rebel-with-cause · 3 months
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Roasted chicken, ginger, daikon, shiitake mushroom soup with lime, cilantro, broccoli sprouts, and rice noodles
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rebel-with-cause · 4 months
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Joe Keery at the premiere and the after party of "Finalmente L'alba" in Rome, Italy
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rebel-with-cause · 4 months
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Favorite Character Meme [3/5 Relationships]: Shawn & Cory
"I always thought Topanga was the one person I could never live without, but she's gone, and you're here, and I'm alive so it must be you . . . Shawnie, I love you."
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rebel-with-cause · 4 months
"ohh what if my kid starts identifying as a CAT because of the trans agenda we have to prote—" well they've always done that. do you remember the psychological effects of h2o on young girls. of warrior cats on autistic children. i believed i was a demigod because of percy jackson. twilight came out and kids were telling their friends they were secretly vampires. this is just a thing kids do. worry less
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rebel-with-cause · 4 months
conformity in stranger things
(as we see it through the characters of steve, dustin and eddie)
dustin meets steve while steve is already heading down his own path — he’s leaving behind ideas about high school and relationships, and figuring out who he is without them.
steve, by season two, had already become disillusioned with the idea of high school, and power struggles, and being the most popular guy in school. which is why he doesn’t react to billy’s taunts.
despite what the fandom may have you believe, steve’s seasons long arc about his struggle with conforming to the person people expect him to be is done.
don’t get me wrong, steve is still hanging onto some ideas in s2, like pretending you don’t care to get girls, and seeing nancy as different to all his other girlfriends (though i personally think that speaks more to steve’s prior relationships than the way he views woman).
and so, dustin and their friendship play a major role in steve fully moving on from the concept of ‘conforming’. steve doesn’t want to change who he is to get people to like him, or love him!
and with dustin, he doesn’t!!!
they make up dorky handshakes, and give each other advice. they talk about girls and steve teaches him how to achieve his signature hairstyle.
their relationship impacts both boys, but neither of them are conforming. it’s pretty much the exact opposite!!! despite what some fans would have you believe steve and dustin have a positive impact on each other!!!
dustin doesn’t change who he is to impress steve! he’s just as dorky as before, and in fact imparts some of that dorkiness onto steve!! steve and dustin help each other to find who they are, and figure themselves out.
on the other hand.
eddie had a negative impact on dustin.
dustin in s3 is dorky. he likes science, and school, and building great big radio towers up hills.
dustin in s4 is failing classes, treating friends like shit, his hubris is at an all time high; all aided by eddie’s high opinion of himself and ideas about conforming.
see. when eddie talks about conforming, he doesn’t really understand what he’s talking about (which is why his fans don’t either).
when he criticised people for ‘conforming’, all he’s really talking about is people being interested in things he doesn’t like. parties. band. science. basketball. he looks down on them all.
he makes snap judgments, and reduces them down to stereotypes. we literally watch him learn this on screen!!!
we literally watch as he verbally recognises that he knew nothing about steve, and yet reduced him down to his interest in basketball.
and here’s where the irony comes in. eddie is literally leading the club on conformity.
everyone in hellfire wears the exact same thing, and he makes fun of the clothes they used to wear. he seats himself on a thrown, and judges anyone that wishes to come before him before he deems them worthy to play a game. he’s not accepting all losers. he’s literally telling them they’re lesser than as he stands on tables in the cafeteria, and then fights against erica playing with them… just because he thinks she has to prove herself to him first.
that’s the point of eddie’s character!! that his whole big speech at the beginning of the season is wrong. and we literally see how he’s wrong scenes later when eddie interacts with chrissy.
people watch eddie learn and grow as a person, and then reduce his character right back down to who he was when he was first introduced.
tl;dr — if one of dustin’s relationships is about conformity, it’s his friendship with eddie, not steve. his brother dynamic with steve is about the complete opposite. about reaching across dumb nerd v jock social divides and finding a family.
in looking up to eddie, dustin has let his other interests fall to the wayside. he’s snarkier, makes fun of steve more (just like he’s been watching eddie mock jocks for months), his friendships with the rest of the party are at an all time low.
and yet. some people would have me believe this is dustin’s truest self? who gets his mormon girlfriend to hack into his school because he’s failing latin. who mocks steve for ‘wanting to be a hero’ when just the season before he was prepared to die by steve’s side.
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rebel-with-cause · 5 months
Let's talk about Sally's romantic partners.
I'm genuinely baffled at the writer's choices, and I honestly can't tell if they're going to have Sally end up back with Poseidon, have a Gabe redemption and keep them together, or still bring in Paul.
Let me explain. Long post - and poll at the end. Please read before you vote.
Let's look at Poseidon first.
They made Sally pin over Poseidon big time. She doesn't do that in the book (it's the opposite in the book; Poseidon pining over Sally). In the books Poseidon offered to make Sally immortal and build her a palace in his kingdom. She turned him down, and moved on. She remembers him fondly and loves their son wholeheartedly, but its a closed chapter in her life.
But in the tv show it's completely different? Like she's genuinely missing and pining over him. Sitting in the rain, thinking about him. And while in both cases its clear Poseidon is paying child support, it's so much more obvious in the tv show because that apartment is nice? Percy's boarding school probably cost like 60k+ per year? Their car has expenses too? And renting that nice cabin - even if it is cheaper due to being near the septic tanks its gonna be expensive too. Depending on how the meeting with Poseidon goes and her reunion with Percy - we're lead to believe that Poseidon still has a good chance with her.
Now let's look at Gabe.
In the book he was completely unredeemable. He made Sally his personal slave - making him all meals, bringing him beer, making her clean all his shit and lets not forget the physical abuse too. He deserved to die and get sent to the fields of punishment or tartarus for eternity.
But in the tv show, he isn't nearly as bad? And I know this is controversial, so hear me out. Yes, he does answer Sally's phone which is abusive if its done repeatedly - but Percy was surprised that he did it leading us to think that it's not. Yes, Sally does ask to use the car but this is a normal thing ppl do when they co-own a car? My parents do it all the time, my cousin does it with her shared vehicle with her parents - that's what you do when 2+ ppl have use of the same object. In no point in that convo does it ever seem like Sally isn't allowed to get the car. And lastly - when Sally raises her voice and yells, Gabe submits to her wishes. She gets her way. (this is important so remember it - I come back to this).
Everything Gabe has done in ep1? It's not nearly bad enough to justify murder. And Sally has enough power and autonomy in the relationship that she can pack up and move, or even just kick Gabe out of the apartment - even if she can't afford a divorce. Because as shown before, she gets her way. Gabe doesn't control her. She has options, and because of that Murder in this case would be wrong. (in the books, Sally was literally imprisoned in her own life; she didn't have any power to leave or kick Gabe out and that's what makes her killing Gabe so amazing. She managed to break free of an impossible situation).
So lets say Sally doesn't murder Gabe. What does that mean? She doesn't get college money from his statue. Who knows if Poseidon's child support money is excess - enough to afford college. Maybe she doesn't go. If she never goes to college, then she doesn't meet Paul. She never falls in love with him, and she doesn't get the same happy ever after as the books.
Considering all I've said and your own thoughts (which feel free to share in the comments/tags):
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rebel-with-cause · 5 months
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“Yes, Poseidon is a God, but he also has human feelings.” — Toby Stephens about Poseidon in Percy Jackson 🔱
We expected a lot from last night’s episode and we were still overwhelmed. The screen presence, emotional truth and oceanic depth in just 5:30 min is stunning!
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rebel-with-cause · 5 months
Logical for Sally x Poseidon
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+Sally looking out at the sea & sitting in the rain to feel Poseidon’s presence
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rebel-with-cause · 5 months
You came You called
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rebel-with-cause · 5 months
Toby Stephens talking Posally on Riptide Radio
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rebel-with-cause · 5 months
So I put together a bibliography through 180 AD for Do You Know What Eternity Is?, my Good Omens fanfiction. It’s… it’s long. It’s not comprehensive, and I haven’t read the full text of all of these, but… it’s under the cut, if anyone’s interested.
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rebel-with-cause · 5 months
if the original gossip girl had aired in 2023, dan and blair would’ve been endgame and chuck bass would’ve gone to prison.
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rebel-with-cause · 5 months
With all due respect enemies to lovers is just "I like you, but I'm too smug to do anything about it, here I go insulting you for no reason because anything we've done to each other borders on elementary school level antics also I need to distract myself from kissing you," and I love that for my lil snarky, commitment-phobe babies
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rebel-with-cause · 5 months
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Percy, you can't ship Medusa's head to Olympus. Why not?
PERCY JACKSON AND THE OLYMPIANS (2023-) S01E03 | "We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium"
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rebel-with-cause · 6 months
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#congrats! you just broke the series down to its' bare essentials!
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rebel-with-cause · 6 months
“you drool when you sleep” + adjusts his armour + shoves him into a lake
*in fleabag voice* this is a love story
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rebel-with-cause · 6 months
The headcanons that various members of the party get harmless little crushes on Steve are so important because not only is it fun and silly, but it also gives Dustin the most humbling and horrifying experience a fourteen year old can have: your friends telling you they think your older brother is hot.
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