January Wrap-up 2023
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I looooooooved all the books I read this month. After being in what felt like a reading slump for the last three years, I finally found a group of books that spoke to me. Emily Henry, you're a fucking genius and I love you. Also, Tia Williams, #SevenDaysinJune was breathtaking. Will do individual reviews, but wow, just wow.
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Hello Booksters
Okay, it's been a looooooong time since I kept a reading blog and it's time I go back to my roots and start blogging about the good, the bad, and the ugly. Who are we kidding though? Is there really an ugly book? Nahhh.
I took a mild reading break when I had my son a couple of years ago. Now that he's two, I'm slowly training him to be as book obsessed as I am.
But back to this. I'm on a reading streak and I figured it's time to start talking about what I'm reading and connecting with other bookstagrammers (yeah, I know this is Tumblr) and have long digital conversations about everything books.
So what do you say? Are you in? Okay fine, you're in the club. Welcome.
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