reefdingus 14 hours
Amani is a 32 year old mother of 3 boys. Originally from the north of Gaza, their home was completely taken away from them by Israeli bombardment and they were forced to evacuate to the south. Can we help her and her kids.
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reefdingus 15 hours
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View on Twitter
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reefdingus 15 hours
ok, so I didn't expect to have to make something like this, especially not for this.
But my incredible partner @a-sentient-cup is being kicked out of their home, and they are currently unemployed and have not been able to find a new job despite their best efforts for around a year.
This means that if we don't get help(because I also have no money due to on social benefits due to my really bad mental disabilties) they will become hopeless.
So we've set up a gofundme to help Cuppy move to Denmark where they can also get proper help for their own disabilties.
Please if you can, help us out. And if not, please share
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reefdingus 1 day
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my heart absolutely breaks for gaza. imagine screaming for help. for someone to save you and the world ignores you for the most part. shame on anyone and everyone who supports this. where is your empathy.
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reefdingus 9 days
HEY YOU!!! Do you:
1. Want to help a Palestinian from Gaza directly?
2. Have an EU passport and euros-based bank account in an EU country?
3. Have any contacts who can vouch for your participation in pro-Palestine activism and/or fundraising?
If all of these apply to you, please contact me via ask (I鈥檒l answer privately) or DM. Ahmed @90-ghost informed me of a Palestinian from Gaza who needs help facilitating a transfer of funds. I will vet you to the best of my ability (some questions about you, info about people willing to vouch for you, any evidence you have of involvement with the cause, etc.), inform you as to what to expect from this process, and then pass you onto Ahmed to get in touch with the person in need of assistance. Trusting a stranger is a last-ditch effort, it鈥檚 the only option left, but I鈥檇 like to at least try. If you have contacts at EU-based organizations who can help, that works, too!
Please spread this among your pro-Palestine networks. Thank you 馃枻
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reefdingus 14 days
watch for this as you scroll social media this evening:
israel today dropped a bomb on a refugee camp located in rafah, which, as a reminder, had been sold as a safe zone.
remember that this camp is made of tents, not buildings. this strike was dropped directly on families in the dead of night, with no shelter to protect them. many people have become trapped by the burning tents. we don't have a death toll yet, but it's likely more than 50.
the images coming out from this attack are among the most graphic we have seen out of gaza. do not look them up unprepared.
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reefdingus 14 days
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Here are some fundraisers you could support:
Mohamed Hamad
Nora Maliha
Bilal Salah
Tahani Shorbajee
Muhannad Shaheen
Youssef Balousha
Mahmoud Abu Hamam
Momen Alostaz
Mohammed Ayesh
Photojournalist Muhammad Al-Thalateeni
Boost. Donate if you can
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reefdingus 15 days
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gazafunds seeks to uplift stagnant or otherwise struggling fundraisers for gazans seeking evacuation or simple necessities. i know many of the images crossing your feeds today are harrowing and impossible to fathom, but those in the line of fire need your help, not your complacency. gazafunds also urges those who are able to adopt a fundraiser to amplify to do so (you can contact them via their twitter.)
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reefdingus 22 days
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reefdingus 1 month
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About Gaza Funds
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reefdingus 1 month
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reefdingus 2 months
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rival and evil team leader respectively.
EDIT: in case you didn't see, part 1 HERE
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reefdingus 2 months
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dungeon meshi pokemon au that has been rattling in my head
EDIT: part 2, kabru and mithrun
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reefdingus 2 months
I left tumblr but I guess I might be coming back soon for real time since apparently Elon's bots ARE POSTING ACTUAL, REAL LIFE CP AND CSA NOW.
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I'm not even fucking joking. There are dozens of people in the replies and QRTs saying the same thing: the "PUSSY IN BIO" bots pots posted actual CP on their tweets.
IF YOU USE TWITTER, DO NOT HAVE AUTO-RECORDING ON, DO NOT STREAM AND MAKE SURE YOUR CACHES ARE CLEAN, POSSESSION OF CP - EVEN ACCIDENTAL - IS ILLEGAL. IF YOU SEE A TWEET HIDDEN FOR SPAM, DO NOT OPEN IT. I'm lucky to not have run into any CP/CSA footage myself yet, but I'm going to be extremely careful and I recommend you all be too. And if you DO happen to run into it, you can use websites like https://tips.fbi.gov/home. report.cybertip.org or iwf.org.uk/en/uk-report/ to report it.
Don't bother reporting it to twitter. Elon's already been exposed for restoring the account of a man who posted real CP. He won't care. He's a demon and twitter has become exactly the way he wants it.
Stay safe and pray for Elon Musk's downfall.
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reefdingus 2 months
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My friend is organising for their family to evacuate Gaza.
Please share and contribute if possible!
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reefdingus 2 months
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children are starving at the fastest rate that the world has ever known
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reefdingus 3 months
i don't really know how to even articulate how painful it is to look at photos like these
(settlers celebrating purim in occupied west bank with police and soldiers. several of them dressed as a man who killed 39 palestinians three decades ago. they idolize this figure as a hero of their genocidal movement)
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for anyone unaware, purim is a jewish holiday commemorating a time when we escaped imminent genocide by fighting back against our oppressors. violent resistance was involved. violent resistance was successful. purim is a holiday that celebrates freedom, resistance, and liberation.
tradition around purim often involves dressing up in costume. when i was little, the girls all wanted to be esther. the boys would be mordechai. purim is fun. fond memories of babies in little animal onesies. of making and eating hamentaschen. of booing hamans name and laughing together.
when i see these genocidal zionists dressing up and drinking and having fun like this it reminds me of the ways i've celebrated purim in the past. and it makes me so extremely angry. what right do you have to celebrate jewish resistance and liberation? what right do you have to parade your weapons around and walk on stolen palestinian land and celebrate?
zionists fancy themselves esther but they are no less than haman himself. groggers should be used to curse their names.
while gazan hospitals are being bombed and raided they celebrate with my customs and my holidays. and it makes me so angry
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