redsolar1 · 16 days
Solar Panel Installation - Things to Consider
There are many factors to consider when installing solar panels, from determining what type of panel mount is necessary to getting proper wiring done. You should always have your installation completed by a licensed electrician.
Understand your local utility interconnection process, fees and paperwork. This is especially important if you plan to sell surplus energy back to the power company.
Roof-mounted solar installation are a great option for homeowners who want to reduce their energy costs. They’re also less expensive to maintain than ground-mounted panels. Additionally, they’re more aesthetically pleasing and won’t take up valuable space on your property.
First, installers must fasten the solar mounting brackets to the rafters underneath your roof. They’ll use a stud finder or your home’s blueprint to locate the rafters and then drill holes carefully into them.
Next, they’ll install rails that run parallel to each other and connect the solar panels together with a conductor system. After that, they’ll connect the solar panels to an inverter kit.
If your roof is in poor condition, you may need to get it repaired or replaced before installing a solar panel. Also, check with your homeowner’s association to make sure that they allow rooftop installations. Also, the roof must be south-facing to maximize solar production. This means that you’ll need to trim the trees and buildings near your house if they are blocking the sun.
Ground-mounted solar panels are a great option for homeowners who want to use their own land for energy production. They may even generate more energy than roof-mounted solar panels. But there are a few things to consider before opting for a ground-mounted system.
A standard ground mount system consists of metal framing that holds solar panels at a fixed angle. Some of these systems can be manually adjusted several times a year to account for seasonal changes in sunlight exposure.
Another type of ground-mounted solar panel is the pole-mount system, which resembles a sci-fi tower. These are usually more expensive, but they allow you to place solar panels closer to the ground. This can help prevent them from shading, which could reduce your solar energy production. But it also means that your solar panels will be more exposed to damage from animals and kids. They also require more space and can be difficult to install on properties with zoning and setback regulations.
Solar incentives
When considering a solar panel installation, it's important to consider local and state incentives. These can include property tax exemption, waived fees and expedited permits. Some states also offer a rebate based on wattage. To find out more, check the database of state incentives for renewables and efficiency.
The federal investment tax credit is another incentive for solar panels. This credit reduces the overall cost of your system by 30%, and is only available for homeowners who own their homes. However, this credit is only valid in 2022 and beyond, so it's crucial to act now!
The best way to determine if solar is right for your home is to speak with a trusted local contractor. They can help you assess your home's setup, roof capacity and access to direct sun, and parse through state and local incentives. They can also provide a free estimate of energy savings. Then, you can decide whether to buy or lease your solar panels.
Once the planning is done, it’s time to start putting the pieces of your solar panel installation together. You’ll need a racking system to hold the panels, which you can build from kits with detailed instructions. Once the racking system is installed on your roof, you’ll be ready to begin generating solar power for your home.
If you want to connect your system to the grid, you’ll need an inverter. This converts DC energy into usable AC electricity, and it’s essential to select an inverter that is sized correctly for your household. To do this, consider your energy consumption as listed on your monthly utility bill and use online tools to help you estimate what size system will work best for you.
Smart inverters are designed to keep your system running through small disruptions like deviations in voltage and frequency. They can also detect when they’re being used and send excess energy back to the grid for net metering.
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redsolar1 · 22 days
Solar + Storage - The Benefits of Adding Battery Storage to Your Solar Energy System
Energy storage systems are an important way to keep the lights on during power outages and help reduce reliance on dirty fossil fuels. They’re also an important component to SMUD’s new Solar + Storage program.
However, adding a battery isn’t right for everyone. Here are a few things to consider before making the switch.
Adding battery storage solar to your solar energy system can be a great way to achieve greater energy independence, backup power during blackouts, and save money on electricity bills in states with TOU pricing. However, these benefits come with a significant price tag – especially when using a lithium-ion battery that can last for over 20 years.
The most significant factor determining the cost of a solar battery is its power capacity and chemistry. Lead-acid batteries are the cheapest on the market but have shorter lifespans than lithium.
Additionally, it is important to consult with a solar + storage expert and design your system based on your specific energy needs. This will help ensure that you receive the most cost-effective solution for your home. Additionally, shopping quotes on EnergySage’s marketplace can allow you to compare prices for both solar and battery storage from multiple vendors.
Energy Savings
The energy that your solar panels generate can be stored in a battery and used during peak hours. This will save you money as well as provide a source of ecofriendly power for your home.
If you have a time-of-use utility billing system, or live somewhere with significant local rebates and incentives for batteries, adding a battery to your solar energy system can increase electricity savings. However, it’s important to note that battery storage does not guarantee additional savings beyond what you can achieve with a solar panel system alone.
Adding a battery system also allows you to get closer to being "off the grid", although going completely off the grid is not practical for most homeowners. It also provides peace of mind for homeowners who want to be less reliant on their utility.
One of the most obvious benefits of adding battery storage to your solar installation is savings on your electricity bills. With solar plus storage, you can reduce your energy usage during peak demand and save on SMUD’s SGIP (Self-generation Incentive Program) fees.
Home battery storage can also be used for backup power and help limit your interaction with the grid. This is known as solar self-consumption and can provide significant cost savings, especially for homeowners on time-of-use rates or those whose utility offers unfavorable compensation for excess solar power.
When used for self-consumption, the right battery chemistry is important for the system to work as designed. Too small of a battery may not allow you to use all the electricity it stores, while installing too large of a battery could mean that your solar PV system is generating more than you’re using and exporting back to the grid during high electricity consumption times.
Choosing the right solar battery for your needs depends on what you plan to use it for. The battery chemistry and energy capacity—measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh)— are the most important factors to consider.
The best batteries are made of lithium-ion, and they offer a wide range of benefits for solar customers. Lithium-ion batteries can be charged and discharged hundreds of times without losing their performance, and they have a long lifespan.
You can also save money on your electricity bill by storing excess solar power in batteries, especially if your utility offers time-of-use rates. By utilizing battery storage, you can offset high-cost electricity consumption during peak demand hours, such as in the morning and evening. In addition, many battery systems have built-in monitoring and automation features to help you make the most of your solar investment.
Time-of-Use Billing
In some cases, solar battery storage can help offset the cost of an upfront investment in a rooftop system. By storing surplus solar energy and releasing it during peak times, batteries can reduce demand on the grid. This helps to address the intermittency of renewable energy and supports greater penetration of renewables on the power infrastructure.
A battery-equipped solar system can also help to manage the time of use rates that many utilities now have in place. These rates increase prices during peak periods (such as 5-8 pm in summer on SCE’s TOU-D program).
With solar and storage, homeowners can use their energy efficiently to limit their dependence on the utility grid. Our experts can help evaluate your rates and usage to design a battery system that maximizes savings under TOU rates.
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redsolar1 · 28 days
Battery Storage Solar - Power Your Home Even When the Grid is Down
If you are concerned about grid reliability and want to become more energy selfsufficient, a solar battery system is the right option for you. A battery will help power your home even when the grid is down.
Batteries can also help you save on electricity costs if your utility uses time-of-use rates or demand charges. This is particularly true if you have solar net energy metering or live in a state with substantial battery rebates.
Savings from electric bills
Adding energy storage to your solar system battery storage solar gives you the option to use electricity at night, during blackouts and even when your panels aren’t producing. This helps you become less reliant on the grid and save money on your electricity bill.
Solar batteries can help you avoid electricity rates that increase during peak demand times as well. Depending on the battery technology, this could mean saving thousands of dollars over the lifetime of your system.
Lead-acid batteries are still available on the market at pocket friendly prices, but they have a lower DoD and shorter lifespan than lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion is currently the more popular technology for home solar energy storage.
A SunPower Equinox solar power system with battery storage can reduce your reliance on the grid, create more energy self-sufficiency and take advantage of time of use (TOU) rates and rebates. Find out if your SunPower solar installation qualifies for SGIP, a self-generation incentive program that can give you up to $25,000 in incentives.
Around-the-clock power
Many homeowners choose to pair solar energy systems with battery storage because the two technologies work together well. Energy storage mitigates one of the biggest obstacles to renewable energy: its intermittent nature. It smooths out the cycling between oversupply and shortage by storing excess power from sunny periods for use at nighttime, when demand is highest.
Solar batteries can also reduce homeowners’ electricity costs by allowing them to take advantage of time-of-use rates, which charge different electricity rates depending on when you consume power. Homeowners on these plans often owe money to the utility at the end of the month even though they may have met 100% of their power demand with their own solar system during the day.
Solar battery storage can eliminate this issue by allowing you to program your system to discharge from 4-9 p.m., eliminating the need to draw power from the grid during peak hours, a major cost savings for both you and MCE.
More energy self-sufficiency
For those who want to be less dependent on their utility and create more energy self-sufficiency, battery storage solar is a solution. It also provides the opportunity to become a part of a local energy community by co-generating electricity with neighbours.
Combined with a PV system, a home battery can reduce the reliance on traditional electricity companies, especially during grid outages. In addition, a battery can help you avoid electricity rates that increase during peak demand.
The GS report also reveals that a solar-plus-storage system offers the most costeffective way to achieve energy self-sufficiency. In fact, a relatively small 5 kWh battery increases self-sufficiency from 35% to 65% on an annual basis. Adding more capacity to the battery wouldn’t improve this figure much further due to low solar yield in the winter months. However, as the price of batteries continue to decrease, more people are choosing to invest in a solar-plus-storage system for their energy needs.
Better monitoring
Adding solar battery storage to allow you to utilize energy generated during the day and store it for use at night or during outages. This helps reduce your dependence on the grid and creates a more sustainable power system.
By reducing your reliance on fossil fuels, you can contribute to a cleaner environment while also saving money. This is why homeowners are increasingly drawn to battery storage solar for their homes and businesses.
When properly sized and integrated into an optimal solar energy system, a battery system can be a game changer for your home or business. By learning the benefits of solar-plus-storage, you can make informed decisions that are best for your electricity needs and energy goals.
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