My Soul Says Yes
Given the age gap, Boaz expressed his fears, but is willing to take the risk and follow his heart. He knows Ruth’s heart is genuine and pure. To Boaz, she is like a breath of fresh air. Several months later, he surprised her with a trip to Morocco for her birthday. It is there that he pops the question. It is there that she discovers he is a wealthy landowner.  A man that loves her to the core of his soul and is ready to redeem her from her painful past!
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The Naysayers
To her surprise, he has been quietly observing her for a while and expressed interest in getting to know her on a more personal level.  After much thought, she agrees.  Maybe this is the answer to her prayers. The more time they spent together, the stronger their bond had become. Things seemed to be going well, that is, until certain church folks got wind of their relationship. She was accused of playing the pity party game. That she is a gold-digger and only wants him for his money. The cruel treatment was beginning to take a toll on their relationship.
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Man of Valor
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Ruth is in search of finding herself. She is struggling to pick up the pieces of her life after yet another failed relationship. Emotionally torn from a bitter breakup, she feels as though all hope has been lost. She finds solace helping those in need as it is her happy place. One day, while volunteering at a local church food pantry, she was approached by this older gentleman named Boaz. He noticed the tears in her eyes and asked if she was okay. She tried to play it off as if it were allergies, but he knew better. Moved with compassion, he comforted her while imparting words of encouragement.
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