ravensaltzman-blog · 9 years
Turning his attention to the person that spoke Hektor smiled, shrugging. “Probably.” He looked her up and down realizing he encountered her on the other side probably once or twice and the only reason he remembered that was because he remembered thinking how she was probably a good lay. “Rachel was it? Wait no…that’s not right.” He shook his head. “Sorry i’m no good with names, mind jogging my memory?”
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She shook her head, allowing a soft smile play on her lips. “No. It’s Raven, actually. You weren’t too far off.” She said gently. “You’re Amara’s son, yes? Amara’s the reason my parents didn’t just- you know... your mother is the reason my siblings and I were able to exist.”
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The following- Hektor || Raven
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ravensaltzman-blog · 9 years
Grayson felt instantly better when Raven stated that she had no intention of leaving him. It gave him a comforting thought and he knew that she would provide good company. “A movie sounds nice, but something happy. Like one of those uh- animated films.” He replied, walking slowly towards the living room. “Tea sounds nice.”
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She nodded, going to the living room. “Okay, you pick an...animated film.” She said slowly, on account of it being something she wasn’t familiar with. “And i’ll be back with tea.” She brewed a pineapple camomile tea, and brought it over to him, sitting beside him on the couch. “Hope you like it. It’s camomile and pineapple. I find it rather soothing.”
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Raven || Grayson
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ravensaltzman-blog · 9 years
“Oh, no thank you. I’m okay with standing. Besides, it doesn’t really look like it’s that comfortable.” His nose squinted up as he stared at the old thing, wondering how many people had sat in it. 
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“You’re right.” She admitted, chuckling. “It’s not at all.” She stood up, tucking the chair in in front of her. “I do know of a cozy little nook that overlooks the waterfall. “Like to see it? I was just heading down there.”
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Sebastian || Open
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ravensaltzman-blog · 9 years
“To be honest that book gave me the creeps whenever I read it. Even the movie was a little weird.” Rick admitted with a laugh. “Just be sure to send me a copy.”
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“Will do.” She promised, chuckling. “So, Rick.” She set down the last plate, placing her hands on the counter behind her. “Come on, let’s go. Let’s go explore the town.”
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Raven || Rick
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ravensaltzman-blog · 9 years
“I guess I could have spoken a little louder, but I didn’t want to interrupt you.” Sebastian smiled kindly, but still a little awkwardly. Now that he was being medicated by his brother, he was basically forced to be this way. The spell making completely innocent. “Hi.” He replied back, looking down.
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She closed her book, making sure to put her bookmark in her place. Raven turned all the way around, giving him her full attention. “Would you like to sit down?” She asked, moving her eyes to the empty chair.
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Sebastian || Open
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ravensaltzman-blog · 9 years
“That’s the way it should go, but it’s not always the way it ends up” she shrugged and shook her head. “No, I’m not busy. I was just about to head back home if you wanna join me?”
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Her smile stretched wider. “I’d love to.” In truth, she always dreamed of this day. Meeting the daughter of her father’s best friend. They were even the same age which was cool itself. She wasn’t expecting to automatically become her best friend, but she hoped they’d be close enough.
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Raven || Miranda
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ravensaltzman-blog · 9 years
“Tell me, are you warm or just nervous?” he asked, putting her on the spot as he flashed her a taunting smile. Watching her lower the cup, he tilted his head, mentally noting her ability to take notice of his words. Most others would have just laughed and ignored him. “A thrill seeker?” Ryan’s smile only grew wider as he nodded at her words. He liked that she was open to new things, it was trait he believed every person should have. “You’re full of surprises.”
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“I believe honesty is the best policy so- both.” She admitted nervously. “Yeah. Learning new things, fun adventures, I live for the thrill.” She shrugged her shoulder, chewing the inside of her cheek. “Wish I could say the same about you.” Her hands danced over her lap, patting her knees in rhythm of the song. “You’re full of wonder.”
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Raven || Ryan
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ravensaltzman-blog · 9 years
“I just suddenly didn’t want to be alone.” He slurred out, reaching out to grab her in order to make sure didn’t go anywhere. 
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“Oh... well- then I won’t go anywhere.” She spoke in a soft tone, looking down at his hand on her. She truly felt sorry for him. When she met Grayson he was so strong, and what seemed happy. Now, he was beyond down. Not that she blamed him. It was just strange to see. “I’m here for you. Any way I can... want to watch a film? Can I make you some tea?”
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Raven || Grayson
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ravensaltzman-blog · 9 years
“Excuse me.” Sebastian spoke in a quiet voice, not wanting to be overly rude to the person he was currently bothering. His hand came up to awkwardly tap their shoulder since they didn’t seem to be hearing me. “Excuse me.” He repeated, just a little louder.
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Raven’s eyes scanned each word of the novel, truly picturing the scene in her head. She would get so lost while reading, it was hard to snap out of it. That was until there was a poke at her shoulders. “Hm? Oh! I’m sorry... I didn’t realize you were speaking to me... Hi....”
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Sebastian || Open
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ravensaltzman-blog · 9 years
Raven Saltzman | 21 | Human | FC: Katie Cassidy | Taken
Raven Saltzman was the oldest child born to her parents Alaric and Jenna. Raised on the other side along with her family, Raven didn’t think much about a life any different. At least she didn’t. Not until her father and the rest of her siblings all made it to the land of the living. Raven was left with her mother. Which she didn’t mind. Sure, she missed the others but she’d never dare even think about leaving her mother behind. Life with her mother was simple. Sure, the two of them missed the family but everyday the two had hope. Hope, that one day the whole family would be reunited at last. One by one, many other souls were reunited with the real world as the other side began to collapse. Raven still held on, not ready to leave without her mother. That was until there was no choice for her. One night, Raven awoke in a new place. The oldest Saltzman was scared and alone. It took her some time but she finally was able to piece together what happened to her. Raven was now joined in the land of the living and all she needed to do now was find her family, and perhaps very soon their mother would join. To new faces, Raven may seem oblivious to society. Others may see her as standoffish. In truth, Raven is a perfect image of her mother. Funny, caring, and thoughtful. She’s shy, but as the oldest sibling, she has a strong will to protect her family and will stop at nothing to ensure their safety and happiness.
Ships: Raven x Chemistry.
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ravensaltzman-blog · 9 years
Grayson’s eyes closed in relief when he realized that she was going to listen and leave him be. It would be best this way. Make sure that she doesn’t see the bad side to him. Though, as her steps grew quieter due to the distance between them, he suddenly panicked and didn’t want to be alone. “Wait.” He shouted out, crawling out the bed and to the door, opening it quickly. “Wait, please.”
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She was just about to head out when she heard the door open and him call out after her, causing her to turn around quickly. “Yes?” She took a single step closer to him. “What? What’s wrong?” 
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Raven || Grayson
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ravensaltzman-blog · 9 years
“Home is where the heart is, Raven. This town may be awful and vicious, but it’s also where a lot of memories have been built, family, friends. You can run from this town but most people only end up right back here. It was a way of sucking you in.”
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“That makes sense. I’m a strong believer in family, and families sticking together.” She said, nodding. “Listen, are you busy? I do hope i’m not intruding on your evening.”
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Raven || Miranda
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ravensaltzman-blog · 9 years
“And do you want to be like her?” he asked. “For the record though, I’m not pretending.” Ryan curved his lips up into a soft smirk, but that soon shifted as he eyed the bartender curiously. It was clear she was getting tipsy, for someone who never really had alcohol before it was to be expected. “You know if you drink too much too fast you’ll end up with your head in a toilet and a spinning room” he smiled boyishly, hoping she would listen to his warning. Taking a sip from his glass, he leaned forward. “What do you do for fun, Raven?” he asked curiously. 
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“In some ways.” She admitted. “I think she has what every girl wants most at the end of the day.” Her cheeks only grew hotter at his admission. “Oh... well, thank you.” She couldn’t help but smile. “Good point.” She lowered the cup onto her lap, wrapping her hands around the glass. “For fun? Well, I write- you know... and I like to read. I love exploring. Seeing new things and trying new things. I’m a big thrill seeker.” 
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Raven || Ryan
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ravensaltzman-blog · 9 years
“Indeed, but don’t forget about the Hobbit either. Might be a children’s book, but still a brilliant piece of work.” Rick commented, pleased to hear that she also enjoyed the same books. “Why would I? I think that’s a great goal.”
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“Where the wild things are was also a children’s book but it’s just as beautiful, and powerful as any other.” She said with a proud smile. “Thank you. That’s nice to hear...who knows, maybe one day i’ll dedicate a novel to you.”
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Raven || Rick
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ravensaltzman-blog · 9 years
The following- Hektor || Raven
This town was already something she wasn’t a fan of, but she wouldn’t speak ill about it like everyone else seemed to do. It was where her family was, so she wouldn’t leave it. Still, the way everyone had such negative thoughts about it, made her wonder why they wouldn’t leave and start a life elsewhere. Deep in her thoughts, she almost didn’t notice an old familiar face a few feet away. It peaked her curiosity because whoever she met in this world, she’d know. However; she could swear she knew this man. The closer she got, the slightly more obvious it became. “Hey... I know you. I think...”
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ravensaltzman-blog · 9 years
Katie Cassidy
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ravensaltzman-blog · 9 years
“nice though it is, You don’t know me well enough to have that opinion.” Ryan smiled. He sat back and sipped his drink, allowing his face to soften into a curious expression. “Now you’ve got me intrigued, what kind of things does this character say that you won’t?” He asked. He nodded his head and looked up at her. “Not always, but secrets tend to be a dark thing in general.” Ryan let out a laugh, looking at her in amusement. “I’m not warm.”
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Still feeling hot all over, she managed to look up at his eyes again. “She can say anything that’s on her mind. With no filter. She can ask anybody anything, she doesn’t ever stay curious for long and- she’s very confident. She can just walk up to anyone she desires and just tell them...and if she went to a bar and she was getting oggled, she’s tell that person how that makes her feel rather than asking a stranger to pretend to be interested in her.” She said chuckling, looking at the drink that was unexpectedly placed in front of her by the bartender. ‘On the house.’ He smiled before walking off again. “Oh... another.” She smiled, taking the drink down as she was starting to like the confidence it seemed to be giving her. 
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Raven || Ryan
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