random-hunter · 1 hour
i hate when ppl act like the only reason to not like a "sad" ending is because you can't take it or whatever. personally as a tragedy enjoyer, i hate a poorly written ending. i hate an ending that is just kind of a bummer. i hate an ending that feels mean-spirited to the audience. i hate an ending that's redundant. i love a sad ending that is thematically consistent, poignant, and bespoke to the rest of its narrative.
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random-hunter · 2 hours
my hot take about rainbow capitalism is yeah yeah it's annoying and it sucks that we live in a society etc etc but also. make a fucking note of the companies that pander this year, after all the anti-trans legislation we've been seeing and with proj 2025 brewing, and make a note of which ones don't bother.
and then spend your fucking money at the ones that did pander. exclusively. because until we no longer exist under capitalism, it's better for corps to want Gay Money than to think we aren't worth pandering to.
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random-hunter · 2 hours
A windy day with a moderate temperature will make you feel like you got reborn into a world that really loves you this time
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random-hunter · 10 hours
happy pride
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random-hunter · 10 hours
I guess friendly reminder that you can't actually judge someone's socioeconomic status based on what they own and the classic republican "they can't be poor they own a smart phone/computer" argument doesn't suddenly stop being complete out of touch nonsense when a poor person makes it.
Anyway insert "y'all can't be trusted to eat the rich bcs you'll target taco bell shift leaders and people with playstations instead of actual billionaires" post here.
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random-hunter · 10 hours
How the fuck can there be anti vaccine “witches?” If you disagree with binding an invisible malignant entity into a single drop of potion that seals a subject’s blood against the full force of that very same entity’s curse then you are not and can never be a witch you’re just a karen who buys rocks
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random-hunter · 17 hours
This kid is going places
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random-hunter · 1 day
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random-hunter · 6 days
one of the many victims of streaming is the dvd homepage where they included lil games, bloopers, director commentary, and behind the scenes. I miss u gurl
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random-hunter · 7 days
save me inevitably disappointing spn revival…… inevitably disappointing spn revival please….. inevitably disappointing spn revival save me
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random-hunter · 7 days
Okay, this might be an unpopular opinion, but if you want to combat the spread of misinformation then you have to let go of any belief that people not talking about an issue means that they don’t care. The only way to reduce the spread of misinformation and disinformation is to research claims before you spread them, and there is so much information constantly being thrown at people through social media and the 24 hour news cycle that it’s impossible to fact check every claim. The same can be said about AI generated images, if you look closely then you can notice certain tells that something is AI generated but no one really has the time to analyze every single image that crosses their path.
If we expect people to talk about and spread information on every social/political/economic issue that occurs then the result will be that people will spread misinformation/disinformation because they will not have the time or mental capacity to research every single thing that happens on Earth just to make sure that they aren’t being fed incorrect information.
Only researching claims that set off a red flag or seem incorrect doesn’t actually do much to prevent misinformation, because there are plenty of claims that will seem correct on the surface or that will align with your view of the world that you won’t think to research. You have to research every claim if you want to avoid misinformation, and you can’t research every claim made by someone online.
The only solution is to accept that some people aren’t going to talk about certain issues, not because they don’t care, but because they have chosen to focus on other issues for the time being and don’t want to talk about an issue that they don’t know much about. And we really need to stop treating that like a bad thing. If you spread yourself too thin then you’re not going to accomplish anything. It’s actually good to have people devoting themselves to learning about and fighting a specific issue, that’s how progress is made.
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random-hunter · 7 days
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random-hunter · 7 days
Just saw someone refer to Sam Reich as "Jigsaw Trebek" and that has filled me with malicious glee.
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random-hunter · 9 days
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No grave can hold my body down, I'll crawl home to her.
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random-hunter · 10 days
cannot stop thinking about fig and gorgug friendship. fig started it with a tiny gift in freshman year and supported gorgug throughout his barbificer journey and gorgug used those multiclass abilities to get her a sickass addition to her bass that she can use when she drops out of the school he finally found his place in (and may teach at post graduation). i have never been less okay
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random-hunter · 10 days
what they don’t tell you about uncluttering your countertops/tables/general spaces is you’ll think it’s dumb as hell & allow it to all pile up because the idea of organizing and removing shit is daunting but once you do it and step back and See how things look without clutter you will feel as though you just snorted a line.
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random-hunter · 12 days
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the best friends of all time
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