rainydaytoad · 5 months
this blog is dead now
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rainydaytoad · 2 years
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rainydaytoad · 2 years
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rainydaytoad · 2 years
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rainydaytoad · 2 years
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Let me kabedon this man _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
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rainydaytoad · 2 years
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Quick Seras Victoria fanart.
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rainydaytoad · 2 years
started playing obey me,,,,,i have a type
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rainydaytoad · 2 years
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integrus & co
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rainydaytoad · 2 years
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When you gotta play nice!
Aaa it’s finally done!  Started out wanting to do Sun and Monty in Solar Lunacy-verse doing the Castlevania reference, which became a Toy Story reference and that’s why it got so long. ;v;   My staff OC Kay (she/they) got a bit wise to the beef between those two (or she thinks management should really repair that service elevator she found these two around).
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rainydaytoad · 2 years
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a buncha of hand practice sketches but it's Solar Lunacy. SL by @bamsara
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rainydaytoad · 2 years
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★ { Ao no Exorcist / 青の祓魔師 }  ★
↳  Blue Exorcist cover for Jump SQ 6/2022, the manga also is officially off hiatus May 2!
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rainydaytoad · 3 years
This is such a cool character design concept. Was executed so welll. 
✨Hellsing OC ✨
I wanted to share it with you for so long! I'm not sure if it's an OC or a Self-Insert, but it doesn't really matter. The important thing is that I get a huge dose of positivity from working along with this character and now I want to introduce you to it.
Meet... Anna, the Vatican Star (Stella Vaticana), or by her codenames, "The Healer" / "Sunshine" Young, smart, independent and brave young lady ~ 23 years old.
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She is a new generation iscariot (2010 - 2021) in my Hellsing AU. But, in fact, she’ll look good in the canonical universe.
How was she created?
Basically she is the embodiment of my desire to work in a team with Anderson in Section 13. I wanted to create more details about Section 13. While watching OVA, I was very interested in the mechanics behind Anderson's sacred pages. These pages glowed with yellow, could create barriers and helped the priest to teleport and, as far as I understood, jump from great heights and also jump high. I really wanted to improve the ability of these pages.
That's why I gave Anna such an opportunity.
Her views on life and some circumstances led to the fact that the girl at the age of 14 set foot on the holy land of the Vatican as a rookie-Iscariot. After completing the basic training and learning the skills of shooting and melee fight with fleeces and her country's weapons - sabers, she dived into the scriptures and holy pages. She believed that their potential was not limited to teleportation or barriers. Hard work paid off, and Anna cast a number of new spells for a variety of purposes: blessings, reinforcements, flight, improved teleportation and barriers, symbols, Holy Fire, stun, and similar miracles. At the moment, she continues to look for new ways to turn centuries-old prayers into a new miracle.
New abilities aimed at defense, not attack, made her a "healer" among the Iscariots, allowing the Section to rethink all strategies and patterns of warfare against terrorists, heretics and evil spirits. (I thought it would be quite convenient to distribute the Iscariots strike units to tanks, damage dealers and healers. “Healer” iscariots appeared in my AU because Anna decided to teach her comrades-in-arms what she came up with the holy scriptures)
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I don't want to make Mary Sue out of her, so I introduced a mechanic that makes her prayers very expensive. They need a lot of energy. And in order for it to have a beautiful effect, I came up with a beautiful detail. Her exorcism has golden light and shine. I decided that the stronger the prayer is, the brighter her eyes will shine. They are usually brown, but complex and powerful prayer fills them with a golden sheen, making them look first like amber, and then like the golden edges of clouds painted by the Sun.
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Because I always dreamed of flying with wings, I gave this ability to Anna. Of all her abilities, this one is her favorite.
She carries the scriptures in books and neat folders in her messenger bag. They fall apart quite easily, which allows her to quickly take control of them and, depending on the prayer used, to melt, becoming, for example, a symbol of endurance, which will support her in battle, or to glide through the air, gathering behind her in the shape of wings. Thanks to this, she flies and moves very effectively on missions.
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She is a student. She manages to effectively allocate time between service in the 13 Section and studies. How? I'll tell you now.
Vatican Laboratories
In my AU Vatican has a rather impressive underground staff of laboratory technicians and scientists, which is also a hospital where all iscariots are treated after missions. In this laboratory-hospital they managed to create a regenerator out of Anderson, for example. But in the days when Anderson experienced it, the place was very cruel. But as times change, and people do too, now there are many young doctors who are very kind. And in the laboratory there are geneticists who are trying to improve the DNA mechanisms with which they can improve the human capabilities.
Anna is a geneticist and positive eugenicist. She dreams of saving humanity from serious diseases like cancer. She has sincere intentions and is terribly angry with the Nazis for perverting the noble purpose of eugenics and amassing a lousy reputation for science.
She is studying at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and earning her degree in order to be formally eligible for research. The Vatican provides her with such an opportunity de facto in return for loyalty. And she doesn't mind. In the department and in the laboratory, she has many friends whom she loves very much and tries to do everything possible so that they return from missions alive.
She works in Vatican Labs as a scientist, researcher and sometimes as a doctor.
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Speaking of missions. There are fewer vampires, so the main goal of the Vatican in my AU is to confront terrorist organizations. And when diplomacy doesn't help, Section 13 goes hunting. However, training a new generation of Iscariots meant gaining knowledge of both undead and terrorists.
She is a close friend to Anderson. I would even say that she and Anderson are like Alucard with Seras.
He is her teacher, and she is gaining a lot of wisdom from her mentor and loves him very much. Usually the priest and her cousin, who also works in the Vatican, are the first to know about her discoveries and breakthroughs in research.
But she has negative character traits. The training she went through in Section made her a cruel person. She knows when to soften her heart, but when it comes to science or missions, she knows no pity.
Like any iscariot, she knows how to kill and maim. And her conscience is her punishment. Fulfilling orders, she can accurately distinguish compulsory measures from evil, and by doing this evil, she realizes that she is sinful and that she is dear to Hell. But in the end, this gloomy phrase became her motto.
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"I'm already on the road to Hell anyway."
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Since the cruel orders come mainly from chief Makube, she does not really like him and considers him to be a pompous peacock. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, she always runs "under the wing" to Anderson to ask him for advice, talk or just hug.
Since a lot has changed in the world since 1999, so has the Vatican. I will not delve into the delicate topics of the modern world, but everything is simple for me: young priests are much more tolerant of various minorities, and other religions too. The word "heretic" disappears from the dictionaries of the 13th Department of the Vatican. There is now officially a bit tense diplomacy between Protestants and Catholics.
And at the same time .. Anna is very close friends with Seras. For real, no meanness. (In fact, I want to give them a light bromance, because this idea warms my heart)
I'll end the post on this cliffhanger and tell you more when I draw the art, really! Sorry! Love you! Thanks for reading! 💖
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rainydaytoad · 3 years
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Alucard Headcanon: Unfunny Bone
Alucard's sense of humor is barely there if at all. His idea of a joke is mostly dark or grim so a light hearted joke is probably going to either go over his head or he might understand the punch line but won't bat an eye about it. Puns are worse cause wordplay isn't something he's used to let alone heard that often and what better way to confuse him that with a pun? Most of the time he'll be trying to process what did you mean to say or correct you lol. Of course once he gets the hang of what they are, they're going to be exactly like jokes, awful and Unfunny, tho it is possible to get a chuckle out of him if the joke/pun is good and he can understand it but boy is it rare to make him even smile let alone chuckle because of a witty pun the vampire king finds amusing and he can understand it. But tell him a dark joke and he more probably to crack a laugh if it's as morbid as his sense of humor is. Overall, it's possible to get so much as a smile or grin out of Dracula if the joke is witty enough.
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rainydaytoad · 3 years
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source here
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rainydaytoad · 3 years
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rainydaytoad · 3 years
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My conclusion: the nerdier you are the more likely you are to win gold
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rainydaytoad · 3 years
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Very exciting to read Hellboy and realize you're about to see the famous monkey with a gun.
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