rainbow-demoness · 14 seconds
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Zine "Abolish Gender Abolish Patriarchy Abolish War" by unknown (1999)
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rainbow-demoness · 2 minutes
Sorry, canonically? I've been living under a rock, can someone enlighten me?
it's kind of weird to look at how we went from "rival duels in mecha anime are homoerotic" to "mecha that sexually stimulate their pilots are very common trope" entirely because of a long series of yes-and telephoning
I'm doing the pepe silvia scene trying to figure out how exactly this got mixed up. there are so many factors at play here
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rainbow-demoness · 26 minutes
I'm sorry a TURKEY did WHAT to your mother's contact lens?? HOW??????
Right, yeah. So we had this turkey when I was growing up. And we raised this fucker from a tiny little baby, hand fed him, just doted on him. He was our first turkey ever. My mom called him Tom.
One day, she needed to work in a pasture so the flock of assorted fowl, (chickens, geese, and Tom) needed to be gently herded into an auxiliary pasture for the time being. The geese were biddable enough, the chickens ran ahead.
But Tom was not feeling it. He puffed up in irritation and my mom leaned down with her arms spread to usher Tom through the gate. Tom parked it. He turned to regard my mom with avian malice. And as she leaned down he shot out his horrible bald head and pecked her eye.
My mom screamed and fell backward, flailing enough that Tom fled through the gate anyway. When she recovered herself she came back inside, shaken and furious.
She checked out her eye and found it miraculously undamaged after the assault. It was like an hour later when she realized her contact lens was missing and the whole family speculated that it had saved her eye from Tom’s attack.
Tom did not live to see another sunrise.
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rainbow-demoness · 30 minutes
every time i see trad gender roles people being weird about fibercraft i wanna tell them
-medieval and early modern knitting guilds were full of men learning and perfecting fancy knitting techniques to impress rich clients
-in cold, wet climates like the scottish highlands knitting was done by the whole family, in fact it was the perfect activity to do while a man was out on a fishing boat or in the pasture with his sheep and cattle
-men who were away from women for a long time had to know how to knit and sew at least well enough to mend their own clothes. soldiers knitted. sailors knitted. cowboys and frontiersmen knitted. vikings probably knitted (actually they would have been doing a kind of proto knitting called nalbinding, but that's beside the point). all those guys the far right love to treat as ultra masculine heroes were sitting around their barracks and campfires at night darning their socks and knitting themselves little hats
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rainbow-demoness · 33 minutes
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Hunh. Do I still call it a daily doodle when it's half-therapy at the same time?
It got pointed out to me that my fascination with doing stained glass studies for tattoo flash might come in part because it was my mom's main art when she was alive. So, of course, now I felt like I had to take a turn reclaiming it back for everything weird, queer, and trans that she would've absolutely hated.
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rainbow-demoness · 34 minutes
"If you were actually in that much pain you'd be screaming in agony" well, the thing is, screaming takes energy and so does being in pain, and I also have other shit to do, you know. I think people only have the context of pain as being an acute concept, like stubbing your toe...something that comes and then gets better. You kinda get used to chronic pain, but it never stops hurting. You just learn to exist with it, because you don't have another choice
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rainbow-demoness · 34 minutes
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rainbow-demoness · 36 minutes
they should give you a big certificate & a kiss on the lips if you’re trans & you go swimming for the first time as a woman
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rainbow-demoness · 36 minutes
Holding myself back from commenting “which one of them is trans and got preggo” on the posts of transphobic cis women making fan kids for gay ships bc last time I did that I got cussed out
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rainbow-demoness · 37 minutes
I'm gonna say it. I don't like when people go "Kyoshi was controlling Aang here" when Aang does anything remotely powerful in the avatar state. In the Kyoshi novels it's pretty much established the avatar state doesn't work that way (she described it as being conscious but having thousands of voices influence her actions, when you control the avatar state you can choose not to listen, it's not One past avatar that takes over) and it also undermines Aang's power and fighting spirit. Just because Aang is a pacifist doesn't mean he can't give someone a good beating, and we've always seen Aang find clever and witty ways to fight. You hear him making funny quips (kinda like spiderman) during fights because he's a child.
So no, when Aang grabbed Ozai's stupid goatie when he entered the avatar state, that wasn't Kyoshi or Yangchen controlling his actions. That was him, because it's established that Aang was in a controlled avatar state during that final fight. Ozai just told him his people deserved to die mere minutes prior, you would have pulled his beard and slapped the fire out of his hands too. Also, he's twelve, he probably thought it was hilarious
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rainbow-demoness · 40 minutes
Turns out that in real life it’s not just the tiny skinny ones who end up actually being trans women. Sometimes it’s the people who are built like linebackers, the people so tall they develop back issues hunching over from trying not to be the biggest person in the room, the people who can’t even find well-fitting clothing at big and tall stores, the people who “thigh-highs” barely go above the knee, the people with broad shoulders and high hairlines that bangs can’t hide. And yes a lot of these features aren’t seen as feminine or cute or beautiful. I’m sorry that I resemble stereotypical transphobic caricatures a bit too closely, and I’m sorry that acknowledging the existence of people that look like me might make getting trans acceptance from cis people a lot harder. But frankly I’m one of the lucky ones who realized things before I started balding, one of the lucky ones who has many years of youth spent taking hormones in my future to somewhat alleviate the problems that make me hate my own body. And I don’t think any of these issues makes me or anyone else less of a woman, and if no one else wants to even try to depict people like us in a flattering manner then I’ll do my damnedest to do it myself
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rainbow-demoness · 46 minutes
I think dramatic flashing could land me in trouble.
oh so when the final boss‘s phase transitions, gamers love it, but when I, a trans woman,
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rainbow-demoness · 2 hours
My face is having uncontrollable spasms. Great. It hurts really, really, really bad.
I think part of why I have trouble explaining pain to the doctor is when they ask about the pain scale I always think “Well, if someone threw me down a flight of stairs right now or punched me a few times, it would definitely hurt a lot more” so I end up saying a low number. I was reading an article that said that “10” is the most commonly reported number and that is baffling to me. When I woke up from surgery with an 8" incision in my body and I could hardly even speak, I was in the most horrific pain of my life but I said “6” because I thought “Well, if you hit me in the stomach, it would be worse.”
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rainbow-demoness · 2 hours
it's really weird having a first dog be blind and then getting a second who can see...like how was I supposed to be prepared for this.
this creature can perceive when I put the treats up on the high shelf. or when I hide stuff behind my back. I can't fool her!! she's always watching me and she shouldn't have this much knowledge!!!
I walk around at night and I shine my flash light directly into her eyes and I'll just be standing there staring at her weird blue orbs for like 5 seconds until I realize it's probably extremely annoying to her, because she has eyes!! I'll turn on the light in the room and she gruffs and grumbles like ?? oh right!! light wakes you up!! the fuck??
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rainbow-demoness · 2 hours
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Another hair story. Stay strong y'all 💪😅
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rainbow-demoness · 2 hours
we need civil partnerships for siblings and I’m not joking
the desire to file taxes jointly =/= the desire to screw each other
a pair of identical twins who live in the same house should be allowed to share social security benefits and they shouldn’t have to pay inheritance taxes
i think it’s reasonable to want to extend your health insurance to your own flesh-and-blood that lives in your home. I mean, hypothetically, I could just marry a random person I met last week and get all of those sweet, sweet legal and financial benefits, but as of now, in the US, the law makes it impossible for a pair of siblings to contribute to each other’s IRAs, and I think that’s a travesty
just my wacky, controversial opinion
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rainbow-demoness · 2 hours
non sexual intimacy!!!! bathing together, washing each other, playing with each other's hair, kissing every inch of their body, writing love letters on their back with your finger, connecting their moles and freckles to create constellations on their skin, running your hands up and down their thighs, ugh just expressing physical love without it having to be about sex!!!!
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