razewindxagency · 2 years
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“Why yes, all 239 of my pigeons have names!”
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razewindxagency · 2 years
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Luka is just going to GLARE at the pile of paperwork on his desk, as if that would somehow make it write itself.
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“Making ugly face at the paperwork will not make it be done faster!”
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razewindxagency · 2 years
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“…Hey,” a lazy wave and a peace sign for the staring bird chick.
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“Bonjur monsieur Bird man.” Nemo greets back, while Pudge let out a hiss like coo that was bird language for something not very nice towards the hero.
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razewindxagency · 2 years
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Stares at actual bird man while covered in pigeons.
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razewindxagency · 3 years
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He listened quietly as she got comfortable with the feeling of his name in her mouth, feeling a little unwell for it. He couldn’t even feel properly impressed that she’d deciphered the meaning in his name. As if her struggle with the phonetics was something he could control in any way. It was stupid and irrational, and he recognized that at least. No less, Tamaki sank in his seat.
Thankfully, she seemed perfectly at ease carrying on the conversation. He couldn’t believe how confidently she spoke, even as she made mistakes, it didn’t seem to deter her in the slightest. 
As she became more animated talking about pigeons he looked up at her, somewhat stunned. Pigeons. There was a theme here. He was quiet for a moment, contemplative more so than shy…
“You seem to really like pigeons,” at that his gaze returned to the big bird that had accompanied her to this table.
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The comment he uttered about her apparent love for pigeons only seemed to brighten her mood in some way, Nemoria nodding her head rapidly in agreement as her hands begin to fidget and gesture towards Pudge. 
“Yes, yes. I very much like them, especially since my quirk revolves around them. I can talk to them, have them talk back to me and I understand their conversations, and oh my the stories they have to tell can be much funny sometimes. Oh and sometimes I can see through their eyes and be them if I concentrate hard enough, but I am not to be doing that often!” She rambles, hands making animated motions as she point to Pudge and then herself as she explains the basis of her quirk.
Pudge for his part feels eyes on him, and he pauses his meal time as he matches his gaze with that of this new student, tilting his head towards him and seeming to ‘squint’ at him. Almost as if to say ‘Got a problem, punk?’
Nemoria finally drops down into her seat properly, jabbing a finger against Pudge’s back to break his unyielding stare down. “Be nice, I have said. No one is going to like you if you are so rude. And you stole my eggroll. Rude bird, naughty naughty you are.”
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razewindxagency · 3 years
He watched her and the bird. Not suspiciously, but tentatively. 
Even though he had apparently gotten over the initial burst of social anxiety, he was still obviously shy, neglecting his lunch, gaze bouncing around nervously…
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He felt an irrational wave of self consciousness as she explained her background. Tamaki couldn’t help but compare himself to her as apparently she was his peer. This girl had moved all the way across the world to serve her agency, no doubt facing a lot of adversity across the move, and what was he doing with himself? He could barely muster up the courage to place an order for food at a restaurant, and he even struggled with that. 
“Tamakai Amajiki,” he mumbled in a tone that could only be described as tormented, his eyes were fully averted at this point, staring down at his shoes under the table. “…It must have been hard to move all this way…”
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“Tamakai...Amajiki. Ama-Ji. Jiki. Tamaki. Kanji is ‘ring’. Okay, yes, a very wonderful name.” Nemoria chimes, testing out her fellow student’s name and trying to correctly pronounce it. Her Japanese still wasn’t exactly the best or most coherent, and sometimes her native tongue and a bit of Swedish still crept into her speech patterns, but she was learning more and more!
Nemoria tilts her head at she observes the way Tamaki doesn’t exactly make eye contact with her, but understandably doesn’t make a comment of it. Not everyone was a social butterfly or talker, and she didn’t want to make him overly uncomfortable so she kept the conversation light.
“It was much hard, I admit.” She agrees, nodding although her smile only serves to widen. “But it has also been much fun and be giving me more opportunities to learn and grow. Although not good, I am learning more and more Japanese by the day and learning about the culture. There is many things to be learning, and new skills to develop. Plus, more pigeon friends to make for myself! Did you know that you have a species of pigeon native to Asian countries? The Japanese wood pigeon in fact!”
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razewindxagency · 3 years
When Valkyrie walks into the agency that day, she might notice a solitary teal marble sitting on the most forefront desk within the building. After a moment the marble dissolves to form a clearly homemade birthday cake, complete with lit candles and an icing pigeon crudely sketched onto the top layer. Across the street, Atsuhiro was crouched in an alley, watching her walk inside, waiting to snap his fingers at just the right moment.
Birthday asks | @myloyalty
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Nemoria for her part had just arrived back at the agency after celebrating her birthday with her friends and co-workers, Estelle having taken her out on a shopping trip which she was returning from to drop off the numerous bags. Luka had given her the day off from any and all duties with pay, allowing her to enjoy the day to herself and her friend, and simply had to sign herself out for the night to receive credit.
From there, several of her pigeons that often lazed about the lounge room informed her of a certain someone having helped himself inside and a surprise waiting on the front desk, and lo and behold before her eyes a seemingly normal marble transforms to reveal a birthday cake, with a cute pigeon made of icing on top!
Her already wide grin splits her face further as she dips her finger into the frosting and brings it to her mouth for a quick taste, enjoyment blossoming across her features. "What a wonderful trick and cake for my birthday." She muses aloud, wondering when she and that particular villain would cross paths for her to thank him properly.
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razewindxagency · 3 years
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“It is my birthday today!!! Very joyous today to made it alive at this point.”
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razewindxagency · 3 years
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While the rest of her agency lose their collective minds over her own upcoming birthday, Nemo has taken it upon herself to craft a small gift basket of stuff for her favorite villain, including:
A small box of fresh and decent quality sushi
A mask with a beak design inked into it
A book on the history and lore of magic
One free ticket of having Nemoria and her birds looking the other way when they cross paths while she’s on active duty
And just a bag of random but cool (in her opinion) gem stone colored marbles.
And then proceeds to have a small flock of villains deliver it. Have a happy birthday Mr. Magic Villain!~
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razewindxagency · 3 years
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“Okay...All hope is not lost. I just need to send Pidge out on some bogus missions and patrols to keep her out of the agency. Then I can get Estelle and Yuuto to do some decorating while I shop for her.”
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“I seriously cannot believe you forgot your own sister intern’s birthday. She would be so crushed.”
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“I can try my hand at baking a cake, sir! Or at least taking care of the pigeons while she is out! Wait, what if her pigeons tell her about this?!”
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razewindxagency · 3 years
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“Shit...I forgot Nemo’s birthday is in a few days!”
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razewindxagency · 3 years
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He wasn’t hearing anything because, Pidge? First of all, that was adorable! Why was he just hearing that nickname for the first time. 
“I’m doing nothing of the sort,” he managed to catch on anyway, waving a hand at the hero dismissively. “I’m merely giving her the freedom to see the world from multiple perspectives. I don’t blame you for not understanding. You hero types aren’t very good at understanding the concept.”
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Blue eyes narrow ever so slightly as Luka frowns, not liking how this villain seemed to know his intern on a familiar basis. “I assure you Pidge has plenty of insight on different perspectives. And it’s not that I don’t understand the concept in particular, it’s that I am well aware of the risks and dangers associated with becoming a villain especially for all the wrong reasons. But I know her well enough that she would never tread that path....At best she would probably become a vigilante.”
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razewindxagency · 3 years
Having that one late night conversation with a certain well known villain and having come across several cases where the truly guilty were capable of avoiding by throwing enough money or something else one way and weaseling their way out of it, to seeing people being forced out of overpricing homes because of the growing evolution of quirks, to seeing blatant discrimination causing the loss of jobs, homes, and  even schools.
It has led Nemoria to contemplate things heavily as Pudge is perched in her hands, her thumbs rubbing circles into his feathered chest. 
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“Maybe I can be a hero who doesn’t have to abide by laws that pick and decide who can be found guilty and not. Maybe there is another path I be taking.”
Is this the making of a vigilante?
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razewindxagency · 3 years
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“Come now, there’s certainly no need for hostility! After all, I’m merely suggesting there is more to life than heroism. It’s important for our youth’s education to be well rounded, wouldn’t you agree with that?”
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“I would agree with that if you weren’t trying to lead Pidge down the path of villainy. There’s nothing to learn from that wayward path anyway, aside from constant prosecution. Besides, she’s too god for that anyway.”
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razewindxagency · 3 years
@myloyalty​ for that comment
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“Stop trying to lead the youth down a wayward path thot Villain.”
“Or else all 452 pigeons will be your problem”
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razewindxagency · 3 years
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“So to finalize my license here in Japan it is to be recommended to complete at bare minimum three months training at another established agency here in Japan...But who would choose?”
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razewindxagency · 3 years
Apparently he’d offended the bird, and Tamaki doubled back. Except in this case it was less a result of his social anxiety and more so a direct consequence of how angry the bird seemed to be with him. Tentatively he peered back at the other student…
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“It’s okay,” he said still quiet, but a little less stalled. She’d spoken french, and he thought he could detect a strange accent in her speech, “..Are you an exchange student?”
Nemoria had sat herself down and pulled Pudge close to her face, whispering something in a hushed tone that seemed to calm the bird down. She tentatively released him, and the pigeon fluttered down to her tray and started pecking at her egg roll.
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The question posed as Nemoria’s attention returning to the student she and Pudge had disturbed, nodding vigorously as her brightened disposition returned. “Oui, something of that nature. Me and the entire agency I intern under has been relocated here to Japan from Paris, but I am to still attend a year or two of class to fully graduate and such. It has been quite...something of a ride.” A thought occurs to her soon afterwards. “Oh, my manners are much lacking. Excuse me. I am called Nemoria Rimesdale.” She juts out her hand across the table. “Pleased to be meeting you, fellow classmate!”
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