rayajhean13 · 2 months
Title: A Day of Passing the Torch: My Last Day of Working Immersion
April 18, 2024
Hey, Tumblr fam! Today marked a significant moment as I arrived bright and early at the office, greeted by its pristine cleanliness. After lending a hand with the cleaning, I eagerly awaited the arrival of the next student to join our team, following the departure of my classmates yesterday.
Once the work hours commenced, I wasted no time in sharing my knowledge with my two new classmates, guiding them through the process of scanning documents and using the Xerox machine. Drawing from my own experiences, I also provided insights into the workflow and tasks they could expect during their time here.
As the afternoon approached, I began to prepare for my own departure, gathering my belongings and expressing gratitude to the staff for their support and guidance throughout my journey. I’m truly thankful for the experiences and lessons I’ve gained during my time here, and I’ll carry them with me as I embark on the next chapter of my life.
Here’s to embracing new beginnings and cherishing the memories of the past.
Until we meet again,
[Raya Jhean]
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rayajhean13 · 2 months
Title: Wrapping Up: My 9th Day of Working Immersion
April 17, 2024
Hey, Tumblr fam! Today marked almost the end of our journey together. We kicked off the day by giving the office a thorough cleaning, leaving no nook or cranny untouched. There’s something oddly satisfying about starting the day with a spotless workspace, am I right?
As we dove into our tasks for the day, things were a bit more relaxed. We focused on printing documents and scanning, keeping things steady and manageable.
After a hearty lunch break, we returned to the office to recharge before jumping back into action. However, today brought a tinge of sadness as it was the last day for two of my classmates. Farewells are never easy, and I’ll definitely miss their presence around the office.
On the bright side, we received our allowances today, a nice little bonus to wrap up our time here. As the clock struck our departure time, we said our goodbyes and expressed gratitude to everyone for the experiences and lessons we’ve gained throughout this journey.
It’s been real, it’s been fun, and it’s been one heck of a learning experience. Here’s to the next chapter and the adventures that lie ahead.
Until we meet again,
[Raya Jhean]
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rayajhean13 · 2 months
Title: Embracing the Hustle: My 8th Day of Working Immersion
Hey, Tumblr crew! Today was a tad busier than usual as we tackled a plethora of tasks – scanning, printing documents, and xeroxing our hearts out.
We found ourselves faced with a mountain of papers needing to be scanned and copied. With determination fueling us, we poured all our efforts into getting through them, and guess what? We nailed it!
After a well-deserved break in the afternoon to recharge, we dove back into the grind. Time flew by, and before we knew it, the clock struck 5:01 p.m., signaling the end of another productive day.
Heading home straight from work, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Despite the hustle and bustle, there’s something deeply satisfying about conquering challenges and getting the job done.
Here’s to taking on whatever tomorrow throws our way!
Catch you later,
[Raya Jhean]
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rayajhean13 · 2 months
Title: A Day in the Life: My Seventh Day of Working Immersion
April 15, 2024
Hey, Tumblr fam! Today, I kicked off my morning bright and early, landing at the office just before 7:00 a.m. As per our routine, the team and I dove right into tidying up the workspace, making sure everything was spick and span. Once the dust settled, it was go-time.
Throughout the day, we tackled our usual tasks – scanning, photocopying, and organizing documents. But there was a little twist today. We had to copy some hefty contracts and get them in order. Even though my feet were aching from wearing sandals (note to self: comfy shoes next time!), every moment was worth it.
Every day brings something new to learn, and today was no exception. Despite the hustle and bustle, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the opportunity to grow professionally.
As the clock neared 5:00 p.m., we wrapped up our tasks, tidied our desks, and called it a day. Another day of challenges conquered, lessons learned, and memories made. Here’s to embracing the journey, one step at a time.
Until next time,
[Raya Jhean]
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rayajhean13 · 2 months
Tumblr media
"Embrace the beauty of diversity and let's stop Strand discrimination together! 💕✨ #EndStrandDiscrimination #CelebrateDiversity"
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rayajhean13 · 2 months
Most memorable recreational activities I done to myself😍😘
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rayajhean13 · 2 months
Title: My Sixth Day Of Working Immersion
(April 12, 2024)
Upon my arrival at Perfect Clean, the place was already spotless. We started our day by doing some additional cleaning. Next, we organized all of the company's documents in alphabetical order. A few minutes later, even though we weren't engaged in any physical tasks, we were kept busy answering calls from employees and responding to their questions.
As the afternoon rolled in, we helped one of the older staff members chop ingredients for Halang Halang, a traditional dish for our lunch. Once it was finally cooked, we all gathered to enjoy the meal. After lunch, we returned to our duties and took a short break.
By the end of the day, it was time for us to clock out and head home. Overall, it was a productive day at Perfect Clean. We juggled administrative tasks, assisted in meal preparation, and provided support to our colleagues. Despite the busy schedule, we found time to enjoy a shared meal and a moment of rest. This day served as a reminder of the importance of teamwork and the value of a shared meal in fostering a sense of community at work."
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rayajhean13 · 2 months
Title: My 5 Day Of Working Immersion
Woke up at 6:00 AM and arrived at Perfect Clean by 7:00 AM. I started my day by cleaning the office, which always gives me a sense of accomplishment and a fresh start. After that, we began our work hours as usual - scanning and printing documents, and organizing our workspace. That day, we were a bit busier than usual.
Fast forward to the afternoon, my colleagues and I were asked to buy bananacue, a popular Filipino snack made from bananas and brown sugar. It was a pleasant surprise and added a sweet touch to our day.
Overall, it was a productive day filled with routine tasks and unexpected joys
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rayajhean13 · 2 months
Title: My Fourth Day Of Working Immersion
(April 8, 2024)
"Hello Tumblr, it's me, Raya! Yesterday was quite a busy day for me. I arrived at work at 7:15 AM, a little later than usual because I overslept. When I arrived, I saw my classmate had already started cleaning, so I naturally joined in to help.
While we were cleaning, we chatted with the HR admin, Ma'am Edith. She's such a jolly and kind person. We've learned a lot from her experiences and her stories about life are truly enlightening. After our morning chat and cleanup, we formally started our day's tasks which involved printing and scanning documents.
Once we finished with that, we moved on to our next order of business, which was having a discussion with my classmate. As the afternoon rolled in, Ma'am Edith gave us a new task. We needed to memorize all the requirements because on Thursday, we would be checking the requirements of all the applicants.
Finally, we wrapped up our immersion hours and headed home. Despite the day being filled with tasks and responsibilities, it was another day of learning and growth."
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rayajhean13 · 2 months
Title: My Third Day of Immersion at Perfect Clean
April 5, 2024. I arrived at Perfect Clean at 6:00 in the morning, as usual. My classmate and I began our day by cleaning the premises. After cleaning, we started our working hours. It was a busy day; we had a lot of tasks to complete. We printed, scanned, and arranged all the documents of the applicants in alphabetical order. This continued until the afternoon.
However, at 3:00 PM, we started to prepare for the first Friday Mass of the month of April. After attending the Mass, the staff provided us with a snack. We finished our day and left at 5:02 PM.
Overall, it was a busy day, but we were blessed with the opportunity to learn new things and bond with other people."
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rayajhean13 · 2 months
Title: My Second Day of Immersion at Perfect Clean
On April 3, 2024, I was the only one on duty because my classmates were taking their scholarship exams that day. I arrived at 6:40 in the morning and started my day doing the same thing as before, which was cleaning.
Once the workday officially started, I was given a task to sort out all the documents according to their size. After I finished this task, I asked the staff if there was anything else I could help with.
Even though my day wasn't too busy, it gave me the chance to chat with the staff. They were really nice and even gave me a snack.
In summary, my second day at my work experience wasn't packed with tasks, but it was a good chance to get to know the people I was working with. I'm looking forward to what the next day will bring.
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rayajhean13 · 2 months
April 2, 2024
Title: My First Day at Work Experience: A Day of New Things and Learning
My first day at work experience was full of new things and chances to learn. I got there very early, at 6:00 in the morning, because I was confused about when I needed to be there. Even though I was a bit mixed up at first, I soon got to where I needed to be and was ready to start this new adventure.
When I got to where I was supposed to be, I met a woman named Ma'am Agnes. At first, I was too shy to talk to her. But then I gathered up my courage and not only did I talk to her, but I also offered to help out. The first job I did was cleaning. It was a simple job, but it helped me to get used to the place and feel more at ease.
As the day went on, I got to do lots of different jobs and use some big machines. One of the most interesting was a big printing machine. The people who work there were nice enough to show us how to use it, which was something I was happy to learn. They also showed us how to scan papers, which is another handy thing to know how to do.
All in all, my first day at work experience was a good one. I learned new things, met new people, and started to get the hang of what it's like to work in a real job. I can't wait to learn more and keep getting better at this work experience.
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rayajhean13 · 2 months
Title: Embracing Tomorrow's Working Immersion: A Personal Perspective
Hello, Tumblr world! It's me, Rayajhean Traya, your friendly neighborhood blogger from the beautiful Philippines. Tomorrow is a big day for me, a day I've been both excited and nervous about. I'm about to embark on a new journey - my working immersion. It's a whole new world out there, a different environment from what I'm accustomed to. But you know what? I'm ready to take it head-on.
I'm feeling a mix of emotions right now, a cocktail of anticipation, anxiety, and exhilaration. There's a tiny knot in my stomach, a sign of the nervous. I've been assigned to Perfect Clean, a company renowned for its impeccable standards and quality service. Although I'm a bit nervous, I'm also incredibly excited to learn and grow in this new environment.
I'm looking forward to getting hands-on experience and learning the ins and outs of the cleaning industry. I'm eager to understand the techniques, the tools, and the methods that make Perfect Clean live up to its name. It's a golden opportunity for me to learn from the best in the business.
I'm also excited about meeting new people, my future colleagues. I'm sure they will have a wealth of knowledge to share and I can't wait to soak it all in. I'm also thrilled about the idea of contributing to the team and making a difference in my own small way.
However, I'm also aware that it won't be all sunshine and rainbows. There will be challenges, I'm sure. There might be days when I'll feel overwhelmed or out of my depth. But I'm ready to face them. I believe that it's through these challenges that I'll grow the most.So, here's to tomorrow, to the start of my working immersion. I'm stepping into it with an open mind, a willing heart, and a spirit ready to learn. Wish me luck, Tumblr fam!
Until next time,
Rayajhean Traya 🌟
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