ramensucks 9 hours
Your art tastes like Red velvet cake :3 yum.
i love red velvet cake :D
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ramensucks 1 day
Oh cool I'm aroace too
Happy pride Month btw
And I'm turning 15 at 24th June and also graduating junior high
happy pride month for all my Aroace buddies Im 17, soon to be 18 on Febuary 1st. I just graduated Junior high so thats sweet
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ramensucks 1 day
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My mood recently (im aroace)
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ramensucks 12 days
Sorry if I ask/talk a lot I was just curious, do you or any other people you know ever had a cosplay event at school because my teacher just announced that there will be a coswalk/cosplay event later on at my school at 7th may, and now my mom and I trying to find the rest of the clothes I would be wearing as SMG3 :V this is a random question btw it's fine if you don't wanna answer it :V
Nah my schools havent done any of that shit. Im a senior soon and ive never had a cosplay event at my schools. Maybe bc i live in a getto area
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ramensucks 12 days
I am happy to live in the Era where there's a bunch of cool artists :)
awe thank you!
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ramensucks 20 days
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from the river to the sea.
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ramensucks 21 days
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ramensucks 1 month
Today I accidentally embarrassed myself in front of my teacher in the group chat by accidentally sending something that's related to smg4 ;-;
Why is your anon keep giving you dead threats or mean stuff, and since now the ask can't go anonymous anymore they don't want to tell the things they said before to your face? I mean like if you're brave to said those stuff anonymously why not show yourself and tell it straight to the person's face, pussy. Bro is scared now and doesn't want to say it directly to your face without going anonymous, pussy, they're all pussys.
how tf did you accidentally send smg4 stuff to your teacher LMAOO But anyway yeah ur right. people cant say shit to my face and that proves theyre pussies tbh
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ramensucks 1 month
Hey guy
Sorry that all your anons are dicks lol
I for one am a very big fan of your art and shit and I would love to see you do more in the future!
aw thanks man, i appreciate it
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ramensucks 1 month
How you doing?
just got off work, pretty drained and upset but overall im doing good
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ramensucks 1 month
how do you feel about your art being used as icons? also you're really nice here's a cupcake 馃
i don't really care what people do with my art as long as they give me credit lmao also thx for the cupcake <3
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ramensucks 1 month
Hiiiiii! I hope your havin a good day n all :D
BTW your cool! :>
aw thx. so are you! :)
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ramensucks 2 months
I like your art, have a cupcake: 馃
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ramensucks 2 months
I hope you鈥檙e having a good day today because you deserve it!!!! And I hope somebody gives you a gift of your favorite thing this week :]
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awww thanks! Actually me and my boyfriend are planning to go on a date soon at a restaurant we never went to! <3 Ive been trying to keep myself positive and my boyfriend is helping me alott
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ramensucks 2 months
Are you still a fan of SMG4 or not??
i am, but im mostly fixated on rayman currently i'll eventually draw smg34 art soon.
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ramensucks 2 months
I have a terrible day today but how's yours?
sorry that you had a terrible day man, honestly for me idk since ive slept all day . (its my day off)
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ramensucks 2 months
Hello! How you been?
tired. very tired. Work has been difficult and the fact state testing is around the corner scares me :D
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