readallaboutdream · 7 years
Kissed & Killed Each Other
Summary: Two souls get lost in the woods, but find each other.
Pairing: MC x Drake
Words: 1.874
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Silence and darkness currently reign at the palace, the moon all by herself right up in the sky, feeling as lonely as Luna, probably.
She’s standing by the large window, staring outside at the woods before her, darkness making it hard to distinguish between monsters and trees. Which is which? Luna doesn’t know. She’s got a lot on her mind.
Another night has gone by, filled with fake smiles and over the top dresses, way too expensive champagne, and spoiled royals. The ball she had to attend this evening wasn’t as bad as she’s making it sound, but the truth is, when she’s out there it’s like she assumes a different attitude that immediately changes her personality, who she really is, and makes her become this other person who wants to become part of the court because of the expectations people have of her. She’s supposed to say certain things, and act like one of them. By now, she knows the rules by heart, and she doesn’t even have to try anymore. It comes naturally to her. Is that sad? Because it definitely sounds sad.
She’s standing by the large window staring at the woods outside, still wearing her ball dress. It’s very pompous, which makes it hard for her to walk as nonchalantly as she’s supposed to, but it’s manageable. If she glances at the mirror too fast, she might even mistake herself for an actual princess. The thought makes her laugh, and her lips curve in a small, amused smile.
The clock in her bedroom indicates that it’s now 2 AM, but Luna is not sleepy. She keeps occasionally looking at her door, hoping it’d suddenly swing open and someone would come in. Not just anyone, though. A specific someone. The problem is, it’s not the someone she is supposed to be wanting.
She bites her lips as she stares at nothing in particular, thinking about how all the trees in front of her are completely free, and she isn’t. But maybe she could be, for one night. Maybe, instead of waiting, she could be the one exiting that door to enter another. The one that leads to the bedroom she wants to be in right now. Luna sighs to herself, shaking her head lightly, and looks down at her dress. It is a gorgeous dress. The pastel lilac that defines it makes her look soft, delicate, innocent. It’s fitting. Sometimes, she definitely feels like a sheep that’s fallen for the wolf’s trap. And the wolf is just a few meters away, waiting for the moment to strike. So the sheep starts panicking, and looks around, but there’s no sight of the wolf. Until finally, the wolf comes behind the sheep’s back, and kills it.
Luna abruptly turns around, gasping.
No one’s there.
She shakes her head again and decides to get out of this room. She opens the door as carefully as she can, not making any noise. She looks around before stepping out, taking off her shoes and walking around carrying them with one hand.
She makes it to the stairs, and that’s when she hears footsteps. She freezes for a moment, standing at the top of the large, numerous stairs, as she looks down. Her eyes light up once the person coming up is near enough for her to identify.
“Hi.” Drake’s voice is nothing but a mere whisper, but despite that, Luna can feel the warmth and the sweetness in his tone. She instantly smiles. “Hi.”
He walks up as she walks down, and eventually they meet halfway, stopping in their tracks.
“Where are you going?”, Drake’s brows furrow a bit, a confused expression on his face.
Luna smiles, again, and shrugs lightly. “Can’t sleep.”
“ Me either.”
The reply is instant, and Luna doesn’t know what to make of it. They stand there for a few seconds, unsure of what to say, and what to do. Luna is starting to feel self conscious, for some reason. She bites her lips nervously.
“Well, I’ll get going now. Goodnight, Stark.”
“’Night, Drake.”
She’s only partially disappointed that he didn’t follow her, but she keeps walking, shoes in hand, until she finally reaches the gardens.
She looks up to stare at the moon, her heart still beating fast. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in hope to regain composure, and makes her way towards the woods.
After having wandered around enough, she reaches another set of stairs. She doesn’t know if she’s allowed to go down there, but she’s dying to know where it leads. As she’s about to take a step towards the stairs, she hears a noise coming from behind her. Like someone just stepped on fallen leaves. She turns around but doesn’t see anyone, so she hides behind a tree.
Everything is quiet, except for the sound of leaves being crushed by someone stepping on them. It’s not violent, but rather soft. Suddenly, the footsteps stop.
Luna cautiously goes to check, holding her dress slightly up with her hands, and she sees a figure move from behind a tree to another. It’s a figure she recognizes, and the discovery makes her laugh.
It’s a while before they finally meet, they teasingly played with each other’s shadows first. Luna is back in front of the small stairs she was going to go to before the noise distracted her. She waits for the figure approaching her to come down the moon’s light.
“Are you following me?”, Luna smiles teasingly, already knowing the answer.
Drake looks flustered, like Luna just discovered his biggest secret, and she smiles even more at his attempt of not looking embarrassed.
“I told you I couldn’t sleep,” Drake casually runs a hand through his hair, but even in the dark, Luna can see the hint of red on his ears. “It’s okay,” she wants to say. “I’m nervous, too,” but she doesn’t say anything. Just takes a step towards him, and he does the same.
They’re staring at each other, not saying anything, but saying everything at the same time. He holds up a hand and goes to stroke her cheek, but Luna notices the hesitation in his eyes before he even drops his hand; she tries not to let it get to her. Drake sighs and bows his head lightly, taking a small step back.
“Why are you here, Drake?” She’s looking at him, trying not to sound as nervous as she feels. She’s been hoping for him to do this all night, and now that it’s finally happened, it’s like she can’t dare to wish for more. Like this is already too much, and maybe they’ll never have more.
“It’s hard to spend some time with you when you’re constantly surrounded by nobles,” Drake’s not looking at her, because apparently the ground is much more interesting and appealing.
She takes another step towards him and puts a hand under his chin, pushing his head up, so he can look at her. His intense stare bores into her soul, and she can’t look away. In this moment, they’re both stripped out of all their rational thoughts, all their self control, and there’s no one else but them.
Drake fiercely runs a hand through Luna’s hair and opens his mouth to kiss her, with the force of someone who’s been dying to do it. Luna responds immediately, just as fiercely. She puts her hands on his waist and it’s like they’re slow dancing, as they move around the trees without ever parting away from each other’s lips. Luna eventually ends up with her back against a tree, and reluctantly, Drake pulls away.
They’re heavily breathing as they look at each other, like it’s the only way they have to communicate. They don’t need words, just one stare is enough.
He gently strokes her cheek, almost like he’s afraid he might break her. Or that he might wake up.
Luna closes the small distance between them and kisses him again, pushing her lips against his until she’s forced to pull away to regain her breath. Drake’s lips follow hers as he kisses her again, and again, and again. It’s intoxicating. Luna’s convinced she’s turning into an addict, and she’s addicted to moments like this.
She runs both her hands in his hair, slightly pulling at it, as she parts her lips once again and welcomes his tongue in her mouth, tangling it with hers in an endless cycle. They’re both panting, but with no intention of stopping.
Drake rests his hands on her waist and pulls her closer to him, his forehead against hers, as he stares down at her bitten red lips.
“See what you make me do?”, Luna can tell by his tone that he’s teasing, and she lets out a small laugh as she tries to take her breathing back to a normal rate.
“Me?”, her lips curve into a knowing, teasing smile. Drake shakes his head like he’s completely given up.
“You’ll be the death of me one day, Stark.”
Luna’s smile grows bigger, teeth and all. She kisses him one last time, trying to memorize the way he tastes, seeing as she has no idea when she’ll be able to touch his lips again.
“You know, I…” “Shh,” Luna puts a finger to his mouth to shut him up. She shakes her head.
“Don’t say it. But… me too.”
They’re heading back to the palace, walking in silence but very slowly. Their knuckles occasionally brush against each other, and Luna looks at him by the corner of her eye with a small smile on her face, only to find he’s already looking at her. She blushes, and looks away, biting her lips.
It’s when they finally arrive in front of her bedroom door that she realizes she doesn’t want to say goodbye. He’s standing behind, waiting for her to enter the room, but it’s like her hands are frozen and she can’t move them.
She doesn’t want to say goodbye.
“I don’t want to say goodbye.” “Stark…” Luna turns around and looks at him.
“You should stay here tonight.”
Drake sighs and looks away, running a hand through his hair. “You know I can’t.” “Says who?”, Luna is being unreasonable, and she knows it. But she’s not ready to let him go just yet.
Drake doesn’t say anything, just grabs her by the waist and pulls her close, impossibly close, to him and kisses her once again. Luna’s eyes remain open for a moment, and she notices Drake’s brows furrowing as the kiss deepens, almost like an indication of the desperation he’s putting in it. It’s only then that she closes her eyes and lets go for the remaining seconds they have left, as she gently puts a hand on his face and strokes his cheek with her thumb. Drake pulls away abruptly, and Luna’s eyes go wide, as she gasps.
She looks at him as he slowly steps back, watches him wipe his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt and Luna’s not sure, but it almost looks like he’s shaking his head.
Eventually, his silhouette fades into the darkness of the long, enormous hallway, and she sighs to herself as she goes back to her room.
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readallaboutdream · 7 years
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🔥 Jealous Kenji Katsaros would include🔥
▫ he would invite you to The Grand for a few drinks, while he works the crowd
▪ and you look so stunning, standing at the bar with a drink in hand and this little smirk on your lips
▫ he probs wants to rip your clothes off of you that very moment
▪ and its frustrating him that he can’t
▫ it’s not really a surprise for him when people start looking your way
▪ and when they start to talk to you, everything is alright
▫ he’ll probably lose you in the crowd for a few hours
▫ and when he finally spots you again, you’re talking to someone
▪ and said someone is leaning a bit too close for his liking
▫ but he’s okay with that, it’s all fun and you look too beautiful in that angle
▪ he’s not the type to get jealous easy, either
▫ (I mean??? you’re gorgeous and he understands that people are attracted to you easily)
▪ as long as its harmless
▫ but when said someone can get your eyes to crinkle and your cheeks to blush, oh boy
▪ kenji would try to be subtle about it at first
▫ trying to get your attention again while walking towards you
▪ (let’s be honest, he loves it when you look at him, as if he’s the only person in a room)
▫ which is a bit hard, considering that you’re in a club
▪ (he’s a bit hot headed, too)
▫ which is not so good in that situation
▪ but he soon notices that you’re not even glancing his way!!
▫ how dare you!
▪ he would try to hide his irritation when he’s standing next to you
▫ “Hey, I thought you already left.”
▪ (he didn’t, but he did wish that and does anyone have to know? Nope, i don’t think so)
▫ you would slowly turn to him, while still laughing about something that nobody said
▪ raised eyebrow kenji™
▫ “Oh, no! I waited for you. Meet my new friend.”
▪ the next 10 minutes would be torture for him, tbh
▪ he’s so fed up, it’s kinda funny to watch
▫ (he knows that it’s nothing serious, but damn can you blame him?)
▫ and he loves to drive people away with some good old PDA
▪ he would lay his hand on your thigh, softly drawing little circles with his thumb
▪ you’ll probably lose focus and won’t listen to that person anymore
▫ it’s just too damn distracting when Kenji Katsaros has his hand on your bare skin and that permanent smirk on his perfect lips
▪ he’d begin to slowly kiss your neck and collarbones, softly biting your skin to drive you crazy
▫ “Do you like that? Want more?”
▪ his voice being all low and husky with a certain edge to it
▫ roughly squeezing your thigh when you’re not answering
▪ “Y-yes, god, yes.. Don’t stop, Kenji” - “Are you sure? Because I think someone wants your attention.”
▫ just imagine his lips grazing over your earshell
▪ it won’t take too long until you can’t stand it anymore
▫ grabbing his hand and making your way to the exit
▪ “Why the hurry, darling? We have all night.” - “You know damn well that I can’t wait that long, and now move!”
▫ once in the car, everything’s becoming hot and heavy real fast
▪ (you almost rip his shirt off him)
▫ your clothes are soon discarded somewhere in the car
▪ and you’re tightly pressed against him
▫ his hands are all over you
▪ feeling every little inch of you
▫ “You look so beautiful, on top of me, darling. All sweaty and needy.”
▪ marking you in his own way
▪ making you fucking whimper and beg for it, because he loves to see your face all flushed and your eyes unfocused
▫ (and a little payback is necessary, ofc)
▪ you won’t leave the car for the next hour or so
▫ (it’s a bit uncomfortable but you don’t care)
▪ “Kenji, please… Touch me.”
▫ and who is he to deny you literally anything, right?
▫ lets be real, kenji would have never thought that a bit jealousy would get him this far
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readallaboutdream · 7 years
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So, @kenjkats was another winner of my giveaway! (Which was so long ago oh gosh…I’m really slow at drawing) . And the request was a drawing of our favorite bronze kneecap reject Kenji (who would’ve guessed?)
I really struggled with this one, since I’ve never drawn a guy before, especially not in this realistic-ish style 😅 And to top it off, Kenjis face looks different from the front in each cut scene so I wasn’t even sure how to draw him 😅
I hope you enjoy the drawing none the less! (And that I got his ketchup and mustard color scheme correct hehe)
Have a lovely day! 💗
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readallaboutdream · 7 years
Jake:Nice hands, Mc.
Mc:Uh.., thank you.
Jake: I bet they’d look even better wrapped around my-
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readallaboutdream · 7 years
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✈ Dating Jake McKenzie would include ✈
▪ he’s such a tease
▫ he loves when you play with his long hair
▪ (and when you tug on it, duh)
▫ he loves to leave marks behind
▪ (especially between your legs)
▪ his lips are a bit dry but gosh, can that boy kiss
▪ (and everybody is so fed up already, but do you two care?? Nope, i don’t think so)
▫ S P A R R I N G
▪ he loves to pin you against the wall
▫ (which leads to you wrapping your legs around him)
▪ let’s just say, he fucks you senseless
▫ but you always, always have a comeback
▪ “I’m impressed, princess”
▫ he rarely uses your real name except when he’s serious about something
▪ slowly opening up to you (about Mike & the Navy)
▪ wearing his green jacket
▫ (teasing him about his Dad Jeans™)
▪ he loves to leave love bites behind
▫ E V E R Y- fucking -W H E R E
▪ on your breasts, shoulder, thighs COLLARBONES
▫ “I won’t bite unless you’re into that.”
▪ he’ll probably leave bite marks behind
▫ (fact: he loves to be rough during sex, damn)
▪ MaSsAgEs
▪ power couple™
▫ “I’d follow you anywhere”
▫ you comfort eachother when something bad happens
▪ P R O T E C T I V E N E S S
▫ (from both sides, tho)
▪ he’ll eventually give you his dog tags because he’s not the best with words when it comes to feelings
▫ [I could go on and on, but you get the picture]
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readallaboutdream · 7 years
The Only One - Jake x MC (PG)
@xo-endlessmayhem-xo sent me a request for a Distracting Kiss story for Jake and MC while they were on Sharktooth Isle. 
I’m not sure this is exactly what you were looking for, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! Just so you know, it is a bit AU from the scenes in the book. 
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The flat side of Yvonne’s sword smacks against Jake’s backside, the sound echoing around the jungle. The pirate shoots him a lascivious look as Jake turns to her with a cocky half-smile on his lips.  
“Hey, now. Easy on the merchandise,” he drawls, laughing as he steps through the door.
Lanie’s stomach rolls at the way Yvonne’s eyes sparkle with interest as she watches him…her boyfriend? Is that what he is? They’re together, but they hadn’t exactly had a chance to discuss labels. This thing with her and Jake is so new. Lanie hates the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She’s just is a broke college student who up until a couple weeks ago (or was it months ago?) had never even left the States.
Yvonne is gorgeous and confident with air of danger that somehow just makes her more sexy.
Frustrated by her own jealous thoughts, Lanie’s features darken into a deep scowl. She doesn’t want to feel this way. She hates this. As Yvonne turns back to her, Lanie catches the pirate woman’s eye.
“Oh, I see,” Yvonne says in her lilting accent. She cocks a knowing eyebrow as Lanie struggles to school her features into cool disinterest.
Tutting softly, Yvonne shakes her head at Lanie, “I’m afraid jealousy does not become you, cherie.”
She has the audacity to wink at her and Lanie grits her teeth. She’s about to bite out a reply when Jake pops his head back out of the doorway. His eyes flick between her and Yvonne and Lanie doesn’t know if he notices the tension in the air, but he doesn’t say anything about it.
“What the hell is takin’ ya’ll so long? Get in here!”
Grabbing Lanie’s hand, Jake pulls her into the pitch black room. She stumbles slightly in the darkness and Jake’s hand comes to rest on the small of her back. He leans close, his breath warm against her ear as he whispers to her.
“You all right, Princess?”
“Yeah, of course,” she pulls away from him slightly. She’s still unsettled by Yvonne’s blatent interest in Jake and her own possessive response. She never thought of herself as the kind of person who would react like that. For a moment, she’d wanted to claw at Yvonne or grab Jake and kiss him full on the mouth so Yvonne would know who he belongs to. He doesn’t belong to me, she chides herself. We’re dating. He’s not my possession.
Behind them, the others shuffle in to the room. The darkness lifts as Yvonne lights a candelabra. As Yvonne explains what exactly this place is, Lanie drifts away from the group, trying to get a hold of herself. She wanders over to a huge tapestry that hangs from the ceiling. The faded threads are woven into a scene of chaos. Mount Atropo dominates the scene belching black smoke and fire over the green jungles of La Huerta. Something about the image mesmerizes her. She feels like she could fall into it, like it’s a window into another world or another time. She reaches out to touch the image, fingers just brushing the frayed edges when Jake’s voice makes her jump back.
“Is there anything on this island that isn’t bat-shit crazy and filled with doomsday predications?” He gazes up the tapestry, eyes roaming over the scene. “I can’t wait to get off this rock. Think we can convince the pirate queen to give us a lift?”  
His eyes swing back to Lanie and she can’t quite hide her cringe at the mention of Yvonne. She turns away from the tapestry and Jake, walking over to what appears to be a large window that’s been boarded up with heavy wooden planks.  
“What’s up, Princess?” Jake asks. He sidles up beside her, slipping his arm around her waist. The stubble of his 5 o’clock shadow grazes her cheek as he leans in close to her.
“Nothing,” Lanie says shortly. She starts to pull away again, but Jake gently tightens his hand on her hip.
“Lanie,” he murmurs her name in a low voice and she shivers involuntarily. “you know you don’t have anything to worry about, right?” Jake brushes his lips featherlight on the skin just below her ear.
“Worry about what?” she feigns ignorance. She pushes a way from him and peaks through the slats of the boards at the overgrown garden outside.
“Jacqueline Sparrow over there,” Jake says and Lanie can’t help but laugh a little at the nickname. He moves to stand behind her, his hands spread across her ribs, thumbs rubbing softly against the outside edge of her breasts. Lanie shivers at his touch despite herself. “You don’t have to worry about her, darlin’.”
“I’m not. Why would I worry about her?” Lanie feels irked that he thinks, not incorrectly, that she’s bothered by Yvonne’s interest in him.
“She’s a flirt, Lanie. It don’t mean a thing.”
Lanie ignores him and reaches out to tug at one of the boards, trying to pull it off. Jake reaches up and grasps her wrist. Pulling her toward him, he lays a line of kisses down her arm starting at the bare skin of her shoulder. He turns her arm over and kisses the inside of her elbow and along her forearm to her wrist. His lips linger on the inside of her wrist and Lanie sucks in a sharp breath.
She lifts her eyes to Jake’s face. His blue eyes meet hers with a knowing look.
“I hate that I got jealous,” she grumbles. Jake chuckles and wraps his arms around tightly her, pulling her against him. She lets her head fall against his shoulder, burying her face in his neck and breathing in his scent. Jake ducks his head and kisses her cheek sweetly and Lanie can’t help but blush at the tender contact.
“I gotta tell ya, Princess. It was kinda hot,” Jake and Lanie can feel him grinning against her skin. She rolls her eye as she tilts her head back to look at him.
“It was dumb,” she corrects. “It’s just this thing with us is so new and she’s just so…”
“She’s nothing,” Jake says. His eyes flash fiercely. “She’s nothing to me.”
He cups her cheeks and leans over to kiss Lanie passionately. She immediately grasps at him, pulling him even more tightly against her. Jake’s calloused hands roam up her back, slipping under her t-shirt, leaving a trail of heat on her skin and Lanie moans, kissing him back with everything she has. In moments like this, it feels like no one else exists let alone poses a threat to whatever it is she and Jake have together.  
Pulling back, Jake’s eyes are intense as he stares at her. He pants slightly, voice hoarse, as he speaks again, “You’re the one I want, Princess. You and only you. You got it? I haven’t felt the way I feel about you about anyone else in my life. You’re it for me, okay?”
Lanie nods. Her heart warmed by his sudden declaration and the way he’s looking at her. No one has ever looked at her the way he does. Suddenly, Jake breaks out in that cocky grin that still makes her stomach flip-flop and makes her feel flushed and excited.
“I mean, if you want to mark me as yours or sneak off to stake your claim,” he waggles his eyebrows at her, “I’m certainly not complainin’, darlin’.”
Lanie laughs and glances at the others. Raj, Michelle, and Diego are going back outside as Yvonne leans down to look at a skeleton on the floor.
“As much as I’d love run off and have my way with you, Top Gun,” Lanie pauses to enjoy the way Jake’s pupils darken, “I think we have other things to do right now.”
“Yeah, I suppose we do,” Jake sighs. Lanie starts to step away, but Jake pulls her back and giving her a quick, hard kiss that leaves her breathless and dazed. 
“First chance, we get though, Princess,” Jake growls low against her lips, “I’m gonna prove just how much I want you and only you.” Then he gives her that damned smirk that she loves so much and saunters off. Lanie shakes her head to clear the fog of his kiss and grins, thinking to herself, I can’t wait, Top Gun. 
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readallaboutdream · 7 years
Mr. Intentional - Chapter 1 (Jake × MC)
Hello fandom. I haven't posted any writing in a while since I've been preoccupied, but I am back. I hope you enjoy this short story. Chapter 2 will be out soon.
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I look out the window of my appartment in New York. It's been a year now since we got off La Huerta, a year of trying to forgot all the shit that happened while there. All the near death situations and hopelessness. I haven't spoken to anyone since the day we got back, I didn't want to know anyone from there. I wanted..needed to forget.
I jump at the sound of the door buzzer. I place a cup of coffee on my chaotic desk and rush over to the intercom.
"Hello, is this MC?"
"Yeah, who is this?"
"My name is Special Agent Charlie Smith. I work with the FBI. I was hoping I could talk you to about a case I'm working"
"Sure, sure, that's fine."
I buzz him up and wait until I hear a knock at the door.
"Yes, yes. Come in, take a seat."
I look at the agent, watching him look around your messy appartment. It looks like a cyclone went through it, clothes hang from furniture, dirty dishes are piled up, bed sheets half on the floor. I haven't exactly been into cleaning lately.
"You live alone?"
He takes a seat on the couch, while I sit on my study desk chair.
"Yes, it's just me."
"How long have you lived here?"
"About a year now?"
I look down at his notebook, messy notes on the covering current page.
"So you said you wanted to ask me questions regarding a case you're working on?"
"That's correct. When was the last time you spoke to Jake McKenzie?"
That name...that man.
"For about a year now, why? Was happeed to him?"
My heart is pounding in my chest, I'm trying to hide my heavy breathing. Why is this man asking about Jake? What happened to Jake?
"We believe he's come back into the country and are trying to figure out why he may have returned and where he is. As you're probably more than aware of, there is an outstanding arrest for him from his time in the military."
"I know, I'm aware. But why come to me?"
"We've already talked to the other people you were stranded on La Huerta with. They mentioned how you and Mr. McKenzie were in a romantic relationship of sorts. Is that correct?"
I look down at my shaking hands, I stuff them in my jumpers pocket. Why is Jake back in the country after all this time?
"When did he get here?"
"We picked up on his entry into the US a week ago, although we believe he's been here for close to six months now."
My mind is racing. I can't stop thinking. All I can concentrate on is the fact that Jake has been in the country for nearly six months.
"Miss I have to ask, did you know he was in the country? Have you had any contact with him?"
"No, no. I had no idea. I doubt he would even contact me. Our relationship was a distraction on the island...for both of us. It was never serious."
The agent looks at me thoughtfully, I look him in the eyes.
"Well, thank you for your time. I won't keep you any further. But if he does try to make contact with you please don't hesitate to call."
He hands me a card with his name and phone number. After he walks out the door I close it and return to sitting down at my desk.
He's back. After all this time, Jake's back.
I turn and face my desk properly. I open up the top left draw to reveal an unopened envelope . On it reads:
"I guess that explains this..."
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readallaboutdream · 7 years
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*breathes heavily for Wonder Woman*
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readallaboutdream · 7 years
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readallaboutdream · 7 years
GO 👏 THE 👏 FUCK 👏 OFF. Also, the American educational system is trash. I applaud this child’s parents for giving her a voice and standing up against bias authority.
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readallaboutdream · 7 years
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This blog is Dedicated to anyone suffering from Anxiety! Please Follow Us if You Can Relate: ANXIETYPROBLEMS
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readallaboutdream · 7 years
I don’t understand why there’s so much pressure put on abuse survivors to forgive the family members who put them through it, like ??? Stop it, you can’t guilt trip people into going back/forgiving/talking to people who harmed them just because they’re “family”. They don’t have to rebuild the relationship either. If family meant anything to the abuser they wouldn’t have done what they did. Don’t flip it on the victim. Ever.
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readallaboutdream · 7 years
Early Dawn
Summary: (Diavolos x Kenna) Diavolos is not a man meant for Kenna, now if only her heart would listen.
Warnings: Past Dom x Kenna. kinda NSFW??? it has mild descriptions normally I wouldn’t rate it as such, but PB fanfic seems to be less risque than my typical fare. >.>;;
A/N: I miss writing like this. I wrote it all in one go, very short too! The latest chapter was so inspiring(and hot!). I honestly never would have thought I’d write for The Crown and the Flame of all PB books, but Diavolos man, out of nowhere. Go figure. Also kinda fits the prompt for choices creates so imma go ahead and submit. My tags at the end have more mindset. @hollyashton @texanhusker
Keep reading
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readallaboutdream · 7 years
Text Dirty to Me - NSFW
After finding out about Mark’s dirty talk fantasies in Las Vegas, MC finds new ways to torture him and turn him on. 
Book: Love Hacks
Pairing: Mark x MC
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readallaboutdream · 7 years
Study Buddies (James x MC - NSFW)
Summary: A study session turns steamy as you and James decide to drop the books and do your own kind of studying instead.
Author’s note: This is in response to a range of requests for James x MC NSFW fanfic - from teasing (also by request) to full-on steaminess. You can stop at any point you like, depending on what you requested for. 😉 On another note: I wonder why the James x MC requests I get are all NSFW. We sure want to see our bookish guy let loose more, huh? 😋 (Rating: MA/NSFW)
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Study Buddies
James moaned into her mouth, parting her lips with his tongue. She was pressed against the shelves, his body anchoring her as she grasped blindly for something to hold on to. Her whispered moans invited his hands to slide under her skirt and graze the edge of drenched lace.
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readallaboutdream · 7 years
After the last few chapters of TRR, I’m very suspicious of Tariq. I have the feeling he’s trying to sabotage the Prince’s engagement along with his reputation. He knew MC was the favourite pick of the suitors, and was acting all charming and complimentary to suduce her. This way he could create a scandal that would surely stir-up all sorts of drama. Since he started behaving as if he was a “friend” I’ve been wary of him, even more so now after his attempt at getting in MC pants. From now on I will be keeping my eye on him.
Who do you think is the traitor in the royal romance???
Madeleine. I’m not sure. 😄 Maybe she’ll do anything to make sure she gets the crown THIS time…
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readallaboutdream · 7 years
Those Who Have Built and Broken Us Part One (JakexMC)
Author’s Note: This is part one of my entry for #ChoicesCreates Week 18. Thank you to the super talented @kittenmusicals for hosting this week and the wonderful @hollyashton for everything she does here!
Characters: Jake, Marissa (MC)
Pairing: JakexMC
Word Count: 1360
Book: Endless Summer
Prompt: “We are made of all those who have built and broken us”
Summary: This is set 5 years after the gang is rescued from LaHuerta. Quinn has passed and everyone wants to meet with Jake and Marissa (MC) in Costa Rica. Jake struggles over his feelings for everyone. 
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“I don’t know if I can do this,” Jake mumbles to himself, rubbing his smooth face with his open palm as he views himself in the bathroom mirror.
He’s forgotten how strong his jawline is when it’s not disguised under three months worth of facial growth. He knows she prefers her favorite pilot to be clean shaven, hence the mound of dark brown chin hairs amassed at the bottom of the white porcelain sink. Gently he turns the ornate handle to the left, instant hot water quickly rinsing the basin free of the residue left from his shave. He amusingly watches the water slowly circle, creating a mini whirlpool before quickly disappearing down the drain.
It’s amazing how little things like a draining sink bring back instant memories of LaHuerta for him. This happens a lot since they were all rescued from their endless summer five years ago. Sometimes when he smells summer BBQs or tailgate cookouts the delicious aromas bring him back there, sitting poolside, watching Raj create mouth watering smells from his hibachi. His infectious smile and constant upbeat attitude makes that island mercifully more tolerable, more real. He is the one true person, the one genuine human being who never plays games about his feelings or intentions. You always know where Raj stands and Jake admires him mightily for that.
A mention of Hartfeld University in a passing newspaper’s headline or a blurb he skims on Yahoo brings back snapshots in his often liquored mind of Sean and Craig: Captain America and his faithful sidekick. His petty arguments and pissing contests with Sean are often pointless and counterproductive, but they amuse him immensely. He misses the macho, testosterone laden banter and camaraderie he always enjoyed when he was in the military. He misses friendship and male bonding. He misses the feelings of being a part of something. He’ll never admit that to Sean, though. Or Craig. Craig is just a horse for the group anyways. If something needs to be tackled, smashed, then cursed at, Craig is the man. That always brings a smile to Jake’s tough face.
When he’s forced to watch one of those annoying makeup beauty ads or computer spots before opening an app, the commercials often bring thoughts of Michelle and Zahra. Maybelline always reminds him of a made up movie star. She creates a mask out of her stunning beauty, hiding behind a role, disguising an insecure, lonely girl who longs to be accepted and loved. She masters the art of deflection and defense mechanisms. She doesn’t fool Jake, though. He sees the real Michelle and he wishes he could tell her she’s good enough. That’s not him, though. He will never tell her that.
Zahra always amazes the flyboy with her quick wit and technical mind. Watching her hack systems and bypass circuits and software is like admiring a maestro gracefully stroke the ivory keys of a grand piano, producing a masterpiece that’s pleasing to the senses. He always enjoys his late night drunken conversations with her, each bitching about life and love, sin and good intentions. They never tell anyone about these moments; not even Marissa. This is their secret. He always finds her feisty attitude and warped views attractive. In another time he might entertain the thought of pursuing her more. But he’s already fallen in love with Marissa, and she’s all he wants. Zahra has Craig, and that’s all she wants. Yet Jake occasionally wonders what if, a faint smile usually on his face as he files  thoughts like these away for the next deja vu moment.
Jake can’t help but think of Grace every time he reads a story about Roarke Industries, mainly because of her relationship with Aleister. He didn’t get to know Grace that well during their time on LaHuerta, but he always remembers her smile and the glow in her deep, intense eyes. Especially when Aleister is around her. He respects the fact she tolerates, somehow manages feelings of love, for his spoiled rich ass. To him Grace and Aleister are one in the same. He still misses her all the same.
Jake looks back up, catching his reflection in the mirror. His deep ocean blue eyes have dulled some with age. The small wrinkles gradually forming around the corner of his mouth are small reminders of father time as well. He still considers himself attractive, a catch to the ladies. “This is as good as it gets,” he whispers to his reflection. “But Marissa still adores me,” he adds, a loving beam in his eyes
He adjusts his dogtags around his neck, the metal clanking against his bare chest. The biggest reminder of the strangest and altering time of his life shares this small bungalow with him. They both live discreetly but quietly and comfortably in a nondescript village in southern Costa Rica. Five years later he’s still shocked that she followed him here.  He tries to talk her out of this decision. He tries to remind her she has college, a future ahead of her, a job and kids and a house with a white picket fence. She has all the goals and dreams of a smart, beautiful, brave young woman, goals and dreams that every other person wants to achieve. A life that Jake can never provide, not as a wanted man. “I’m not like other people,” is her response, but Jake already knows this.
Marissa is the first woman to steal his breath, making it difficult to concentrate when he kisses her neck, the smell of strawberries from her silky soft hair overloading his senses, or when she mischievously bites his bottom lip  before releasing a kiss. She’s the first woman to send his stomach in frenzied flip flops when he watches her sleep, barely keeping the urge to caress her dark olive skin or stroke her long chestnut brown hair to himself. She’s the first woman he truly respects and admires. Her loyalty and ferocious, almost obsessive need to help those she loves is so enduring to him.
Somehow she continues to keep in contact with everyone from the island. He’s probably better off not knowing how. Jake really appreciates Marissa communicating with the gang for him. None of them have any idea how much they mean to him. They have no clue how much they helped heal him, how much all of them helped him love and trust again. Especially Marissa. He admires and feels bad for her about Diego. For some reason he stopped all contact with everyone after their rescue. She never complains or speaks poorly of her best friend, even though Jake can tell the absence of her childhood confidant is tearing her up inside, but she never speaks poorly of him. She never gives up in Diego. She never gives up on anyone.
After one last look in the mirror, Jake washes his rough and calloused hands and drives then quickly on the green and yellow hand towel dangling off the metal bar next to the sink. He runs his hands through his shoulder length brown hair, his mind heavy with thought and emotions. When Marissa tells him of Quinn’s passing  a massive lump immediately forms in his throat. His eyes begin to sting as he tries desperately to keep tears from rolling down his cheeks. The smell of chocolate chip cookies usually reminded him of Quinn. She loves to bake and Jake believes it was therapeutic for her. She always saves the first cookie for him, as if that particular cookie is the best of the batch. He doesn’t know why she does this, but it always makes him feel warm, wanted, and thought of. He misses her fiery red hair and childish, innocent smile.  
Marissa is the first woman to make Jake cry. The news of someone’s death, especially someone he cares about like Quinn, is hard for him to process. When Marissa shares with him that everyone he risked his life for on an unknown enchanted island, wants to return the favor and cone see him here for a memorial and a reunion, the pilot breaks down in his girlfriend’s arms.
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