So many opportunities for good and funny jokes are missed because Anne has Amnesia and I don’t want people to forget that, or worse, to feel like Anne’s amnesia is badly portrayed.
I wanted to make a joke about retrograde amnesia being “90’s version amnesia” to Anne. But Anne doesn’t remember what the 90s are.
Chapter four is coming on a little slow for a big variety of reasons. Primarily irl stuff, but also because I’m writing chapter fives outline at the same time. And the outline for a different fic entirely. So I’m sorry if Chapter Four of The Witch comes extra late
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Magic systems are harrrrdddddddd
I want to do an actually decent magic system for Amphibia. Maybe not the best or anything, but the kind of system that works in the mind just as it does in the story.
Chapter 4 might be a little bit while I build up a more competent magic idea.
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Chapter 4 may take a little bit, as I want to revise chapter 1 before I get to far into 4.
It’ll be worthwhile though, I promise. Chapter 4 will be about Maddie, and how she reacts the new presence in Wartwood.
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God. Ao3 is being mean. It keeps publishing my chapters in the past, so I have to edit them to get them to publish in the present. You mess with it one time and suddenly you want all you’re chapters to be published on June 14th
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Chapter three is a little over 5000 words. Very long because it includes alot of exposition.
I’m sure I created a fun story here. If you notice anything wrong, please please please mention it! I’m here to get better at writing and would really appreciate some help!
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Welp. I knew that once I got to chapter three they were going to start getting longer. But wow, I’m actually going to double my total word count with this. And given that we’ve only made it to the rising action of this chapter it’s probably gonna end up alot longer than just double.
Feeling extra proud since I’ve never written a single chapter/oneshot this long before.
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three years
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Does anyone have any ideas for the Amphibia equivalent of batshit. Like batshit insane?
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Chapter two was originally going to have Anne actually come across the path to Wartwood, instead of getting lost. She would later see a signs labeled ‘Wartwood - 1 mile’ and a dingy sign pointing off trail into the woods labeled in wet red pain ‘Wartwood - 0 miles’ Anne would take the off path, get kidnapped by cultists and then escape, fleeing in much the same way as she did in the final product and ending up at Wartwood.
This first iteration was decent, but I dropped it because 1 it felt kinda weak as far as plots go, and 2 it didn’t involve Anne’s magic enough, which is a huge chunk of the Witch au.
Second, I decided to replace Valeriana with a gruff looking toad, who tries to hand Anne a map and send her to Wartwood, Anne refuses, gets lost a few times, tries the scrying ritual, and runs away from the monster that comes out of it inly to find herself back at the toads hut. She takes the map and learns that just because people look scary does mean they’re blah blah blah.
This was dropped because even though it involved magic, not only did the involvement of magic feel like a tack on that didn’t really matter, but it also felt way too out of character for early Anne, who is a bit naive and trusting. And amnesia is only likely to accentuate that.
I went through an idea about her coming across the road but it’s a crossroad with no signs, so she has to go through the scrying portal stuff and find the path.
Dropped this because it was weak.
The scrying itself went through a few ideas, though not alot. I knew I wanted the scrying to go wrong, not actually showing her the path to Wartwood, but getting her there nonetheless. I had the idea that she would scry on otherworldly creatures, and was planning to reference a few different series, particularly Gravity Falls, and arguably it’s most (and simultaneously least) popular au, Transcendence au.
But I got to thinking about the core, how it’s a collection of “Newtopia greatest minds”. And I though “If the core really is the greatest minds of Newtopia, and not just royalty, who says there weren’t any witches there too? Who says that Anne’s scrying is 100% safe?”
Then I realized that I should probably use this scene for foreshadowing, rather than references and jokes. I still kept the Valeriana joke, mostly because I didn’t want to give away too much, but also wanted to stick the honored rule of three.
Anyways, that’s chapter 2 finished. Chapter three might take longer or shorter. It’s half finished, but will probably end up longer than chapter 2.
I also might revise chapter 1 at some point, as first impressions are important, and I can’t say that was my best one.
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Chapter two has arisen!
Feel free to critique the writing! And, if you really like the story, I’ll be posting betas for people to look over and critique on this discord: https://discord.gg/rCYGyRXz.
Have a good day yall!
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Chapter two of the Witch has been such a drag. I write outlines for my fics you see, plot outlines to help me keep a cohesive, organized narrative, and open up the possibility for things like foreshadowing (one of my favorite narrative elements!)
Plot outlines typically take a little bit. Like chapter threes plot outline? It went through a lot of minor (and one major) revisions.
But fuck, chapter two has gone through a bunch of ideas.
Finally finished it though so that’s good, hopefully the chapter will be out sometime tomorrow.
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Have a whole lotta pride in the four ghosts that rose from the grave to kudo my fic
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I was planning to post this fic when I was finished with ch 2, but I accidentally posted it somehow and I was too lazy to redo the tags.
The Witch is a fic where Anne hits her head on a rock when she comes to Amphibia, and comes down with a bad case of amnesia. She comes to outside of an abandoned witches cave, and assumes that the cave was hers.
My hope is to create a compelling, quality narrative that follows the ultimate idea of the original story, while staying fresh and unique in its approach.
I hope you all enjoy!
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