rainbowunihog · 13 hours
I think your busses at bare minimum need to run every 15 minutes if you want to claim that public transit is a viable option in your city.
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rainbowunihog · 13 hours
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rainbowunihog · 1 day
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I literally don't know what possessed me to make an 11 page comic over these sad old men! bon appetit <3
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rainbowunihog · 1 day
Because I was now a man, I could not speak about what it was like to be a woman. Because I had been a woman, I could never really speak about what it was like to be a man. Do the math: I could not speak. It was a double erasure, a double bind, in which every experience I had was false, and so nothing I said was credible. I could no longer derive authority from my experiences before transition, and shouldn’t even cite them — I had never “really” been a woman, so those things hadn’t happened — but those experiences could always be weaponized against me to prove I wasn’t “really” the man I claimed to be. They call it erasure, when this happens. I wasn’t prepared for how literal the term was. Every day, I could feel myself disappear.
— Eraserhead: On writer's block and being a gender traitor by Jude Doyle
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rainbowunihog · 2 days
Sokka: Aang y'know how you took away Ozai’s firebending?
Aang: I recall yes
Sokka: can I have it
Aang: …what?
Sokka: can I have his firebending. just for like ten minutes
Aang: what no
Sokka: why not I wanna prank zuko
Aang: okay five minutes
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rainbowunihog · 3 days
Me: It stands for Point of Sale
Also Me: Time to head for work at the piece of shit
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rainbowunihog · 3 days
tired of ranking shows based on how "good" and "bad" they are. i will be using a scale that goes from "distracted" to "interested" to "infatuated" from now on
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rainbowunihog · 4 days
The fact that leagues of smart and rational trans adults who are informed about the evidence base for puberty blockers wish they could’ve taken them in their youth seems to me pretty darn conclusive evidence that the balance of risk and benefit is favourable.
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rainbowunihog · 4 days
I wish kinky sex ed wasn't so stigmatized even among left-leaning "sex positive" circles. Everyone's all "uwu I'm a sub I'll do anything you ask" okay mommy wants you to read The New Bottoming Book so you learn how to sub without hurting yourself since your sex ed up to this point is porn and your ex boyfriend Jared who liked to choke you incorrectly
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rainbowunihog · 4 days
why are star wars planets more boring than earth and our solar system like sure we’ve seen desert, snow, diff types of forest, beach, lava, rain, but like… 
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rainbow mountains (peru)
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red soil (canada/PEI)
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rings (saturn’s if they were on earth) 
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bioluminescent waves
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northern lights (canada)
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salt flats (bolivia, where they filmed crait but did NOTHING COOL WITH IT except red dust?? like??? come ON)
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and cool fauna like the touch me not or like, you know, the venus flytrap.. and don’t get me started on BUGS like… we have bugs cooler than sw aliens
BASICALLY like???? come on star wars you had one (1) job where are the cool alien species
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rainbowunihog · 4 days
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“It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men’s hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air that emanation from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit.”
― Robert Louis Stevenson
Source: Grow Your Garden Instagram page
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rainbowunihog · 4 days
Thinking about that one Wendy Carlos video where she's boymoding and has the big fake glued on sideburns and the suit, but with beautifully shaped eyebrows and that t-girl voice, and shes completely and utterly unconvincing trying to pass as a man, but also shes just so excitedly infodumping about moog synthesizers and batting her eyelashes its hard not to fall in love with her.
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rainbowunihog · 4 days
Also I didn’t think a funny post about people who cut you off in traffic only to end up waiting at the same stop light would provide me with a block list, but apparently a disconcerting number of people think they must be correct in regularly cutting people off in traffic when buddy. Bro. No. Do the math. If I’m going 60 miles an hour, and you go 70, if we are on a freeway we expect to be on for 10 hours, sure, you’ll achieve a meaningful lead. Over any given hour you can expect to gain 10 miles on me, which would another 10 minutes of progress on my part. But on the nine-mile stretch of highway that is part of my commute, you’re going to shave off maybe a minute, minute and a half. It looks like a lot of distance but it is not a lot of time. Don’t cut people off, don’t change lanes suddenly without signaling, don’t tailgate, just don’t be that asshole.
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rainbowunihog · 5 days
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Dungeon food. Ahhhh, dungeon food!
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rainbowunihog · 6 days
Hey shout out to every custodial/sanitation worker taking out and cleaning up literal hot garbage so that the rest of us can go about our summer days like it doesn’t exist
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rainbowunihog · 6 days
Being kink positive makes it really hard to be a hater of media rip. I used to love watching “the WORST book I’ve read this year” booktube videos but now its like I hear them ask, “Who is this werewolf smut even for?” Omegaverse fans, next question. “Why would you write this?” Because they find it sexy, can we stop focusing on the ewie yucky kink part and focus on the fact that the author used the word knot five times in a single scene? It’s bad werewolf erotica, but it’s not bad because it’s werewolf erotica like come on
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rainbowunihog · 6 days
finally decided to sit down and watch the incredibles again. there will be no commentary because i’m gonna be too busy watching it
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