realheroeswearhats · 11 days
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Im not some social activist, i'm some guy who posts my own random thoughts about my experiences being a trans dude. I'm begging y'all not to take my posts abt trans men as gospel bc at the end of the day im one trans guy out of many and my experiences aren't everyone's.
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I don't know many things, I just post.
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realheroeswearhats · 11 days
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Reddit made me want to draw this, too sad for good art so you get mouse art.
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realheroeswearhats · 11 days
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Manifesting Sage controlled character battles.
(Also unlocking characters this way)
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realheroeswearhats · 1 month
I have $11 until May and I've given up on paying the water bill which is $500 as we've kinda dug a hole to pay the rent, but if anyone can give money for food I'd greatly appreciate it.
Kofi Squarecash
Like we've been using about four dollars a day on water for the ducks and toilets, and more if we try to wash/cook anything. This has been a brutal few months and I really don't know what I'm going to do.
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realheroeswearhats · 1 month
Yeah, not having food most of the time and declining utilities kinda makes it hard to have energy to draw...
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Everything I've done is just... easier than drawing. I've hoped to like, have made a comic now but like
First I need to clean my room, which requires me to have energy, which requires me having more than one meal every other few days let's be real I'm living off of garlic bread and kool-aid.
Like I'd have to be a few hundred dollars richer and that's just not happening cuz A) I'm mediocre and won't be missed and B) Literally everyone's in the same boat as me
Like the past week I had people begging me for commission work on every SNS platform, everyone I know is hanging on the edge just like me.
Like, we're heading towards yet another economic collapse, it's like we've been in the ocean for a while but about to drop off that coast shelf y'know?
Anyways here's the meme source.
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realheroeswearhats · 2 months
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Reddit made me want to draw this, too sad for good art so you get mouse art.
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realheroeswearhats · 2 months
You're welcome. Sorry been too depressed to make more.
thank you to every single fucking person on this god forsaken site that has ever posted your own art or writing. You really put a vulnerable, important part of yourself out in the open on the hellscape that is the internet and if that isnt an act of bravery and a labor of love I dont know what one is
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realheroeswearhats · 2 months
tried to make a list of options for people who don't consent to their images (or text) being used for model training. i can't personally vouch for the effectiveness of each of these-- i just thought people would like to see what's available
Data poisoning
AFAIK the goal of these isn't to Protect Your Art Forever, but to make images increasingly inconvenient to use in datasets w/o permission
Glaze - UChicago's tool to add "adversarial noise" to art to disrupt style mimicry. Runs on Windows and Mac (Nvidia GPU required)
WebGlaze - free browser-based Glaze service for those who can't run Glaze locally. request an invite by following their instructions
Mist - an adversarial noise tool by Psyker Group. Runs on Windows and Linux (Nvidia GPU required) or on web with a Google Colab Notebook
Nightshade - UChicago's tool to distort AI's recognition of features, presented as an optional "last step" before uploading images online. Runs on Windows and Mac (Nvidia GPU required)
Just Add A Regular Watermark - it doesn't take a lot of processing power to add a watermark, so why not? try adding complexities like warping, changes in color/opacity, and blurring to make it more annoying for an AI (or a human) to remove
given that energy consumption was the focus of some AI art criticism, i'm not sure if the benefits of these GPU-intensive tools outweigh the cost; i'd like to hear from someone more knowledgeable about that. i also want to warn that some AI users seek out data-poisoned images for testing to try to "defeat" these tools, so maybe don't advertise whether you're using them/which ones you're using!
Discouraging data scraping
Have I Been Trained? - a tool by Spawning to search for images in existing datasets and opt your images out of future datasets. try searching for usernames!
Kudurru - a tool by Spawning (currently a Wordpress plugin) in closed beta that purportedly blocks AI scrapers from your website
robots.txt - if you have your own website, this is a text file you place in the home directory to tell web crawlers which parts of the site you want to allow them to access. this article has instructions for blocking bots that scrape data for AI like ChatGPT and Google Bard (this all kind of works on an honor system, to be clear)
HTML metadata - the article above also suggests placing the following within your pages' headers:
<meta name="robots" content="noai, noimageai">
ai.txt - similar to robots.txt, a new type of permissions file for AI training created by Spawning
ArtShield Watermarker - web-based tool to add Stable Diffusion's "invisible watermark" to images, so data scraping bots may recognize the image as AI-generated and ignore it. Source on GitHub. doesn't seem to have been updated since last year?
be aware of any downloads or services that seem sketchy or "too good to be true." don't let anyone take advantage of your fear/panic!
lastly, i shouldn't have to say this but please don't be discouraged from describing images because of weird conspiracy theories e.g. "people are only pushing for alt text for the benefit of AI!" if you think it would be funny to add misleading alt text to "stick it to the AI bros" please check your priorities (and theoretically, Nightshade becomes more effective when pairing accurate image descriptions with "poisoned" data!)
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realheroeswearhats · 3 months
A big part of me wants to stop making LPs and go back to comics but I don't really have room to paint.
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realheroeswearhats · 4 months
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Apparently I never posted this here, drawn on surface pro back at the end of 2020. Used it as an icon for a while.
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realheroeswearhats · 4 months
First drawing of 2024!
these came to me in a vision
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realheroeswearhats · 4 months
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This was originally going to be for my blind Splatoon 3 LP, but since I had audio troubles I scrapped it and put it on the B-side channel. Decided to use this as watercolors test, kinda screwed up at first but kept whacking away at it until it looked good.
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Okay, so I guess I forgot to upload the inks here? Whatever have the other scrapped LP intro image too.
Honestly the hardest part was my eyes cuz my eyes are central heterochromia blue to green to brown, so I try to show that in the me's that I draw.
Hoping to LP the four stories before Side Order drops so I'll get another chance to draw these images along with the other costumes.
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realheroeswearhats · 4 months
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Response to this, specifically this gag.
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realheroeswearhats · 5 months
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Special idea: Tenta Coil
Basically you chuck the fucker into some ink and all connected ink becomes electrified, slows you down and does slow damage.
If can be used offensively, hitting enemy ink, or defensively hitting your own ink. or it can be put on a grate and do nothing good job idiot.
If it's on your own ink, the enemy has to paint to escape the pain, but if it's on their ink they need to destroy the coil or get out of the damn ink.
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realheroeswearhats · 5 months
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realheroeswearhats · 5 months
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Fanart for this
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realheroeswearhats · 5 months
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Made this drawing for Splatoon 3 videos. I've been using the '91 a lot more than the '92 but the '92 has better colors.
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