rampete · 9 years
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Before I get sucked back into reading, I figured I might as well make this post while it's on my mind. It probably doesn't make much of a difference, since I haven't been doing much on here anyway, but I'm officially taking a break from this blog. My motivation for Loki has just been spiraling downwards lately for a number of reasons and, honestly, I don't see it coming back anytime soon. I just don't see much of a point in it these days, and forcing a muse like his is futile anyway. So, I apologize in advance. And until I decide whether or not keeping this blog around or not is something I want to do, I do have a twitter that you can reach me on. Until I figure out what to do or my muse comes back, you can consider this blog on hiatus.
Once again, my apologies.
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rampete · 9 years
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{ ♠ } » — "Ughh, I'm boooored.                 Where in the world is Baldr when ya need 'im?"
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rampete · 9 years
Bold all that apply to you and your blog. Italics if you’re on the fence about something. Either reblog or repost. Feel free to add anything I may have missed in the appropriate category, or recategorize something that is in the wrong place!
My blog is _______
+ Open to all (any and all can follow) + Semi-selective + Selective + Highly selective + Exclusive + Only going to RP with mutuals (for the most part) + Will RP with anyone + Indie + Affiliated with a group + Spoiler free  + Spoilers tagged (sometimes)
I will RP with ______
+ Any fandom + Most fandoms + Only fandoms I know + Only people in my fandom + OCs that are well written & include detailed info pages. + OCs with no fandom ties + OCs who are related to / know my character in their backstory + Only one version of any particular character  + People who have the same muse as me + People who do not have a rules page (if you’re otherwise well put together i don’t care) + Only people in my RP group + Indie RPers
When RPing, I like to use _______
+ Paragraphs + Shorter forms of text + *Action* + Icons + Gifs + Formatted text + Whatever my partner is using + My own style, regardless of what my partner is using (I’ll try to not clash horribly, but I don’t replicate styles either)
I will ship with _______
+ No one  + Anyone + Chemistry (regardless of character) + Select ships + OCs + Others of my own muse + Crossovers with characters from different universes + Only one version of a particular character  + I’m not interested in concerned with shipping, but I may end up being open to it if something ends up happening.
My blog may contain ______ in its content
+ Fluff + Angst + Gore + Violence +Smut  + Blood + Torture + Shipping + Death + Dark humor + Cheating + Assault
I will follow ______ back
+ Everyone + Only some people + Only people in my fandom + Only people I actively wish to RP with + People who do not post a lot of OOC + People whose posts I am comfortable with on my dashboard
To RP with me, you should _______
+ Follow back + Answer an open (if I do post one) + Message me OOC + Message me IC + Make a starter  + Answer my starter + Send in a meme  + Like my ‘like for a starter’ posts
+ I practice reblog karma with memes most of the time + I expect reblog karma with memes + I expect my rules / about to be read + I always read the rules / about before following + If you follow me, I would like _____ tagged with ____ (please!) + I expect all NSFW to be tagged as such. I will unfollow if it is not. + I will tag and / or place under a readmore any content type requested  + I will tag and/or place under a readmore most content types requested + I am a multiverse (limite) blog + I do not wish for my OOC posts to be reblogged (unless you’re answering something I said) + I do not mind my threads to be reblogged by those not involved, but please do not add any comments in the post itself. Keep them to tags. + I don’t expect post length to be matched; quality over quantity always, but don’t respond to a few paragraphs with a handful of sentences. + I expect icons / gifs to be used in a reply if I have used them
A quick and dirty RP policy guide
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rampete · 9 years
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{ ♠ } » — "Well that was a bit of a longer nap than expected.                 But why's it so damn quiet in here...?"
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rampete · 9 years
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"We'll always be together! It's a promise."
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rampete · 9 years
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Sorry for the lack of stuff the last couple days, guys! I've been a bit out of it and things have been a bit hectic around here, on top of that. I've been lurking my dash, just haven't had much to say. That said, just posting a small notice that I will be away for most of tomorrow. Kris is finally coming to visit me tomorrow and I'm very, very excited about it! So, if you're looking to reach me for any reason, both my skype and Loki's IC kik are available to any of my mutuals upon request. Otherwise, as always, my askbox is wide open!
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rampete · 9 years
*gestures to my life* sorry about the mess
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rampete · 9 years
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Fun fact: Right after Thor proposed to Yui, he was too busy thinking about going to sleep while she was freaking out over the ring.
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rampete · 9 years
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Ooh, apparently I still have my Sims 3 file where I made the Norse Trio plus Yui. Because I didn't want Thor to be the third wheel so I let him and Yui get married.
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rampete · 9 years
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{ ♠ } » — "Sounds to me like Thor-chin needs to lighten up a bit.                 It was just one harmless prank, after all~"
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rampete · 9 years
Skillet - Monster
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rampete · 9 years
Zodiac Expression of Nerves
♈ Aries: Hyperactivity, headaches, impulsivity, recklessness, hostility, frustration, confrontation, restlessness, rapid speech, over thinking, displays of vulnerability and need for reassurance, inability to complete minor tasks
♉ Taurus: Reservation; they will dissociate into their own worlds and be untouchable, binge eating, compulsivity (cleaning, organizing, hand washing), silence; anxiety will come in waves for Taurus and be sustained for a long period, sore throat, 'blank' mindedness
♊ Gemini: Giggling, restlessness, rapid speech, talkativeness, tremors, hyperactivity, distractibility, racing thoughts, insomnia, inability to stay focused on and complete even minor tasks, loud and more talkative inner monologue, chest/lung discomfort
♋ Cancer: Teariness, catastrophized thinking, imagination worst case scenarios, inability to stop distressing thoughts and inner monologue, drifting off/inability to focus, food cravings, isolation but co-current feelings of neediness and reassurance, stomach cramps and nausea
♌ Leo: Frustration, hostility, catastrophizing (imagining and living worst case scenarios) martyrdom, impulsivity, binge eating/drinking, they tend to go out of their way to help and do things for other people/keep busy in service, back pain, somatic troubles
♍ Virgo: Digestive upset, restlessness, repetitive movements (hair twirling, counting) tremor, rapid thinking, withdrawal into isolated 'bubble', compulsive tasks (cleaning, organizing), need to keep busy and distracted may pace back and forth
♎ Libra: Unusual quietness, increased needs for re assurance, stomach upset, restlessness, distractibility, insomnia, negative inner monologue, catastrophized imagination, repetitive hand motions, inability to explain themselves or say they are unwell
♏ Scorpio: Increased need for control, hostility, violent frustration (wall kicking, throwing objects), irrationality, increased obsessiveness - they may spend hours and hours focused on one task almost manically, rejection of others though frustration they are not 'there', flashbacks
♐ Sagittarius: Increased vocal volume, higher impulsivity, hostility, hyperactivity - they are liable to go out running or try to repress it physically, substance use, rapid thoughts, recklessness, giggling, distractible, back pain
♑ Capricorn: Tension, overwhelming feelings of butterflies and nerves inside especially in their stomachs although they remain composed externally. Over thinking and inability to distract themselves from worst case scenario, hostility, isolation, tendency to take on more work shifts or responsibilities
♒ Aquarius: Talkativeness, rapid speech, over thinking, restlessness, insomnia, confusion; Aquarians will feel anxious or nervous yet have little insight into why they feel this way or what is causing it, their minds and emotional responses are not connected, back pain
♓ Pisces: Teariness, catastrophized thinking, inability to distract or change thought patterns, flashbacks, hysteria, chest discomfort, digestive upset/nausea, irrationality, distressing inner monologue, substance use, increased need for assurance
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rampete · 9 years
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{ ♠ } » — "Sometimes I forget just how many people around this place can't take a damn joke.                  You guys are no fun."
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rampete · 9 years
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{ ♠ } » — "Your inability to take a joke really is on a level all of its own..." This time he heaves a sigh, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. Hypocrisy is the first word that comes to mind, though he discards it. "Ta-tan, c'mon! You know I'm just teasing you! Or do I need to come over there and kiss it better?"
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        { ♔ }; "I’m leaving!" His short body is going to stomp off like the garden gnome he is. He’s not playing your reindeer games today, Loki. Or any day, really. Only sometimes. 
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rampete · 9 years
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{ ♠ } » — "You gonna make me if I don't, Ta-tan? Because I could be down for that." Because Loki is known for grabbing an opportunity the moment it presents himself. And, unfortunately, a certain sea god had left himself wide open this time.
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           { ♔ }; "S-Stop that!" How did this turn into them both being flustered into ‘let’s just kill Takeru.’ He didn’t like this turn out.
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rampete · 9 years
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{ ♠ } » — Ice optics blink. Expert, huh? Well, he certainly wouldn't decline such a title. "There's nothin' wrong with stargazing, but when that's the only thing ya do and it's in the dark, by yourself, then yeah, that falls under the whole doom an' gloom thing we talked about. You gotta do something exciting! Pull a prank, hell, climb a tree! Do somethin' you can't do down in Spookyworld."
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{╰☆╮} — “I thought stargazing was an adequate hobby, but I suppose not…Very well then, what do you have in mind, as you seem to be the expert on such matters?”
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rampete · 9 years
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{ ♠ } » — "Well I wouldn't call them a mistake... More of a happy accident, if anything, don'tcha think?" Or maybe he's just overly fond of the lip biting, which was also extremely likely.
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           { ♔ }; “Stop mentioning the magazines! They were a mistake!” Although he did learn some helpful hints. 
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