for this failure, the newly risen enemy - once again, what the hell is that - attacks Edain, hurting her - but she does not take it lying down, and her spell paralyzes the enemy just as it did with the last one.
A chance.
Tibarn screeches as he circles in the air, calling for others to focus on the enemy. Edain, Nephenee and Chrom - one after another, they come together to wear their opponent down, and the Hawk King's eyes spot a perfect opportunity for him.
"Chrom, with me!"
Backup activates! Chrom assists [-1, Alligatorid Husk 35.5/50HP] Tibarn 10/10HP hits and hits Alligatorid Husk 35.5/50HP with Brave Axe [Roll: 6+6, 5+6; -2.5HP, -2.5HP] Trample activates! Alligatorid Husk 28.5/50HP Alligatorid Husk is stunned and cannot counterattack!
One slash, then another - they tear through the surface of the enemy; Tibarn cannot even decide whether he's ripping through skin, flesh or fabric, but he supposes it doesn't matter. The monstrous husk recoils in pain - this one he will not mistake for anything else - and, still stunned from Edain's attack, doesn't find it in itself to strike back.
He then turns to Sylvain, blinking as the student cheers him on. A familiar feeling envelops him - his strength reinvigorated, and even in spite of his beak being less expressive than human lips, he does smile at the guy. "Thanks, kid!"
Well, what else to do than to do it again.
Backup activates! Chrom assists [ -1, Alligatorid Husk 27.5/50HP ] Tibarn 10/10HP hits and hits Alligatorid Husk 27.5/50HP with Brave Axe [Roll: 10+6, 6+6; -2.5HP, -2.5HP] Trample activates! Alligatorid Husk 20.5/50HP Alligatorid Husk is stunned and cannot counterattack!
Two more strikes, two more deep wounds left behind once the Hawk retreats to safety with a screech. The enemy felt menacing when it first appeared, but by pooling their strength together, their team can do it.
But it is then that the training exercise sees fit to punish any sign of hubris shown by him, as the husk rears its head, releasing a powerful wave of magic at all of them. Tibarn and Chrom manage to avoid it, but others do not...
Alligatorid Husk misses Tibarn with Quake! [ Roll: 2 + 4 = 6 ; -0HP ] Tibarn 10/10HP
Swiftly, the Hawk lowers himself to the student's side, relieved to hear him breathe as he does. Carefully, he picks him up, places him on his back, and flies over to the edge of the battlefield, where he leaves Sylvain to rest safely.
"You did good, kid. Rest now... we'll take it from there."
> @ylisseanstar
guys remember to take your titanus shot β€” team twelve silver round
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regnumaves Β· 7 months
The battlefield suddenly shifts and warps itself - though Tibarn knows by now to expect this, so as the surroundings disappear, he is already preparing himself for what is destined to appear next.
Admittedly though, when it does, he struggles to find a correct word for it. It kind of reminds him of that whatever that was way back in the catacombs during one mission in the past, but he was lacking a proper description for it back then as well, and time has not helped with that one. (Admittedly he has also not thought much about it in all that time.)
FΓ³dlan is weird, man.
But it's whatever. He's in a battle, his allies will be in danger if he doesn't do his part, and that's something he will always know how to do no matter where he is.
"Good going, guys! Let me at 'em now!"
The last words are already mixed together with the screech of a Hawk as he swoops in, talons at the ready. Any bewilderment and confusion born of the situation are gone, now it's just him and this weak spot he found.
Tibarn 10/10HP declares Titanus 8/15HP as his target. Tibarn gains +2 Luck and +6 Dexterity against Titanus and is inflicted with -4 Avo against other enemies. [Roll: 2+2=4; no Pavise proc] Backup activates! Chrom assists [ -1, Titanus 7/15HP ] Tibarn 10/10HP hits and barely hits Titanus 7/15HP with Brave Axe [Roll: 5+6, 3+6; -2.5HP, -1.5HP; Titanus 3/15HP] Trample activates! Titanus 1/15HP
Slash, slash - once, twice, without mercy. With a loud SKKGGRRRRT he tears through what feels like metal. Were this a human, Tibarn would have exposed the contents of the enemy's ribcage - instead, he rips off some kind of chestplate, everything underneath wide open.
"Finish it off!"
> @gauldheri
guys remember to take your titanus shot β€” team twelve silver round
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regnumaves Β· 7 months
Gofannon shrieks as it aims its talons at Lady Edain, but she expects it and dodges the strikes with skill and grace, which Tibarn is grateful to see. On his own end, the Mercenary once again aims his sword at him, but this time, without success - the Hawk parries and reflects the attack with his wing easily, though his own attempt to retaliate misses its mark.
Sreng Mercenary 10/10HP barely hits Tibarn 9/10HP with Killing Edge [Roll: 6-4; -0HP; Tibarn 9/10HP] Tibarn counterattacks and misses with Short Axe [Roll: 4-6; -0HP; Sreng Mercenary 10/10HP]
His eyes are then drawn to Sylvain and Nephenee, and while a small smile does sneak its way to the corner of his beak, an eyebrow is raised at the same time as well.
"… Oi, lovebirds. A little later, okay? Focus a bit more on not getting stabbed."
Seriously? This is cute and all, but there is the right time and place for everything, and the right time and place for this is not now and not here. It's going to get a lot less adorable if they get splattered in front of each other's eyes.
Tibarn leaves little space for Nephenee and Sylvain to react. The young man heals her wounds, which is great, but Nephenee is, with all due respect, showing about as much skill with that axe as he would with a magic spell shoved into his hands. It's probably going to take her more than this one special training session.
On the other side, Lady Edain stuns the swordsman who had attacked Tibarn earlier; and as much as the Hawk itches to capitalize on the opportunity, that lancer guy has been a serious thorn in their side. Getting him out of the picture feels more advantageous. It is with that in mind that the Hawk King decides on the next target of his talons.
Tibarn 9/10HP declares Sreng Lancer 4.5/10HP as his target! Tibarn gains +2 Luck and +6 Dexterity against Sreng Lancer and is inflicted with -4 Avo against other enemies. Backup activates! Chrom assists [-1, Sreng Lancer 3.5/10HP] Tibarn hits Sreng Lancer 3.5/10HP with Short Axe. [Roll: 13+6; -1.5HP; Sreng Lancer 2/10HP] Sreng Lancer is unable to counterattack! Tibarn attacks again and hits Sreng Lancer 2/10HP with Short Axe. [Roll: 3+6; -1.5HP; Sreng Lancer 0.5/10HP]
He his his mark, but this guy wears more armor and manages to handle his strikes better than anticipated. Still, he is severely wounded. He lives for now, but hopefully not much longer.
A movement in the corner of his eye catches his attention - the large monster stirs.
"Look alive, everyone!"
IM BACK IN THE FUCKING BUILDING AGAINΒ  β€”Β  team twelve / bronze roundΒ 
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regnumaves Β· 7 months
As he stands still to let Edain comfortably get off his back, Tibarn turns to the student as he speaks - you talk a bit too much, he wants to say, his mood not particularly great at the moment because of the injury; but he refrains. Last thing one should do is be rude to the healer, that's one more thing fighting side by side with beorc has taught him.
"Thanks," is all he says once the injury is stitched together; there is no more time for anything else, for the enemies are charging in, and Tibarn quickly finds himself forcefully pressing his wings to his body to avoid serious injury as the monstrous creature whips up a storm.
Gofannon uses Wind Caller twice! Roll: 4-1, 1-1. Tibarn 7/10HP
He manages to avoid one wind blade entirely, but the other finds its mark, and were Tibarn unshifted, he would be gritting his teeth right about now, but alas his beak doesn't allow for that.
He's about to shout in warning as the enemy Warrior takes a powerful swing of his axe towards Sylvain, but luckily the strike - which could possibly have slashed the student clean in half had it hit - misses its mark. Going for the healer, huh. The Hawk King feels his talons itch for revenge -
but before he can have it, he gets a rude reminder that the Warrior is not the only enemy around.
Backup activates! Sreng Lancer assists [-1, Tibarn 6/10HP] Sreng Mercenary 10/10HP crits Tibarn 6/10HP with Killing Edge. Grounder activates! [Roll: 8; -2HP; Tibarn 4/10HP] Tibarn is broken and cannot counterattack!
Just as he attempts to take wing, the other two enemies descend upon him, with the swordsman swinging his sword in a downward fashion across the area right by his shoulder - knocking him off-balance and bringing him down to the ground.
Ohh you little sh--
No, calm yourself. Don't get distracted. However fuming with fury Tibarn now is, he needs to stay focused. Would be quite unbecoming of a king to let himself get so easily taunted.
Wings beat again, kicking up a cloud of dust and forcing the enemies to stagger back, and this time, the Hawk rises to the air undisturbed - before his shriek pierces the sky like a knife as he swoops, talons outstretched towards his original target, the powerful warrior with the axe.
Tibarn 5/10HP declares Sreng Warrior 10/10HP as his target! Tibarn gains +2 Luck and +6 Dexterity against Sreng Warrior and is inflicted with -4 Avo against other enemies. Backup activates! Chrom assists [-1, Sreng Warrior 9/10HP] Tibarn 5/10HP crits Sreng Warrior 9/10HP with Short Axe. Monster Breaker activates! [Roll: 17+6; -7HP; Sreng Warrior 2/10HP] Sreng Warrior is unable to counterattack! Backup activates! Chrom assists [-1, Sreng Warrior 1/10HP] Tibarn 5/10HP attacks again and hits Sreng Warrior 1/10HP with Short Axe. [Roll: 16+6; -2.5HP; Sreng Warrior 0/10HP] Sreng Warrior has been defeated!
He strikes too quickly for the enemy to react - once, then again, aiming at the throat without an inch of mercy, as he often does when he intends to kill on the spot. And when Tibarn intends to kill, few enemies walk away still breathing.
He pants as he retreats back to safety, the severity of the wounds he had taken only now catching up to him as he moved and struck with more force. Wait. When did that happen to me?
... He needs to be careful.
> @ulirblood
IM BACK IN THE FUCKING BUILDING AGAINΒ  β€”Β  team twelve / bronze roundΒ 
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regnumaves Β· 7 months
Another day, another wacky special training session organized by the Academy, and apparently these still haven't become crazy enough for Tibarn to just sit them out. He's here to learn, challenge himself, try to become better than he already is - how is he going to do that if he just avoids things?
So he steps into the illusory chamber, alongside miss Nephenee and a few others he is not yet familiar with (but what's a little danger if not an effective bonding mechanism) - and next thing he knows, they're out in an open, windy field, there is a large... bird-like monster before them commanding a few other enemies,
and one of their allies is already in a cage.
Pardon him,
Nephenee fumbles her attack with an unfamiliar weapon - fair, he knows that will happen with beorc - and Tibarn's eyes narrow before the aura of transformation envelops his body and, the instant he's ready, he swoops down, towards Edain and her containment. She can say what she wants, if he sees an opening, he is not letting them just casually hold an ally hostage.
Tibarn 10/10HP declares Cage 5/5HP as his target! Tibarn gains +2 Luck and +6 Dexterity against Cage and is inflicted with -4 Avo against other enemies. Tibarn 10/10HP hits and hits Cage 5/5HP with Short Axe. Darting Blow activates! [Roll: 14+6, 11+6; -2.5HP, -2.5HP; Cage 0/5HP] The Cage has been broken! Edain 10/10HP has been freed!
Talons strike at the metal door with a loud clang - once, twice; it's not long before the cage gives before the force of his strike, and without giving her time to protest or do anything else, Tibarn throws Edain on her back -
Gofannon 10/10HP counterattacks and hits Tibarn 10/10HP with Sickle-Like Talons [Roll: 9+2; -2.5HP; Tibarn 7.5/10HP]
but it's not like he expected the enemy to just let him do that, and he was right; before he can react, the monster's talons strike at him, running across his side and leaving a gash - but luckily missing both Edain and his wing. Tibarn and Gofannon exchange furious shrieks before he retreats towards the others with the lady in tow.
"We're not leaving you there like that, you hear?" He grumbles as he looks back at her - no real anger in his voice, perhaps only a hint of irritation, but even then, directed more at the injury than her. She meant well, he gets it, it's just not the kind of person he is.
IM BACK IN THE FUCKING BUILDING AGAINΒ  β€”Β  team twelve / bronze roundΒ 
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regnumaves Β· 7 months
Activity Check: October 2023
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Status: passed
Skill points gained: - Activity (Gauntlet: C+ β†’ C+ Β½)
Total: 1; 20 β†’ 21
0 notes
regnumaves Β· 8 months
Good of you to at least admit it's your own jealousy. That's really the only thing you do well here.
The problem obviously lies with you, not with that man. Has the thought of improving yourself instead of putting someone else down ever crossed your mind? Maybe give that a shot. If you instead try to stamp out everyone you deem superior to you, you're going to have to kill a whole lot of people, because you sound painfully average here. And at that point someone's just going to name you a tyrant and kill you first, which doesn't even sound like it would be entirely undeserved. Or very difficult for that matter.
I am in need of assistance regarding my wife's husband. For some important background, my wife was married previously to a man who by all accounts should no longer be alive. She cares for us both deeply, and I do not doubt her feelings for me are true. Yet, I find myself uneasy.
I believe it is an issue of jealousy. Her husband is beautiful (this is heavily crossed out) very handsome, strong, intelligent, loyal, steadfast, brave, and valiant. He irritates me beyond belief. Anyone who is around him is immediately captivated by his stupid, vapid smile and his charming and grating personality. I absolutely despise this man with ever fiber of my being.
I would simply get rid of him again if it were not for the rules of this monastery, and the fact that I am trying very hard to make my wife happy. It seems her husband is an important aspect of her happiness, much to my dismay. How would you suggest I handle his presence, or at least stop constantly thinking about how I pale in comparison much I wish to end his miserable existence?
(The paper is dotted in red stains, and smells vaguely of wine. It is also crumpled up and then smoothed out, as if it was meant to be discarded and then refolded after consideration.)
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regnumaves Β· 8 months
"Villain" is a strong word. Its use here suggests to me that there are some very negative feelings involved, in which case you should consider why your friends think of him the way they do, assuming it's not something born of mere pettiness, which doesn't sound like it's the case here.
And if their reasons are valid, then you should accept that not everyone's going to like one another. In some situations even tolerance can be too much to ask. A person who builds bridges inevitably throws some rocks around and risks hitting someone if there's too many people standing nearby.
I get it's natural to take your husband's side, but don't disregard their feelings on the matter. If you aren't willing to listen to and trust them, don't call yourself their friend.
I am having a difficult time fostering a relationship between my friends and my partner. It means a great deal to me that my friends, at the very least, accept my love for him even if they do not like him themselves. What can I do to show them that our love for each other is genuine and he is not the villain they believe him to be?
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regnumaves Β· 8 months
Depends, as far as I'm concerned. If the situation was out of your hands and there was nothing you could have done to stop yourself from doing what you did, then I don't think your friends should blame you for it. And I believe good friends would understand that themselves, without needing that explained to them.
If you did indeed have the ability to stop it and simply chose not to, then yes, trying to act like nothing's happened makes you a coward.
There was a time where I lost control of myself and I can’t remember anything that happened during that time. There are those who recognize me from then, but I’m afraid of speaking with them and finding out what has happened. Is it wrong of me to avoid the truth?
4 notes Β· View notes
regnumaves Β· 8 months
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Artist: Karuta Shiki
Source: Twitter
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regnumaves Β· 8 months
@corvuschriisti ; Gauntlet +1
The sauna, as they call it, is an interesting new experience to Tibarn, who has decided to try it out this evening after training. He could imagine it being more popular in a place like Daein, with its naturally colder climate making the idea of relaxing in a hot, steamy place much more agreeable. For his part, well... Phoenicis has always enjoyed - or been exposed to, depending on who you ask - warmth and humidity. In certain seasons, you could have a "sauna" no matter where you went, and whether you liked it or not. So, this is something of a novelty, albeit not an unpleasant one. His feathers like this, he thinks.
The whole doppelganger rumor does not bother him too much. It's hogwash, probably. And even if it isn't, well, that just sounds like a challenge if anything else. Would be interesting to see how a match against himself would go. Sure, he'll kick his own ass.
All those thoughts flash across his mind in one go when he spots movement on the other side of the room. Really, now?
Well, whoever that is, they can get it.
Following the call of instinct, Tibarn transforms; his feathers puff up, both from his natural reaction of suspicion and thanks to the everpresent steam, making him look both bigger than he is, and probably pretty funny if one could actually see him properly.
He lowers his head, sizing up his target -
and then lunges, swiping at it with his talons.
Bird PvP ❁ Tibarn & Naesala
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regnumaves Β· 8 months
It's a chill day at the training grounds, Tibarn thinks to himself silently as he rests on the rooftop of the cathedral, enjoying the sun while assorted grunts and shouts of a few training students and knights reach him from below.
There's some guy swinging an axe, a loud RRRAH to go with each attempt. Good for him to get the workout in, but he probably needs to be careful not to pull a muscle with all the effort he makes.
There's some younger person, probably a student, training with a lance. Oh, never mind, he stumbled and probably lost his drive. Too bad, he's not going to learn much if he gives up that easily.
And then there's Ike.
Doing things the way Ike's always done things.
Tibarn feels his mouth slowly break into a smile as he listens to the sound of regular, well-known swings. Then it widens into a grin -
before he stretches, sits up, and with one beat of his wings, shoots into the air between the sound of one swing of Ike's sword and another. A Hawk's cry slicing through the air is the man's only warning before the laguz, already transformed in the blink of an eye, swoops straight at him, talons outstretched, ready to clash with steel.
How to Say Hello Like a Normal Person ❁ Tibarn & Ike
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regnumaves Β· 8 months
Activity Check: September 2023
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Status: passed
Skill points gained: - Activity (Gauntlet: C Β½ β†’ C+)
Total: 1; 19 β†’ 20
0 notes
regnumaves Β· 8 months
Tibarn lets out a good-hearted laugh as he pats Reyson's back - which is luckily something he already has ample experience in, as far as not using almost any force while still letting him feel it is concerned - as the Heron appears to be feeling somewhat guilty about something.
"It sure has, but don't worry about it. If there's someone who will understand the urge to get out there and see the world, a Hawk will. Would have appreciated some more news coming home though, I've got to admit." He huffs, but it's clear that there is no frustration, resentment or any negative feeling at all concealed behind his words. Indeed, he doesn't stop smiling as he speaks.
"You've got greetings from home, by the way. I feel like Lord Lorazieh can tell that you and Leanne are well even way back home. He's doing great himself." It is only once he has shared that news that he addresses Reyson's concern for his own person.
"Come now, I'm rarely not well. Nothing out of the ordinary. I've been here at the Academy before, so I'm used to the place by now." He shrugs. "Part of why I wasn't THAT worried when I heard you traveled here. I know people here don't mind shapeshifters, even though I don't think this land has any of its own."
Probably helps that most of them don't know how much a Heron costs.
"... I do hope no one's been causing you trouble?" All this talk about no need for concern for Reyson, and yet there he is, asking anyway. Old habits die hard, huh.
Birds of a Feather ❁ Tibarn & Reyson
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regnumaves Β· 8 months
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regnumaves Β· 8 months
Upon reaching FΓ³dlan once more and handling all the formalities connected to his return, Tibarn spends maybe five minutes in his office making sure everything is where it's supposed to be and hasn't moved in those couple months, before going right back out.
Some things don't change, such as his paperwork not gaining legs and escaping on its own. Some things do change, such as a certain White Prince being present at the Academy now at the same time as him. The latter, naturally, requiring more urgent attention.
He had sent word about his return to FΓ³dlan prior to his arrival, but with the friendly winds carrying him swiftly over the seas, he isn't sure whether Reyson would have received it. The flight was so smooth that he would not have been surprised to hear he outflew the delivery. In which case, someone's in for a surprise once Tibarn finds him.
Which, hopefully, should not be too difficult. The top of cathedral's tower provides an excellent vantage point, allowing him to conveniently see all places of the monastery not covered by a roof; and indeed, it is not long before a flash of white feathers catches his eye in one of the courtyards. Grinning, he quickly makes his way back down to catch up with their owner.
"Afternoon, Reyson. It's been a little while, hasn't it? How have you been?"
Birds of a Feather ❁ Tibarn & Reyson
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